Let Go *
The Avengers were at the table once again, a mournful atmosphere in the air. Loki had slipped through their grasp... Again. With Becky too... Again.
Natasha was looking through the footage before Becky was teleported away. The footage held a grainy texture to it. In it, Becky was sitting on the floor, Loki was kneeing next to her as if she had collapsed. She held his hand and took a second to look at the camera. The words 'sorry' whispered upon her lips as the room was filled with a bright light.
Then they were gone.
Bruce watched over Natasha's shoulder, hands clenching and unclenching. The heart rate monitor kept beeping every time his heart rate increased by five BPM. Bruce had insisted on wearing it, it gave him something to do, besides succumbing to worry.
Thor was absent, probably flying off to Asgard perhaps, so was Steve, Tony was staring off into space and Clint was drumming his fingers on the table.
"What's the long face Tony?" Clint asked, breaking the silence. Natasha almost jumped at the sudden noise.
"Oh, well, my fake plants died because I didn't pretend to water them," Tony managed to keep a straight face and even managed a depressed sigh.
"Oh... I'm sorry for your loss," Clint patted him on the back, a Tony type pat, and sat down again.
Steve walked into the Bridge, a worried expression on his face. "Where's Thor?"
"No idea," Clint said glumly, his chin resting in his hands.
"Don't worry, he won't take over the world." Tony spoke suddenly, "that's Loki's thing."
Steve rolled his eyes. A flurry of activity occurred near one of the locating systems. Agents swarmed to the computer, their chatter increasing, Fury looked satisfied.
"Rodgers, you're just in time!"
"For what, sir?"
"Something bigger than Stark's ego," Natasha said excitedly standing, on the screen, a map of Alaska was showing, on it, a small, red, dot walk blinking.
The dream faded as I became conscious. With each second that passed my smile faded, the Avengers were coming. Something I should be excited about, but now that I had my true father... I didn't want to leave.
Memories of last night came rushing back, the sceptre, Castor, my wrist. A glum pout worked its way onto my face. The Avengers will be here soon, you time with Loki is limited, well, unless you get transported to another location...
A small tap against my door sounded, timid, almost hesitant. "Becky? Can I speak with you?" Loki's voice was hushed.
I drew my knees up to my chest, my tears welling in my eyes. I was at battle with myself; tell Loki that the Avengers are coming for him and him possibly whisk me away to another location and continue to sulk or not tell Loki that the Avengers are coming and spend the last few hours at peace with him. I made my mind up pretty easily.
He opened the door and entered, closing it behind him. I studied him over, the way Clint taught me to; his hair was messy, he looked tired, or even more so, exhausted. Internally, I noted that his eyes were his normal green.
"I'm sorry Becky," he started, the words came out in a rush, I stood up on the wooden floor, stopping him from saying whatever he was going to say next.
"Don't worry about it. Come on, I want to show you something,"
I dragged him by the wrist to the biggest internal space in the household; the living room. I released Castor with the spell and she appeared next to me in a white parka and jeans. She gave me a sympathetic smile.
"Watch this," I said again, flipping off the switch. The room flooded into darkness.
Concentrating energy into the palm of my hand, I let a small ball grow. It drifted from my palms and floated into the air, like a lantern. Castor and Loki followed, soon the air was filled with the glowing lights. My hands took on a silvery glow and I turned to Loki in surprise. They left a trail of light, like sparklers.
Childish excitement overcame me as I danced around the house, the glow trails creating odd shapes. Castor laughed and joined in the fun, her colour, a light blue. Loki just gazed at his hands, occasionally moving them slightly, the green glow lighting up his face.
After a few hours, Castor left us alone. Loki and I laid on the rug watching the small movements of the lanterns cross over with each other.
"What will you do when they come for me?" I asked him quietly. I wasn't foolish, I hadn't forgotten that Loki can read minds. I just hoped he'd come to the same conclusion as I.
"Fight them," his voice was determined and strong, "nothing will stop me from getting to you,"
A small smile blossomed upon my lips. No one had ever uttered those words of those type, even though my mother was loving, our time was short. Bruce didn't know how to express his feelings, more sure in his work than relationships. And my uncle... I physically shuddered.
"Thank you," I whispered, turning back to Loki "you're the dad that I always needed,"
I began to drift off but I heard Loki's words, "I sure hope so,"
"Becky wake up," Loki shook my shoulder, his voice full of worry and urgency.
"Not again," I groaned and rubbed my eyes.
"They're almost here!" Castor cried running into the room. Her hair was messy and her eyes darted around like the Avengers were enemies. I could hear the thrum of helicopter blades, they were loud, approaching, they were very close.
"I thought I wanted this." I said quietly. "I don't now, let's go, to somewhere else, somewhere safe."
"No Becky," Loki took my hands in his, flipping them over. "There's got to be a time where you have to stop running, where you need to stand, and fight, and eventually when you can no longer fight anymore, you need to let go. But right now, I need you to hide," Loki's voice broke slightly, "I'll hold them off, for you, Becky."
"No!" My lip trembled, tears that I hated, welled up in my eyes, "I can't leave you," tears began to threaten to fall, prickling at my eyes.
