The Golden Warrior
(September 14th, 2017)
The time has come for me to discover who the last hero of our journey is and set out to find him. I have wasted so much time worrying and feeling afraid that I've let my friend die. I was not about to make that mistake again. Zack and I have traveled from the base in Antonyah, all the way to the castle. We needed to check the kingdom's biggest library for anything that might have to do with the god Orunos and his blessing. If there was anything that might help us, the library is the way to go. There was no denying that we might not find anything that has to do with Orunos' blessing, but looking inside the library is a great start.
Orunos is the god of valor and victory. Warriors, gladiators, knights, and champions alike pray to him for victories on the battlefield, and some even fight in his name as part of the group known as the Guild of Orunos, or the Order of Orunos. With all this information that I have gathered, however, I have yet to find anything that has to do with a blessing of any sort. I've read all the available history and religious books about gods, but I have not heard of Orunos blessing people with magic powers. My mind kept coming up with conclusions and ideas that I might've missed something or that there is something that's hidden.
The castle staff members are awaiting our arrival amidst all the chaos. The castle was under attack as well, and by the time we made it into Antonyah, the raid was successfully thwarted, and everyone inside was safe and tending to the wounded's injuries. The king gave Zack a key to the library. There are many keys to this library, but only a few select people can get one each. I don't have one since I always accompanied king LeoDivinus, Ethan, or commander Astralis, who have a separate key each. I've never asked for my own key because I was not too excited about reading and researching. My curiosity about history never reached the levels of obsession, despite having a lot of the books inside about me and my role in all of this mess.
"What sort of blessing are we talking about here?" I asked Zack, who was riding his bike and taking us both to the castle.
"Knowing the image you showed me yesterday, I think it has something to do with the golden arm that guy possesses," He replied.
"Or will possess. We don't know."
"Yes, that might be true. But in any case, we need to look for something about a guy with white hair and a golden left arm."
"What do you think is taking him this long?" I asked.
"He might not have gotten his powers yet as you suggested, or he still doesn't know his purpose. I'm more intrigued about his identity, to be honest."
"Yeah, same here."
"But, are you excited?" Zack asked.
"I mean, we don't know who they are, and they'll be joining us on this adventure that will decide the fate of the world. Plus, we don't even know how they look like, aside from the white hair and the golden arm, which will be a dead giveaway. Based on the interpretation in that temple you and my father went to, you were able to recognize Mia and me as your companions easily, but what about this new guy?"
"You're right. But here's a thing. I had only just met you yesterday, right? And look at us now. We're fighting imperial invaders and riding on a bike together. We're practically brothers at this point."
"That's correct. But what if this person needed more convincing? I'm just saying it might come down to us beating him up or something."
"Well, all I can say is let's not hope that happens." I stopped to think about if convincing the golden-armed boy may require fighting, but I was snapped out of it by the sounds of flying ships.
"Imperials! Right above us!" Zack shouted as a dropship appeared flying in front of us, passing over our heads and dropping soldiers to block our road.
"They better move out of the way, because I'm not in the mood to ask nicely!"
"Don't worry," Zack replied. "They will move."
Zack reared his bike as we approached them before unleashing his full speed and ramming through them all, opening the way for us as we rode past them. The dropship left and made way for another one which started flying parallel to us. It opened its side doors, allowing the robots inside it to open fire. Zack conjured his shield and covered the right side of his bike while I pulled out the assault rifle and started firing at the machine, killing the robots inside it. Zack got me close to the ship and allowed me to jump and easily land inside, where I started combatting the remaining robots.
"Doesn't the empire have a human army?" Zack asked.
"It does, actually. It only deploys its human troops inside their mainland. The conquering and pillaging are left for the robots and their generals, apparently," I replied.
"Our dear king said that they're using a magic power source to mass-produce their army. At first, they did not have any machines or any military for that matter. But then one day, they start mass-producing these things and threatening neighboring nations."
"They lost the second world war alongside the Nazis, but they were strong enough to continue thriving after the war," I stated.
"A losing nation just happens to start creating robots en masse and begin attacking everyone they lost to. That's very peculiar if you ask me, my friend."
"I totally agree."
When I finished fighting the robots, I shot the pilot and then jumped out of the dropship and onto the bike. We continued riding towards the castle while fighting more dropships and ground vehicles. Soon, we found ourselves fighting small bipedal mechs that were blocking our path.
"We cannot afford to stop!" Zack shouted.
"Keep going and give me one of your grenades!"
I grabbed one of his tornado grenades and threw it at the legs of one mech as we passed it and then started firing my rifle at the other. More imperials started riding bikes towards us and approached our rear with speed. Their bikes are imperial bikes armed with machine guns and are pretty armored, so I had to aim at the tires and soldiers that rode them. Zack started to swerve to help shake them off, but they always seemed to either catch up, drop with their bikes from the dropships, or even appear waiting ahead of us.
"Oh, come on!" Zack exclaimed.
"Become speed, Zack! Become speed!"
"My lord? Are you there?" A female voice spoke through my earpiece.
"We're nearing the castle, but we've got company!"
"Affirmative! We'll take care of them as soon as you arrive, my lord!"
When we reached the castle, we saw the main gates open, and we immediately raced through. Then four knights showed up from behind the gates carrying light machine guns and began hurling bullets at the bikes that were tailing us, destroying them all before even a single one got to the castle gates.
"Woo!" Zack and I said at the same time while getting out of the bike!
"Your majesty! My lord!" A castle servant said as she approached us. "Are you injured?"
"We're fine, but we need to get inside the library pronto!" I stated. When I started walking, I felt a hand grab my wrist. "Zack?"
"See the rifle you were using?" He asked. "It belonged to Alex."
I looked at it and was overcome with shock at the realization. I then placed it back on the bike, not able to look at it and remembering how he sacrificed his life for us while holding it. Zack then placed his hand on my shoulder before leaving to open the castle library. I looked at the sky, trying to visualize Alex looking down on me. I could not help but shed a tear at the lingering thought that he was gone. My mind could not register it, and I don't think it will anytime soon. Am I to live with the guilt of his death forever? Will I be haunted by the memories of his last smile for eternity? Frankly, I don't mind it at all. I deserve to see Alex's face in my dreams and nightmares for as long as I breathed. If I did not start to whine about my stupid fears and pathetic lingering thoughts, he might have not rightfully started a fight with me. He would have been at the citadel right now, waiting for all of this to pass.
When I made it inside the castle walls and walked down the stairs to the sacred castle library, I saw Zack and two soldiers waiting for me at the door. When I nodded for Zack to open the door, he did so and entered after I did. I took a gander around the vast library, seeing all the books and scrolls that were neatly organized inside. I began remembering the long hours and restless nights I've spent with Alex, Mia, and the rest inside this place, reading and researching all the books inside. Since this library is sacred, no one is allowed to come inside here at all. The public has no idea of all the knowledge that is stored inside these giant rooms and hallways. Each book is an original copy that was printed using the very first printers ever to be made or was handwritten by the authors themselves.
