Memories of a Friend
(November 19th, 2008.)
"Alex? Alex, Are you awake?" My mother asked. I opened my eyes to see my mom waking me up after hours of sleep. My ears immediately picked up the voice of my frustrated father, who seemed to be yelling on the phone. Taking a gander through the window, I discovered that we were stranded outside of the city in a poor area near the capital.
"What's wrong, mommy?" I asked. "Why are we outside of town?"
"The car broke down, sweety. But it's okay. Only a few minutes and we'll be out of here."
"Who is daddy talking to on the phone?" I asked
"The mechanic, dear. Don't you mind him, though. He's just a little frustrated, is all."
I looked to my left and saw Nova, my sister. She was sleeping peacefully and not even slightly aware of what's happening. My mom got out of the car to check in with my father and see if he had any good news. I looked back at my sister and saw that her phone was loosely held in her hand, waiting to fall to her feet at the slightest of movements. I couldn't see her face as she was facing the other direction. Her long platinum blonde hair was the only feature that was noticeable enough for me to identify her as my older sister. All I could remember from when I was last awake was her voice as she talked to her new friend. I could vaguely remember his name. It was something like Ethan, or Eric, or something.
I looked at the time displayed on the screen and saw that it was 9:30 in the morning. I was astonished to realize that my parents were awake for that long, seeing as the trip took us a very long time from our mansion to our camping spot. The drive was very dull and very tedious, but I enjoyed playing with the portable game device that my parents got for me as my birthday gift. Nova was having fun as well, talking to her new friend, and entertaining herself with him along the way. Seeing my sister be this euphoric is a rare sight, but always a welcome one. The softness in her voice as she spoke to her buddy indicated how content she was about someone like him. Seeing her out of her melancholy state and interacting with me and our parents in a joyful way brought me a sense of relief and delight that I never knew I would ever experience with my own sister. I was curious enough to ask her about him, only to be showered with information and exposition about the guy. No matter how irritating it was, seeing a real smile on my sister for once was worth it, and no one could change my mind. This side of my sister is a breath of fresh air compared to her usual moody and apathetic self.
I opened the door and got out of the car, only to be met with the blistering heat of the outside world and the blinding light of the sun. I watched my parents start to call people on their phones individually, and took it as an opportunity to leave the car and head towards the town and maybe buy a water bottle to quench my thirst. As I walked past the other side of the car and headed to town, I saw Nova's face as she slept. She seemed very peaceful and calm, despite her head being plastered to the car window. When I made it into the small town area, I was taken away by how poor it was and how ancient it felt to me. The people in there were not as dressed nearly as nice as me and were not concerned about their general fashion choices. I did not mind that because my parents taught me never to judge people. Lots of people were screaming about products, sales, and food. As I continued to walk around what seemed to be a marketplace, my throat decided to remind me about my thirst, so I decided to approach a store and buy something to drink.
"Excuse me?" I asked a store proprietor.
"Watcha want, kid?" He asked in his deep voice. He looked very tall and intimidating. His fat belly and his beard were hard not to notice, as well as his smell. His hand looked muscly, however. His gaze put the fear of death inside of me at a very young age and it made me want to lie down and cry, but I braved through my fear.
"C-Can I buy a water bottle, please?" I gave him the money, and he returned with a bottle.
"Here you go."
"Thank you."
"Now, scram."
Not wanting to stay within a foot radius of him, I quickly walked away. As I made it far away from him, I looked for an alley where no one would disturb me and went inside the first one to have caught my eye. But that proved to be a big mistake on my end because as soon as I made it into that alley, I was approached by three grown teenagers that surrounded me from the front and back. Me being seven, I did not have much chance against them and felt pretty intimidated by them.
"What are you holding there, kid?" One of them asked.
"A-A water b-bottle..." I replied.
"Listen, I'm your friend here, and I'm quite thirsty. Why don't you hand me over that bottle?"
"I-It's mine... Y-You can't have it, nasty man!" Saying that made him grab me by the collar and lift me off the ground.
