Be Your Own Puppet
A/N: For the two weirdos harassing me in the comments section with puppy dogs or something.
Null stood upon the mighty oak, which towered above the world below. In the distance, he could see flames trickling into the rich night sky, slightly obscuring the sparkle of the stars above. Null was fine by this, as those small little bastards always ruined the the purity of darkness that comes along with the nighttime. Clumps of trees made up a forest beneath him, before slowly becoming more and more disperse as the plains biome stretched across the land. A part of Null wanted to marvel at the sight of the more or less peace of the landscape, and upon seeing the destructive smoke in the distance, felt a pant of guilt. He was, of course, horrified yet accustomed to these feelings. Probably a side affect of being part of that emotional user. The feeling had been gradually fading however, which Null credited to his own code growing to overwhelm what was left of the use user's code. As far as he understood it, Herobrine had at some point drawn an unknown amount of his enemy's code and combined a small amount of himself to that base of code, which was just enough to create the wonderful being of yours truly. Gameknight's weakened state was, as far as he was concerned, due to that missing code. Something nagged at him about this story, however he brushed it aside; he had far more pressing matters to attend to.
A skeleton creaked behind him, and a small part of him told him to prepare for the arrow that was surely spiraling toward him back...
"I trust that you come to me with news of completion?" Null asked, hands clasped behind him back as he turned to the armored skeleton general behind him. The creature of parched bone nodded, filing the air with the grinding of bone on bone. Null turned one last time to the ever growing chaos in the distance and smiled.
"I'm coming for my code, Gameknight999." He whispered maliciously, "And I'll be sure that our next encounter will be our last."
Gameknight was pretty much running in circles and repeating his survival tactic over and over to the point that he thought the wither would have caught on by now. Instead, his scrambling and occasional arrows he managed to lodge in the creatures body was his only source of doing anything productive. Arrows flew out of nearby pockets of darkness, probably the NPC's hidden in shadow, and struck the creature, slowly belittling the beast's health. A sudden boom off to the side drew the wither's attention, causing him to swivel his heads in the general direction of the noise and giving Gameknight mere moments to act. He threw his body to the side, rolling behind a tree and sinking into some conveniently place shrubbery. His body then proceeded to give out on him. His shoulders involuntary sagged and his stomach growled. He whimpered silently as his hands slid out of focus into swarms of fading numbers, but this time traveling up his arms and spreading lightly across his chest. His feet glowed as well, slipping into the unknown realm of 1's and 0's. Pain splintered across his chest and Gameknight let out a ragged breath. The wither's jagged breath exploded behind him and the tree he was resting behind exploded, sending splinters and flame into his backside. The force of the blast threw him forward in a pain heap of a lagging user and suddenly, Gameknight wasn't in a forest that was cloaked in fire, a terrifying creature towering above him, ready to silence yet another life. No, where he was, if it was even a place, was quiet and empty. For the most part. Every now and then numbers would crack the vacant landscape, sending brief cracks that obscured the strange realm in darkness before disappearing, returning the empty space back to its blank, white color. Gameknight was trying to piece this all together when he heard a grunt behind him, causing him to spin around and find the strangest sight. Fear raced through him and he wanted to hide, something to protect him from the person before him. The void-like place slipped into darkness again, giving the creature an eerie glow.
Herobrine's eyes were shut, brows pressed together in deep concentration. He hadn't noticed his young enemy yet, but that would surly be short lived. A ground shaking crack echoed through the landscape, and simultaneously Gameknight's ears did the same. With a cry of pain, Gameknight fell to his knees, hands pressed over his ears. A static ripped through them and Gameknight squeezed his eyes shut in a futile attempt to block out the pain. Surprised, Herobrine looked up, breaking his concentration and causing the landscape to fade back to a pure white, although dark cracks now lined the edges. The villain's confusion quickly vanished and he waltzed ever so slowly to his enemy, his malicious smile growing wider and wider with every step. Gameknight trembled and dropped his hands, trying to scoot away from the nightmare as quickly as possible.
