16. Revelation of the Past
Abu Huraira (may Allah be pleased with him) reported: The messenger of Allah (sallalahu 'alaihi wa sallam) said, "When a person dies, his deeds come to an end except for three things: Sadaqah Jariyah (ceaseless charity); a knowledge which is beneficial, or a virtuous descendant (sons or daughters) who prays for him (for the deceased)."
Sahih Muslim Vol. 3, The Book of Bequests, Hadith 4005
Jami' at-Tirmidhi Vol. 3, Book 13, Hadith 1376
"Every soul shall taste death."
Surah Al-Imran (3:185)
Inaya entered the house with a bright smile on her face with Adyaan trailing behind her. Rihab and Rehan entered after a minute, tiredness visible in their faces.
"I was first today too!" She exclaimed before sticking her tongue out at them while Adyaan huffed.
"It happens, kiddo! You can't defeat your elder sister," Inaya stated patting Adyaan's back.
Adyaan swatted her hand away while mimicking her words.
"Assalamualaikum, kids! I see you are back!" Rihana Phuphi said, emerging from her room.
"Walaikumassalam!" The kids replied and Adyaan ran to her and hugged her while calling out, "Phuphi!"
"How was the day, Adi?" She asked Adyaan.
"Oh Phuphi! You know, there was drawing competition in our class today and I came first!" Adyaan said, enthusiastically.
"Masha Allah! As usual, my boy is really talented," She complimented patting his head.
"Inaya, are you coming to play rugby too?" Rehan asked. Rehan was just a year older than Inaya which made them pretty close with each other while they grew up.
"Yes. But first change out of your clothes, dummy," Inaya said.
"Who are you calling dummy?" Rehan asked back.
"I won't say that to Rihab bhai. So it's obviously you," Inaya teased and stuck her tongue out at him.
"You!!" Rehan said and advanced towards Inaya who ran upstairs while laughing.
"I forgive you today because I'm really happy today since I will be playing rugby," Rehan stated, standing at the lowest step of the stairs.
"Just say that you can't get me," Inaya smirked.
"Whatever," Rehan muttered and made his way to the room.
Inaya hopped to their room. Her father was back hugging her mother as they stood in front of the mirror, their back towards Inaya.
Inaya quietly made her way closer to them.
"I love you too, for the sake of Allah." She heard her mother say and giggled. This made her parents turn towards her. Her father kissed her mother's forehead and walked to Inaya.
"So who do we have here?" He asked, lightly pinching her cheeks.
"Mamma, do you love only dad? Don't you love me?" Inaya asked, flashing her teeth.
"I love you too," Razia smiled patting her head.
"And how about me?" Adyaan asked as he appeared in the room.
"I love my this baby too," Razia said as Adyaan hugged her.
"Now kids, wash up, pray and come down. Your lunch is almost ready," Razia instructed them and went downstairs.
"Okay, Captain!" Adyaan screamed and ran towards washroom.
"Inaya, you too," Aejaz, her father, said.
She nodded and did as instructed. After praying, she sat on the floor beside the bed where her father laid and rested her head on the bed.
"What happened, princess? Did they tease you again?" Aejaz asked as he patted his daughter's head.
"Dad, you are calling me princess again. I'm older now," Inaya huffed.
"You will always be my princess."
"You always say that."
"Because it's true," He smiled and ruffled his daughter's hair.
"Did they tease you about your hair?" Aejaz asked caressing her hair.
"Yes. It was sports today and there were only girls. Everyone took there head scarves off so I did too. They saw my hair and called me a boy," Inaya explained with a hint of sadness in her voice. She lifted her head from the bed and looked at her shoulder-lengthed hair.
"And what did you do?" Aejaz asked calmly.
"I told them boys don't have hair till their shoulders, then I flipped my hair and walked away," Inaya smiled a toothy smile.
"Good girl. You shouldn't be angry and sad when they say that. Our society is like that. If one person is different, the society teases them. So what if all your friends have long hair? You like your hair and that's what matters. Don't let them make you sad and hurt you," Aejaz said.
"But they do sometimes," Inaya mumbled.
"Oh my baby. You are strong. Don't let them weaken you. You shouldn't bother about their opinion. Let them say what they want, but you should remain strong and unshakable," Aejaz tried to uplift his daughter's mood, "They don't hurt you physically, right? You promised you would let me know if they did that."
