Flames and Fire
A/N: Wow I got quite the backlash on those last two chapters. I wonder why. (Reads them) Ah. If you don't know how I'm going to end the book, then I guess that is an ideal response. Most of you got it semi- right, but it's a bit more complicated on the how for what he's gonna do. Guess we'll have to see!
(Sorry about the lack of updates. More on that next chapter I promise.)
Gameknight stepped out of the purple wave and was hit with a wave of heat. He was in the nether alright. Looking around, ash clung to the little air there was and dim glows lit up the rust colored netherrack blocks that stretched across the enclosed landscape. Rivers of lava twisted their was between mountains of the seemingly blood-covered area. Occasional mounds of quarts shone through the netherrack plains, seemingly glowing as the blocks reflected bunches of glowstone. For the moment, the violent place was silent, which cast an eerie feeling along the group.
"I don't like this." Hunter proclaimed, drawing her enchanted bow, it's waves of purple enchantment glowing in contrast to the red glow of the lava rivers. Gameknight didn't reply but instead drew his iron sword in his left and diamond sword in his right. In the distance, he could see pigment walking aimlessly, their golden swords giving a dangerous twinkle. He could vividly remember the bite of their blades and countless battles fought in the ruined Hell. The less time they were here, the better.
"Let's find the nether fortress." Crafter suggested. "We might as well start there."
"Wasn't it over by the lava ocean?" Digger asked. I saw Hunter stiffen at the mention of the fortress. My hand tightened as I thought of the time Malcoda had taken her hostage. Those had been dark times.
"Let's go." Herder exclaimed before running over the hill, his dog at his heels. Survivor watched him go.
"He's young- should he be here?" She questioned Gameknight. Gameknight nodded.
"He's earned it as much as anyone, probably even more so than you might believe."
Survivor gazed at the pigment in the distance. "I trust you; there are lots of things I've seen and heard. Not much will amaze me." The rest of the group hurried forward in pursuit of Herder and his canine friend, leaving Hunter and Gameknight behind.
"Your sure about this." It wasn't a question, it was a arguable statement by Hunter. I've been reading too much. She might just stop calling me an idiot.
"Yes. We need to go to the nether fortress and find Charybdis' blaze rod." Gameknight replied, thinking his plan over again, trying to find error.
"Good think I'll be there to save your idiotic behind from the lava." Hunter said with a smirk, bonking him on the head with her bow. Or maybe not.
"Is there something on your mind?" She asked, following his gaze to their friends, who were getting smaller and smaller in the distance.
"We should catch up." Gameknight interrupted, rocking forward and setting off in a run, Hunter following close behind.
"Look for the thickest pillar." Crafter whispered to Gameknight as he and Hunter approached. "It will have a ladder that leads to the top, it was left there a long time ago in case of a needed return." And with that the youth ran off, not leaving anyone with much reason as to why or when the event had happened in Minecraft's past.
Herder slid to a stop at the base of one of the largest burgundy colored pillar and looked up as it stretched into the hazy red sky. Stitcher, Hunter, and Survivor waved everyone behind the pillar and drew their weapons, scanning their surroundings for threats. Digger drew his pickaxe and shattered two of the dark brick blocks in front of him, revealing a ladder that stretched upward.
Crafter moved and slowly began to take the rings two at a time, Herder following his lead with his wolf under one arm. Hunter glanced at Survivor before looking back across the landscape.
Without a word, Survivor ran forward and nearly flew up the ladder without making a sound. Gameknight followed and felt the old wood strain with age. Would it hold their weight?
"Two at a time!" He hissed at Stitcher as she approached the wall. Glancing up, Gameknight swallowed the waking serpent of fear that coiled around his soul and reached for the next ring.
Took a dozen more rings or so before one of the rings that was holding his foot snapped. Panic closed in as his hand strained against his weight. His other leg swung out and found a crack in the wall to take balance in and the wood felt as though it was turning to dust in his fingers. The ladder was too old.
"Everyone off the ladder!" Gameknight hissed as he made a jump for a large hole to his right. The ladder gave one last groan before leaning and crumbling. Whispers filled the air.
