Bad Parenting *
Opportunity, Annie Soundtrack (2014)
Sights by London Grammar
I glared out the window, tears pricking at my eyes. Rage shuddered through me so strongly that my teeth chattered and disgust flowed through my veins. That's not exactly something you can keep from someone. That their mysterious missing father is actually the insane demigod trying to take over the planet.
Why didn't they tell me? I protested. Shock made me numb however fury made the hairs on the back of my neck stand up. I wanted to do something. Hurt someone.
You should kill them. Castor suggested.
For once I really want to.
Bruce and Tony sat around waiting for the algorithm to do its work. I glared outside, trying not to kill all the mini agents passing through the other windows of the helicarrier. I scorned their blind faith, sneering at their insignificant lives.
I could kill them, I could kill them all.
"What are you doing Mr. Stark?" Fury stormed in. My back was to him, I let the surge of anger at his appearance wash over me.
"Uh... Kind of been wondering about the same thing about you," Tony retorted.
"What about her?" Nick gestured to me.
"I wouldn't talk to her if I was you, for maybe a few minutes... Or hours... Or days... Or weeks... Or months, maybe even a few years," Tony warned.
"WHY DIDN'T YOU TELL ME?" I whirred around at Fury. Flaxen hair whipped across my face.
"Yep. Definitely a few years,"
"Miss Banner-"
"Don't." I clenched my teeth, using every ounce of willpower to keep Castor in control.
"Why didn't you tell me that my father is the crazy demigod taking over Earth?"
"Becky," Tony said. I shot a glare at him, "you need to calm down,"
"Like you of all people would know what it's like," I spat. Tony stood in protest.
"What's that supposed to mean?"
"You have everything inherited to you on a silver spoon, you don't have to do anything cause you already have it," Tony opened his mouth in protest. Dimly, I could hear Bruce urging me to calm down and in the back of my mind Castor egged me on. I ignored Tony's reply and clenched the bench at my hip. Castor was taking control and I could feel it. I watched a strand of hair slowly recede back to the brunette.
"You're supposed to be locating the Tesseract," Fury shot at Tony.
"We are. The model's locked and we're sweeping for the signature now. When we get a hit, we'll have the location within half a mile," Bruce replied.
"And you'll get your cube back, no muss, no fuss." Files appeared on Tony's screen, "what is Phase Two?"
Steve slammed down a Hydra assault rifle on the table, looking pissed, "Phase two is SHIELD uses the cube to make weapons,"
"Oh my god," I groaned and pressed a hand to my forehead and turned away like I was going to be sick.
"Sorry, the computer was moving a little slow," Steve nodded to Tony. Tony looked surprised for a second. Steve wasn't the one to disobey orders.
"Rogers, we gathered everything related to the Tesseract. This does not mean that we're-"
"I'm sorry, Nick," Tony swivelled the display screen to Fury, "what were you lying?"
On the screen, designs for weapons, powered by the Tesseract were shown. It didn't take an expert to realise that they were designed to be extremely powerful, probably able to wipe out a planet or two.
"I was wrong, director. The world hasn't changed a bit,"
Natasha and Thor walked into the lab, Natasha gave Bruce and I wary glances. Bruce glared back at her and I followed suit.
"Did you know about this?" Bruce asked her.
"You wanna think about removing yourself from this environment, doctor?"
"I was in Calcutta, I was pretty well removed,"
"Loki's manipulating you,"
"And you've been doing what exactly?"
"Stuff this," I muttered and left the room. I needed to be away from them. Wherever that meant, as long at it was away from here. My feet began to guide me as if they had a mind of their own. Soon I began to recognise the similar layout of the panelling.
I was on my way to Loki's cell.
"Don't be afraid honey," The warm social security worker assured me. She was soft and rounded with rosy cheeks and a wistful smile. In her eyes, deep pity swam. She was nice, a bit soft and her willpower crumbled when I gave her my innocent eyes.
The suburban landscape rolled by, neat houses nestled in their yards. The area was relatively normal, cars and bicycles alike passed.
"Oh, okay," I replied in my timid voice, I hadn't seen mum for a long time. They lady had told me that she'd died in a home invasion but I refused to believe that.
Uncle. Non-exemplary record. Orphan. Banner. Abusive. Dead.
The words flittered throughout my head, "what did you say?"
"Nothing dear," she shot me an odd look, "are you ready?" she pulled up onto the curve.
I shrugged, letting her take me to the doorstep. Bag of loose items in hand, the façade of nonchalance that I'd come accustomed to I played whilst fear struck at my heart like a thousand miniature darts. "Come on dear," the social worker smiled and rung the doorbell.
A few seconds later the door was opened by a curly-haired boy in his mid-teens. "You must be Becky," he grinned, "I'm Bruce,"
"Ah, the human returns," Loki jested, yet his efforts seemed half-hearted. I walked to stand a meter before the glass, a frown formed on my face.
"Not human. You bought me here, didn't you?" It made sense, the sudden mood swings, the sudden decision to go to Loki's cell. Unless if it was that time of the month. Which seemed unlikely. I didn't need that now.
"And she knows,"
"When did you find out? The parentage thing I mean,"
"It was logical, you are a lot like your mother,"
"So that's why you wanted me so badly at the SHIELD base," I murmured.
"It seems so, doesn't it?"
"You hurt one of my friends," I growled, "don't pretend that we are acquaintances,"
A few seconds passed between us where we glared at each other, then he spoke, "are you here to join me?"
"Uh what?"
"Join me,"
"Didn't you just hear what I said?" Loki seemed slightly disappointed, then covered it up with a mysterious look.
"You'll join me one way or another,"
"Making threats to your daughter," I made a tsk tsk sound, "bad parenting,"
Loki pressed his lips together, obviously I'd struck a nerve and it bought me deep pleasure to know that this affected him.
"So when are you going to escape?" I asked casually, "because usually the longer you wait, the easier it becomes to escape. But, I think your on a time limit,"
"Intelligent. Now would be the best time since your team is fighting,"
Wait... Now?
Then an explosion rocked the helicarrier.
Question of the Day: If you could be any superhero or villain in the MCU, who would it be?
Mine would be Jean Grey, cause she's very smart and has close to what powers I would wish for.
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