"The Orunos section. That's where we can find what we're looking for," Zack said as he walked to the section he mentioned.
He and I started to look around the shelves, reading books, and unveiling scrolls. However, all the information that was on display was about legendary warriors that fought for Orunos and his guild, or some historical facts and myths. I was not surprised that we would not find the book we're looking for immediately, as I've not read anything about any blessing relating to this god in particular. I've heard people say stuff like 'may Orunos bless you' or 'I was blessed by Orunos,' but none of the people in question were talking about a specific blessing, and none had white hair or golden arms.
"By Orunos himself! Look at all these books! We'd take years to analyze every single one, word for word!" Zack exclaimed.
"I can ease your mind a little bit and say that the first five rows are nothing but stories and historical facts. I've read through them all in a year's time. No white hair or golden arms there."
"But the peculiar man said that Orunos blessed countless warriors throughout the centuries. There might be something in these stories about those warriors."
"But nothing about white hair or golden arms, no siree!"
"Are you sure?"
"Godly memory. How can I forget?"
Zack and I started searching the upper rows to find anything that can help us in our journey. We scoured through books, scrolls, page by page, paragraph by paragraph, word by word, but we found nothing. Every row has hundreds of books on both sides. We spent hours looking through every piece of information, but all we found were poems, tales, myths, and legends. As I read a book on the long ladder I was on, I heard Zack slam a book on the table. When I looked at him, I saw him seated on a chair with his hands covering his face. His body was sloped on the chair due to fatigue.
"Hours, Justin. Hours. We've been here for hours, and we found nothing!" He exclaimed. "I don't think we'll find anything here."
"Cheer up, dude. We still have rows upon..." I then processed through my mind what I was about to say. "...rows..."
"My head hurts," He stated.
"Why don't you relax and try to get some shut-eye?" I suggested. "I'll get busy with these books and wake you up if I find something."
"I can't. I'm too riddled with guilt to be able to close my eyes without envisioning that moment."
I sighed when I heard that, seeing as to how Alex's death was torturing him too, tearing him apart from the inside like it was for me. It was not hard to see him taking all the blame for Alex's death, seeing as how he sacrificed himself to save the prince.
"If I wasn't in the way, would he... would he be alive right now?" Zack asked, his voice cracking.
"If I didn't argue with him, would he have not stormed off and accompanied Mia and me to the citadel?"
"I guess we both are guilty, huh?" Zack asked.
"Indeed we are, buddy. Indeed we are."
Then I noticed that Zack was tearing up while holding his face in his hands that started shaking.
"Did you know what he said to me on that call?" He asked, his voice cracking even more. "He told me that he feels sorry for being a burden! I told him to head for the citadel and take shelter with us there, but I-I-I..."
Zack then broke down crying. I dropped down the ladder and placed my hand on his shoulder, empathizing with his pain and guilt. The pain and guilt that we both shared and felt responsible for, but the truth is only one of us was responsible, and it's not Zack.
"He said he truly felt that way because he was the only one who was powerless and weak! He thought that h-he will slow us down and be in our way! I tried to convince him that he wasn't weak or a burden! But his words felt like a parting message, Justin!" Zack then turned around while still in his seat and gripped my jacket. "He wanted me to tell you that he's sorry! He was atoning for what he perceived to be his weakness, Justin! Don't you get it? He was on a suicide mission! He wanted to be out of our way! He no longer wanted to be a burden! Tell me, Justin? Was he a burden? Was he?!"
I stayed silent, thinking of the last moment we spent together. It was the first time he called me his brother, and I was thrilled to hear those words. They gave me strength, they gave me courage, and most of all, they gave me hope. I felt tears threatening to fall.
"He wasn't a burden, Zack. He wasn't my burden. The truth is, I was his burden."
I started to break down as well, knowing that I truly was a burden on him.
"He joined the force because of me! He wanted to be by my side, whatever it took! But I am a weakling, Zack. I always whined and complained about my destiny and this stupid journey! Instead, I should've cherished the moments he and I spent together..." I said before breaking down.
"He was always there to push me on and cheer me up when I was down. I opened up to him about all my fears, and he listened and offered to help, but you know what I did? I cast him aside to mope and brood by myself! He has never given up on me, despite everything he was going through! He was getting physically beaten and bruised every single day by his abusive sister, but you know what? He never uttered a word about it to me or anyone else! I was complaining about reading and training, while he was silent about his own far more serious and dangerous issues! Do you realize what kind of a friend he was? Do you realize what I lost? I only realized when it was too late."
I grabbed Zack's fist and pointed it at my face. "Show me what you got, Zack."
"Give me what I deserve. Punch me as hard as you can, and don't go easy on me!"
"What would that do, huh? What would that accomplish?"
"I don't know what, but just do it already!" I yelled.
"Stop acting like an idiot!"
"I was a friend of an abuse victim for years, and I didn't stop to notice it. It stared me right in those two eyes of mine, and I just ignored it. I was even gonna tell him to stop being so weak and try to see what I'm going through. I was mocking him, Zack. I mocked him. Now stop refusing and punch me already!" And punch me, he did.
"Happy now?" He asked.
"This is nothing compared to all the suffering Alex went through, and I know you can do better than that."
He then punched me again, and again, and again. He hit me as hard as he could, and he didn't pull any punches. He punched me so much that I started bleeding. I did not use any of my powers to endure his attacks or heal the wounds. I made him hit me and took it as an average human with no powers. Finally, he struck me with an uppercut that sent me careening to the floor.
"Why did you stop?" I asked.
"You're bleeding. Haven't you had enough?"
"I can't have enough. I just can't."
"You're pathetic."
I turned my face from the side and stared at him after he said that.
"Your friend died for us, and all you're doing is accepting punches from the guy who your best friend died saving! Alex must be so disappointed now! You're telling me that he died for THIS?!"
I wiped the blood off my face and tried to get back up, but the pain was too much, and I ended up falling on my knees.
"I punched you not just because you asked for it, but because I wanted you to snap out of it, and because Alex did not die for us to be fighting one another. You should never let your back hit the ground in defeat! I get that you and I cannot live with his passing, but how can you of all people live with the guilt of giving up? Especially after his sacrifice!"
Zack then offered me his hand and waited for me to take it.
"Get up. Let his memory give you strength and allow his will to guide your glaive."
With his words of inspiration, I took his hands and got back to my feet. I wiped the blood and tears with one hand while gripping his hand with the other.
"You're right. I didn't come here to give up or to cry for his loss. I am a coward and a weakling. I am afraid of leaving and never seeing this world again. But I am more afraid of not being cut out for this duty that is bestowed upon me. However, if Alex died to save us and sacrifice himself for the future, then I cannot let his death be in vain. I don't know what to do, and I am haunted by his memories, but I'm not gonna stop now. I'll go and do what I must for everyone. I owe it to everybody."
