Chapter 1
Beautiful expressive red eyes shining passionately, wild hair almost the same color as his eyes whipping around, lips full that were usually set in a hard line were soft now. Who was he? I've seen him before; my dreams were filled with him and I didn't know why. His hand reached out toward me, his eyes softening as he stared at me. He never said anything, he only ever stood there reaching for me before the image faded and I woke up.
But this time I felt a heavy weight on my heart as he began to fade, quickly I threw my hand out towards him, something I had never done before. My feet were stuck as I tried to rush to him all I could do was reach for him. Our fingers were inches apart, so close that I could feel the warm heat from his fingertips. Then he disappeared.
Gasping I snapped my eyes open to find myself laying outside under my favorite tree. I blinked a few times to clear my blurry vision and noticed my hand was reaching outward towards the red sky. Sunset? No, sunrise.
Silently I dropped my hand and pushed myself up in a sitting position. Something squeaked quietly, and I glanced down to see a white rabbit move from my chest to my lap and snuggled back to sleep. I smiled unable to stop myself from running my fingers through its soft fur.
"Found a new friend?" a sudden voice came from behind me. I turned my head to find Chase my little cousin sitting a few feet from me.
"I guess so" I answered.
"Animals really love you." He smiled.
"Hm" I was still petting the tiny creature.
"It's almost fall." Chase said suddenly.
My fingers stilled as I gazed up at the red sunrise again. Fall. I sighed before reaching down and took the bunny in my hands. His nose twitched as I disturbed him, his huge brown eyes stared into mine.
"I got to go little one" I whispered to him as I set him on the ground. He glanced up at me as I stood slowly for a long moment hopping over to rub against my leg then off into the bushes.
Chase followed, walking beside me. For a twelve-year-old he was pretty tall for his age, he acted much older than he was. You'd think he was twelve going on forty. I chuckled at the thought of him in a child size suit and tie.
"You know, you have a room in the house." He scolded suddenly.
"Who wants to sleep in a confined space when I have the whole world as my room," I answered.
"You're so weird," he said shaking his head.
"Nothing wrong with that," I said smiling down at him. He was watching and I saw a familiar sadden expression cross his face, it was only for a moment, but he was an easy kid to read.
"You're just an old hippy" he joked his brown hair blew in the gentle winds.
"I'm not old." I gasped. "I'm only 21!"
"Yeah, you're old." He giggled.
"Well youngster your only 9 years behind me."
"So, you're always gunna be old." He replied smugly and then he took off before I could snatch him up.
"Fast little turd." I grumbled.
Chase disappeared inside the house as I followed slowly behind him. The scent of bacon was emitting from the house as I got closer to the door. The moment I entered I saw Chase already sitting at the table stuffing his face with bacon and eggs. I glanced down at the table where three plates were set. One for Chase, of course, the other was my cousin Jacob, Chase's dad. I stared at the last empty plate that was supposed to be mine. You wouldn't think much of placements on a table, you sit down with your family to eat, it's normal behavior. You might talk about your day, have a laugh over dinner, sleepily eat butter and syrup-drenched pancakes together for breakfast. It's all so ordinary. I doubt you'd ever really think that your plate didn't belong on a table with everyone else. That it put the whole dynamic of the room itself off.
That's what I felt though. My plate didn't belong here, it was to cozy a place for it to be. It was too loving and normal to be here.
"Hey, did you enjoy your night under the stars?" a deep voice interrupted my disturbed thoughts and had me glancing up towards Jacob as he came in the room.
"Yes, very much" I smiled.
"Oh good."
"Why does he sleep outside like a dog if he has a room?" Chase said around a mouth full of waffles.
"Chase, that wasn't very nice." Jacob scolded lightly.
Jacob Foster, my granduncle's son. He took me in when his father, who was taking care of me before, passed away. Jacob had had it hard before his father's passing. His wife left him for another man, leaving him to raise their son on his own. He had been laid off just as his wife disappeared, receiving divorce papers at the same time as losing his job. Then a year later after trying to rebuild his life, tragedy struck again with his father's heartache leaving him once again with another child to raise. I knew I had to be an inconvenience to him. I was used to it though. Being unwanted wasn't new to me and I tried my best to stay out of his hair and never cause trouble for him or anyone. I was just grateful for him taking the time and energy to take care of me, even when he didn't have to.
"Sorry dad" Chase apologized looking down at his plate.
"I'm not the one you should be apologizing to," he said taking his seat.