"I remember and they don't use physical means," Inaya reassured him, "I won't hide anything from you again. I didn't tell you about this in the beginning because I knew you would be worried and see, you are worried."
"You are my princess. I have the right to worry over you," Aejaz said and silence fell on them before Inaya spoke again.
"Dad, sometimes I'm scared. What if they turn my friends against me? My friends support me now but I'm scare-"
"Don't be scared of them. They are just creatures. If you pray to the creator, everything will be in your favour. And remember, whatever happens, it happens for the best. You may not be happy everytime but you should remember that everything happens according to His plans and He is the Best of Planners," Aejaz explained his daughter in a calming tone to which she nodded.
Minutes passed in silence. Razia entered the room and saw her husband caressing her daughter's head and her daughter slept soundly in the same position.
"Ya Allah! She didn't even eat and she's sleeping," Razia said in a low voice.
"Let her sleep. She didn't sleep after Fajr (dawn prayer) today," Aejaz said.
"Okay, you should come and have lunch," Razia said to her husband.
"I'm not hungry. And before you start ranting, I'm serious when I say I'm not hungry and if I want to eat something, I will eat later with my princess," Aejaz said.
Razia shook her head at her husband. Sometimes, he is no less than Inaya and Adyaan, she thought.
"Okay. I will save the food for you too and send her for lunch if she wakes up," Razia instructed.
"Okay, sweetheart," Aejaz said cheekily.
Razia playfully rolled her eyes at her husband before going back to kitchen.
Aejaz smiled at his wife and then at his daughter. He closed his eyes to take a nap but was interrupted by his son who entered the room calling for his sister.
"Inaya! Inaya!" He called out.
"Quietly, Adyaan! She's sleeping," Aejaz informed.
"Oh! She didn't sleep after Fajr today. I told her I can do my homework myself but she stayed up with me even though she had completed all her homework," Adyaan said as he walked towards his sister.
"Really?" Aejaz asked, surprised.
"Yes. She loves me but sometimes, she's very stubborn," Adyaan said as he crossed his hands across his chest.
Aejaz smiled and ruffled his hair. Adyaan smiled at his father. He bent down to his sister's level and kissed the side of her forehead which made Aejaz smile widely.
"All the love for your sister?" He asked playfully.
"Oh dad! I love you too," He said before kissing his father's forehead.
"Okay, Adyaan. Now go have your lunch," Aejaz instructed.
"Okay, captain!" Adyaan said before he rushed out of the room. Aejaz smiled at him and closed his eyes to take a nap.
Inaya stirred in her sleep as she heard her Phuphi's voice calling for her father. She struggled to become aware of her surroundings but her hand was jerked away from her father's hand. She opened her eyes and saw her Phuphi with tears flowing down her eyes.
"Aejaz! Aejaz!" She called as she held his hands.
"What happened, Rihana Phuphi?" Inaya asked after she rubbed her eyes.
Rihana looked like she was pulled out of a daze and looked at Inaya with an expressionless face.
"What happened? What happened is that you killed him!" Rihana shouted.
Inaya's eyes widened as she heard her Phuphi's words. She turned her head to see her father and saw her father's face which seemed ever so calm and peaceful.
"He's just sleeping, Phuphi," Inaya said. Her heart was beating rapidly. Dad's just sleeping, she kept telling herself, but she couldn't take her eyes off her father's face which seemed to shine with noor(light). She knew he was a light sleeper and he would definitely wake up by all the yellings of Rihana Phuphi. But why isn't he waking up now? She thought.
"Is he? Is he?" Rihana shouted as she glared at Inaya and held her arm.
"Ya Allah! Rihana! Why are you shouting?" Inaya's grandmother said as she entered the room. She saw Rihana holding Inaya's arm.
"Rihana, leave her!" She said freeing Inaya whose lips were now quivering.
"What did the poor girl do?" She asked pulling Inaya close to her and side hugging her.
"And why is he still sleeping?" She asked just when Razia entered the room.
"He is not sleeping, Ammi," Rihana murmured as she started losing her balance and sat on the floor. Her words were unclear but her mother and Razia managed to hear her.
Razia advanced towards Aejaz and shook his shoulder.
"Aejaz! Aejaz!" She called out slowly.
"Aejaz!" Inaya's grandmother called out firmly, knowing the nature of her obedient son.
"Aejaz! Aejaz!" Razia called out louder.
