MAY Things 🌞
May 14,2020.
At times the world may seem an unfriendly and sinister place, but believe that there is much more good in it than bad.
All you have to do is look hard enough and what might seem to be a series of unfortunate events may in fact be the first steps of a journey.
And then , when the new sun appear it brings with it the hours of victories and moments of happiness.
But these times never last forever.
It is okay to have both sad and happy moments in life it's okay to cry a little, it's okay to freak, it's okay to stand in front of the mirror and console your own self. It's okay to sit alone and let the things to be sorted out.
But what if the things should not become the way they used to be.
This is life.....
The series of events, all amazing and sad ,happy and gloomy ,panic and exciting.
But the only thing that will keep you moving through the time when world may seem not a good place is HOPE.
HOPE for the better times!
May 16,2020
You're not here to be here forever,
you're here to simply enjoy,
you're not here just to spend your lives in vain pursuit and stupidity.
Not having goals isn’t attractive. Crying and sulking all day isn’t attractive.
And expecting people to cry and sulk with you is definitely not attractive either.
Those are the acts of fools, those are the acts of animals that eat and drink and don't think about tomorrow.
What if doing sometimes productive each day just to prove it to yourself only,
Sometimes a single act of yours is a moment of contentment before the night sleep.
May 18,2020.
We human beings need reassurance, constantly.
We need to be told that we look good today even when we know it.
We need to be told we did a great job this semester when our GPA has stated it already.
We need to be complimented regarding our ear-to ear smile. We need to be told that our grating voice is okay and someone loves to hear it.
We need to be told that we will stop worrying one day; that one day we’re gonna find love, have a cozy house and a job that we’d love to die doing. We need to be told that we’re good people and we’re doing great and will do event better.
We need to be patted on the shoulder.
We need to be hugged.
We need someone to hand us tissues to dry out our tears and our running nose.
We need it. We all do.
There ain’t any good outta trying to prove the opposite.
It doesn’t make us weak, it doesn’t make us fragile, it doesn’t make us babies;it makes us Human.
All those who want to prove you sensitive or childish let them, this makes you human . A alive one .
To feel all those emotions of caring and possession, love and anger don't make you a child. All those who can't feel are actually numb.
A alive Man , A alive human feels,
May 22,2020.
The single ray was entering through the woods of my window. I love the rays of hope and energy.
A new day, A new opportunity.
To be a better human , to be a better person.
The rose outside , was fresh beautifully absorbing rays and ready to bloom.
Bloom, yes I learnt.
To bloom everyday!
May 24,2020
I read an amazing piece today
Everytime you eat a fruit
Do you wonder who planted the tree
Watered it for years
But never tasted the fruit.
Everytime you admire a flower
Do you wonder who planted it's stem
Nurtured and Pruned it for years
But never saw it bloom.
The life doesn't start & won't end
With You.
Don't let the desire of accumulation
Blind you from the intrinsic journey.
Who will consume, all that you save today?
Surely, not you.
Be kind to each other, unconditionally.
As a fellow traveller is to other.
Well Knowing that the journey will end sooner or later.
And you will never meet again.
Except in your memory.
May 26,2020
How idiot we all are ,
If not you then me.
Writing those new year resolutions on jan 1 st and taking a view of calendar to plan home visits and celebration,
How I forgot there is an eternal peeps who actually had planned all before.
How stuck in an four walled room and being at home since three months I admit the force is so powerful, how we all plan and how He decided everything, everyday .
And All I can do now is pray!
May 29,2020.
Sometimes I think what would I have done if the power of prayer was never with me!
Heyyyy Cookies!
Safe and healthy?
How's the quarantine going?
Hope so you will like my May writings.
A little lazy to update.
But love your love towards me.
Drop a vote and comments so I will know how you are finding this!
Share your thoughts and share with people too.
Till next ,
Love , prayers and Virtual hugs.
Would love to mention some people who are supporting so much .I love you guys.
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