"Spoken like a king indeed." A familiar voice spoke. "A king should never let his fears, failures, and frustrations make him kneel. A king should always stand tall and march with the willpower and mettle to match. Guilt and remorse beget loss and failures. He who allows his weakness to consume his mind cannot himself a true king call. But what is a king to a god?"
The person from eight years ago with red and blue on a white shirt appeared. His eyes were the same shades of red and blue and he looked as young as ever. It was as if he came from that exact moment in time. This time, however, he had a light brown satchel on him. It bore an ancient dragon emblem that seemed familiar yet distant and unrecognizable at the same time.
"You might not realize it yet, but no one sees you as a coward or a failure, Justin. Make peace with your inner self and cast aside your fears. A truly grand destiny awaits you, so stand tall and be proud."
The mysterious man then opened his satchel and pulled out of it a book. It was a thick black book with golden writings on the front, back, and sides. But what struck me most was the golden gauntlet that was on the front side of the cover.
"This is the book you two are looking for. I reclaimed it from the very people who raided this castle and took the life of the queen," He explained. "I've tracked them down all the way to the empire and took this book back here. The regicides, however, they were not there to witness it."
He gave us the book and started to walk away, but before he could exit the library, I wanted to ask him a question.
"Why are you helping us?" I asked.
"I have been fighting the darkness for as long as I can remember," He said with his back turned against me. "With you being so close to realizing the prophecy, I have nothing more to accomplish. Now tell me, if a friend of yours leaves, what would you do?"
"I'd walk the earth to get them back!" I replied, resulting in the man chuckling.
"Alex should be so blessed to have you by his side." The man then walked away and left Zack and me to our own devices.
I went back to the table and read the name of the book after placing it on the table.
"The Arm of Orunos."
On the black book is a golden gauntlet that took a large portion of the front cover. It showed many small golden weapons circling around it and beams of light shining off of it. The book itself was big and bulky. When I placed it on the table, I felt its weight just by looking at it. I did not have a problem carrying the book, but I'm sure Zack or anyone else would find it slightly cumbersome. I scanned the book from all sides and saw that it had the same text written on the side as the front in a golden font that looked ancient enough. There was no author name on the book or anything else that reveals the identity of the author. I flipped the book around to see what was written on the back. And by the sound it made when touching the table surface, I realized that I have a lot to read through. On the back, it had nothing but a text that said: "May the wielder of this blessing possess unshakeable valor, carry the will of the gods to battle, and come out victorious."
"Okay, but where is the gauntlet?" Zack asked.
"Let's start reading, and we'll find out," I replied.
I opened the book to the very first page and started reading.
'Long ago, in a time long past, the words of the gods resonated in the hearts of men. One year after the great dragon god Zanoktryus Drakionis fell, the era of peace and solitude was finished. The world had plunged into chaos, and it was up to the gods to restore natural peace and order. With the spread of demons and dark magic, humanity began to suffer greatly in order to survive. A man of House Angelus was chosen by the light to rule over the lands of Zanoktryus as a king and spread his influence across the kingdom. The sovereign to sit on the throne of the dragon kingdom was young, ambitious, and a natural leader. He went by the name of Maximus Angelus Drakionis. As the gods selected kings, raised nations, and anointed oracle bloodlines, Orunos, the god of Valor and Victory, decided that he too would leave his mark on the world of mankind. And thus, he forged the Arm of Orunos.
The magical golden gauntlet possessed immense power and was impossible to control without the blessing of its namesake. It bestowed upon the wielder the power to summon magical weapons that took the form of the champion's most skilled armaments. With this godly power, many mortals took on the duty of fighting the chaos in the name of Orunos, the god of victory, and became champions that were renowned for their legendary acts of heroism and nobility on the battlefield. The arm itself remained a secret, however. As myriad foes and agents of chaos sought to claim the weapon for their greedy malicious deeds, the generations of champions swore an oath to keep the armament a secret and hide it from the prying eyes of all who may seek to utilize it as a tool of destruction.'
"So, all of these legends and tales that we read spoke of the warriors who wielded this beast of a weapon?" Zack asked.
"Apparently so! It was right in front of our eyes the whole time!" I continued to read out loud.
'When a warrior passed, either gloriously on the fields of battle, or on their deathbeds after a long and arduous life, the gauntlet returned to its resting place inside the hidden Orunos temple on the island of Orunopiras'
"But how do we go to it?" I asked.
Zack and I started reading through the pages. Most of the pages were about the powers of the gauntlet, but luckily it had its contents laid out for us on the very first pages. Each piece of information had its own page, and all I needed to do was flip to the specified page.
'To receive the armament, the wielder has to be chosen by the mighty Orunos himself. After that, the champion must proceed to the castle of the current ruler of the kingdom of RaynoDrakionis and stand in the garden of kings, in the golden circle. The champion will have to recite the following phrases: O' mighty Lord Orunos. I beg of you to grant me - your chosen champion - the right to pass to your sacred island and claim your blessing. O' mighty Lord Orunos, I will fight in your name and for Your glory. Grant me your armament, so that I can spread your message across the world.'
A map of the island was drawn in great detail on the next page. In the center was a crown marker that indicated where the temple is located. All we had to do was go to the gardens and leave.
"In our garden?" Zack asked.
"Let's go!"
We made our way to the sacred garden of the kings, the same garden where I acquired my armor from under the statue of King Maximus. When we arrived there, I showed Zack where the statue was located and how we got inside the secret chamber. I glossed over a lot of details in favor of not wasting time, and we both headed to the golden circle. When we arrived, I spotted the circle and recalled how I always passed by this particular part of the garden. I asked around to know what is the reason behind the big gold circle that was placed in the middle of it, but no one knew, not even the king himself.
The circle was glowing in golden energy, reminiscent of the time I received my powers eight years ago. The night sky helped make its golden glow more prominent. I stared at it for a while, taking in the sights and smiling, knowing that it's about time we meet this golden arm person.
I've read a few pages further into the book, and it said that the gauntlet has never seen any form of usage for over a century. The last user returned it one week before passing away in his deathbed, content to have served a noble purpose. The gauntlet had users all over the world, with different ages, cultures, beliefs, and creeds. It also did not discriminate against gender in any way, as both male and female users existed throughout its existence. It is also said to take whatever form its wielder desires for it. Some wore it as a full-on gauntlet, others as bracelets and even rings.
"So, this is it!" Zack said with enthusiasm. We stood inside the ring, and Zack started to chant the phrases, but I cut him off.
"Zack, we're not that warrior. But we are the next dragon god and the next king, right?"
"Uh-huh?" He replied, confused as to what I'm about to do.
"Hey, Orunos! We're on borrowed time here, and we need to find your arm and the latest champion. Can we please be teleported to your temple island, if it's not too much to ask?"
And with that said, a golden beam of light split the skies apart and struck us inside the circle. We started floating before we got ourselves teleported away into wherever the island was located. Zack and I saw the city for a split second before we were whisked away with a blinding light making us unable to see. When we regained our vision, we found ourselves standing inside the exact same circle, but this time we were inside a giant forest. I observed my surroundings, taking in the greenery of the trees and the sounds of birds around us. The trees were so massive that they covered the sky, only allowing for a small number of sun rays to pass through the dense green leaves.
