Chapter 2
"Who would want to keep such a child in their house. I'd be scared that the roof would cave in on me." Someone whispered.
"I know what you mean. He's a curse on the Dana'Taya's name. Who knows what he'll bring down on all of us."
The boy of four stood up against the wall silently listening to everyone talk behind his back. Even at such a young age, he had gotten used to the sneers always thrown his way. He didn't know why everyone hated him so much. Why did he have to come to these dumb reunions?
"Hey squirt, how's it going?" suddenly a large warm hand was placed on top his head. The boy looked up with one wide blue eye and one wide gold eye to find the only one who would ever talk to him. His great uncle was the nicest man he'd ever known, and his spirits lifted every time he got to see him.
"Uncle Chad."
"Don't mind any of these old biddies. They're just bitter old people." He laughed. Rarely did the boy truly smile but with Chad he did.
"There's that smile I love to see so much." He ruffled the boy's hair.
As the man straightened up, with his face out of the boys view his smile died as he glared at the poor excuse for adults around the room. Isolating a four year old like this was disgusting, they all needed to grow up!
"Where's your grandpa, August?" the little boy's smile fell at the question and his bright eyes traveled around the room almost like he was hoping that the man wasn't in the room.
"I don't know" he softly said.
"It's okay, I'll go find him." Chad's lips tightened at the child's reaction and marched off to find that stupid brother of his.
"Human- shaped supernatural beings said to have an abundance of magical powers..."
I shook my head from that sudden flashback. What a terrible memory to have during class... well probably all my memories are like that. Sighing I focused back on the teacher, having missed most of what had been said.
"Now lets talk about dragons."
Frowning I straightened up, weren't we talking about elves or something like that. I missed that whole description?
"Now you might think that all dragons are fire breathers but that is not the case. They are said to be elemental beasts. Which means they are ruled by either water, earth, wind, or fire. These are the most elusive of the Fae world."
There was a snicker behind me,
"She talks like this shit is real" the students whispered together.
"I know this class is so stupid."
Then why are you here? I wanted to say but kept it to myself.
The snickering got louder till even the teacher stopped her lecture.
"Is there something you would like to share you two?" Ms. Terry said with a sigh.
"Nope not a thing" they chuckled.
"Well if you can't hold in laughter, maybe you guys need to get out of my class and take it to the student office, I'm sure they can have a new schedule made for you." With that she went back to her lecture.
"Now dragons love to horde their treasure-"
"Whatever" noisily they gathered their stuff and crammed it in their bags.
One of them threw their bag over their shoulder roughly, hitting the back of my head in the process. I don't know what was in the bag but it forced my head down so hard that I couldn't stop it from closing in fast towards my desk. Shutting my eyes, I waited for the impact but instead I hit something soft and warm.
Gasping I opened my eyes to find a large hand cupping my forehead.
"Damn you should move your big ass head out the way then" this came from the man that just hit me. I was too shocked to even respond as I lifted my self from the hand to see the redheaded man next to me.
As just like that he was gone. Blinking in surprise I turned to find the big man with the fiery hair already pressing his forearm against the guys throat.
"Hey back off!" the guys friend exclaimed.
Through all the commotion I was starting to get my wits back and noticed the one pinned to the wall was turning purple. Quickly I jumped from my seat. This guy was seriously going to kill him! Rushing over, I placed a gentle hand on the mans arm. His eyes were blazing with such fury that they almost appeared red. There was murder there, I could feel it coming off of him in waves. Why was he so angry?
"It's okay, you can let go" I said to him softly. His jaw tensed at my voice. Tightening my grip on his arm just a little bit and I pulled him back as best as I could.
His lips thinned in a flat line before following my words.
The guy started choking as he slid to the floor and his friend rushed to help him up.
"Your f*cking crazy!" he screamed and dragged his dazed friend out of the class.
It was then that I noticed that we were the center of attention. The whole class was staring, even the teacher.
Clearing my throat,
"I'm so sorry about that, we'll leave too." I smiled apologetically to everyone and grabbed our stuff all the while still holding the guys arm and walking out the door. Surprisingly he was very cooperative as he followed me all the way to the field in the back of the campus. Once at the giant tree I liked to rest by I turned back to the guy.
"Are you okay?" he tilted his head slightly at my question.
"I'm fine" he said with such a deep soft tone it was kind of pleasant to the ears.
Nodding I held his bag to him,
"You didn't have to do that" I said squatting down to sit at the base of the tree. My eyes were trained on the sky as I heard him move closer. I glanced up at him from the side, "But thank you"
"Don't mention it" he positioned himself in front of me giving me no choice but to get a clear look at him.
For some strange reason looking at him like this gave me some kind of nostalgic feeling. It's like he was familiar to me in some way.
"So do you have a name I can use?" I asked keeping my gaze to the sky.
"Ulis" he answered. I blinked,
"That's a unique one" I said looking down at him.
"Well you don't hear August being used as someone's name either" he said with a small smirk pulling on the edge of his lips. I smiled.
"True... hey wait, how do you know my name?"
"I've three classes with you this year" my eyes widened at this.
"Seriously? Wow, I'm dense"
He chuckled and stretched out leaning his weight on his hands behind him.
"I wouldn't say that, just caught up in your own little world."
"Is that how it seems?" I asked dropping my gaze towards the ground.
"You don't bother yourself with others and I can't say I'm any different; I understand."
A soft breeze rolled through, rustling the leaves above us. Ulis closed his eyes as some of his hair whipped in his face. It looked like fire in the sunlight, why couldn't I get this feeling out of my system whenever I looked at it.
It was such a red color it looked fake.
"Do you dye your hair?" and of course such a dumb question would come out of my mouth. Opening his eyes he looked straight at me and what an intense gaze it was. I felt like a cornered animal with those red slitted eyes trained solely on me. Maybe I should follow up my stupid question with another, like are those contacts? Of course they were.
"No, do you?" frowning I reached up to take ahold of a strand of my stark white hair. The color made me the butt of all the jokes growing up.
"No" I said shortly
"Albinism then?" he tilted his head in curiosity.
"I don't know, maybe? I've never been officially checked out for it."
"Well I think it looks cool" he's the second person to say that to me, the other being Nobu. I laughed,
"Don't lie, I remind of you an old man" I smiled but it slowly faded as I saw the serious look on his face.
"No, it doesn't. Actually, you remind me of some otherworldly creature with your pale skin and white hair. With your eyes different colors like that, you look like some kind a fae."
I turned my head back up towards the sky but this time to hide the huge blush I'm certain was turning my face a deep red. I'm sure that my heart just skipped a beat, well that was a first.
Wait, what was I doing?
I furrowed my brows at my actions. I never bother myself with others, it's too much of a hassle. Nobu is the only one who I let be my friend because he was so persistent but even he didn't know the real me. Getting close to people meant painful betrayals followed afterward and I'd had enough of that feeling to last me forever. Setting my mouth in a grim line I stood suddenly causing Ulis to glance up at me in surprise.
"I have to go"
"Oh, wait I hope I didn't offend you" he said getting to his feet too.
"No, it's not that" biting my bottom lip I grabbed my bag and flung it over my shoulder with my back facing him.
"See ya"
"Yes, let us meet again soon August" he said after me.
I didn't answer, I had to leave quickly because he was dangerous. He made me want to get to know him, become close and I didn't need that.
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