14. Cruel Fate
I looked out the large radius window, and a small smile crept onto my face. Ethan and Emma were chasing each other around the snow-covered garden with snowballs in their hands. Emma's button nose had turned rosy red, but she did not seem to mind. She kept giggling and running after Ethan. They were enjoying the last snow of the season.
"Your Grace, Mr. Davis is here," the maid said as she entered the study. "He is waiting in the main lounge."
The smile quickly disappeared from my face. It had been a week since Robert's return, and he had made it a habit of visiting Emma every afternoon. Although Emma looked forward to their visits, I knew Ethan was not content with his presence. I could not blame him, though. I had left Ethan for Robert once, and after telling him of Robert's plans, I knew Ethan was scared. I did not know how to assure Ethan that Robert was my past and that I would not choose Robert this time.
I glanced out my window and sighed. "Tell Mr. Davis I will send Emma shortly."
"Your Grace—" the maid bit her lip nervously. "Mr. Davis asked to have a word alone with you first."
My lips pressed into a hard line. When I allowed Robert to visit Emma, I had made it clear that our interaction would be limited to our daughter, and he had respected that decision the last few days. Why did he want to speak with me alone all of a sudden?
"Very well," I sighed. "Tell Prince Ethan I have gone to speak with Mr. Davis and to meet us at the lounge in ten minutes."
"Yes, Your Grace." The maid bowed her head as I walked past her.
I clasped my hands together, trying to remain calm and composed. However, I was a turmoil of anger inside. Robert sure knew how to push my buttons. I wondered how I managed to be married to such a man for three years.
When I arrived at the lounge, I found Robert staring at the fireplace with deep thought. I was surprised to see him dressed in a casual outfit. Robert had replaced his tidy suit with dark gray slacks, a black turtleneck sweater, and a brown coat. I hated to admit it, but he looked good.
"Eleanor," Robert's voice was soft and sweet.
I remembered how much I had yearned to hear him say my name in such a manner. Three years ago, I would have melted from the tone of his voice, but now I felt nothing.
"What do you need to talk about, Robert?" I asked sternly. I had to show him I had built a backbone, and he could no longer sweet-talk me into doing his bidding. "I hope it has to do with our daughter, and you did not just call me to waste my time."
"I think you know why I wanted to speak with you," Robert replied. "It is time to stop dodging the conversation, Ellie."
I tensed up at the nickname. Ethan was the only person who would call me that, and it bothered me that Robert thought he could use it, too.
"Please do not address me like that," I responded quickly. "You never once used anything but my full name. So, do not think you can start using nicknames for me now."
Disappointment washed over his face, but he nodded understandingly.
"I am sorry," Robert whispered. His apology seemed to have a double meaning.
It was weird to see Robert acting this way. I had grown used to his cold demeanor. When we were married, he'd say but a few words to me. The only time I saw a glimpse of emotion from him was when we fulfilled our marital duties. Now, here he was with a pained expression and apologizing.
"It's fine," I replied reluctantly, but Robert shook his head.
"I am sorry for everything," he said, glancing down at the floor with guilt. "I was dumb for allowing Daisy to come between us. For not showing you how much you meant to me. Believe me, I do not remember calling you or telling Daisy I loved her. I know it is not an excuse, but I was blackout drunk that night. Maybe in the spur of the moment, I confused Daisy for you, but I would have never consciously told Daisy I loved her. You were the only woman I loved—and still do. I only married Daisy to get back at you because I thought you had cheated on me, but I do not love her."
I did not know how to react. There was genuine regret in Robert's eyes. If he had said this to me the night I left, I would have instantly forgiven him, but now I did not know what to do or say.
"I do not expect you to forgive me so quickly, and I cannot blame you for it, but give me a chance to make it up to you. I want to give Emma the family she deserves." Robert took my hands in his and stared deep into my eyes. "Wouldn't you want that?"
