A Battle Begins
A/N: Hi. I had to drop this story for a while, but I am finally going through with it, if any or you are interested. You don't have to be interested, you don't even have to read it, but you all either like this fandom or were reading this book before I... stopped... and thought I ought to let you know I'm continuing it because you are all amazing and incredibly encouraging. So yeah, thank you. I think. (P.S. There is a chapter i updated recently before this, so... if your gonna read it, you should do that first. or re-read everything if you forgot... I know I did XD).
Gameknight sat on the edge of the wall, over looking the plains below. In the distance, he could see numerous trees, which were clumped together to make a forest. People had always told him family was the most important thing, but was it? Now a days in the physical world, it was rare to see a happy family, but had there ever been a time where happy and trusting families were high in population? The happiest Gameknight saw most of the kids at school and people in the physical world was when they were around their friends. Gameknight glanced back and saw Crafter talking with his villagers and Grassbrin down by the village well. He loved spending time with his family in the physical world, but his father was always on his business trips and he treated him like a son, which he supposed was his job, but it wasn't the same. His mom was home sometimes, but was on a varying schedule and left at random hours of the day, whether it was family dinner time or the early morning hours. And there was his sister, who was of course annoying, but he still loved her. But people have worse conditions than mine, he thought. Sometimes quarrels between parents that put the children at risk and they even get hurt, but they're still family nonetheless. And family is everything, isn't it?
Gameknight turned his attention back to the trees, which swayed softly the wind. They seemed so at home amongst one another. Leaning back, Gameknightlet his feet bump into the wall as they swung back and forth, high above the ground below. From here, if he looked to the shade, he could see Stitcher and Herder down with the horses and talking. Every once in a while, one of them would say something and both would laugh, as it should be. They seemed so comfortable in each other's presence, almost as though they had known each other their entire lives, like they were family. But they weren't.
Maybe family is important, Gameknight thought, watching as his friends went about their business down below, but there are two different kinds. There's the one that was chosen for you, which are supposed to always be there too back you up. If they don't, there's another. The one you choose.
Gameknight felt someone grab his shoulder, causing his train of thought to go gearing off course. Surprised, he jerked to the side and turned around, climbing to his feet.
"How long are you gonna stare off into space for? You would've been there all day if I hadn't..." Hunter's words floated off as she noticed Gameknight's expression. "What are you thinking about? Your family in the physical world?" She asked, stepping closer to the edge to view the scene before her.
Gameknight shook his head, causing the thoughts to scatter. "Yes; no. I don't know." He said with a sigh, turning to her side and watching the trees in the distance. His hand began to tingle but he ignored it, instead his shoulders sagged and his head rolled forward slightly. The longer he was awake, the more exhausted he became. It most likely had something to do with Herobrine's code undoing, but he didn't want to sleep; there was too much to do and too little time.
"I don't know what to do, Hunter. This situation just seems... impossible. When Herobrine was alive, I could fight him, but now? Now all that's worthless! I can't do anything!" He yelled angrily, glaring at the floor.
Hunter played a hand on his shoulder, forcing him to look at her. "We'll figure it out, ok? I think you have a plan in that thick skull of yours, but I have a feeling I actually won't like it this time." She let off a bitter laugh. "We're your family and we'll be with you 'till the end of time." She paused, looking for her next words. After a moment, she found them. "I know your scared, and confused, and just about everything else, but you can't let that stop you." She pulled something out of her inventory but kept it hidden in her fingers until her hand was next to his, then pushed it deep into his palm. He frowned and began to look down at it, but she kept his hand firmly closed.
"Not yet; I have a feeling you'll know when." Hunter forced a smiled as Gameknight gritted his teeth together and fought to keep his balance as numbers momentarily drowned out everything he could see. "Now come on, there's a meeting we should be at." And with that, Hunter dropped his hand and began to run down the towards the village.
Gameknight blinked away the remaining numbers and looked down at his hand. He was tempted to open it, but he kept it closed and slipped it into his inventory. Time was running out, he thought as he made his way down the stairs, carefully picking one step at a time just so he wouldn't trip.
Gameknight sat across from Grassbrin, who was happily chowing down on some cookies someone had brought for him. The crunching that filled the air after every bite was the only sound in the quiet room, despite its inhabitants being large in numbers.