"What did you say, squirt?" He asked before snatching the bottle out of my hand and yelling: "Give it to me!"
At that point, I was starting to tear up. I felt that I was going to get beat up, and no one in this place will stand up for me. They started mocking me and laughing at me as the one grabbing me started poking my head and calling me names that were meant to belittle me.
"So, Kid. You look like you have a lot of money on ya. Say, why don't you hand me over your cash and your parents don't have to find out about this, huh?"
I did not respond and tried to look away, but he grabbed my face and made me look him in the eyes as he laughed and mocked my cowardice with his pals. His breath stank so much that I could not help but cough on him, which made him glare at me harder.
"Either you do that, or we'll have to keep you with us, and your parents will have to come to pick you up. For a decent amount of money, of course. Oh, and look at this watch! This would definitely fetch a high price! Right, bo-"
He was cut off by a large pan striking him on the head. He immediately let go of me, allowing me to run into a corner and hide and watch as another kid that looked around my age struck the bullies with a frying pan.
"This is the second time I've seen you bully someone! When will it be enough for you three?"
"You'll pay for this, you little rat! I'll kick you out of here myself!" The one who was grabbing me said as he ran away with his pals.
I watched as the boy who helped me walk to my water bottle, pick it up, and then approach me with it. He had brown hair that was a little darker than mine, pale skin, green eyes, and looked like he was a few centimeters taller than I am. He looked very friendly and awfully nice like he was out of place in this strange scary place.
"This is yours, right?" He asked in a calm voice that was a relief to listen to despite him being a total stranger.
"Y-Yes," I replied as he gave me back my bottle.
"You're new here, right?" He asked as he sat next to me.
"I-I... My parents' car broke down, and I was thirsty, so I came here looking for a water bottle."
"Wow. That's so unlucky. And where are your parents?" He asked.
"Next to the car..."
The boy was taken aback by my response. "Didn't they come with you?" He asked.
"N-No. They wouldn't let me come to these places alone, so I snuck away. Where are your parents?" I asked.
"I don't have parents," He casually replied.
Surprised, I asked: "No parents? At all?"
"That's right. Anyways, I'm Justin." He got up and offered me his hand. I grabbed it, and he pulled me off the ground.
"I'm Alex! Nice to meet you!"
I opened my bottle and finally drank from it after so long. I offered Justin some, but he refused and watched as I drank from it by myself. After that whole ordeal, he held my hand as we walked around the town where he showed me the place and introduced me to a few shops. I was very amazed by the peculiarity of this town and was intrigued to know more about it. Justin did not hesitate to explain everything to me and was pretty happy to do it, so I did not mind asking questions to my local tour guide.
Justin was very friendly and welcoming. In fact, he was the only kid my age to show anything like that to me, and that made me trust him, despite it being the first day that we met. I liked that about him a lot. His happy go lucky attitude shines like a diamond in the rough. When he asked me to climb the rooftops with him, I was understandably hesitant at first, but his charming charisma and his comforting words were enough to set my fears aside and make me embark on this journey of climbing rooftops and seeing his town from a new perspective. As we walked around the rooftops, I got to see the entire area from a bird's eye view. I got to see the place without having the large crowds of people block my view and without having any bully try to steal from me or kidnap me.
The rooftops were completely normal and had nothing going for them when it comes to style and design. The distinguishing features between them were the types and amounts of clothes being dried, the distance it takes someone to run and jump between them, and the slight variation of height, based on how many floors each building possessed. Justin was very adept at climbing, he was like a professional parkour athlete, running and climbing walls with ease and style. He kept helping me up over all the buildings that I failed to climb over and waited for me to reach him when there were ladders and stairs from one rooftop to the other. He was also there when he made me jump down, catching me and preventing me from breaking my body.
"You're doing great!" He stated.
"Are you sincere, or are you saying that just to make me feel good about myself?" I asked.