Chase's gaze traveled from the table to me. His hazel eyes lowered a little,
"Sorry August" I walked over to him and ruffled his unruly brown hair.
"It's cool."
"August, sit down and eat," Jacob said piling my plate high with food before I could decline the offer. Sighing I sat down.
"Glad to have you finally join us." He grinned.
"Glad you want me here." This causes him to stop mid-bite.
"Of course, I want you here." He frowned, I was silent after that. "Your family why wouldn't I want you here?"
I smiled at him before picking up my fork and started eating. I didn't say anything as we ate. About twenty minutes later I had showered and was out the door again. Getting in my car I waited for Chase.
"Ready for school?" I said buckling myself in.
"Yep" his seatbelt clicked into place, and he smiled up at me.
"Off we go"
Once I dropped him off I arrived at my college hoping for a good day. Not that I don't have good times when I'm here. Actually, everyone seemed to be friendly towards me which I wasn't really used too. I had a couple of people I would consider friends and a guy named Nobu being closer than the others.
Closing my car door, I readjusted my bag on my shoulder and made my way towards my first class. It was a relatively quiet and nice school. The people were pleasant, or the ones I've encountered. The teachers were fair and willing to work with their students. I liked it here. I didn't like much but here was enjoyable enough plus no one knew about me, they didn't know about my past or my family and I liked it that way.
"August!" a familiar voice called to me and I turned with a smile.
"Hey, how you been." Nobu came up beside me with his usual easy-going smile.
"I'm doing well and you."
"You're always so formal, you need to relax my friend."
"You can't change a person's personality so easily just by asking Nobu" I told him with a chuckle.
"Ow way to crush a person's dreams" he whimpered as he folded over himself, holding his hand over his chest like I wounded him.
"Truth hurts" I played along. He laughed and straightened up.
Nobu Woodell, he was a relatively attractive guy. Intelligent, despite his somewhat goofy and carefree personality. As long as I've known him I noticed that people seem to flock to him. He was asked on a date at least once a week, not that he took any of those offers for some reason. But there was one thing about him that not many got to experience. He was blunt as a pair of child-safe scissors. The man could hurt your feelings without realizing it. And that was the one thing that drew me to him. The honesty of his words was refreshing and familiar all at the same time. Maybe it had to do with how I grew up around people who didn't like me at all most of my life. And to have a friend that would tell you how it was, either it's about you or someone else, he wasn't afraid to tell you to your face when you were in the wrong.
"So, you have that Dungeon & Dragons class today right?" Nobu asked suddenly.
"If you're talking about my Mythology and folklore class; then yes," I answered rather deadpan.
"Like I said Dungeon & Dragons class" he snickered behind his hand. I glanced at him before shaking my head and continued down the hall.
"You're no fun" he nudged me in the shoulder."
"Sorry I'm so boring, you should find someone willing to play with you today," I said giving him a rather mocking smile.
Once again, he grabbed his chest but this time he stopped in the middle of the floor and fell to his hands and knees.
"You wound me again, August!" he practically cried. He was beginning to gather a crowd.
"Okay well have fun with that" I waved him off as I stopped at my class and entered without a second look.
"Cruel, August, you're cruel you hear!!" he screamed dramatically outside my door.
This caused others to look in my direction, but I ignored them and went to my seat. Climbing up the stairs to where my chair was I settled by the window to stare out towards the school's quad. The area was a field of grass and trees with benches. It was tranquil to look at.
My gaze had been drawn towards the sky. It was no longer a red sky like this morning, it had been taken over by the normal blue with clouds passing by quickly. This morning seemed like some kind of foreboding shadow that loomed over my head and I couldn't shake the feeling.
The scrap of a chair beside me snapped me out of my head and I glanced over to see some guy taking a seat next to me. I surveyed the room to find plenty of empty chairs around, this guy had his pick of seats. With a slight frown, I gazed over at him noticing I'd seen him around. He had been in a couple of my classes previously, but I didn't know he was in this one too.
That bright auburn hair was unmistakable but before I could really get a good look at him I heard the classroom door open.
"Alright everyone grab your seats, let's get started."
My gaze now was drawn towards the teacher, I shrugged the guy off. If he wanted to sit next to me what did I care.
"How much do you all know about the Fae?" the teacher began.
"Let me begin with Elves."
A/N: Hey my pups, I've been thinking about this book for a year now and decided to post see what you think. So let me know what you guys think and if it's even worth it lol.
Love you!
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