Hunter coughed and stepped forward to get the light crafter's attention. "Hi, yeah, long time no see, right? Look there's something we need and-"
"I heard all about it." Grassbrin replied calmly and continued munching on his cookie. As he finished the batch and wiped the crumbs from his mouth and smock. Hunter blinked once, twice, as she processed the information.
"You know- then why aren't you doing anything?!" Hunter demanded, taking another step forward. Grassbrin looked away from his smock and turned his gaze to Hunter, whom was glaring at him, fists clenched so hard they were shaking. Stitcher and Crafter stood behind her, silent. Grassbrin looked her in the eyes but remained silent.
"We're running out of time! Gameknight's condition isn't getting any better and only notch knows how long before it gets worse!" Hunter shot, her voice only a pitch lower than full on yelling. Gameknight knew everyone was now looking at him, but he refused to meet their gaze. Instead he watched his hand flicker under the table, hidden from view, and saw numbers briefly flash across his vision. He closed his hand and the flickering stopped, but he knew it would be back.
Now it was Crafter's turn to cough and step forward, directing everyone's attention to him. "Grassbrin, excuse Hunter; she's rather fearful about Gameknight's condition; we all are. The essence of grass: you know about it?" Crafter asked, picking his words carefully.
Grassbrin nodded and rose to his feet and opened his hand for everyone to see. Sparks of green jumped from his palm to his fingertips and seemingly danced as they gracefully turned and simmered. Closing his hand, he turned to Gameknight, who's hand was deliberately out of sight, although no one noticed.
"I can give it too you, but it might take a while to bottle. You have most of the ingredients, correct?" Grassbrin questioned.
Stitcher nodded, jumping at a moment to speak. "Yes, we got the blaze rod and the witch's gem, now all we need is the essence of grass and a nether star."
"Ahh yes the nether star." Crafter mumbled with a frown. Hunter gave everyone in the room a wary look before shrugging.
"Whatever it takes." She said, a look of determination passing over her face. She turned to Gameknight and force him to meet her eyes before speaking.
"What do we need, Gameknight? You've fought a wither before, correct?" Hunter asked him. He nodded and closed his eyes, as though it might help him better remember the battles long ago.
"There are several ways to fight a wither, but the easiest is deep underground in narrow tunnels. You can fight him on the surface, but it is a lot harder there. Arrows only affect him in the beginning and you have to use swords later on? Details get a little fuzzy, but I think-"
"Ok, so underground with swords and arrows. Got it." And with that, Hunter ran out, hurriedly fulfilling the commands. Everyone watched her go before shifting their attention back to Grassbrin.
Grassbrin nodded once before speaking, his song like words filling everyone with hope momentarily. "I cannn bottllle the esssenccce but it'ssss going to take sommme timme. Until then, you mmmight as welll fight the wither 'tilll thennn." He suggested. As the remaining inhabitants of the room, Crafter, Stitcher, and Gameknight, stood. They were about to exist the room when yelling could be hearing outside, as well as the sound of explosions. Giving his friends a worried glance, Gameknight moved toward the door cautiously, one hand tightly clenched, the other reaching for a weapon in his inventory. Crafter noticed the hand that was clenched and raised his brow but said nothing of it as they moved toward the door. Gameknight opened it up slightly, pecked outside, then slammed the door shut and ran for the other side of the room, grabbing the others and pulling them down with him.
A boom sounded as the front side of the house exploded and sent wood and flames everywhere. Stitcher crawled out from under the others and peeked out from under a table. Where the door and wall of the house had previously been, now sat a large flaming hole, and through it, something else could be seen as well.
Stitcher turned to Gameknight to tell him when she spotted Grassbrin on the other side of the room, standing and starring at the creature in the sky. With a grunt, Stitcher jumped to her feet and shot out from under the table, tackling the light crafter just as another fireball had arrived. Another hole tore into the home, but this time on the far wall. Grassbrin was limp in Stitcher small hands, and with difficulty, she managed to drag him out of the home and into the street. Shoot and singled holes covered her smock and turned to see Gameknight, who had previously unconscious, pulling Crafter too his feet. Stitcher tore her gaze away from them and up at the newly crafted wither boss that flew in the sky, who was preparing to launch another of the fiery spheres of death.
"Gameknight!" Stitcher screamed, the words tearing her throat raw from the smoke that engulfed the air. "Look out!"
Gameknight and Crafter looked up just in time to see the fireball hit the side of the home once again, but this time, it was gravity that had the last laugh. The home have one last desperate moan before its wall crumbled, bringing the burning roof down on the two inhabitants inside.
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