"Now Gameknight, why leave so quick? We're having such fun hear aren't we?" Herobrine cackled at his own joke, leaving the user confused. He had watched the words come out of Herobrine's mouth, but he hadn't heard them. Instead, heavy static screamed in his ears, and he could almost hear familiar screaming. It sounded like - no, it couldn't be.
Herobrine cackled "Not so fast, my friend. Oh no!" he said, grabbing Gameknight's arm. Gameknight hadn't even realized it, but the voices had previously been getting louder and this place fainter, with a bit more time, maybe he could go...
"Where do you think your going so fast? Don't you know it's rude to leave someone in the middle of a conversation?" Herobrine laughed, and Gameknight grimaced, trying to pull his arm back. No, he decided, I have not contributed any comments, therefore this is not a conversation.
Herobrine tightened his grip on Gameknights's arm, his finders digging into exposed flesh. "Now, don't start thinking of ways of escaping User-that-is-not-a-user. It's quite lonely here, in your head, which is pretty empty you might have noticed" he snickered, pulling the user close to him so they were eye to eye. "So your going to stay. Here. And be my puppet. Sound good?" Before Gameknight could struggle, or scream, or take any course of action, Herobrine pushed him to the floor and a string of numbers appeared in his hands. His eyes turned bright white and the landscape turned an inky black. Gameknight's eyes went wide with fear and he scrambled to his feet, hoping he could run, far, far away from whatever was about to happen. With malicious glee, Herobrine's hands glowed a sickening yellow, like a shade of dying daisies, and snapped the line in half. The world seemingly froze. Gameknight watched, petrified, as the stream of numbers faded out of existence. Nothing happened. Gameknight thought for a moment something had for once gone right for him, but Herobrine's excited look made him think otherwise. A sudden roar erupted through Gameknight's ears and he screamed and the sound of glass breaking filled the empty void of sound. The hero fell, but something strange happened. Instead of cold floor, he found grass, and instead of Herobrine's vile laughter he heard the screams of familiar voices and the wheezing of a monster. Just for a moment though. The grass remained, but something about what he was seeing didn't make any sense, and the sound had disappeared completely. Gameknight looked up, and while static echoed through his ears, two settings played out before him. On one side, a burning forest made his eyes water, yet on the other side, instead of seeing more singed forest, Herobrine's giddy expression awaited his attention. The whole process sent a splitting headache down the center of his skull and he groaned, but was surprised when he heard nothing. He tried to pop his ears and ask what was wrong, but if anything was said, he couldn't hear it. Panic set in.
Herobrine smiled, as though this was absolutely hilarious. From this perspective, maybe it was. Herobrine's annoyingly gleeful voice filled his head, yet he noticed somehow through the panic that it wasn't coming from his ears. How strange.
"Oh goody, it worked! Now was can have lots of fun!" He clapped and reached for Gameknight's hand, which was still in the strange white realm, but it was also... here. Right in front of him on the grass. What was going on?!
Before Gameknight had time to panic much further, Herobrine grabbed his hand pulled him up. With a yelp, Gameknight was suddenly on his feet, his hand being held by Herobrine high above him, holstering him up, yet through his left eye he was standing alone, his arm unexplainably above him. He tried to bring his arm back down, but his fingers only twitched in response. Gameknight's mouth dropped in horror as, to the right he saw Herobrine's smile widen more.
"Figure it out yet, Gameknight?" Herobrine questioned him mockingly, before letting out such a dark laughter, even the leaves next to him seemed to cringe. As understanding struck him, Gameknight screamed at the top of his lungs. An explosion shook the ground and Gameknight spun around, his mouth agape in horror and his had still high in the air.
His expression seemed frozen to his face as he faced the scene in front of him and Herobrine only smiled, his eyes glowing brighter in response.
Now it was his game to play.
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