"Gameknight999 are you OK?" Crafter called. Gameknight scrambled and slipped through the hole, finding a tunnel on the other side.
"I'm fine; I should be able to meet you in the fortress. Just get to the surface he called, trying to avoid as much noise as possible. His eyes darted around as he rose to his feet and took a shaky breath to calm his racing heart. This was close; too close.
"Digger and I will find another way up." Hunter called, causing Gameknight to glance back over his shoulder at the hole. He could do this. Just me and whatever stands between me and the blaze rod. Just a nether fortress.
Gameknight drew his diamond blade and iron and carefully peered around the corner.
Just a nether fortress.
Gameknight moved through the passage, trying to be as stealthy as possible while checking the corridors ahead with silent piers around the corner. The problem was Gameknight had never seen a fortress like this; it was a big maze. He felt as though he was going in circles but there was no way to be sure. . Sweat poorer down his face and into his eyes, making them sting at the intrusion of the salty liquid. The ground was uncomfortably warm beneath his diamond boots, which made the bottom of his shoes feel like coals. Slipping his diamond sword into in inventory, Gameknight wiped them beads of moisture off his face and took a deep, ash filled breath. A sudden clattering filled his ears and Gameknight spun to find a large wither skeleton at the opposite side of the confined hall, lazily making it's rounds. Before he could be spotted, Gameknight slipped behind the corner, only to hear another a few halls away- but not just one; it was several. A large group on patrol. His instincts told him to hide at the end of the tunnel but he knew he'd be corned at the result of that decision. A sudden tickle came to his nose and dread flooded Gameknight's chest. Now? Really? Thankfully his right hand was empty, giving him time to clamp it over his mouth and nose and stiffly most of the sneeze. What survived could have been mistaken for a footsteps, or the ever present noise of a creaking ribcage...
Something smashed into Gameknight right shoulder and he stumbled forward, into the middle of a passage. Spinning, Gameknight instinctively swung his blade and dodged a second swing. Jumping to the side, Gameknight struck the lanky creature in the ribs.
A blade whizzed toward him in the corner of his vision and Gameknight dropped to the floor, watching it fly over his head. The large stone blade would have done some damage, but instead of hitting the intended target it struck the first attacker. Rolling so he came up on one knee, Gameknight swung his blade at the doomed creature two quick times and it disappeared with a pop! and splashed Gameknight with glowing spears of XP. A creak of warning sounded from behind and Gameknight brought up his blade just in time, meeting his next appointment's blade to stop another blow. Another blade from a wither skeleton bit into his back, leaving a gash in his armor and sending him forward.
Instead of landing on his face, Gameknight slammed his hand down and used his momentum to slid on his leg. The skeleton he had formally been fighting stumbled back and discovered a drop at the incomplete end of the hall and got the unfortunate experience of gravity's revenge. Jumping to his feet, Gameknight found at least five for of the tall creatures coming toward him. Drawing a breath of the bitter air, He tried to think of the best way to take care of them. He thought back to the last time he was in a bouncer- it had been the Forth of July and one of his cousins had insisted on wrestling. The move he had performed to take him down flooded his memory and his body tensed. Time to put it to the test.
Sprinting forward, Gameknight swerved left, causing the monsters to jump in the direction, only to swerve right and throw his momentum into a roll. Before making contact with the ground, Gameknight threw his iron sword into the mass of creatures and hoped he wouldn't hit it for the likes of him. He slipped between the creatures and the ground, causing them to loose their footing and fall to the floor. As he came up kneeling, Gameknight drew his enchanted diamond sword and lunged, swinging as quickly and fiercely as he could manage.
Flash flash red. Pop!
The creatures were still recovering when Gameknight advanced a final time and one oven had a sword in its head. In under a minute, all that remained were the glowing sphere of XP, a few bones, and a rather irritated User-that-is-not-a-user.
"Oh how fun that was." He muttered bitterly. He looked at the staircase across the way and retrieved his iron sword.
Dusting off his helmet that had tumbled off earlier, Gameknight trotted up the stairs and drew both swords and looked around, only to find a wall of white blocking his vision. Scars ripped across the surface and Gameknight rolled just in time to avoid the bitter strike of a fire ball.
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