J U L Y 🍦
July 01,2020
"On some days you simply cannot set an intention like Today I will be productive or Today I will be kind. On some days all you can say is Today I will make it through.
And that is absolutely okay.
You are doing enough. You do not need to try harder.
Some days are simply about making it through to another day. It does not make you a failure.
It does not make you a bad person. Some days are all about trying not to fall apart. And that is okay.
That is okay. That is okay."
July 04,2020
Feeling sensitive and emotional is okay. Feeling like you are about to tear up, feeling weak, feeling as if you have reached your limit - all of this is okay. You are not overreacting. You are not being dramatic.
You are not abnormal.
Let your emotions out. Let the tears roll. Let the pain come. You need to feel it in order to heal it, my love. I just want you to know that it is perfectly fine to feel like breaking at any point of the day (or of your life) and your feelings are never invalid. Never ever.
Being human this is so important to feel.Feel.
Yes ,if you are not feeling you are numb .
Feel all emotions , so you can feel you are alive.
Feel anxiety and pain.
If you feeling choked and heavy , exhale and freak it's okay.
It's okay not to be okay!
It's okay not to be okay.
Perfection never exists.
Happiness is not the only feeling.
Keeping positive and remaining positive is not the right way ,
Unblinking optimism and closing the door to negative things , doesn't make them go away.
When you deny them you are making them bigger.
These become bigger and bigger as they remain unprocessed.
As a human we can not force ourselves to remain only happy.
So what to do,
Feel these negative emotions too and them and get back for looking at the amazing and magnanimous blessings we had.
Be real !
Some things can't be corrected,
Nothing is in control.
So let go you can't control,
No feeling is final🌸
It's okay not to be okay.
July 05,2020
“Your best” doesn’t mean pushing yourself to your breaking point.
“Your best” means the best you can do while being your best you. Get enough sleep, give yourself breaks, listen to your limits.
“Your best” is better when you are happy and healthy.
July 08,2020
At some point,
You will surprise yourself. You'll stop wanting the same things in life.
You'll stop asking for emotions. You'll stop seeking care.
You'll stop looking for yourself in people around you.
You'll stop feeling bad when no one searches for you.
At some point, you'll be okay to know that if you always depend on people.
You'll never arrive.
July 10 ,2020
"Choose your battles" - Someone once said.
Try not to lose your energy on things that would need time to be clear.
Try not to do things for people who don't appreciate it.
Try not to be there for people who are only there when it's fun.
Try not to blame someone who doesn't care if they hurt you.
It's harder than it sounds.
But at the end people will do what they want to do.
And you'll find yourself emptier each time.
July 11,2020
" We are here to suffer " - someone once said.
I replied with a calming voice ,
" We are here to fall, we are here to get up again.
We are here to change, we are here to rediscover ourselves.
We are here to build our characters.
We are here to explore things about ourselves.
It isn't easy but it will be an interesting story one day.
July 13,2020
" They will change .. "
That's something I've seen everywhere.
People trying to change the ones they love.
They're trying to edit what they want and what they don't want.
They're stressing them to be other people. Maybe we do the same with people we love.
You cannot change people..
You can love them, talk to them, observe them not doing what you told them. Then watch them learn and grow.
Then they'll be better version of themselves.
They'll be a glowing world that would light yours as well.
July 14,2020
Life is a series of moments of you trying to get up after each drop.
Sometimes the drop is someone you lose.
A death of someone you love.
Reconsidering work and the things you want to do in life.
A disease that stops you from doing certain things.
A turning point that changes everything.
And all you always try to do is how to restart again.
How to adapt to whatever happens.
July 16,2020
Moments and thoughts age as people do ,
But certain thoughts never age , certain memories never fade.
"Look at you, still here, still living. even though it’s been hard, you’ve survived it all. you’re strong. you’ve made it in the past, you made it today, and you can make it tomorrow. you can make it everyday, because you’ve already proved that you can."
Sometimes we feel as the story is going to end and we become hopeless.
We always forget that sunset doesn't mean the eternal sun down.
Sun is waiting to rise again in the next morning. likewise, at that moment maybe the author of your life book is about to begin another chapter of your life, and you never know.
Every climax is not the ending, so wait for the unfolding of some beautiful pages of another chapter of your golden life book.
Whenever, you sense the feeling of incompletion, simply wait for the best completion.
Cuz for now some chapters are incomplete!✨
July 20,2020
Lying on bed with combursome thoughts, giving a deaf ear to the chants of amiables and distorting mind isn't easy at all . At the same time you have to face everything. Your intuition says to shout on all those who are interrupting you but you can not do so, cause they have been the ones who had always been great parts of your soul. But the issue is, few of them don't even understand what the situation is . As everyone know sharing is caring but there come times when you can't murmur your lips. They won't let you speak a single word.
July 22,2020
"Recovery isn’t perfect. it can be thinking you’re healed for a month then falling back to square one. it’s trying again and again to make positive changes to yourself. it’s mustering all your energy into getting out of bed. it can be accidentally giving in to old habits but then putting the pieces together again after a breakdown. it’s gaining confidence and being sociable for a while then walking past people with your eyes on the ground because suddenly they scare you. it can be incomplete to-do lists and days unable to function after doing so well. sometimes there are relapses and it feels even lower than where you started. but every time you decide to take a deep breath and start again, you have succeeded. even if you have to do this a hundred times before you’re fully healed, by wanting to recover you’ve already won."
July 25,2020.
"It’s okay to let yourself do things just for the sake of feeling better. Use that bath bomb you’ve been saving, eat that last chocolate, heat up that fancy coffee, take a little break and watch your favorite show or listen to music. We feel a lot of pressure to save things for the right moment, but if it makes you happy, then why can’t any moment be the right moment?"
July 28,2020
"Some days are for falling in love with people, some days are for cities, and some for solitude."
How right!
July 30,2020
"The world is our mirror. Everything is a reflection. If we feel that someone is not showing us ‘enough attention’ it usually reflects the lack of attention that we are giving our true self. If we are desperately looking for love, it is a sign that we are not giving ourself enough genuine love. Listen to your true self. Look for love inside of yourself as well."
To all the BEAUTIFUL people who read this chapter!
You matter!
Thank you for reading such a long chapter, I decided to upload whole july diary in a single chapter.
Not edited😂
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I love my readers.
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