I did want that—three years ago. Now, I wanted a happy life with the man who I loved. I had to make things clear to Robert. Ethan was the man I was committed to.
"I waited for three years to hear you say that you loved me, for you to choose me, but it took all this mess for you to realize what I meant to you. Would you have fought for me if we didn't have Emma?" Robert opened his mouth to answer, but I put my hand up to stop him. "Emma has her father now. We don't need to be together to make her happy. I am willing to have an amicable relationship with you, but that's it."
"Is it because of Daisy? I told you I was going to divorce her. I promise I will."
I slipped my hands out of Robert's grip. "It does not matter if you do. I am with Ethan now. I will not abandon him this time."
"W-What?" Robert's eyes filled with distraught. "B-But you said you only viewed Ethan as a f-friend. Y-You said you didn't cheat on me."
"Ethan saved me when you let me down, Robert. He stepped up and became a father figure to Emma. Ethan held my hand while I endured hours of pain birthing Emma. Yes, I viewed him as a friend before because I was so in love with you, but now my heart beats for him. He showed me genuine and unconditional love."
"Eleanor, please. I truly am sorry for my actions," Robert cried out. "Please do not choose that man. We have a beautiful daughter together. I promise I will do anything you ask me. Don't go with him."
"Nothing you do will change my mind," I replied. "So, please, listen to me. You are Emma's father, which is the only reason we will remain in contact, but do not bring up the idea of us being together again, or I will have to get my lawyer involved." Robert's eyes filled with fear, but I did not care. I would not let him take away my happiness again. "Now that we have addressed said conversation, I will have one of the maids bring Emma to you."
I walked out of the lounge and was surprised to find Ethan standing by the entrance with a worried expression. Something was wrong.
"What happened?" I asked him with a raised brow.
"There was a fire last night at the Bibury village," Ethan said, and I knew this conversation would not end well. Bibury was a village inside Ethan's domain. "Various houses got caught in the fire's way, and the people are restless. My father has asked me to return to my duchy and oversee the situation."
Ethan looked down at the floor with guilt. We both knew what this news meant. Every time Ethan returned to his duchy, the council would keep him there for weeks or months. It was as if the universe was playing a cruel joke on us. First, Robert came back, and now Ethan had to leave.
"You have to go, my love." I gave Ethan an assuring smile. "The responsibility of a Duke, or Duchess, is to help their people."
"But Emma and you need me as well," Ethan replied. "How can I leave you two when that man is here?"
I moved closer to him and wrapped my arms around his waist. I could never be tired of the safe feeling his touch gave me. Ethan wrapped his arms around me and kissed the top of my head.
"Emma and I will be okay," I promised. "I am no longer the frail Eleanor from three years ago. If Robert tries anything, I can handle it."
Ethan looked down at me and sighed. "I promise I will try to return as soon as possible."
Ethan kissed my cheek, then the back of my hand, and gave me one last smile before leaving. I watched as he walked away. It was the first time I needed Ethan, and he would not be there.
"Mummy, where is Papa Ethan going?" Emma asked as she walked down the hall with one of the maids.
"He has some business to tend to, honey," I replied while I patted Emma's hair. "Do not worry, though. He will be back as soon as he can."
"I am not worried," Emma chirped. "If anything happens, we have Daddy here to protect us."
I gave my daughter a small smile, but I was worried that Ethan's absence would only fuel Robert's desire to win me back even more. I had to do my best to avoid my ex-husband until Ethan returned. I would not allow myself to break Ethan's heart again.
Word Count: 1669
Author's Note: Hello my lovelies! As promised here is chapter fourteen of The Divorced Duchess. What do you guys think? Do you believe Robert finally got the hint? Or will he keep chasing after El during Ethan's absence? Let me know what you think will happen next in the comments down below! Next chapter will be released Friday or Saturday, but it will be up by the end of this week. Thank you so much for reading my lovelies! I'll see you then! Bye! ❤️
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