"You have to, please, I can do this,"
"We need to go Becky, come on." Castor cried, her voice was distant, in fact, everything around me was. The world was shifting, blurry, I both didn't want to see it or comprehend it.
I wrapped Loki in a hug, he tensed at first, then let out his arms around me.
He whispered into my hair. "You need to be strong, even though I know you think you aren't. You're a beautiful, smart girl who is going to change the lives around her," I sobbed into his shoulder, "you're going to heal the most broken, and thaw the most frozen of hearts... Especially mine," Loki Lafeyson's voice broke in the last sentence.
"Tell me something that I can hold onto forever and never let go," I whispered in his ear.
"Let go," he whispered back.
I heard Iron Man's thrusters, Thor's thunder crackle. Castor tugged me to my room, I kept my eyes locked with Loki, seeing him transform into his battle Asgardian armour.
We locked eyes for one last time, 'go', he whispered the word on his lips. Castor pushed me inside the bedroom and locked the bedroom door, I curled myself up into a protective ball on the bed. For once, I understood how Loki felt.
The Avengers really did ruin everything for us.
I felt Stark intrude in on the house, literally, his suit broke through the wall of the living room. I could hear his suit thrusters and the mechanical movement of his armour.
"Where is she?" Tony asked, his heartless voice needing no abilities to hear, echoing throughout me.
"I do not know of whom, you speak of," Loki stated, his voice sounding light.
Tony sent a blast at Loki, which sent him tumbling into the remains of the kitchen. Using that, he walked down the hallway, blasting down doors. I clenched my hands, stopping myself from rushing out there to aid him. Loki used telekinesis to send Tony flying towards him, who fell through the fireplace, flames licking at his suit. I could feel the movement of magic throughout the house, I let go, letting it wash over me.
"Brother!" Thor cried, his shout jerking me out of my mindset. He walked into the remains of the room. My hands clenched. I thought of my mother, "where is her location?"
Loki rolled his eyes and sighed. "Why does everyone ask me that?" Then sent a blast at Thor who tumbled back into the snow. His red cape flipped in the wind, as he stood, discarding itself of any snow. A jet landed nearby and the rest of the Avengers, including Bruce, made their way up to the house. Bruce.
"I will not strike against my brother," Thor said gravely, standing stoically against the snowy backdrop with the rest of the Avengers probably in various poses behind him.
"Then you have already lost," Loki replied smoothly as he sent another blast at Thor.
Thor deflected the blast, it ricocheted through a window, shattering the glass. Steve arrived and threw his shield at Loki, sending him back into the wall.
Time to even the odds, I thought grimly as I sensed the rest of the Avengers tense to fight.
"Wait!" Castor cried, grabbing at my wrist, "you need to think about this, if you blindly rush out there, and aid Loki in his fight, they'll never forgive you. As of now, you are an innocent, unless proven otherwise. You can't destroy what chance of a future you have left."
"Since when did you become the reasonable one?" I spat, wrenching myself from her grasp.
"Since you set me free," Castor borderline whispered, looking downwards, "since you showed me compassion, love. Since you showed me that's there's more to life than destruction and death." Her figure faded and her words struck a chord in my mind.
I snapped out of my thoughts as I heard a cry. Loki.
Disregarding all thoughts of my future, I rushed out of my room to the open living room. Where dawn could been seen, just beginning to start. Thor sent thousands of arcs of electricity at Loki, while Tony shot at him. Loki's body was thrown like a ragdoll into the wall.
"No!" I cried, my cry ricocheting off the walls. The Avengers turned silumtaneiously. I ran to him, the illusion of his armour shifted away until it was just him, Loki, broken Loki, the jagged piece of metal, sticking out of his chest. His hands trembled, searching his pocked and passed me an object, which, numbly, I tucked into the pocket of my jacket.
"Dad, please," I pleaded, my words trembling, hands pressed to his bloody chest to stop the blood flow.
"It's going to be okay, Becky," he choked out, blood pooling upon his lips, "my beautiful child, you have thawed my heart," he gave a weak smile, but it trembled.
"Dad, please no. Don't do this to me, I need you," I cried, tears streaming down my face.
"And that's all I really needed," the last of his words were a whisper, "let go," his eyes glazed over and he looked into the distance. My sobs grew louder, the gut wrenching cry of grief escaping my lips. He began to disintegrate, his ashes floating away. I sobbed over the place where he had died. The grief becoming too much for me.
"No, no, please don't," I cried, tears streaming down my face, "dad come back, please dad... I need you," my words faltered upon each other.
I looked away, to the dawn, Dawn was supposed to represent something new, something fresh. Yet as I sat here, blood upon my hands, I could think of anything but.
"Come on Becky," Steve tried to gently move me away.
"No," I choked out a whisper.
"We need to-" a random agent said.
"NO!" I yelled, in doing so, I released a wave of energy, sending everyone but Thor into the ground. The rest of the house collapsed around us. With the last of my emotional energy, I placed a telekinetic dome over us to cover the worse of the destruction.
Tony ended having to drag my hysterical self to the jet and hold me down as Bruce injected me with something. A sedative.
I looked at Bruce with boiling fury stirring within me, "I hate you," I managed to choke out before succumbing to the fatigue.
I could've saved him. I thought as I faded.
This chapter is dedicated to @icespade for making me want to stay up until 12 to write this.
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