Chapter 3
Elijah woke the next morning in the same meadow he slept in the night before. Instead of the seemingly endless darkness and the creeping unknown surrounding him, the sun shone, and dandelions swayed in the breeze. From afar, he could see a bed of marigolds, and he chuckled. He thought Emmy would've loved to pick one. She would've had a field day if there were some dandelions around. When they first reached Earth as humans, one of the first things she did was pick one and blow on it to make a wish; she found human traditions fascinating.
Elijah rose from his spot, not bothering to dust off his clothes as he walked towards the marigolds and picked one. He spun it around between his fingers and sighed. "If only you were here." He mumbled, dropping it to the ground soon after.
There was rustling behind him, and Elijah tensed, turning around briskly. In the bushes hid a Stalker, one of Lucifer's creatures. The thing was ugly, which would be a bit of a surprise to most from his homeland. Their purpose was to get information, and bring it back to Lucifer. Stalkers were usually beautiful or hidden, so that they may get information from their target correctly. And yet here one was, ugly and thin as if it would waste away with a hard gust of wind. The creature had big beady eyes and a strange assortment of bones that held it's body structure.
Elijah knew why this one wasn't hidden; he knew why this one would give away its presence. Lucifer wanted Elijah to see his little slave; the king of darkness wanted Elijah to know that he was watching. It made Elijah angry that such a small detail affected him so much. He shouldn't be mad, he was once a top tiering warrior for the darkness, he was trained to feel nothing and show nothing; so that's exactly what he would do.
"Be gone. You've done your job." Elijah commanded the Stalker with a voice of authority, making the vulnerable thing tremble before it disappeared. Elijah knew Lucifer reveled in his suffering; after all, the man's destiny was to cause pain and leave shadow in the wake of light. Elijah knew he betrayed his king by falling in love with a woman that was an heir to the throne of light, but surely Lucifer remembers what love feels like, couldn't he?
Elijah let a small bit of a grin show on his face, Emerald was surely rubbing off on him with those thoughts. Before her, Elijah thought there was only goodness and evil, and there was only light and the shadow. Emerald taught him forgiveness, and that beings could change, that even he could change. It wasn't for Emerald that Elijah altered himself and his thoughts, but it was because of her that he walked down a better path.
Elijah wondered what century to travel to, but then he got a different idea. Maybe he should watch back a memory like he did the previous night. "What would you like to see Emmy?" He mumbled to himself, trying his best to feel her presence again. She was always there, waiting in the land between Earth and Prathem, Meridian. Emerald was not quite like a human with an immortal soul, but no longer an eternal divine being.
Whenever his mind dwelled that she was there, waiting just like he was and trapped, it wounded him. However, Elijah knew Emmy wouldn't want him to worry or remain on that thought path. It was like her spirit pushed his own to keep fighting so that they could finally be together again, and ultimately, they could defeat Lucifer. As long as Emerald was still able to be with him, and as long as he could be sure she was by his side, Elijah would be alright.
Elijah's mind wandered, wondering what Emerald's most fond memory was. He traveled down the hill of the quiet meadow, where a spell cast over the small spring he decided was his destination. This area was the land between his home world and Earth. Magical creatures were free to roam here, and they could go to and fro between worlds as they pleased. From appearing here all those centuries ago when Genevieve first cast the spell, with Emerald safe his arms, he didn't forget a detail of the land.
With precision, he stepped past the illusionary wall of more forest, to arrive at a small spring. The daylight showed the glittering lavender color of the moss hanging from the trees and the clear crystal water, and Elijah watched as pixies, elves, and mermaids looked at his entrance with no mind.
He heard a splash and out of the water appeared Lily, a close friend of both him and Emerald. Lily had a big smile, and she waved her wet arms for him to come over, "Eli! Welcome back."
Elijah gave a slight smile to her, "Hi Lily. How long has it been?"
"Only a few days, but I worry about you sometimes." The brunette shrugged her shoulders, pulling herself out of the water so she could sit at the edge of the water beside him. Her tail shimmered a dim gold, and she had jewelry from head to toe of shells and pearls. She looked like true royalty of the merfolk, with dark bronzed skin and royal facial features, and Elijah was sure Lily was proud to show that.
"You shouldn't worry about me, you have a long life ahead that should be full of adventure. Worrying ages you, you know." Elijah told her, smirking as he saw Lily's expression change. He felt his body move from her playfully shoving him, "I'm immortal! I won't ever look any older than this! Plus, the water keeps me hydrated, and hydration battles wrinkles."
Elijah looked at her for a moment, squinting his eyes, "Is that...a gray hair I see?"
Lily huffed, crossing her arms, "No fair, and not funny, Elijah!"
"Just some messing around. Don't worry." He chuckled
Elijah looked around once more, the small grove was bustling with magic and an air of happiness. Soon he spotted Juniper walking out of a farther part of the forest with harvest gatherings in a basket. The elf smirked and made his way to Elijah while Elijah moved to stand back up. Juniper was a destined hero of his people, defeating a mighty creature from the dark half who tried to rule over him and his race. He was tall and blonde, with ocean blue eyes and defined muscles. He wasn't the type to brag or be narcissistic about being a chosen hero, he was quiet around everyone other than friends.
