The Secret Library
Gameknight walked past the cobwebs and down the dark tunnel. Footsteps echoed off of the creepy walls as Gameknight felt a new presence next to him. Turning, found Herder giving him a determined smile that made Gameknight try to return it, but that a didn't happen. He was to busy worrying about everyone else.
What if someone gets hurt because of me? No, I won't let that happen. Gameknight thought as he scanned the walls for traps. Gameknight found himself thinking about what he would of been doing right now if he hadn't accidentally turned on the digitizer all those times ago. Probably killing Crafter's village out of boredom, he thought sadly. Pushing this thought away, Gameknight continued to move down the tunnel, his friends right behind him.
"So what do you think is going on, Gameknight?" Hunter asked him. Gameknight didn't reply; he was too busy thinking.
"Gameknight." Hunter said, waving her hand in front of his face. Gameknight looked up, slightly disoriented. He turned his head from side to side, as though seeing this place for the first time.
"Ahh, sorry; everything feels really weird now. It doesn't feel like how it usually feels when I'm in Minecraft; maybe it's just a side affect from whatever's going on." Gameknight told them truthfully, but he held something back, not wanting them to know. Crafter immediately picked up on it.
"Gameknight, you are horrible at hiding things; what is it that your not telling us?" Crafter said with a frown. "And don't even think about not telling us; we're here to help you and you have to trust us."
Gameknight gave them a wary smile and looked at the ground. He didn't want this to happen, but he had a feeling he knew what was happening and why; and he had no idea how to reverse it.
"I... um..." Gameknight glanced around, trying to to meet his friends, no, his family's eyes. He wasn't sure why didn't want to tell them, maybe because he had no plan and no idea how to stop it; he was powerless.
"I think this a cause and affect." Gameknight finally said, still not meeting his friends' eyes. He didn't want to say anymore because he wasn't sure that the idea was a hundred percent accurate.
"Meaning?" Hunter asked in annoyance.
"Meaning, that someone did something and it's affecting me as such." Gameknight replied with a sigh as they walked. Why is it that every time they eliminate one threat, another one appears?
"Why would anyone want to- OH." Hunter began before cutting herself off. "Well, at least-"
"I'm going to go scout ahead." Gameknight practically yelled, jogging down the hall. Hunter watched him go in surprise.
"Ok..." She said with a frown. Crafter put a hand on her shoulder.
"Give him sometime; he just lost his Physical family Hunter. Maybe it's best if he has some alone time." Crafter said quietly, watching Gameknight run ahead. Hunter huffed in frustration.
"Whatever; let's just find where this tunnel leads." she said bitterly, pulling out her bow as she too ran down the hallway. Crafter watched her go and looked at Stitcher.
"I wish we could know what to do; we owe that to Gameknight." Crafter said to her as they walked. Stitcher grunted.
"I am still curious what happened. Last time we saw Gameknight, he was fine. I still don't even understand what is really going on." Stitcher said, waving her hand for effect. Crafter sighed.
"I guess all we can do it try to find out." Crafter replied, only to hear Hunter's voice at the end of the tunnel.
"Crafter, Stitcher, come quickly!" She yelled. Without a moment's hesitation, the duo sprinted toward the end of the hallway.
"I'm going in first."
"No, I am!"
"What's going on here?" Crafter said, running up to find Hunter and Gameknight arguing.
"I told her I'm going in first to check for monsters or any traps." Gameknight angrily. Crafter was surprised by the ferocity in his voice; what was bothering him?
"Look, we all go in or we don't go in at all." Crafter decided, Stitcher nodding in agreement, although she continued to watch Gameknight, trying to identify what was going on. Gameknight rolled his eyes and drew his sword.
Stitcher watched as the group argued and she couldn't believe what she saw. Gameknight was directly being rude and disagreeable; it wasn't like him at all. What's causing his sudden change in behaviour? Stitcher questioned. An idea formed in her mind, but before she could tell Crafter, they all moved into the room at the end of the passage.
Gameknight's thoughts suddenly went blank while they were walking down the passage. As he ran ahead of the others he felt something really odd, but he couldn't put his finger on it. As he ran, he started to say things involuntarily and found that it was harder to control his actions; what was going on.
He found himself rolling his eyes and being rude, arguing with his friends, and he didn't like it, but couldn't seem to stop until he entered the room. A wave of exhaustion swept over him as the negative feeling disappeared and he felt himself take control. He accidentally bumped into Hunter as he tried to keep his legs from collapsing.
She to him angrily and opened her mouth but he beat her too it. "Sorry Hunter- about everything. Something weird happened and I..." his voice faded. He didn't even know how to explain it.
Gameknight turned to Crafter. "I'm sorry for what I said; I don't know what came over me. It was almost as if-"
"Gameknight!" Stitcher said as she ran throughout the old wooden doors. They moaned on their hinges. "I think I might know what's going on!"
"What?" Gameknight asked anxiously, stepping away from Crafter and Hunter who remained staring at Gameknight in confusion.
"What's different from you in the Physical world and you here in Minecraft?" Stitcher asked quickly, hoping, and dreading, that she would be right.
"Umm." Gameknight thought for a moment. "In Minecraft I'm made of code?" He said with uncertainty. Stitcher nodded quickly.
"Exactly." Stitcher said. "And when you go back to the Physical world, your still that same person, but have a different form, right?" She asked hopefully. This was obviously the only part she was unsure about. Gameknight nodded but he didn't see where she was going with this.
"So I think someone messed with your code in the game, and when you went to the Physical world..." She paused. Gameknight's eyes went wide as he processed the information. Crafter and Hunter remained silent as they digested the new info as well.
"So you think his code got messed with and someone inputted a virus or illness? Does that even make sense?" Hunter asked in disbelief. Stitcher cupped her hand on her jaw as she thought.
"Maybe... Maybe they did something that involved his digital form, right? Because you said it was like it was taking over your Physical form, right? It's just a thought." Stitcher replied, although everyone could tell she thought it was more than just thought.
"It's almost like it's an invasive plant species that I learned about in school." Gameknight mumbled, thinking aloud. "Kind of so it, like, takes over slowly until there's nothing left but itself..."
"Ok, but who would be able to mess with code, if any of this is accurate?" Crafter asked in bewilderment. The group all looked at each other and said the word together.
Gameknight kept the rest of the sentence to himself at first, but he knew he would tell his face winds eventually. He imagined his teacher standing in front of the room as they explained it.
"After there is nothing for the plant to feed on, it eventually dies as it's host does; seeing as there is nothing for it to be supported by."
Gameknight blinked as he was back in the present. A sudden horrible thought came to him.
"Guys... What if this isn't all that will happen?" Gameknight asked them with a note of plead in his voice.
"You mean...?" Hunter asked with a glare.
"I mean, what if me turning digital isn't all that's going to happen?" Gameknight said, although he couldn't imagine what else could happen.
His friends stared at him in alarm, as if they were beginning to realize the seriousness of this situation. Crafters eyes widened.
"Then we need to find a way to stop it." Crafter said, looking at the room of books around them.
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