"We made it!" Zack exclaimed. "We're inside a jungle!"
"Yeah, and thousands of miles away from home."
"And that too, sure."
We walked down a path made of stone that leads to the golden temple, I presume. The more we walked, the closer to the temple I felt we were. A few minutes into the walking, we started to hear the sounds of wild animals around us, accompanied by large footsteps. I grabbed Zack and pushed him against a tree while cupping his mouth with my hand. I looked behind the tree, only to observe as a large and armored bear started to walk away.
"We better watch out here. I think this place is well guarded by the fauna that resides here," I stated.
"I guess Orunos wants to test us, huh?"
"I think so, yeah."
Zack and I started moving at a slightly faster pace while observing our surroundings for wild animals. A few minutes later, we arrived at the sacred temple of the golden gauntlet. I was getting pretty annoyed at the entire ordeal that we have to go through in order to find this one person that's supposed to come with us on a journey. I also started to feel a little tired after the constant fighting I had in one day.
The temple was a very delightful sight. The walls appeared to be ancient but well preserved, even with the flora growing around it. There were stone statues of entities that looked similar to the knights from our kingdom, but with slight differences. We approached the main door, which had a golden engraving of the coveted gauntlet. Like all the pictures in the book, it appeared to be wearable on the left arm exclusively.
"So it's for the left arm, we get that. But if the past wielders were able to transform it into whatever they wanted, do you think any of them turned it into a ring and wore it on the right hand, for example?" Zack asked.
"Beats me. I can barely tell what we're looking for," I replied. "Let's just hope that whatever's in here is the gauntlet and not whatever the past wielder turned it into. You know, for simplicity's sake."
"I agree."
I placed my hand on the door, making the gauntlet marking glow along with the circle that was around it. We walked through the gate, slowly minding our own business and trying not to get into any traps. We spent the first few seconds analyzing the floor tiles and hoping that none of them were pressure plates for traps.
"Don't you think we're overdoing it?" I asked.
"He has an armored bear, for crying out loud. I don't think a pressure plate trap is too much for him."
As we walked down the small and narrow pathways of this very ominous temple, we started to hear voices of what seemed to be the ghosts of the many fallen warriors that dared to adventure here on their own and died while trying to get the gauntlet. It was not too hard to put the pieces together. The decayed bodies around me were a dead giveaway, pun intended.
"Two young adventurers dare to enter the temple of the gauntlet?" An echoing voice asked.
"Yeah, and you are?" I asked.
"Yet another soul who is cursed to haunt this place forever." When he said that, a couple of bodies started having their eye sockets glow. Then they rose and drew their swords. Zack and I readied our weapons and started to fight them with the determination that brought us so far.
"You seek the weapon to make all weapons, correct?"
"Why else would we be here?" I answered nonchalantly.
"Tell me. Why do you seek such a powerful item?"
"Because it's about time its wielder came to take it!"
Zack conjured his polearm and struck one of them in the chest while I hit the other. We continued fighting the dozen or so reanimated corpses before walking through the dark corridors of the temple that led to stairs. We started descending even deeper into the dark abyss that is this temple, knowing that this is nothing compared to the dangers that lie ahead.
"Man, this place is really dark, but who lit these torches for us?" Zack asked.
"The souls?"
"Quite possibly."
Suddenly, more enemies started to appear. They charged at us with the intent to kill, but we were not planning on giving up any time soon. One tried to attack me with its sword, but I ducked and swung my sword against its knee. I then stabbed the corpse when it fell on the ground, killing it instantly.
Zack used his shield to parry attacks and struck back with his sword and polearm. I took down another undead freak before running to his aid. Not that he needed any support, but I wanted to help my brother nonetheless. Zack stabbed one undead soldier with his polearm before I jumped and sliced his neck. Then another appeared before I swung my blade against its loose arm, cutting it off. Then I stabbed it in the back and watched as it hit the floor dead.
"Your desires to claim what's not rightfully yours is very baffling." Another soul spoke.
"How do you know what's not rightfully ours? You died trying to get this thing, but we're here to do what you couldn't!" Zack replied angrily.
"You two display a significant amount of vigor. But the gauntlet can be worn by one of you. I am curious to see how you will end up resolving this issue."
"You really don't know who we are and why we're here, do you?" I asked.
"We're not here to claim the gauntlet for us, you idiots! We're here to bring it to the golden champion!" Zack replied.
Zack then conjured his sniper rifle and started taking down those who were running towards us from afar. I started to kill the other ones who were right beside us. That way, we could split the work between Zack and me and finish much quicker. Once we were done, we proceeded even further down the stairs and corridors. As we walked, we stumbled upon rooms that had chests with gold inside them. Out of curiosity, Zack and I approached the chests and stared at them.
"Should we treat ourselves?" I asked.
"I think this is a trap."
"Yeah, it might be."
When we turned around to exit the room, the chests disappeared, and a large humanoid monster with a big mouth and sharp teeth appeared in their place. It tried to chase us, but Zack threw a tornado grenade inside its mouth as we casually walked away with our backs turned. We closed the door and proceeded to walk back in the correct path, evident by carved arrows that pointed where to go. We found ourselves in the company of more undead, which we defeated and proceeded to the next area that looked very strange and ominous.
It was a circular room with brightly lit torches all around it. Inside it was a seven feet tall humanoid creature that was wearing armor and carrying a massive double-edged sword in its right hand. When it turned around to look at me, I felt like I was staring at an actual human being for once. A human being with glowing eyes that wants to kill me, but a human being nonetheless.
"The new dragon god and the prince of the dragon kingdom seek the Arm of Orunos?" The creature spoke. "I have not set foot in this place for hundreds of years. The gods summoned me here to see if you're worthy."
"Who are you?" Zack asked.
"You'll know in due time. But let me ask you a question. What is it that you hope to get out of this place?"
"Isn't it obvious?" I asked. "We're here for the gauntlet!"
"Is that so?" He asked.
"Why else would we be here?" Zack replied.
"Hm. Then face me in combat and prove yourselves." The ominous person charged at us, but I dodged at the last second. Zack jumped to the side. The revenant soared high up to the ceiling and dropped like a bullet, striking the area around me and sending me flying away. I managed to land on my feet and charged back, but he blocked me with his sword while easily carrying it with one hand and resting the other. Zack tried to hit him with a surprise attack, but he ended up getting grabbed by the neck by the revenant, who did not need to look in Zack's direction. He then threw Zack at me and we both collapsed on the ground.
Zack got back up and tried to charge at him, but the revenant was too quick and got behind Zack before kicking him away. When I charged at him, he dodged my sword attack and tried to strike me with his own. When I tried to block his attack, I started to feel his immense strength push me down. Finally, with one move of his blade, he pushed me down, planting my back on the ground.