"Dude, no one does moves at the very start. I'm amazed you are not as tired as I thought you'd be. But don't worry, we're done for now." He stated.
We sat next to one another and watched the city from above. We looked at the people as they proceeded with their daily lives and watched as they walked in and out of stores, exchanging goods, and money as part of their mundane tasks. It amazes me how a small town like this, that is not known for its cleanliness can manage to amass such a large population that makes this place very overcrowded and overpopulated. I watched as some of these people walk with their chests revealed while carrying little to no amounts of stuff on them. What also caught my eye was the amount of homeless that were walking around. They clearly outnumber the ones I see in the capital based on the numbers of homeless in a single area. I also noticed that most stores I glanced upon were mostly grocery stores or convenience stores. There were a few butcher shops, but they were not as many as the former types of stores. People walked lazily, barely able to muster the strength or willpower to push them forward to continue the same tasks they do every single day. Everyone had sad looks on their faces, even the kids. The desperation for any means to live was evident in the eyes of everyone that I looked at. Food was scarce, and money was even more limited. Shop owners do not seem to jack up the prices, however. They probably understand that no one has the money to buy their food and other products, even at regular prices. While most of the people seemed miserable, some groups of people who stood around each other in tiny alleys and hung around in the dark corners of the town looked indifferent. They appeared like organized groups.
"Welcome to Woodpecker's Beak. A massive trash bin in the shape of a small town." Justin sighed and continued explaining to me. "Here, no one bothers to check on us. No one would bat an eye if someone were sick or injured. Virtually no one can afford healthcare, and lots of people dabble in shady stuff."
"Shady stuff?" I asked.
"Ever heard of drugs?"
"Yes. Mom and Dad always tell me that drugs are bad, but I still don't understand why, exactly."
"They mess with your mind, make you see things that aren't there, hear things, that sort of thing. They also are bad to your body and can damage it in many ways. But worst of all is that they can get you addicted to them, and then make it hurt once you don't get some of them."
"Whoa! This is bad!"
"Yeah! Very bad." Justin's sorrow was enough to emphasize how deep of a situation he was describing. "I've seen how bad it could go if no one is there to help you."
We sat and looked at the people again, making me feel how lucky I was to be born to a wealthy and loving family that cares for me... most of the time. Justin then decided to ask me a question that was out of the blue.
"Hey, Alex? How does it feel to have parents?"
"It feels great! My mom and dad are the best in the world, and they love me a lot! I also have a sister that likes me, too! Not as much as my mom and dad, but still!" I explained.
"Wow. Glad to hear that," He said, turning away from me.
"Where do you live?" I asked.
"See that building over there?" He asked, pointing at a building with a terracotta roof. "I live in the attic of that building."
"O-Oh..." I decided that it's for the best not to judge him for his circumstances, similar to how I kept a neutral stance about everyone else. But he did not look bothered about it.
"What? Oh, you don't like it, mister big mansion?" He said jokingly as he ruffled my hair.
"Oh, no, no, no! I'm not judging!"
"Trust me, it's better than you'd expect. I have furnished it myself! I used the fanciest stuff I could find! I've even taken stuff from the other attic that the landlord uses! He probably forgot about mine, so I live in it, and he doesn't know!" He stated before laughing.
I was too distracted with Justin's character that it took me a while to notice that it was getting late and realized that my parents would be pretty angry if I did not return. Panicked, I got to my feet and saw a surprised Justin staring back at me with visible confusion.
"Justin, I think I need to go. My parents will be mad."
"It's okay! I'll take you there right now!"
Justin then proceeded to take me down a ladder that was conveniently placed on the roof of the building we were on, and then took me through the fastest route to my parents' car without getting us into trouble. When we were close enough to the entrance, I spotted my sister, Nova, waiting for me with her arms crossed and tapping her foot repeatedly.
"Nova!" I called out as Justin, and I approached her.
"There you are, little bro!" She said in her sweet sisterly voice. "You got me worried sick!"
"I'm okay! I just went to get some water."
