Chapter Nine
“Who’s ready for another très bien magic trick from me! Master illusionist, Uryoko Chono! Hey, that cute couple over there you should come to watch! I’ll do a trick to put a smile on both of your faces!” I look at him with my usual deadpan look, I do have to give him props for saying me and (YN) are a couple though. ‘Eh? Did he call me and Kusuo a couple? I mean Kusuos not denning it, does that mean I should just go along with it?’ A nice reaction again today (YN). But I don’t really want to waste my time right now, especially because I can already see the pigeon in the hat.
“No thanks, I've already seen it.”
“Oh I see, a skeptic are you? Well once you see my show you’ll be blown away and become a believer in my powers!” I was about to just walk away when (YN) said.
“I’m sure we have some time to spare, don’t we Kusuo?” I guess I can watch some of it then, just so he leaves us alone.
“Right, here I hold a perfectly ordinary box,” Nope, that box isn’t ordinary at all, “As you can see, there’s nothing inside,” at that angle people can’t tell there’s a partition, “But watch! Just a couple of taps and it’s party time!” He completely opens the box to let go of a bunch of doves,
“Aren’t they amazing folks!” I wonder what (YN) thinks of this, knowing her she’s probably amazed at that, after all, she still has the sense of childhood innocence, I mean she still believes in Santa Clause. ‘Man, that was kind of boring’ Nevermind I guess, “Hey there kids? Amazing, right?” All I can say is that was not très bien, If anything I more worried about that dove up there. “Next up is today’s main event! My super illusion! I will now get my lovely assistant Micheal to teleport from one box to the other!” Lovely? That’s a bit of a stretch, “The beautiful Micheal is now in the box! And drumroll!” Is he rolling his tongue?
“How is he going to move from one box to another?” What face should I be making right now? ‘This is exciting! Sure I’ve seen tricks like the box one earlier, but never a teleportation one!’ Poor (YN).
“Lalala!” His overconfidence bothers me, but I’m still worried about the dove, does his hat have air holes? “Alright, let’s open the box!” Uh oh, the ‘lovely’ Micheal isn’t done teleporting yet, “Three, two, one, It’s party time!” He opens the box lid only for Micheal to just jump out from under the table. Now I really don’t know what face I should be making, (YN) just has a blank look on her face, nevermind I think Uryoko’s face says it all. “Why should I pay you for ruining the illusion!?”
“It’s not my fault, you opened it too early, now you hand over that 500 yen!”
“No one tipped me for this performance, so I couldn’t pay you even if I wanted to! Huh, hey what are you guys still doing here?” I point to the top of his head while (YN) goes over to Micheal and gives him 500 yen, I guess she gave it to him out of pity, “Oh you want to give me a tip? No thanks, I could never take money from a kid, the look of joy on your faces is enough for me. . . PICO!”
“I completely forgot that she was up there!” How do you forget you have a dove on your head? “So you weren’t trying to tip me, you were trying to remind me, wait does that mean?” ‘Come to think of it, how did Kusuo know a dove was up there?’ I flinch, please don’t say it, “that you’re an illusionist too? That’s how you knew she was up there!” Hah, we should have kept walking.
“With instincts that good you must have hated my show, maybe I’m not the right person for the job you see just a few months ago I was just your ordinary salaryman, but I made a small mistake,” Oh great here we go, “I got laid off and my wife left me not to long after that,” Is too late for us to walk away? “With no job, I couldn’t pay rent, so I got kicked, one little mistake, and my carer, my wife, and my house were all gone! And then it dawned on me that I should become an illusionist!” Wait what? “If so many things from my life can vanish from me like that then it must be my talent! So even though I had been offered another office job, I turned it down to start my new career as a street illusionist!” What bad career management, “If I can save up 1 million yen I can buy the sawing the body in half trick! Then my wife is sure to come back!”
“T-that,” Oh looks like (YN) is going to say something about his poor career choice, “That was so touching! I believe in you every step of the way!” nevermind it’s just (YN) being (YN).
“Thank you, but I wonder if I chose the wrong path, after all, I’m not exactly living the lavish life right now,” yes you did, now how about you quit street magic and get a real job? “Sorry didn’t mean to get so gloomy, let’s get back to your background as an illusionist and how you knew Pico was up there,” I wonder what it will take for him to give it up? Wait that’s it!
“Oh, are you going to pull something out of your bag too Kusuo?” (YN) asks as I nod, I’ll do a trick so far beyond his ability to make him realize how far gone he is and make him give up.
“You’re gonna pull out, a dove? Well, I’ll have you know I can pull out a bowling ball.” I smirk and proceed to pull out the lovely Micheal.
He and (YN) stands there with a horrified look on his face, “That’s impossible!” Aren’t you supposed to say très bien? ‘H-how did Kusuo do that?!’ Oh, great I hope I didn’t freak (YN), oh well at least this will make him give up, “Thank you, you’ve opened my eyes if your talent is like a long flowing mane, then mine is nothing but an eyelash,” why is he talking about hair? Oh well, at least now he’s going to give up-, “teach me, Master!” Great, I should have seen this coming.
I pull (YN) away to start walking away, but he grabs onto her arm in a begging way. “Please! I’ll do anything-” I kick him off, they both look a little shocked, especially (YN).
“Kusuo? Are you okay?”
“Don’t grab onto her so casually, if you’re talking to me just ask me.”
“Ah, sorry Master.” I realize the air and quickly walk away with (YN).
“Hey, Kusuo are you okay? You never act like that.”
“Yeah I’m just tired, let’s hurry up and get back.” It’s strange, these days I’ve been getting angry more easily, hopefully (YN) doesn’t notice it too much.
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