"You rely on brute force alone. No wonder while you fail time and time again," He said as I tried to get up. "You will never achieve anything if you run at your foes like a foolish brute. Only a man with the combined strengths of mind, body, and will, is able to truly wield the Arm of Ornus. You will never get past this room if you stay like this."
"I'm not doing it for me..." I said as I panted while getting back on my feet.
"You have so much to learn in so little time, young deity," He stated. "I truly feel sorry for your situation. Once you exit this room, you will encounter even more monstrosities that will stand in your way. I'll give you a tip of advice. Never sheathe your blade or lower your guard, even when your opponent is on their knees and bleeding. If you are willing to fight for what's right and just, then move further and cease progressing with reckless abandon. After you complete all the chambers, I will be waiting for you to battle again. Come face me when you're ready."
The revenant began to vanish slowly. When he disappeared completely, Zack got back on his feet and approached me. He sat next to me and sighed. I readjusted myself and sat next to him properly.
"He's strong. I'll give him that," Zack stated.
"He stated that he hasn't been in this place for hundreds of years. That the gods have sent him. Do you think that he always tests the seekers of the gauntlet, or that he only came for us?" Zack asked.
"I'm not sure."
"But be sure of one thing. He's here to test us, not mess around with us. He was just flexing his muscles now, but next time he won't be so gentle."
"So, with our years of training and fighting, we still can't beat this guy." I sighed and looked at my watch. The time was 9:35, and it had just gotten dark. We failed to notice that because there was no natural light source this deep underground. Everything was lit by magical wall carvings or torches.
"Warriors never stop training, no matter what. You can never know when you get rusty or face an opponent that is more than you can handle," Zack said. "That warrior seemed different from all the fools who have suffered here for their greed and hubris."
"We don't have time for a few extra years of training."
"Indeed. But that aside for a sec, I've realized something. Even if we set out on this adventure ages ago, we'd still not have found the guy with the gauntlet. All we needed was this book, and it was taken from under our noses."
That made me realize something that overwhelmed my mind with sorrow. "Just think of the many lives we would have saved if we traveled earlier..."
"No, Justin. We saved many more lives than the armed forces of the kingdom could have been able to without our help. They are strong, but we had a massive role in saving lives. You were there. Remember all those people who were cheering you on when we fought back the imperials at the evac stations? If we weren't there to save them, would they be here today?"
His words made perfect sense, but despite that, there was nothing that could relieve me from the death of my dear friend. Those people that were being evacuated looked thrilled to be saved. Imagine if they knew I was their god. What questions would they ask? They'd probably want to know why I didn't just snap my fingers and save them all. That's not a wrong question to ask, frankly. I also want to know why I can't save everyone with a simple hand gesture. I guess even the mystical dragons of old did not have enough power to give me. There's nothing wrong with doing a bit of legwork, but a lot more power would have been a major help.
"I guess you're right. And I'm happy to know that people like you are by my side." A genuine smile crept up my face as I looked at the man who I began to feel a connection towards. A brotherly connection. We got up and proceeded to the next area. When we began to walk through the hallway, small creatures started to fall from the ceiling and land around us. I looked at Zack and saw that he was just as confused as I was.
"Demons!" I shouted as I conjured my sword and got ready to fight. The creatures were not tall, barely reaching knee height. They were tiny goblins with long ears and noses while sporting creepy smiles and laughing like maniacs as they jumped around. Some of them wore nothing but rags to cover their purple skin like skirts, while others had some pieces of clothing that covered their chest and legs. One of them tried to jump at me, but I hit it square in the head. Zack kicked two that were approaching him and stabbed the third one with his polearm. I placed my back against his while trying to protect against the goblin. When they all jumped at us, Zack and I crossed our arms together. I then lifted him up and started to spin around and he kicked the demons away. I threw him off of me, and he slammed his polearm on the ground, causing the nasty goblins around him to be sent flying and die from the shockwave. I grabbed one goblin and threw it away and then struck another with my sword. Zack threw one of his tornado grenades at them and left them to spin around as we left. The dead demons started to disintegrate and vanished, leaving nothing after them.
"They're gone!" Zack exclaimed.
"Yeah! And as if they were never here!"
"We're done here. Let's go."
We resumed on our path, killing more goblins and undead bodies. As we walked and fought, more disembodied voices started to speak to us. They did not like that we were there and making progress.
"Impressive skills you two possess. However, it is still not enough to save you from what awaits ahead," A voice spoke.
"We made it this far. Are you angered by our progress?" Zack asked.
"Your resolve is really something to admire. But can that resolve alone carry you through to the end?"
As we continued on our way, I happened to spot an unexplored part of the temple in the distance. It was lit enough for us to see it through the bridge we crossed. We realized that the temple was even bigger than we initially assumed, turning into a massive labyrinth that could house thousands of people.
"I wonder who built this," Zack said as we walked.
"Ancient worshippers of Orunos, most likely," I replied.
"I was reading through the book and happened to land on an interesting part." Zack then started to explain what he read while summarizing. "It says that warriors don't just come here to obtain the gauntlet, some also come here to return it. It is said that some might find themselves no longer able to wield the weapon and feel like returning it as part of one last adventure. Those who do do not face any opposition while entering and exiting the temple and are free to explore it as often and as long as they like. They are also allowed to place free tips and hints to future warriors who seek the gauntlet."
"So, that's why we had arrows pointing us where to go!" I exclaimed.
"Exactly. It's also said that some warriors claimed rooms inside this place and made them their final resting place."
"So, you're saying that there are rooms with the bodies of past wielders inside?" I asked, feeling chills go down my spine.
"So it is written, at least."
We stumbled upon a door with the gauntlet symbol etched on it. Before we opened it, I urged Zack to look through the book and see why there are rooms like this deep within the temple. I had a hunch that this room was not the room of the gauntlet, but it was the only room that leads forward.
"It's a trial room," Zack spoke.
"A trial room?" I asked.
"Yes. It's said that the rooms we've been going through were not the true trial, but were simple rooms that had enemies standing in our path. This is the real trial, and there are more rooms like it."
I opened the door and walked through, only for us to stumble upon a satyr creature with a double-bladed polearm. It was six feet and six inches tall and looked menacing. Its horns were massive and pointy at the end, and it had claws that looked sharp enough to tear through flesh with ease. It had a golden pauldron on its left arm that stretched to its wrist. The monster growled at us with a deadly glare following the threatening noise.
Zack and I charged at it, only for it to jump and roll in the air. When it tried to strike, I ducked and hit it with my sword, slicing at its leg. But when it stood on both legs as if it didn't feel any pain, I was shocked. The bleeding was noticeable, but it did not even flinch. Zack then conjured his sniper rifle and started aiming at it from a distance while I faced it head-on. I jumped around it, dodging its swings and countering it with attacks of my own. When my sword clashed against its polearm, Zack fired his sniper rifle at its back, allowing me to overpower it and strike at one of its horns. It charged at my companion like an enraged wild animal. Zack tried to fire at it twice but missed both times. When it reached him and tried to attack him, Zack rolled away and conjured his shield. I ran towards it with my sword and struck it on the other leg. The satyr turned around and tried to strike me with its weapon, but I dodged swiftly and grabbed its polearm on the second swing. I then pulled it closer to me and punched it in the face. Zack then shot it again with his sniper rifle.