"Young man, you would have gotten our parents scared if it weren't for my misdirection and disguise skills! Why would buying water take you so long?" She exclaimed. "And who's your friend?"
"I'm Justin."
"I'm Nova. Nice to meet you. Hopefully, you didn't get my brother into any trouble. Did you?" Nova asked, taking me by surprise when I heard the sincere concern she had towards my safety.
"Nope. Alex is all good."
"By the gods, how can a child like you survive in a place filled with wackos and perverts such as this?" She asked.
"I manage," Justin replied.
"Okay, then. We better get going. It was nice meeting you, Justin," Nova said as she took my hand and walked me to the car.
"Bye, Alex!" He shouted.
"Goodbye, Justin!" I shouted back.
"It seems you've made a friend," Nova stated with a proud smile.
"I did! He's a very nice guy!"
"Good to know. Oh and little bro, next time you decide to run away like this, I will not be gentle with you," She threatened. She always knows what words to use to scare me even more than the bullies I faced today. Whether or not I will sleep this day unscathed remains to be seen.
The chauffeur arrived in our spare car and stayed with the mechanic to take it back after they fix it at the repair place. I was so ecstatic about meeting a new friend and exploring a new place that I've never seen before. Even if the location is not as safe as one might hope, it was a fun experience, and I had so much fun with Justin in the little time we spent together. After we got back home, I told my parents everything that had happened — apart from the bullying and the attempted kidnapping — and told them all about Justin and the fun we had —while omitting the fact that we climbed rooftops.
My parents were so excited that I finally met a friend that they decided not to ground me for leaving the car alone and unsupervised. They wanted to meet Justin for themselves and decide whether or not I am fit to see this person again or not, much to my surprise. Even Nova was surprised by my parents' unexpected fondness of the boy. The next day, we went to visit him. Justin was so excited to see me return that he immediately hugged me on sight, not realizing that my parents were there. When he introduced himself to my parents, they deemed him good enough to be my friend. However, they made sure to let him know that he'll take full responsibility if any harm were to befall me. Justin was very understanding and showed signs of 'maturity' that my parents and my sister were impressed by. When my parents left, Justin took me aside and informed me of his suspicions.
"No parent in their right mind would ever bring their child to such a place," He whispered to me, which made me feel slightly paranoid.
That same day, Justin introduced me to his friend Mia. Upon the realization that she was a demon, I nearly wet myself. But it turns out she was very friendly and kind. We immediately became best friends and learned so much about one another. We decided not to separate or leave any one of us behind. From that point on, we bonded like family.
I still had problems making friends with other people, but I did not mind that, as Justin and Mia were the only friends I needed. I was then introduced to a man called Ethan Silver, who turned out to be my sister's friend, later turned boyfriend. He is a genuinely nice guy who cared for Justin and Mia, as I've later discovered. He and I bonded very well, and my parents felt even more relieved to have a professional guardian take care of Justin, Mia, and me. Life for the three of us became way more comfortable and very more uncomplicated with the help of Ethan, who helped set Justin and Mia up with the proper jobs, better furnishing, and managed their lifestyle decisions.
At that time, Nova started to become even more unhinged and harder to control. She began to lash out at me more frequently and hit harder than before. No one was able to stop her, not even my parents who knew about everything but were not able to stop her no matter how much they tried. It always felt like the drunk father and protective mother dynamics rolled into one. My sister was the evil, drunk, and unbridled beast of a dad, and my parents both took the role of the protective mother when my sister was too busy with the other role.
Even Ethan himself admitted to having problems controlling her sometimes. She always struck me in ways that never left any severe bruises or cuts, but if she did, she'd cut and bruise herself for some reason. It felt to me like she was struggling with her inner demon. She cared for me and wanted to torture me at the same time. My parents never tried to send her to a mental hospital or an asylum because they could never live with the knowledge that their daughter is a sociopath that tortures her one and only sibling. Ethan felt a responsibility to keep me safe and try to control her. He was deeply in love with my dear sister, and the same could be said about her. I noticed that with her moments of rage, she becomes a totally different person. I always felt like she was enchained to a monster and both of them struggled for dominance. When she regains control and sees me bruised and beaten, she'd lock herself away and cry every night.
