Chapter Thirty-Two
"Homura, I'm nervous..." Yuka whined, grabbing her twin sister's hand as they exited their primary school. "Why does Mommy want us to go to the cafe today...Mommy shouldn't have to do that! Mommy isn't strong enough!"
"It'll be fine," Homura said gently, squeezing her sister's hand. "Trust me!"
"Haha..." Yuka sighed, looking her sister in the eye. "Usually I'm the one who encourages you."
"We're sisters, so really, I think what goes around, will eventually come back around to the other. It's only fair," Homura replied, grabbing the strap of her little red backpack, clutching it tightly as her palms grew sweaty.
Deep down, Homura was terrified, her heart pounding in her chest.
"This is literally a...what did Mother call it...a...a date!" Homura thought to herself, watching her sister carefully.
"Yuuuuuukaaaa!" a boy their age called out loudly, running after them to catch up. "Come with me!"
Yuka immediately let go of her sister's hand and ran to greet the boy.
"I didn't know you were at school today!" Yuka gasped, throwing herself at he boy, hugging him just like any good friend would. "I missed sitting with you at lunch!"
"Sorry!" the boy laughed, grabbing her hand, beginning to run ahead so the three of them could walk together to the cafe.
"Is Mommy going to meet us at the cat cafe?" Yuka asked Homura, her brown eyes swimming with anticipation as she walked in between her sister and the boy.
Homura nodded her head.
"That's what she told me," Homura sighed, now holding both of her backpack straps since Yuka was with the boy.
Moments later, as Homura listened to the boy and Yuka chatter on with their obviously, childish conversations, they stopped in front of the cafe. Homura and Yuka's mother, along with the boy's mother, were waiting together outside.
"Where is-" the boy began, but his mother answered the question before he could even ask.
"They're at home already. Your father picked them up, so don't fret," his mother said, shaking her head.
"Well, let's go, shall we?" Mrs. Kanojo said, opening the door for the children and the boy's mother.
A cold rush of air greeted Homura's face, goosebumps appearing on her arms. A sweet aroma overcame her body, creating a calm aura all around the girl.
Cats were scattered about here and there, playing with toys, or sitting in a few customer's laps.
"This place is so cool!" Yuka and the boy gasped in unison, running up to the counter.
Mrs. Kanojo and the boy's mother just smiled at each other, following the two. Homura, as usual, was left behind. Forgotten, just as if she didn't exist.
"I really am all alone, aren't I..?" Homura thought to herself as she watched her sister and brother squirm about, ordering their sweet, baked goods together.
"Homura, come over here!" Yuka called out, already running towards a small table for three. "We can sit here!"
Homura just nodded her head, happy that at least her sister noticed, even if it was just a little.
Sitting down at the table across from Yuka, Homura just stared down at her hands, which were in her lap. For the longest time, she just listened, as usual, to the conversation going on between Yuka and the boy. When suddenly, the boy pulled something out from his own backpack, handing it over to Yuka.
"Look at this!" he said happily, handing several acorns to Yuka. "Aren't they pretty! I love acorns!"
Yuka began to giggle, rolling the few acorns around in her hands.
"They really are!" Yuka said, her voice getting wispier and wispier the more she spoke.
"I really like you, Yuka!" the boy giggled in such an innocent way. "You're really pretty!"
"I always like being with you too, Jyushimatsu!" Yuka exclaimed with a smile, hugging the boy. "You're such a good example too! You always treat your brothers kindly! I hope I can be just like you one day!"
Homura's eyes snapped open, a sickening feeling still over her entire existence.
"Jyushimatsu..." Homura whimpered, finding that she was clutching the shattered family photo that had fallen from the piano. "You've been mistaken this whole time...I can't love you...I'm not the one you've been looking for this whole've been thinking I'm Yuka."
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