February beginnings 💥
February 01,2020
In different phases of your life, you come across different faces, different souls, different bodies, different energy, different people and different vibes.
Some are pure bliss, some are kind of poison that slowly affect your mental health.
You being quite innocent end up choosing them not knowing that they are actually filling negative vibes.
Be around the people who choose you, who makes the effort to make your life a better place.
Be around the people where you can be yourself which is free and amazing.
Be with the people who respects you and your decisions.
Being with the right people makes your life better, you have so much potential in life to achieve your dreams which is getting divided by giving unnecessary importance to the people who are making your life uneasy.
Try cutting out negative people and negative vibes.
Be at the place where you can grow and when you learn to fix this, you are going to be unstoppable -
February 02,2020
No matter how many times you fail to meet your own expectations, you have to forgive yourself.
Despite contrary belief, dwelling on and badgering yourself over your faults doesn’t ever help you grow into who you want to be.
It’s like gardening: if your flower isn’t blossoming like you want it to, you don’t rip out its leaves as punishment for failing to satisfy you.
You recognize the problem and figure out what’s going wrong with its environment so you can modify it, giving the flower a chance to bloom in its own time.
Accept your shortcoming or setback, forgive yourself, and figure out what’s going wrong so that you can plan for how to prevent it from repeating in the future.
Thank your past self for trying in the first place and then give your future self the love needed to flourish.
Next page,
I read an amazing thing today.
When i sin, He gives me hope.
When i turn away, He calls me back.
He tests me only to elevate me.
He withholds from me only to give me something better.
My beloved is my Merciful.
February 04 ,2020
Don’t neglect yourself because you think you should be grateful or your life seems nice compared to many others.
If you’re feeling sad, you don’t need to justify it to people. It means you have needs that aren’t being met or something is missing that you need to acknowledge.
Don’t compare how big or small your reasons seem. So don’t write off your sadness as nothing because you’re guilty.
You deserve to have feelings and accept them. your feelings are real and you deserve to be as kind towards yourself as you would to anyone else.
February 06,2020
Don’t settle for nice, for pleasant, for familiar.
Keep looking until you find something that really moves you, that resonates with your core.
And I mean this for people, for interests, for hobbies, for your possessions, clothes, music, books, art.
Curate every aspect of your life, as much as you can.
It’s in the things that deeply inspire us that we find ourselves.
Surround yourself with truth, and you’ll have built yourself a heaven.
February 10,2020'
Dear Me ,
It is better to light a candle than to curse the darkness. It is better to encourage yourself than to complain about people discouraging you.
And it is better to educate yourself than to worry about people taking advantage of your ignorance.
All too often instead of taking responsibility in finding solution to our issues, we use the time to engage in things that are mostly useless. What's the point of cursing the darkness?
It is absolutely inconsequential.
All you need to do is to turn on the light.
And not only is it a waste of time, it is quite foolish on our part.
It's as insane as being able to cook and having whatever you need to cook with and yet whining about dying of hunger.
It is always better to do something about your situation when you can, instead of doing nothing and complaining about the consequences. Truth be told, the problem doesn't always lie with your circumstances. Let's face it.
The reason you're always late for work is not because the traffic is always bad.
You could plan ahead or start off very early to avoid the traffic.
The reason you don't exercise is not because your schedule is too busy. There are people busier than you who still make time to exercise.
You're just giving excuses!
February 12,2020.
On some days you simply cannot set an intention like Today I will be productive or Today I will be kind.
On some days all you can say is Today I will make it through.
And that is absolutely okay.
You are doing enough. You do not need to try harder.
Some days are simply about making it through to another day. It does not make you a failure.
It does not make you a bad person. Some days are all about trying not to fall apart.
And that is okay.
That is okay.
That is okay.
So, I.updated after days.
How are you readers.
Hope so.doing well.
Share your thoughts.
Comment and let me know how I am doing.
Make the star orange.
Love and prayers from my side.
Till next update , bye
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