"When will this thing die?!" Zack asked.
"Keep your hopes up, we're nearly there!"
Zack then threw a tornado grenade at the beast, making it fly up in the tornado, but to his surprise, it launched himself at him, taking a swing at the young prince with its polearm. Zack covered himself with his shield and avoided having his body sliced in half, but he fell back and hit the ground. The satyr started to slice at him but was unable to hit him due to the shield. I ran at it and jumped on its back, grabbing the horns. I pulled it back and Zack shot it with his sniper rifle, striking it in the head. The satyr started to disintegrate into particles of light as we watched, but more demons appeared all of a sudden. This time they were goblins accompanied by undead bodies. Zack and I started attacking them, killing as many as we could. The prince then used his grenades to take care of the rest while we headed to the next area. We started walking around, killing more enemies as we headed further into the temple.
"We've finished the first trial, but there are many more waiting for us. We must be prepared." Zack stated as we decided to sit down and gather our breaths.
"Why did no one find this place years before the book got stolen?" I asked. "I mean, there should have been at least two or three golden warriors to have wielded this gauntlet in the last few centuries, right?"
"The warriors of the past did not need this book to reach this place, so stating that no one found this place in all the time that passed because this book was in the sacred library is false," Zack stated. "I assume it's the fact that Orunos did not choose any new warrior to bestow his power onto. But why would he do that?"
"It was over a century ago that the last person to take this gauntlet returned it and passed away. I can't say it's for the prophecy, because I wasn't even born yet. None of us were."
"But maybe it was for the prophecy, as you were only a century away from getting your powers. A century is nothing to the gods. Maybe Orunos wanted to give it to the guy who is supposed to be with us directly." Zack then opened the book and showed me about the last warrior, who was not mentioned by name but was said to have returned the gauntlet and died peacefully a while later.
"That may be true. Let's just hope we can get this thing and leave soon." I got back on my feet and helped Zack do the same. Then we started walking towards the next trial.
We reached the next room and opened it, revealing a large number of undead soldiers. This time they were all fully armored and appeared to be even more capable than all the previous undead that we fought. These warriors had glowing yellow eyes that were visible through their helmets and were slightly taller. Almost as tall as the satyr we faced before.
"Look, Justin. See the armor these guys are wearing? They were part of the Orunos's guild before," Zack stated.
"And we still are!" One of them spoke.
"So, you're the voice who spoke to us from before?"
"I applaud your efforts," Another one spoke, which was yet another voice that talked to us before. "But this is the end of the road."
We engaged the five armored soldiers and fought with our might and mettle. I charged at one of them, striking him in the chest before rolling to the side and hitting his right arm. He swung his sword at me, but I blocked it with mine. I pushed his sword away and dodged as another one tried to attack me. Zack began overpowering one of them with his shield as they started to push each other with their shields. Zack got the upper hand and followed the push with a stab from his polearm. He then placed his polearm on the ground while it was still stuck to the torso of the undead soldier and ran on it, striking the soldier in the head and ending him.
"If neither of you is going to wield this weapon, then who will?" A soldier asked.
"We... We don't know that yet," I replied.
"And you come here with reckless abandon to claim an item you do not have the right to claim?"
"We do not have a choice. The prophecy entails that this person joins us on the journey to safeguard the light, but he did not show up yet, so we'll find him ourselves!" I exclaimed while fighting back.
"And how did you make it here? Did you sail across the ocean and find this place by chance?"
"Of course not. We got here by the portal in the castle," Zack replied as he struck a soldier on the shoulder with his lance.
The soldier spoke, saying: "If his grace allowed you to pass through the portal, then you two are chosen to complete this trial."
"However, no one was ever chosen to claim the Arm of Orunos for someone else," Another one claimed.
I sliced the neck of a soldier, instantly ending his role in this trial. We were then down to three soldiers. Zack struck one foe in the chest while I stabbed him in the back. Then when two were left, I instructed Zack to stand back as I fired my beam of energy at them, finishing the trial. The soldiers began to vanish right in front of our very eyes. As they disappeared, they began to speak to us.
"So, it is true. You are indeed the new god of dragons," One of the voices spoke.
"If your deepest desire is to save the world, then go forth and fight for our hopes and dreams."
"Many have fought to safeguard the world, and many more rely on your success."
Advancing further, there were no more demons or undead soldiers standing between us and the final trial. When we reached the next trial door, we decided to relax and prepare for what awaits us. Zack and I sat down and started to reflect on everything that has happened so far. I sat silently for a minute, thinking to myself about the bravery Alex showed before taking his final breath.
"Justin?" Zack spoke. "Why did you open up to me?"
"We had only just met yesterday, and you made me attend your birthday, sleep in your condo, and fight by your side. All of that, although when we met, we were fighting a fight to the death."
"I wasn't going to kill you, Zack. I never intended to. To answer your question, it's because I saw and understood how anguished you were by your father and by fate itself. It reminded me of myself, you know. I was supposedly taken from another world and brought here a long time ago. Your father found me in a basket in the garden at midnight. When I was given these powers, and I learned about my origins, my entire world view changed. You and I are the same, Zack. We've been forced to take responsibilities we did not ask for, and we're expected to bring deliverance to a world that doesn't even know who we are."
"You generally don't befriend people in a day's time."
"And you generally don't become a god."
Zack nodded slowly "And the prophecy says we will fight together and fend off the darkness," He stated.
"That too. But I want us to be more than just companions. I want us to be real friends."
He looked at me and smiled as he heard that.
"We've fought imperials, we've journeyed across an invaded city, we've explored a temple of a god. I'd say we've come so far together, there's no denying it." He got on his feet and offered me his hand. "Let's go and finish this together, my friend."
I gladly took his hand, and he hoisted me off the floor. We walked together to the final trial chamber and prepared to face the final challenge. Suddenly, the ground started to shake beneath us as a giant fell from the open hall in the ceiling and landed on his feet. He was enormous and menacing. He stood eleven meters tall and sported a giant sword. He wore what looked like a gladiator helmet and a gladiator belt. He roared at us, showing that he was irate and was ready for a fight.
Zack and I charged at the beast with all our might, striking him in the legs. Zack then went back and prepared his sniper rifle to fire on my signal. I started running around the giant, dodging his sword and attacking when I saw an opportunity. I struck him on one knee, making him fall on it. I then jumped on his back and ran to his head before striking his helmet. He tried to grab me, but Zack fired at his hand. The giant then started to shake his body, effectively throwing me off before getting back on his feet and attempting to strike again. I dodged his sword attack and signaled to Zack to fire at his chest.