"What's going on?" Aejaz's older brother's voice rang from outside the room followed by footsteps indicating he was coming towards the room.
"Rizwan, don't enter the room." Aejaz's mother instructed firmly. Her motherly heart didn't want to accept that but she couldn't let him enter the room since Razia was in the room too.
"What? Wh-" Rizwan was interrupted by his wife, Amirah.
"Listen to Ammi," She told her husband. "Can I come in, Ammi?"
"Come," She said before turning to Razia who held her husband's hand and looked at him expressionless.
"Call the doctor, Amirah," She instructed Amirah. Amirah was curious about the situation but she knew better and did as instructed.
Silence consumed them for what seemed like hours but were mere three minutes.
"Ammi," Amirah said. She was confused looking at everyone's state. Rihana sat on the floor. Razia was holding her husband's hand who laid unusually motionless and her mother-in-law was side hugging her granddaughter who looked like she saw a ghost. All the negative thoughts circled her mind.
"Aejaz is not waking up." She heard her mother-in-law's reply.
"Amirah, please take Inaya to her room," She requested a minute later.
Amirah nodded before walking towards them.
"Dear," She said as she gently took Inaya's hand and walked out of the room.
"Will anyone-" Rizwan started as he saw his wife coming out of the roon but halted as he saw Inaya's state.
Amirah passed him "I will tell you later" look and went to Inaya and Adyaan's room where Adyaan was doing his homework with closed doors.
"Good thing he closed the doors or else he would have heard the noise too," Amirah thought to herself.
Amirah made Inaya sit on the bed and sat beside her.
"Dear, don't think too much about it. The doctor is on her way. Just pray, okay? Besides, you know everything happens according to Allah's plans and He is-"
"The Best of Planners," Inaya completed.
"Yes," Amirah said and kissed Inaya's forehead who still had her expressionless face.
Amirah turned her head towards Adyaan who looked at them curiously. Amirah moved towards him and said,
"Look after her, won't you?" She asked ruffling his hair.
He nodded his head with a tiny smile.
"And don't come out of the room unless someone calls you, okay?" She instructed gently.
"Okay," He said bobbing his head.
Amirah ruffled his hair and kissed his forehead too before going out of the room and closing the doors behind her. Adyaan resumed his work but dropped his pen after few minutes. His sister was silent which was unusual of her. He kept all of his books back in his bag.
Inaya adjusted her position and rested her head on the backboard. She was not so young to not understand what was happening around her. She was thinking about her father. He was with her just an hour ago, smiling while showing off his dimples. Maybe he's just tired, he will wake up, right? She thought.
"Inaya." Adyaan poked his sister. He was sitting beside her and looking at her with confusion.
"Why are you so sad?" He asked.
She thought she was concealing her emotions well with no expressions but she forgot the person infront of her was her brother. She just stared at him before sighing and resting her head on backboard and closing her eyes.
"Inaya, don't be sad, please. It doesn't suit you. Should we play something?" He asked trying to cheer her up.
She lifted her head and looked at her brother, not knowing what to say. He moved his hand and placed his hand on her head and patted it.
"What are you doing?" She managed to ask.
"I'm following dad's command. He told me to look after you. So I will make sure you are always happy and not sad," He informed.
"When did he tell you that?" She asked in a whisper.
"Was it a month ago?" He said to himself before saying, "Yes, maybe a month ago."
"When he found out those girls tease me," she thought.
"Now, cheer up!" He said while patting her shoulder.
She nodded and placed her head on his shoulder. He was surprised but kept silent.
"Inaya, Is something wrong? Tell me, please. This mood doesn't suit you," He pouted a bit.
"Adyaan-" She started but was interrupted when the door opened revealing Rihab and Rehan with a sad look on their faces.
Inaya quickly stood up as Rihab and Rehan came near them.
"Is the doctor here? What did she say? Is Dad alright?" She bombarded them with questions.
"Wait! What's going on? Why is the doctor here and what happened to dad?" Adyaan asked as he came to stand beside his sister.
Rihab didn't know how to reveal the news to siblings whereas Rehan was very sad himself to be able to say anything.
"Inaya-" Rihab started with a heavy heart.
"Don't tell me it's food poisoning? Dad always eats-" Adyaan was saying but was interrupted by Rihab.
"Adyaan, we will tell you, but for now, let's go. Grand Ma is calling you guys," He said.
"Okay," Adyaan said and took a step towards the door.