I knew for a fact that she was the one who needed help, not me. I was not a victim of her, I was a victim of all the mental anguish she went through. My mind and body were a way for her to unleash her pent up rage and deep inside, as much as I hate to admit it, I accepted it. I thought that with enough bruises, with enough hits, cuts, and bleeding that I have to endure, I can help her overcome whatever it was that took my sister away from me. I thought that I can satiate her sense of fulfillment. That I can satisfy the beast that was my sister. People say that one might learn the hard way, I never did.
I tried so hard to get my sister to be happy, I tried to give her anything she wanted, I asked my parents to take her anywhere she wanted, to meet with anyone she desired and do anything that might come to her mind, no matter how contemptible or cruel, only to end up on the receiving end of all the pent up rage and emotional turmoil. I always felt that the end was near. That the time has come where it will be done and that I will get my sister back, or die alongside my hopes and dreams of a happy family. That was until one day where I woke up, waiting for my daily torture. Hours passed, and there was nothing. I went inside her room and saw that it was the same, nothing has changed except for the lack of my sister. Then, I heard the crying of my parents near the door and walked up to them. They handed me a letter that was written by her, explaining why she left, what she wanted to achieve, and who she wanted to save from herself.
Ethan then offered to train me and get me to join the glaives. I eagerly accepted and jumped started to practice for my eventual enrollment. But I failed to tell him one key reason why. I missed the beatings and the pain. I got so used to the torture that it became part of who I am. I got addicted to the beatings that I intentionally failed some sparring sessions and performed poorly just to feel the thrashings. Luckily, time and therapy healed my wounds, and I returned to my better self as if nothing happened. But deep down, I still miss my sister. I want to hug her again and tell her how much I love her. Without her, I felt broken and lost. But what broke me more is seeing Mia cry on my shoulder and Justin blaming himself for not doing something. I did not want to see my friends be weak because of me, and because of that, I decided that I would be strong for them, as well.
Then it happened. I got her letter. In it were two words: I succeeded.
I felt so happy for her that I fell on the floor and cried for hours in my room. Now, I stand patiently like a dog in front of the door, waiting for my sister to return. Day after day, I waited in front of that door and looked outside to see nothing but emptiness.
"She isn't coming back, is she?" I asked myself.
The day of the great attack, I was heading home when a drone struck a building in front of me. I rushed to that building and helped as many survivors as I could. As I made it out, I saw an officer getting killed, so I ran to him and took his assault rifle and spare body armor and started fighting the massive armies of the newly reformed Roman empire. I went from one police vehicle to another in search of more ammunition for my weapon while also advancing to the citadel to meet my friends. The same day, I have picked a fight with Justin because of his fears and inability to act.
My anger came from my past experiences and knowledge that I could not help my sister. Knowing that he had the power to protect humanity and that he was afraid to perform his duties got me very mad. It made me reflect on my own inability to help my sister and my fears of seeing her in anguish that I forgot my friend's fears of leaving me forever, never to return. I regretted the decision to antagonize him the moment I saw Justin angry at me, and Mia on the ground with tears flowing down her eyes. I never wanted to punch myself so hard, and that I did. Once I hit myself in the elevator of our condo, I got instant flashbacks of my sister and started chuckling to myself as I descended to the ground floor.
"You're still here, sister?"
The proudest moment that I have ever felt was when I sacrificed myself to save Zack and laid my own life down in the battle for the sake of my friends. I couldn't help but cry, knowing that I've made Justin's fear a reality and that I would never see him again, but smile, knowing that I did the right thing. The last thing I remember seeing was him running to me and screaming before everything faded into nothing.
But the one thing that made me feel a sense of repose is that I finally told Justin that he is my brother... and that I'm sorry.
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