Getting angrier, the giant slammed his sword on the ground, but I dodged and jumped on it. He lifted the sword up, throwing me off of it and allowing me to conjure a fireball and fire it at his face. After that, I impaled his chest with the sword and watched as Zack fired at its knees once more, getting him to drop. Because of my hubris, I failed to notice him grabbing me and throwing me off of him before hitting the floor. Zack ran towards me and helped me get back on my feet.
"This guy is still going, huh?" I asked.
Suddenly, many undead soldiers, similar to the ones we encountered before, began to spawn inside the chamber and started to attack us. Zack began fending off the soldiers while I took care of the giant. I rushed towards him and swung my sword against his foot. He tried kicking me off, but I slid fast and attacked his other foot. He tried to squash me with his foot, but I grabbed it and began to lift him off of me. I noticed that more soldiers were spawning in, so I used my strength to throw the giant onto them. When the giant was down, I proceeded towards Zack and aided him with the undead soldiers. In the meantime, the giant got back on his feet and roared at us.
The giant looked like he was starting to get tired, and the blood loss was having its desired effect on him. His breathing became slightly heavier, and he began to move slowly while swinging his sword around the place. Zack threw a tornado grenade at him, but that did not seem to do the trick, as he was way too big. We dodged his sword swing and watched as he killed off many soldiers that were attacking us. I started attacking the giant's legs once more and tried to get him to fall.
Zack decided to aim for his face and try to shoot the helmet to break it. As the giant was distracted by me, Zack aimed and fired at the giant's head. The prince took aim and fired at his head once more, cracking his helmet even more than he already did before.
"It's gonna take a while!" He stated.
"Try shooting his legs!" I exclaimed as the giant grabbed me.
Zack fired at the giant's legs and got him to fall on his knees. The giant threw me towards the hole in the ceiling where he descended from. When I stopped gaining altitude, I enlarged my sword and started falling towards his face, striking his helmet and shattering it with one blow. When his face got exposed, I impaled him in the forehead, killing him instantly. I jumped off of his head as he fell forward and died.
"That was so hardcore!" I exclaimed.
"I'd say we've done a killer job here!" Zack added.
"Phew! I need to catch my breath!"
"We're in the home stretch. What we need to do now is fight that revenant and claim the Arm of Orunos." Zack and I began to walk towards the final door, where that revenant awaits.
We opened the door and found a long spiral staircase that leads to the top, presumably outside the temple. Zack and I looked at one another in confusion before ascending the long stairs. As we began to walk, Zack started sighing. Not out of tiredness or fatigue, but out of frustration.
"Where does this staircase lead?!" He exclaimed.
"I think it leads to the surface."
"But we haven't gotten the gauntlet yet! Did we go the wrong way?"
"Based on the trials and the book, I think we're on the right path."
"Then why lead us through this underground temple to fight some enemies and then climb back up? Who does that?!"
"I don't know, but I have a feeling this tower was not here when we arrived," I stated, grabbing the full attention of the frustrated prince.
"What do you mean?"
"It's just a feeling, but if there's a tower that stretches from underground towards the sky, people would have discovered this island easily, and we might've heard of it."
"Yeah... you're right!"
"This is a peculiar phenomenon."
"I am done with this place, Justin. I just want to get that gauntlet and get out. Are you with me?"
After nearly half an hour of climbing, I looked down and up and realized that we might have made it halfway. Zack collapsed on the ground while gasping for breath, his face red and sweaty. I sat down next to him and waited for him to relax.
"I can't... I can't go any further... You must continue this adventure without me..."
"Stop with the movie cliches. We're only halfway there."
"Yeah. But if you want us to relax here-"
"I NEED to relax, Justin. You're fortunate you don't get tired or feel what I'm feeling at the moment!"
"Okay, okay. We're taking a break here."
After a few minutes into the break, I started craving noodles out of nowhere.
"Noodles..." I said to myself.
"Noodlehead," Zack responded.
"Don't tell me you're not craving food right now!"
"I am used to fasting sometimes, but to be honest, I want something to eat, too."
"We still have to fight the revenant. We'll beat him then bolt."
"On empty stomachs? While tired?! We couldn't defeat him the first time, now you want us to fight him like this? Also, why did we start calling him the revenant out of nowhere? Is he really dead, or what?"
"I don't think anyone can survive hundreds of years. And if he did die, he said that the gods summoned him here, so that makes him a revenant, right?"
"I suppose so."
"Man, I really want some noodles..."
"You know what? Once we leave, we'll buy stacks upon stacks of instant noodle cups and take them with us on this journey."
"Ooh! That's a perfect idea!" I exclaimed.
After an hour or so, we made it to the top of the temple, where the revenant was waiting for us. When we looked around us, we were shocked to realize that the tower stretched all the way to the sky and that we were hundreds of feet above the air. The revenant was holding his longsword and took three steps forward.
"I remember the first time I was in this place," The revenant said. "It was quiet, dark, and completely empty."
"So, you were a warrior who wielded the gauntlet?" Zack asked.
"I was the first to wield the gauntlet."
I was taken aback by what he revealed. So much so that I swallowed my saliva nervously. I conjured my sword and held it tightly as I've realized that I am going against a legendary warrior.
"By the gods! How old are you?!"
"I passed away at the age of eighty. I have never smelled the air of the human world for centuries. The gods have summoned me from my eternal slumber to challenge you, so I ask you two. Are you ready?"
"Yeah. We'll get that gauntlet and leave." Zack conjured his sword after saying that.
"Your brute force alone will lead you nowhere."
"We've got more than that up our sleeves, but let's see if you can handle our brute force!" I said before we charged at him.
He casually blocked our attacks and did not even flinch when we landed some. But at the same time, he failed to strike us even once. The revenant started to swing his sword with an impressive technique that was both precise and deadly. Zack and I tried to approach him constantly by having one person attract his attention while the other strikes true when the opportunity arises.
The revenant tried to attack me first; however, I pushed my sword against his and made us both struggle to gain the upper hand. Zack struck him from behind with his lance and immediately jumped away when the revenant tried to attack him, allowing me to swing my blade against his armor and damage it. Zack and I were now filled with conviction and determination to fight on and push forward to victory, Alex's death pushing us to do our best.
"Nice technique. However, you only delay the inevitable." He jumped back before rushing towards me again and jumping upwards before landing an attack and striking the ground. I rolled away from the landing attack and struck him on his right shoulder before Zack showed up and hit him with his sword. The revenant pushed Zack and I away from him and got back on his feet.
"You're trembling," He said.
"We're not afraid of you!" I barked at him.
"Just hungry..." Zack added.
I charged at him and ducked as he tried to swing his sword at me and hit him in the chest plate that he wore. After that, I turned around and hit him vertically by swinging my blade down. Zack opted to use his sniper rifle and aimed at his back before firing.
"I admire your tactics, but strength and luck alone will not suffice." The revenant then fired arcs of energy that matched the swings of his blade. When he swung his sword horizontally, the arcs flew at me horizontally, and the same went for vertical swings of the blade.
