Chapter 6: First day on my after-school job.
(The next day)
(Y/N's POV)
I was walking to math class and to my surprise, the teacher Jones was not there and some other teacher was there.
Y/N- Hey.
Teacher- Oh hello, you are in this class right?
Y/N- Yeah, say wheres Jones.
Teacher- He had to go do some personal stuff so I'm here as a substitute today.
Y/N- Cool.
I went to my seat and went on my phone before class started, the other kids came in soon after, and the comments were all excited as we have a substitute teacher. I agree with them, then I saw Rias and Akeno enter.
They saw me and smiled which I replied with a friendly wave and went back on my phone. The two sat in their seats next to me and tapped me for a bit.
Rias- Good morning Y/N.
Akeno- Morning Y/N.~
Y/N- Morning you two.
Rias- Is Mr.Jones not here?
Y/N- Yep, we have a substitute today and I am not complaining, to say the least.
Akeno- *Giggle* Always honest.~ Well, it seems like everyone else is happy about this.
Y/N- Yeah, today you will see what we do when our normal teacher is not here. Trust me, it's a little fun.
Rias- Noted, and speaking of teachers, after school we will begin your first day as our runner.
Y/N- Already?
Akeno- Of course, after all, the business is not gonna grow itself.
Y/N- Good point, ok so what am gonna be doing mostly?
Rias- Well-
*Bell rining*
Rias- We will speak about it after school.
Y/N- Ok, then after school it is.
Then class began and I was once more only half paying attention to the sub, but Rias and Akeno made sure I wasn't on my phone by taking it from me and giving those stares that your mom would give you when you don't do what you told so I gave up and listening on... but I'm thinking about memes.
(Timeskip to after school)
Rias told me she would be waiting for me in the main section of the school, so I made my way over there with a high amount of nervousness that I'm gonna be doing my first job ever, so I don't know what to expect but it's fine, you can do this. I soon made my way over there with Rias, Akeno, and Koneko.
Y/N- Hey guys. Hope I'm not late on my first day.
Rias- Not at all, in fact, you are right on time.
Akeno- And for today, we three are gonna be showing the ropes of the job along with some tips so you can follow for when you do more shifts solo.
Y/N- Great, but why is Koneko here?
Koneko- To make sure no one bothers you badly.
Y/N- ...Kay then, well let's get move on then.
Rias- I like your drive, now our first place we will go is the local galleria.
Y/N- ...OK, wait you can drive?
Rias- Yes.
Y/N- Oh, then again you guys are basically seniors I guess.
Akeno- Are you saying we are older than you?~
Y/N- I mean, I guess but that's not what I was thinking but ok...sure.
Rias- We are getting off-track here, come on.
We walked to the parking lots and we soon reached a big fancy-looking car.
Y/N- *Whistle* Nice ride you got there.
Rias- Thank you, it's has been a great car for me.
Y/N- I'll say...I call shotgun!
I went to the passager seat and fasten my seatbelt. The rest got inside and sat on the back, and Rias went to the driver's seat. She turned on the car, set the AC, and went to click on the radio station button, and turned in to Modern Pop 96.7.
Rias- let's go, everyone.
Then we left the school and headed to our destination.
Y/N's mind- Here we go!
(No POV)
Y/N and the crew arrived at the Galleria, then Rias gave Y/N a bunch of flyers, a tape gun, and a card of some sort.
Rias- Ok Y/N, so today you are going to put these flyers in very various spots that are easy to see and will not interfere with foot traffic.
Y/N- Ok, sounds good.
Akeno- What we are gonna be doing is just observing you, if you need any help, just ask one of us and we will gladly help you.~
Koneko- And I'll be here next to you in cause some creep harasses you or something.
Y/N- Awesome sauce and thank you guys, I appreciate it.
The three blushed for a minute then saw Y/N went ahead and went to catch up with her, Y/N picked a spot she thinks is good, she got out the tape gun and placed the first flyer in the ad billboard. She tapped it up and went to see if she did well.
Rias- Clever place I must say.
Akeno- Indeed.~
Koneko nodded in agreement, Y/N was in the search for the next good spot and saw another potential one, while she was guessing, she didn't know for sure if this would work but she knew one thing...
Y/N's mind- The best way to find out is to try it out first.
It was getting dark and the Galleria was closing, Y/N went through her last flyer, tapped it, and lifted her fist into the air in celebration.
Y/N- A job well done I must say, so how did I do?
Rias- Well, to get this out of the way, you had minor mistakes like when you tapped a flyer to a metal pole but the wind blew it away and the flyer got into someone's face.
Y/N- Yeah I know, but then again I did tape it poorly so that's why.
Rias- Yes but other than that Y/N...I must say you did an overall remarkable job. You are ready to go on solo runs like this.
Akeno- I agree and you have shown you are a hard-working one too.
Y/N- Aww, thank you, guys. I can't wait.
Koneko- I'm just glad you are not hurt, but please be careful ok?
Y/N- I sure will.
Rias then got out a wad of money and gave it to Y/N
Rias- Here is your pay for the day and a little more for a "first-day fund".
Y/N- Thanks.
Rias- Now, We'll take you back home YN.
The crew went back to the car and Y/N gave them the directions to her home and just sat quietly looking out in the windows thinking about today.
Y/N's mind- That was tiring but that's what I'm gonna be feeling for now on, but they say....the more work you put into something, the payoff will eventually come around.
Y/N was dropped off and Rias, Akeno, and Koneko went back to their home and ordered the rest of the ORC crew beginning to prep for future clients of all types. All they have to do is to wait and when they get their first, that's when things were about to change and get a whole lot interesting.
Ria's mind- We are ready to begin business. ~
Who will they get and what kind of things about the U.S will they learn...well, that is soon to come.
(End...for now)
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