Decending to Dreams
A/N: I would like to hand credit to DecipherTheCipher for mentioning the idea for this. Thank you. Also, would someone please explain why one chapter has 200 reads and another has 71? I am so confused as of how that happened, but I thank all of you for the support. Now back to the story!
Gameknight opened his eyes and found himself in a land of swirling mist. The Land of Dreams. Gameknight should've known he wouldn't get a peaceful night of sleep. Involuntarily, the mist faded and Gameknight found himself in the middle of a forest. A pack of wolves could be heard howling nearby and Gameknight turned to find Herder with a bone in his hand. Gameknight smiled. 'He's probably been out trying to find them all day.' Gameknight realized. 'That's why I couldn't find him in the village.'
A lone wolf stepped out of the darkness and Herder smiled, reaching down to tame it and gently pet it. A few more walked into view and he tamed them as well. Gameknight watched him before looking up at the night sky and imagined a sword in his hand, only to have it appear there a few moment later. 'Why was he here? The only thing that seemed wrong was that Herder was out on his own, but it wasn't as dangerous as it used to be since the defeat of Herobrine and his monster kings. What was going on?'
Suddenly the air seemed to get ten degrees cooler and the wolves perked up and growled, making a tight circle around Herder. Mist swam around Gameknight's ankles as he scanned the trees for threats. A figure stepped out into the small clearing.
"Herder is it? I've been waiting a while to say hi." Said the voice. Gameknight froze and gripped the sword tighter, although he was only dreaming- he couldn't do anything here.
The voice was familiar- but why? The light of the moon shone on the figure and Gameknight dropped his sword- how could that be? What was going on?
Standing across from Herder and the wolves was Gameknight999.
After a second glance, Gameknight noticed a few differences in the figure than himself. The being had a grey shirt and black pants in comparison to Gameknight's green pants and blue shirt. In fact, there seemed to be no color on the figure what so ever. His eyes also had a faint glow to them, which make Gameknight shiver as he though of Herobrine. Was this Herobrine's doing?
"Your not Gameknight999- who are you?" Herder demanded. The wolves growled and bared their fangs, almost daring the stranger to come forward.
"Oh Herder, don't you recognise your friend?" The figure laughter. "Your smarter than the others I've come across, boy. They weren't suspicious in the slightest."
"That's a lie and I know it- you can't lie to me." Herder snapped, reaching into his inventory for his sword. The figure disappeared and appeared above Herder, bringing his iron sword down upon the NPC. Herder flashed red and collapsed as the figure fell on top of him. The wolves howled in anger and slept on the figure in a blur of white. The figure teleported behind Herder, who had stepped back away from the fight, and swung the blade again.
"I'm going to cause your little friend so much grief by killing you!" The creature said with delight, swinging the blade again. "I will kill all of you villager pests!"
A wave of wolves came out of nowhere and smashed into the figure and catching him of guard. One wolf pushed Herder toward the village and barked, a sign to go. Herder scratched the dogs ears ears before turning and sprinting back to the village as fast as he could. An enraged scream filled the air and then-
Gameknight shot up and was breathing hard. It took a few moment for his eyes to adjust to the lightness of the room and he realized he was laying face down on the floor. Hunter was on the opposite side of the bed and raised an eyebrow. Gameknight climb to his feet and looked at her.
"You weren't in the Land of Dreams; I couldn't find you anywhere." She said, spreading her arms in surrender. "I decided to wake you up 'cause you seemed to be having a nightmare again."
By pushing me out of bed? Gameknight thought bitterly, but he knew he had more pressing matters to attend to. Looking out the window, Gameknight found it was still dark; maybe he wasn't to late. Without pausing to tell Hunter anything, he sprinted out of the sleep house (because we're going to pretend that's a thing).
Gameknight ran into the doors; he'd noticed to late that he should have pulled the lever to open them. Instead of a ringing noise filling the air, there was instead a large flump sound as Gameknight's head hit the door. Ow.
"Gameknight!" Hunter yelled, sprinting after him, "Where are you going?"
"Herder- there's something wrong with Herder!" Gameknight yelled back, pulling the lever and stepping into the grass lands. There were almost no monsters wondering about to Gameknight's surprise, which was especially helpful as he saw movement in the forest from the same place he'd been in the dream.
Maybe this was a bad time to notice, but Gameknight realized he'd left the village so quickly he had forgotten to put on his armor. A little late to notice.
Gameknight ran as fast as he could toward the distant forest. He was treated to the howling and snarls of enraged wolves, which informed him that he was close. But the question was, where was Herder?
A lanky figure rushed out of the trees and nearly collided with Gameknight. The boy looked up at Gameknight and drew his sword, weary that he was possibly the enemy.
"Herder it's me! Gameknight999!" Gameknight him, putting his arms up to show he wasn't holding a weapon. Herder blinked once before giving him a big smile.
"Hi Gameknight! We might want to get moving, there's a bit of a situ-" Herder stopped talking when an angry scream cut through the air. The figure teleported in front of Gameknight and swung his sword with all his might at Herder. Herder stepped back in surprise, but not far enough. The blade cut into Herder's arm, causing him to flash red with damage. Rage consumed Gameknight at the sight of the stranger assaulting his friend. He had to help Herder!
The figure got ready teleport behind Herder when someone tackled him from behind and they rolled to the side. The mysterious villain grunted and swung his sword at his attacker, only to find Gameknight's sword doing the same thing. The blade sliced into the figures' shoulder and both Gameknight and the stranger rolled to the side and jumped up, ready to face each other. Gameknight narrowed his eyes when he realized they had both done the same move.
