Torture *
A/N: This chapter contains torture methods which will be described in graphic detail.
I was awoken to a rather rude company of guards, entering through a door in the floor, the leader came up to us. He wore robes and his pale grey skin could be seen. His face was cloaked in shadow and he held a intricate staff. He said something in his foreign tongue and gestured to the soldiers.
Untie the weakened scum, we will take them to the master.
I relayed the message through telepathy to Loki.
How do you know of this? Loki asked me as they unshackled him.
I'm not sure.
"What is this?" Loki complained as they dragged him away, "I thought we were worth twice the amount of soldiers, like, at least four hundred or five hundred, just to be safe,"
I snorted and continued the joke, "Have you seen what I can do? Do you even know us?" My voice was dripping with disbelief.
"Have you even met us?" Loki asked.
"Have you seen us in action?"
"Be quiet!" The leader spoke in English. His voice was rough, and gave me the chills.
"He hasn't," I stage whispered to Loki and he winked in response.
I let my feet drag as the soldiers walked, just to be annoying. Loki did the same. We were being literally dragged down a hallway, scores of soldiers standing at the ready at every corner.
We reached two ominous doors, it took four guards to open them halfway and then three on either door to make sure they were fully open.
Inside a room full of torture weapons, the entire room was set in a red tone. Cages, chains, pointy looking objects lay around the room in strategic placing.
Despite our dire situation, I had to let the words slip.
"Oh my gods, this is totally like the Red Room of Pain,"
"The what?" Loki asked.
"Never mind, it's a Fifty Shades of Grey thing,"
Loki scrunched up his face, "Your mortal infatuations are very peculi-"
"The Red Room of Pain," a voice spoke thoughtfully, leaving too much emphasis on the ends of the words. I turned my head to see a massive, humanoid shape dressed entirely in black, a whip in hand, "A fitting name for a room of pain, of course, blood flows too, making it all the more redder, I am the Punisher, and on this day, I will make your blood flow,"
"Red isn't really my thing," I yawned, sounding bored, my heart hammered against my rib cage, fear of what was going to commence clouded my rational thinking, "it's too... Straightforward, bold, if you ask me, I'm more of a laid back, bluey-greenish-"
"I was not asking for your opinion," he replied.
"But I gave it anyway, with or without your consent," I snapped.
"You have will, spirit even," his voice became deadly low, "but here, you do not have spirit, you have death and pain,"
"So dramatic," I murmured as the guards dragging me chained me to the wall, so my head resting on the wall. One injected me with an amber liquid and I braced myself for the effects.
Loki was chained to a metre squared platform, near me. At first he appeared nonchalant, but then worry began to form. Glass trapped him in a cage, and he pressed against it, worry evident in his eyes as he looked at me.
The effects began, the world began moving faster, I was more aware of my senses. My clammy palms pressed against the moist wall, the stench of muted sweat and the metallic stink of blood. The fear on my tongue that also constricted my throat. The snap of the Punisher testing his whip, the guards standing at attention by the door. I began straining against my bonds.
"What did you do to me?" The words were a scream in my ears but I knew they were barely whispers to anyone else.
"A method often used for preparing the victim for torture, it increases all of the senses, especially painful when physical torture is scheduled to be carried out."
They want to break you so it will break me, Loki said in my head.
Took you long enough, I snapped, where's Castor?
Soon to return, he said.
"Now," the Punisher said, spreading his arms dramatically, even though there were only four guards, Loki and I to witness, "let us begin,"
I bit back another cry as the whip tore into my flesh, the drug they used on me not helping with the pain. I could feel every movement, every lash, every blood drop, every syllable of Loki's blood curdling screams and begs for mercy for me. I, however, didn't cry out. I grit my teeth and pressed my head against the wall.
My shirt hung in shreds off of my back, my healing abilities growing weaker with every lash.
I felt my skin split under another viscous snap, the blood slowly making its way down my back. The taste of metal in my mouth indicated that I had once again, bit too hard down on my tongue.
The glass in Loki's cell disappeared, letting him fall weakly to the floor. The Punisher ran his whip through his fingers, gathering the blood under his fingers. Guards unshackled me and let me drop to the floor, blood caking upon my skin.
I reached out for Loki, my fingers, inches away from his limp hand.
"Dad," I whispered, tears choking my throat.
Then something happened, a low roar like a battle cry sounded. The guards moved into battle positions, swords bristling for a fight.
Thor burst through the heavy doors, it took one swing from his hammer to send the defending guards flying into the wall. I had barely the strength to move, what little energy I had left was spent on reaching for my father.
"Lady Banner," Thor cried as his hammer flew back to his hand. He rushed towards me, his warriors making quick work of the Punisher, shame he didn't go like some of his victims.
Thor picks me up, holding me bride-style, "Don't worry Lady Banner, we have come for you, you are safe now,"
I looked over to Loki, who was being assisted in his escape.
Loki and I locked eyes.
Let go Becky, let go.
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