"No, tell me! What happened?" Inaya asked. Her heartbeat seemed to get faster with passing seconds.
"Inaya-" He started again placing his hand on her shoulder but his hand was swatted away by Inaya.
"Don't 'Inaya' me, bhai. Just tell me. Dad is alright, right?" She asked with hope but somewhere deep down she understood the reason behind her cousins' sad faces.
"Inaya, Grand Ma will tell you. Come with us now," Rihab instructed with authority. Being the eldest cousin, others listened to him since he was also responsible and kind.
"What will Grand Ma tell us?" Adyaan asked. He was now very curious and knew something was wrong.
"Bhai! It is not what I think, right? Dad is alright, right?" She asked with last bit of hope.
Rihab remained silent not knowing what to say. He didn't want to be the one to break the news to them. Inaya was like a delicate glass now, even a small nudge could break her whereas Adyaan, he was so young, who knows how he would react.
"Rehan, atleast you can tell us!" Inaya said controlling her tears.
Their silence was enough for Inaya to understand what has happened.
"No," She mumbled as took a step back.
"No! No!" She said as tears threatened to fell but she held it back when she saw her brother.
"Inaya, what happened to dad?" Adyaan asked as his voice cracked. Even though he was only eleven, he knew something was very wrong. There was no way his sister would react like this to something minor.
Inaya didn't know what to say. She opened her mouth to say something but nothing came out. Adyaan wanted to ask again but stopped when he saw his Grand Ma and Aunt Amirah enter the room.
"Inaya, go to your mother with aunt," She told Inaya while patting her head. She guessed Inaya knew it. Inaya quietly followed the instructions and went out of the room with her aunt but not before glancing at her brother.
Amirah took Inaya to Naeema's room. Razia was sitting on a bed with Huda, her sister and Naeema on her either sides. She looked numb, her eyes hollowed. She failed to notice Inaya when she entered the room.
"Mamma," Inaya called out as she moved towards her. Naeema stood up and made Inaya sit on her place. Razia looked at her daughter and placed her hand over her head.
"Mamma, did dad... really?" Inaya asked as her tears threatened to fall. Razia remained silent which made Inaya's tears fall on her cheeks.
"Mamma, no one is telling me. Is this a joke? Is this a prank?" Inaya almost screamed. She just wanted someone to tell her that this was all fake, that she was pranked.
No word left Razia's lips even when she heard her daughter. Huda was tired of her sister's silence. She was silent ever since she came. She sighed and walked to Inaya.
"Sweetheart, you know we all have to return to Allah one day. Your dad was called by Allah and he had to go. You remember he told you to be strong, right?" Huda said as she sat beside Inaya.
Inaya felt something break inside her. Hearing that her dad was gone was different. She couldn't control her tears as they flowed freely from her eyes. She slowly nodded her head to Huda and turned to her mother.
Her mother was emotionally stronger than all of them including her father. But looking at her state now, Inaya didn't know what to think. She placed her head on her mother's lap.
"Oh love, your dad will meet you again in the hereafter, in Jannah. Always remember that," Huda said patting her back.
"Mamma!" They heard Adyaan calling out. He entered the room and walked to the bed where everyone sat. Inaya quickly wiped all her tears and sat up. He climbed the bed and put his arms around his mother from the right side and hugged her. He wasn't crying but looking at his eyes, they knew he cried earlier.
He broke the hug a minute later and smiled at his mother but she couldn't see his dimple. He, then, turned towards his sister.
"Come on, sis! The Adhaan will be called soon. Let's go and perform ablution," He told her and without waiting for her reply, he held her wrist and pulled her along with him. Inaya stared at him confused all along.
"Inaya, we have to pray and then read Qur'an. We have to do lots of good deeds so that we can enter Jannah with Dad. He was a good person, a Qur'an Hafiz and always prayed on time. Allah definitely liked him and will give him Jannah. So we have to pray and please Allah since we want to enter Jannah too," He said once they were out of the room.
Inaya silently listened to him and nodded as he said that. She knew he was controlling his tears. He was young and didn't have to show himself strong, atleast not in front of her. She waited for him so he could express his emotions. Bottling up emotions at this age, he was really strong and she felt proud of him but it angered her too. He was so young. He didn't have to act all tough outside and break inside lonely.
Once they entered the room, Adyaan let go of her hand and walked to the washroom.