"You're nervous. I feel your anger as it guides your blade," He said. "The rage in your heart grows greater still. What are you trying to atone for?"
"I've lost a friend because of my inaction. I was too reckless and watched as they killed him in front of me!" I yelled.
"You still are reckless. You march into danger, not knowing what lies ahead. You have to learn to make up for your own faults."
"We don't even know who the warrior is! But that's not stopping us from finding him!" Zack exclaimed.
"The warrior who gets to wield the gauntlet is the warrior who has a mind unclouded by doubt and strength of will to carry him through his fears. A warrior with unmatched mettle that will fight even when the odds are stacked against him. The one to wield this godly weapon is someone who is ready to fight evil no matter the sacrifices."
"Many people fit that category!" Zack stated as he slashed the back of the revenant with his sword.
"But not so many are willing or capable of withstanding torment for the greater good." The revenant grabbed my sword as I tried to hit him and pushed me away. Zack threw one of his grenades at him, but the elusive revenant dashed away, making the young prince miss.
I sighed as I started to piece together the personality of someone who fits what the revenant described. But I knew deep down that it was too late for that person. Far too late. I clenched my sword tightly as tears fell once more, but I remembered the words of Alex and raised my head against despair.
Zack conjured his magical spears and targeted the revenant. He sent his spears flying towards the remarkable warrior, only for him to dodge most of the attacks while barely a few spears stuck him. While he was distracted, I charged at him and struck the helmet that was covering his face and glowing eyes. I then hit him again, this time damaging his chest. Zack then charged at him and managed to land a hit on his back.
"You are faltering. I see that your friend's death places a pang of heavy guilt on you, and that is breaking your resolve. Tell me, would your friend have lost his mettle? I doubt it," The revenant said.
"Of course not! Alex would have pushed on regardless! He has endured torture for years and did not complain once!"
"And what's stopping you from learning from such great example?" The revenant asked.
"I'm... I'm not as strong as he is!" I shouted, finally admitting what I have tried to keep to myself. "He was an ordinary human, yet he fought through waves of imperial soldiers and died like the hero he is!"
"And you let his death be in vain."
"Shut up!" Zack yelled.
"No... It's not in vain. He is a hero and a brilliant person! He was like a brother to me and I. WILL. NOT. FORGET!" I struck the revenant, powering through his attempt at blocking my sword.
Zack fired his sniper rifle at the warrior of legend, hitting him in the chest. After that, I swung the sword at him again, hitting his arm and following that with even more swings of my blade and finally ending it with a strong kick to the chest that sent him sliding away in the opposite direction.
The revenant soon started to glow in a red aura that shined under the light of the moon. His sword began to glow as well. He adjusted his stance and got ready to attack once more.
"Yes... Your regrets only serve to cage your true power. But now, let your friend's memories inspire you to become greater. Let the gods bear witness to your pure mettle. Unleash your true potential, and let us end this battle!"
He and I charged at one another, clashing swords and swinging at each other with speed and high caliber. I have decided not to let the passing of Alex become a burden. Instead, I have decided to use it as a driving force and strike true. Alex was and always will be a great example of pure bravery, valor, and determination. Even in death, his memories fuel my willpower to endure and strive against all who may stand in my way.
For minutes, the revenant and I continued to battle while Zack watched in awe. The longer we fought, the stronger and more determined I felt. Finally, I struck his sword so hard it went flying out of his hand and followed that with a slash to the chest. The revenant fell on one knee.
"I am the god of dragons! And I kneel before no one!"
The red energy of the revenant faded away, and Zack walked towards me with a bright smile. I looked at the sky to see if Alex was watching us. I wanted to tell him how thankful I am for what he did and to have inspired me to stand my ground and fight on, no matter what.
"You know, I've realized something important that I should have pieced together a long while ago. When you described what type of warrior can become the wielder of the gauntlet, the image of someone who fits the bill so perfectly popped into my mind. Lots of people can do great things if you give them enough power to do so. Not so many people can do the same on their own. I've known a guy who struggled alone for a long time and never asked for help. I, on the other hand, always required help from those around me. That guy always managed to persevere and fight on his own no matter what stood against him. He did not have powers, wasn't blessed by the gods, and wasn't very skilled at many things. But you know what? That did not stop him from keeping up with his peers. If it weren't too late, I'd say he would have gotten this gauntlet on his own," I explained. "I'm not sure if he really is the one, but if it came down to me, you bet I'd give him this freaking gauntlet in a heartbeat."
"Hm... It is nice to hear you say that. However, the next wielder of the gauntlet has already been chosen," The revenant said before getting back on his feet. "Melancholy and grief bring naught but weakness and failure. He who allows himself to get consumed by his emotions can never stand tall and march forward. But he who perseveres and inspires even beyond death is someone truly worthy. You should be so fortunate to have someone like him fighting by your side."
"But if he's already chosen, then who is he?" Zack asked.
"I trust that you, mighty dragon god, can give this to them."
Suddenly, a massive beam of light descended from the sky and onto the floor we were standing on. After it was gone, the elusive legendary gauntlet finally appeared before our eyes. The golden hue around it spoke of its excellent craftsmanship as well as its ethereal look. It floated in front of us, waiting for us to take it and go. Zack's jaw dropped to the floor at the sight of its magnificent appearance, and I, too, was overwhelmed with it. I grabbed the Arm of Orunos and stared at it for a second or two before turning back to the revenant.
"Orunos entrusts this power to you, young deity. Your heart will guide you to the warrior of true valor."
I stared at the armament and felt a sense of hope that I might get to rectify a mistake I made. I felt that I knew deep down the person who is suited to wear the gauntlet and that it is not too late for us to give it to him. My heart pounded with hope as tears fell from my eyes and a smile formed on my face.
"When I first wielded this weapon, I still felt overwhelmed with fear. But I found the strength within me to persevere. The new wielder will feel a heavy burden placed on his shoulders, but it is up to you to be there for him like he always was for you. This weapon will be a great aid in your journey, but it is utterly useless without the right person to wield it. For it is not the weapon that matters in the end, but the person who wields it."
"Thanks," I said to the revenant. "I really needed this. Without this fight, I would have never realized my true mistakes and would have never learned these valuable lessons."
"I have fought side by side with the founder king throughout my lifetime. He taught me many things. One of which was that it is never too late to do good by others. I hope that what you have learned here will serve you well in the long run."
"Say, we've never gotten your name," I stated.
"You can call me Kassandros."
"Nice to meet you, Kassandros."
"Likewise, young warriors. Now go forth with the blessing of Orunos. Open up your hearts to one another and fight as one. The other three are more than just your companions. They're your family."
"That's right," I said while nodding. "Thanks again."
Zack and I walked to the center of the exposed platform we were standing on where another golden circle on the ground appeared. When we stood near it, we began to get transported back to the castle.
"Now, we can finally start our adventure," Zack stated.
"Yeah. Alongside the guy that I owe much of my thanks to."
"So you know who this person is?"
"I do. Let's just say that it's not too late to bring him back."
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