"How've you been, June?" Elijah asks, moving the dark brown hair out of his eyes to see the tall blonde.
"Very well! Stella and I are expecting a child!" Juniper spoke with such pride and excitement on his face, his blue eyes bright with happiness.
To see it pained Elijah, but he kept his smile genuine, and he let out a laugh, "My Goddess! I'm so happy for you two! Took long enough, didn't it? Hasn't it been a few centuries?"
"Well neither of us wanted to rush it, but we weren't rejecting the idea, so we just let destiny decide." Juniper shrugged nonchalantly, which showed off his strong arms.
"Well, where is she? I'd love to give my congratulations!" Elijah said, looking around for the small woman that was usually attached to June's side.
"She's back at home resting, I had to force her into it. I'll be sure to pass it on, friend." Juniper told Elijah, placing his hand on Elijah's shoulder, "Make sure you take care of yourself, okay? I know it's hard."
Elijah didn't know how to reply, so he just nodded to him and stayed tight-lipped. After seeing a few more friends and visiting for a while, he snuck away to a rock bed in a small cavern. Places like these were where he focused best, and he needed to have a clear mind to Memory Travel. Memory Travel is not merely remembering, one has to go back to the desired time and watch from an invisible plane, and it takes great skill and concentration.
However, Elijah's mind stuck to Juniper and Stella, and how they have an endless lifetime together; how they have a child. He couldn't help but be envious! This curse trapped him and his love in an infinite loop of being separated again, and again. Not only that, but his Emmy never remembers, he has to find her, and find the trigger to her memories. Elijah was certain that this would be the time where they would be victorious, and they could finally live their days together. They would have children, and build a home, and be at peace.
Elijah continues to fight because of the small amount of time his soul feels whole is being reconnected with her, and because he knows how much his beloved wants to be free again. Emerald is a free spirit, and she could never be trapped for too long; it's how they met to begin with. With that, Elijah closed his eyes and felt his body fall into the dark abyss of time.
He didn't know where he was going, he wanted Emerald's soul to push him in the right direction. When he opened his eyes, he found himself sitting in a field of flowers. They weren't on Earth in this memory, but a secret garden from their homeworld. Elijah knew this garden, Emerald found a secret place and built it from the ground up. There was a mirage wall hiding it from others, so only Emerald and whoever she chose could enter. The flowers were several varying colors with jeweled centers and glittering petals when the sun or moonlight reflected on them. In the center of the stretch of land, there was a swing with flowering vines holding it up from a tree. Elijah missed seeing her swing and hearing her giggles float through the breeze.
It was odd to see himself so happy, it was like staring into a mirror to an alternate reality.
Elijah saw himself with a broad smile, Emerald was sitting in his lap with her back against his chest and her head resting in the crook of his neck. Elijah took a moment to look at her in this form, she had long blonde hair, dimples, plump lips, and she had quite a petite frame. Elijah looked large next to her.
They were lying in her garden, staring at the stars.
Emerald rested her hands over Elijah's, which sat at the center of her waist. "Do you think Gabriel is"
Elijah watched himself pause, and think for a moment, "I think so. Why?"
Emerald sighed, closing her eyes, "I miss him often. I think fondly of our chats and memories." She told him.
He nodded, playing with one of her blonde waves, "I miss my mother as well. I'm sure they're somewhere. Maybe one day we'll see them again."
Emerald slipped out of his lap, turning to face him, "You'll protect me, won't you? He's not here to keep me safe anymore." A tear rolled down her cheek, and in an instant, the past Elijah caught it with his thumb, wiping it away.
"Emmy, I will protect you, I will walk through the treacherous Flame Lands if it meant getting back to you, you have me." He kissed her forehead, "I will never be a replacement for your brother, I'm simply a different protector. One who will eventually marry you." That Elijah gave Emerald a smile and saw Emerald return it to him.
Emerald took Elijah's rough, calloused hand into her own and placed a soft kiss to his palm before she lied flat on the grass and pulled him down with her. Elijah couldn't resist pulling her close to her and feeling her warmth as they stared at the stars, "I love you, Elijah. It's undeniable."
To hear her say those words made Elijah's heart squeeze, and he was sure that back then, the old Elijah felt no sorrow hearing those words, but instead Joy and Love. That Elijah hadn't lost her yet.
"I love you, Emmy. You are my light." Elijah whispered, stroking her hair some more.
"I feel like...if we were to part somehow...I would find you. When we met, it felt like my spirit was finally whole."
That was when Elijah understood why Emerald would take him here. To know he was not alone, and even with the world against them, they would be victorious, and their love would conquer.
"I promise my love. I will find you, and we will be together again, this time forever." With that, he closed his eyes again, sinking back to his own time. Lucifer would not play his games this century, Elijah would make sure of that.
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