"Adyaan," Inaya called but he didn't turn. She called out again but he remained there. She noticed his shoulder shaking a little. She walked to him and placed her hand on his shoulder.
"Ad-" She was saying but he stopped her saying he was okay and walked to the bed and sat on it. She sat beside him and patted his back. He couldn't hold his tears any longer and they started flowing down his cheeks. He placed his head on her shoulder and sniffed.
"Inaya, I know everything and I understand too but I can't control it. Why dad, why?" He sobbed. Inaya knew he wasn't really asking but just letting his sadness out. His sobs made her eyes teary too, but she couldn't cry infront of him. She had to be strong for her brother.
His sobs slowly died down as they heard Adhaan. They replied to Adhaan and Adyaan stood up and went to washroom to perform ablution.
"I am going to the Masjid with others. Assalamualaikum!" He said, coming out of the washroom and wiping the water on his face with his hands since that was sunnah.
"Okay, walaikumassalam."
Adyaan went out closing the doors behind him as Inaya went to washroom to perform ablution. She did it and took out the prayer mat and laid it on the floor. She finally let out her tears as she fall in sujood (prostration). She completed her prayer and raised her hands for Duaa. She prayed for her father, asking Allah to make the questions of Munkir and Nakir easy on him, to make his grave a cool abode, to grant him Jannah and much more. She prayed to Allah to grant her Sabr (patience) and make her strong emotionally so she could support her brother and mother. After crying her heart out to her lord, she went back to her mother.
The day passed by in a blur. People came and gave their condolences. Her mother was still the same. She barely reacted to anything and just prayed her prayers. However, a conversation with her mother-in-law brought her real self back the next day. She hugged her children and consoled them saying their father was in a better place.
Things were better for Inaya and Adyaan as Razia was back to being herself, but when Rihana brought up the topic of Inaya being bad luck and killing her father, they weren't anymore. Although Inaya was told by her mother that her Phuphi didn't mean it, that scene had shaken her.
The next week was worse as Rihana would taunt Inaya every chance she got. It was getting difficult for Inaya to live under the same roof as her Phuphi. So, Razia sent Inaya to her mother's house, but Adyaan tagged along as he was really close to his sister and he couldn't bear to live with Rihana Phuphi who hurt his sister. Razia wanted to go with children as Rihana was indifferent towards her and mainly because she was feeling like burden on them, but her mother-in-law convinced her to stay. Despite her sister's, Huda's, coaxing, she didn't leave her house. Huda wanted her to accompany her to Egypt since that would be a good change but Razia didn't agree as she was on her Iddah (period a woman must observe after the death of her husband).
However, after completing her Iddah, she left for Egypt where her husband had owned two houses with his trusted friend, Nahid Shaikh, one for each of them beside each other. Many years ago, someone who owed a huge debt to him and his friend couldn't return the money in cash so he gave them two houses. They had thought they will sell it after getting a good price, but Razia never imagined she would actually live in that house.
The first two months after her arrival in Egypt, she stayed at her sister's house since the house that her husband had owned was not in a good condition. Within a month, she found a job as a dentist in a reputed hospital. After four years, she opened her own clinic and was doing well, but the hospital where she worked called her back and made a contract. She had to work two years with them and then continue her practice. She agreed since her employers were good people and they had helped her by giving her job at her difficult times. She had almost completed her two years in the hospital and within a month, she could resume with her own clinic.
They were well settled in Egypt, but still they missed their family but kept it to themselves. Inaya's Grand Ma was against their decision of going to Egypt as she loved Razia like her own daughter but Razia convinced her. She still called from time to time and talked to everyone. Rihana talked sometimes too but neither Inaya nor Adyaan talked to her. Naeema called occasionally and talked to the 'kids' too and even urged her daughters, Nayab and Nawal, to talk to Inaya, but they rarely talked since their timing often wasn't right with different time zones, schools etc.
Their life in Egypt was spent very well, but will it be the same when the very reason they left their home come here?
Assalamualaikum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuhu, my dear readers!!!
Hope you are all doing well.
Eid Mubarak to all of you! May this Eid bring happiness, peace and opportunities in all our lives. Ameen.
So, coming on to the chapter, hope you liked it. If you are confused about the scene where Inaya's Phuphi had called her bad luck and all, you can read chapter 6 (nightmares and bitter past) where the scene is described in Italic font.
Feel free to ask questions if you are confused or didn't get the scene.
So until next time,
Assalamualaikum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuhu.
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