"Who are you?" Gameknight asked with a glare. The creature gave him a toothy grin that sent a shiver down Gameknight's spin. This was the person from Gameknight's dream.
"Why I am you, of course." He said. Gameknight rolled his eyes dramatically.
"Fine; since I'm going to kill you, I was a creation of Herobrine before he failed to make his way the Physical world." The clone-person said. Gameknight raised an eye brow.
"Uhh, OK?" Gameknight frowned at him. "Then how did he make you? You look so much like..."
Now it was the creature's turn to raise an eye brow. "You? It's a bit obvious isn't it? I heard you were stupid- obviously I took all the brain you have to offer." Gameknight gritted his teeth in annoyance but froze when he realized what his carbon copy had just said.
"Wait- you said you took something- what was it?" Gameknight demanded as the two started to slowly move in a circle, weapons in hand.
"Oh for the love of- fine- Herobrine took some of your code and created me, that's also why you've been experiencing some weird physical changes right?" The figure snapped. Now Gameknight felt annoyed; he'd already figured most of this out, be just hadn't been able to connect the strings. Maybe he was stupid.
"What about you?" Gameknight demanded. He knew he was running out of time- he needed to get information while he could.
"Me?" The figure mocked, folding a hand over his chest. This guy was getting really annoying.
"Like I said before; I'm you, just in a more complicated matter." He said with an grin. Gameknight was finding it confusing to here his own voice talking back at him. "I would tell you, but I honestly don't care."
"What?" Gameknight asked, curiosity getting the best of him. The figure smiled again.
He said nothing and disappeared from sight.
Although Gameknight mind was trying to process all this information, he managed to thing clearly enough to spin around and block the on coming attack. The only problem was, he now had to fight himself, and that didn't seem very fun; then again, fighting things in general isn't very fun when your actually experiencing it.
The villain charged Gameknight teleported behind him in the process, but Gameknight blocked the attack with his sword, although no attack came there. Instead, the figure slid under him and knocked out his legs, and before Gameknight could recover, the figure had jumped up and stood above him, the sword point pointed at his chest. Fear developed Gameknight as he stared at the figure above him. Think, think. What can I do? Gameknight thought to himself. The pieces of the puzzle spun around in his mind before simultaneously clicking together. Gameknight let his hand fall to his side and he put on a terrified expression, which wasn't very hard at the moment.
"Why are you doing this?" He asked, trying to keep the fear of his voice. The evil clone looked him straight in the eye and glared at him, giving Gameknight the opportunity to reach into his inventory and grab what he needed.
"I guess you'll never know- but your friends might realize a little too late." The figure said with a sneer as he raised his sword. As the blade swung down, Gameknight planted the firework in his hand right next to his head and ignited it before pushing himself back and stumbled to his feet. The firework shot of with a bang and hit the figure in the face, causing the firework to explode onto a few blocks off the ground. The colorful sparks shot out and sprayed onto Gameknight's left side, causing his to yell out as the fire stung his skin.
"Herder- go!" Gameknight yelled at he advanced. Snatching up his diamond blade, he swung at the distracted creature with the flat of his blade and knocked him off his feet before spring toward his friend. Everything felt so wrong; it was so strange. The creature teleported in front of Gameknight and Herder before they got far.
"Your not getting away that easy!" He yelled. The villain swung his sword at Herder and Gameknight instinctively blocked it with his sword, but it was a trick. The clone teleported behind Gameknight and swung at his exposed back. Herder then turned and swung at him, scoring a hit on the villain's side. Gameknight turned to face him but something wasn't right; Gameknight lost all sense of feel and time for a moment as the world seemed to spin the opposite way. Suddenly pain brought him back to the present and Gameknight found himself laying face first on the ground, his nose having taken the force of the landing. How did I end up here? He questioned. He'd heard about things like that, something called a head rush, but why was it happening now?
Lifting his head off the floor, Gameknight looked up and found his opposite in the same position he was in, although he was on his knees with his hands clutching his head where as Gameknight had literally fallen on his face. This situation was getting more and more complicated every second.
Thunder shook the ground and Gameknight turned to see a calvary of horses approaching. Gameknight smiled faintly and began to stand up when he was suddenly knocked off his feet, again. He raised his arms in time to block a series of blows that were headed to his face and squirmed for the life of him. The figure growled and jumped back in surprise and Gameknight realized why- his head had stopped hurting momentarily, but after his attacker has stepped back, the dull headache rushed back, stronger this time just as Gameknight climbed to his feet, causing him to sway as he tried to keep his balance. An arrow spiralled over Gameknight's shoulder and struck the clone in the arm, causing him to flash red and step back.
"You better watch your back, Gameknight999." The figure said and proceeded to pointed up before teleporting away. Gameknight looked up to see an oncoming wave of arrows and tried to take a step back, only to feel something hook onto his shirt and yank him back. Gameknight flew through the air for a whole second before crashing into a herd of horses, Herder landing at his side less than a second later. Crafter leaned over him with fishing pole in his hand and gave him what looked like a cross between a smile and a frown. Gameknight999 sat up and found his friends and a majority of the village giving him a look. Gameknight couldn't quite tell what they were thinking; were they mad or confused?
"I can explain." He said. Suddenly the world turned white and it felt like another head rush, except this time, lines of numbers filled his vision.
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