Chapter 14: Meeting the enemy.
(Koneko's POV)
I flew to Y/N's house and see what I'm up against, and to see if I can learn more about this threat of hers. I saw her house and landed on the roof of the house to avoid any detention from other people, I jumped off the roof to the upper window and looked to see Y/N sleeping peacefully on her bed.
Koneko- I wish your window wasn't closed Y/N, I would love to cuddle with you and kiss you.~
Suddenly, I felt a powerful force that wasn't a devil or Angel but one I know too well... A fallen. I tracked the force with full force and see who this threat is and how to proceed. It got stronger as I moved forward and I felt it wasn't an average fallen. I stopped in my tracks and leaned over the wall and saw who it was and...
It was a female and she was heading over to Y/N's directions of her house.
Koneko's mind- Not on my watch.
I hopped over to the other side of the street where I was now right behind her, I sneaked my way towards her and my plan of action was to knock her out and take her back to the house and have Rias and the others interrogate her of her reasons for interacting with Y/N and where might the rest of her kind is. But as soon I was about to strike...
????- Oh hello there...
She turned around and punched me straight in my face.
????- Didn't see you there.~
She stood there with a dark smile and I was wiping the blood off me and was about to attack.
Koneko- Who are you and why are you stalking her?
????- Who are you talking about exactly?~
I knew she was playing dumb and I will get some answers out of her.
Koneko- You know who, A human girl. What do you want with her?
????- Ok ok, you got me, I know you mean a girl named....Y/N. And the reason why...
She ran towards me and struck me on my stomach.
????- Is none of your damn business.~
I went for phase two and showed her my wings and see if I can get her to show hers to see who she really is.
Koneko- Talk.
????- Oh, a devil I see, well I guess we can play this kind of game.
She showed her and her wings were black as a raven's and I know the type it is.
Koneko- Your a fallen angel, I should've known.
????- You know who I am, good, cause I would hate for this fight to end so soon, especially when you clearly ruined my night. I was about to see Y/N but now I have to deal with you.
Koneko- Your not.
We fought each other and it was equally tough, she tried to use her powers on me and overpower me, but with my strength and speed, she wasn't able to take me down. But, she took my kicks, punches, and counterattacks with ease and did not really do any massive damage to her.
????- Got anything else to fight me with? I really am getting bored with this play of ours.
Koneko- Maybe not but someone else will.
I now was about to call for reinforcements but she must've known what I was doing and launched a light bullet at me, I dodged it and it ended up in a cable pole which caused it to blow up and fall down.
Koneko- Shit.
Then, the multiple houses lights went on and now the residents are awake, I can't let them see me, or else my cover will be blown.
????- What a shame we couldn't continue on, looks like the neighborhood is going to find us, well looks like it's time to leave this scene.
Koneko- We'll meet again, you heathen.
????- I know, but till then...bye-bye now.~
She flew away and I did the same as the people went out of their homes to investigate the scene, good thing I was able to get away without being seen but I didn't get anything from her and as she flew to the east, my chest was filled with anger as this is the stalker who was following Y/N around.
Koneko's mind- I will have your head on a platter soon enough for Y/N's sake.
Then, I made my way back to the house to report my findings, the threat, and who she is.
(No POV)
Koneko made it back to the house with everyone asking about what she found and she told them everything she knew.
Rias- So, we have a fallen nearby, this is no good to us or the citizens here.
Akeno- I wonder how a fallen even got by without us noticing, I wonder if this one mastered hiding it from others.
Rias- Either way, it seems like she is too strong for Koneko but I will have to meet her myself and see if she is truly strong.
Asia- Oh but what is this her knowing about Y/N? Koneko, did she say anything about that?
Koneko- Not much I'm afraid, but I can tell it's nothing innocent.
Asia- We need to protect her then, I don't want Y/N to suffer from that horror.
Xenovia- Agreed, but how can we fight this threat if we don't have a lead?
Irina- I say we lead her into a trap and have to use Y/N as bait.
Asia- *Gasp* you must be kidding!
Irina- I'm serious, either that or we search for her the hard way. And I don't like this plan, by the way, just to clear the room.
Rias- I would reject this plan Irina but it may seem a better plan, but we will have to be behind the scenes to make sure she doesn't try to possibly kill her. I plan to assign someone for spy duty and the rest will follow me to prepare the trap.
Everyone else- Right!
Rias- Ok, Koneko, excellent work on finding out about the fallen threat, and doing your best to fight it off.
Koneko- Thank you, President.
Rias- And tomorrow everyone, we are gonna do some planning and will take Y/N somewhere nice. The day for battle will come soon, the rest of us need to see her first.
Yuuto- I'll email the manager at the renaissance lounge for a VIP room in the morning.
Gasper- I'll go to Y/N's home in the morning to pick her up.
Rias- Great ideas you two, now everyone is free to go.
And so, everyone left the room and Rias took a look at herself in the mirror and her hand shined red.
Rias- You will fall by my hands, fallen. No one messes with Y/N and gets away with it, no matter who they may be.
(End....for now)
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