The Prisoner
Gameknight hadn't realized he'd fallen asleep until he heard the sound of Watcher's voice, yelling at the top of his lungs to open the gates. Looking at the sky, he could see the light blue sky instead of the dark black one he had seen before falling asleep. How long had he been out?
Climbing to his feet, Gameknight thought about the night before and immediately felt guilty- had he hurt his friends' feelings? He hadn't ment to, but with everything with the clone and everything going on in his head... he wasn't sure he could help any of them while trying to find out what happened to his family in the physical world, which he hadn't been able to contact since finding out his body disappeared right along with him; that worried his to no end. It seemed to him that he was making it hard on them, and for what reason?
This is all my fault. He thought sadly as moved toward the center of the village. Yelling and shouts of confusion rang through the air as Gameknight neared. What was going on?
Gameknight took step forward when he heard foot steps behind him. Turning, he found Hunter running toward him.
"Come on- they found someone." She said, grabbing him by the arm and pulling him toward the crowd.
"Hunter I'm sorry about earlier; it's just that-" Hunter cut him off.
"Look, Gameknight, I know. Well, I don't know what's going on with you and I'd like to know, but you need to let us help. Let us know what's going on; we're your friends and we're here to help you. Your always here for us and you never let us help with what's going on with you. We're you're family too- let. us. help. Don't hold all the responsibility." She smiled at him and punched him in the arm.
"Now come on; I heard this person the found is... different." Hunter told him and turned and ran to the village center. Gameknight followed in pursuit.
Gameknight broke through the crowd to find a kind of scary looking villager. The person has a young appearance, but they were extremely pale and seemed to carry the most sorrow of anyone Gameknight had ever met. Who was this person and why we're they so sad?
Crafter sat next to the person and placed a hand on the villagers shoulder, causing her to flinch before staring straight ahead, her mouth slightly agape. A tear slipped down her cheek as she hesitantly leaned a head on Crafter's shoulder.
Gameknight leaned closer to Hunter. "Who is she?" He asked her and Hunter shrugged. She'd probably been doing something else when they had found the villagers. Stitcher walked out from the crowd and gave the women a smile as she neared. Gameknight noticed a quick flash of happiness in the women's eyes as she stood up and gave Stitcher a hug. Stitcher returned it and faced the village.
"Do you mind telling us who you are?" Crafter asked curiously. The faint happiness in the women's eyes disappeared, leaving them to fill with pain and sorrow. She turned in a slow circle and her eyes eventually landed on Gameknight. Her gaze sent chills down his spine, but that wasn't even the strangest part. She held his gaze and her eyes grew misty before finishing the circle and looking back to Crafter. She dipped her head to the ground. "I don't know who I was."
Gameknight saw Crafter glance at her clothing and then take another look. She was wearing villager cloths, but they where rugged and stained to the point where her job was undetectable. Suspicious blotches of red appeared here and there.
"It's been so long since I've seen other..." the woman's voice broke and tears slipped down her tear stained face.
"How long has it been since you've seen other villagers?" Gameknight asked,stepping forward.
The woman didn't look at him. "It's been ten years. I was taken when I was just a child." Tears fell onto her shoulders.
Stitcher put an arm around the woman, causing her to flinch before hesitantly returning the hug. What had happened to this lady?
"I'm going to tell you my story." The woman said, a sudden, unforeseen strength in her words. "And you all are going to listen and not interrupt. Got it?"
All the villagers nodded as well as Gameknight and they moved closer, ready to listen to the woman's past.
"It all started on a beautiful autumn day. I had left the village despite my parents instructions to stay at him and went to explore and climb trees. I had managed to climb to the top of the tree and look around- the view had been spectacular." She said, a calm relaxed looking expression came across her face. "The sun was at just the right angle and the mountains where reflecting off of the lake below, and the water was calm and crystal like. The sun had begun to set and the beautiful colors washed the horizon. I realised to late that night was coming and I fell from the tree on my way down. My foot hurt from the force of the landing I did my best to run back to the village, but before I even made it past the tree line, I knew something was wrong." She lowered her eyes to her lap. "I haven't encountered any mobs on the way and I ran through the trees, only to hide behind them again. My village had zombies swarming through the street, pushing down doors. I saw my parents run through the streets, probably looking for me when..." She simply shook her head. "I didn't know what to do. I took a step back and something hoisted me into the air and I screamed, causing the village to go silent. The figure behind me stepped out of the tree line and my dying parents saw me before... disappearing." Tears streamed down her face and she furiously whipped them away. "The person that was holding me by the cloak was laughing and I spun around and bit him in the arm. He grunted and threw me into the tree and I heard the sound of splintering wood. I fell asleep but when I woke up..." She looked around the village in terror, as though that night would play again. "I was somewhere far underground with him." She hissed, her hands turning to fists. "My punishment was eternal. He would sometimes bring villagers there and slowly kill them or bring me to the brink for the longest amounts of time. He would explain his plans in horrible detail and I would have to listen. The things he did..." She shivered then turned to Gameknight. "His glowing eyes where sometimes the worst thing about it. They where the moonlight I'd see, except for the one torch and they would flare bright when he was happy and excited. Finally he disappeared for a while and I dared an escape. I'd tried it once before and been caught- it was the worst thing." She whispered, her arms shaking. "I was being pursued by monsters and my hunger was nearly gone when I made it to the surface. Thankfully, Stitcher had been nearby and came to my rescue. She had been the first face I'd seen other than him and his victims." The woman hissed, shaking with anger and fear. Gameknight laid a hand on her shoulder.
"Herobrine is gone- I can promise you that." He said. The woman flinched and pulled away before giving him an apologetic and sorry look.
"Your wrong, User-that-is-not-a-user. He told me him plans and they will haunt me forever, but the last one was quite possibly the worst. You have seen the clone, yes? You are experiencing pain and looking form even as we speak, yes?" The woman said, keeping a few steps from him but holding his gaze.
"How... do you know that?" He stammered. The woman's eyes filled with sorrow. "He told me everything about it."
This caught everyone's attention. Digger pushed to the front, Herder trailing behind him, and Hunter moved closer, drawing Stitcher to the woman's side. The villagers began to whisper around them and Crafter calmed them.
"Go back to your jobs- we will take care of the rest tomorrow." He said and the villagers broke away. Crafter pushed the group into an empty house for some privacy and turned to the woman. "Do you know what is going on?"
The woman nodded. "I must say- Herobrine put a lot of planning into this."
"What's he planning?" Hunter asked, giving Gameknight a worried glance.
"The clone, all you call him, isn't actually a clone." The woman said, drawing confused stares from the group. "I'm not sure how he managed, but Herobrine drew half of Gameknight's code and made another creature that looked exactly like him but was quite different, if you haven't noticed. Now, you can't just take half of a creature's code and it survive- no, this is where it became tricky. Herobrine added something and filled the rest with artificial code which was temporarily a solution- just what he needed." The woman looked at Gameknight. "Your basically rendering to code because you can't function without it. Have you ever touched the other clone? Didn't everything seem normal for a moment? That's where your missing code is. You two need to become the same entity or you'll both erode to nothing."
Gameknight was shell shocked by the woman's words- could it all be true? So they simply need to combine entities and everything would go back to normal. But why would Herobrine do this instead of just killing him...
"Wait you said he added something else." Crafter said with a frown. The woman sighed.
"I sorry to say, but you have to combine with the clone and you can't." The woman said.
"What? Why not?" Hunter demanded. The woman looked down.
"Because He's one in did this for a reason- and that reason was so he could rise again." He looked up at them, tears in her eyes. "Herobrine placed just enough of his own code in each Game knight and the clone so that if combined, it would have enough code to make him relatively the whole so that he could build himself back to where he was and it would take out his enemy. If you both join, your dead, if you stay apart, your dead."
Gameknight stumbled back and looked down in horror. Herobrine was in him?! How was he going to fix this?!
He bumped into the wall and looked around the room- he felt like the walls where closing in. This couldn't be it- there had to be a way out, right?? Gameknight felt like he had just ran a marathon and someone had just dumped a bucket of freezing cold water on him. The world tilted to the left and the world flashed between numbers and colors. He could faintly make out his friends, most of which where still making sense of the woman's words, and the woman, who was staring at him sadly. Herder ran out from behind Digger, where he had been hiding the entire time. Before Gameknight realized, he was leaning against the wall for support as his legs tried to go out from under him. Hunter turned and looked at him.
"What am I going to do?" He whispered as looked at the ceiling in defeat.
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