Chapter 1: Not an average day.
(Timeskip to the next morning)
(Y/N's POV)
I woke for school and did the same old routine but today, I have a feeling that the school environment is gonna change due to the new girls. I get the feeling that they will become like the queens of the school already and won't ever have any alone time to themselves, as much as I feel slightly bad for them I'm kinda glad that they shifted their attention to them now cause I have more freedom for being alone and now even more possible hiding spots for me. Oh well, at least I got to see something new for once and now I'm set for the rest of my time there, so yeah. I ate some cereal for breakfast, went outside waiting for the bus, the bus arrived and I went inside and just did the usual music and stare out the window technique till I arrived at school.
(Timeskip to arriving at school)
I went inside and already I hear people already talking about the new girls. the boys with their lewd, perverted, and kinda dirty flirt talk. Also how any guy would be the luckiest guy in the world if he scored a date with them or something.
Y/N's mind- Why am I not surprised about that?
Meanwhile, on the girl's side of things, they were talking about their looks, questioning their clothes, if they were rich or if they were wearing hair coloring or something of the sorts.
Y/N's mind- Also not surprised about what the girls are saying either. It's all about the gossip.
I headed straight to the library to pass the time before Algebra starts. While I was walking around yesterday, I found a room where it seems no one used it in years and I realized that with a little cleaning around and setting up my stuff here to make a cozy place of some sorts, I can confirm that this is my first "lone spot" in this school. I went inside the library and went to my lone spot without the librarian seeing me and made myself comfortable till it is time to leave. But while I was chilling, I got a strange feeling of being watched for some reason. Let me tell you, I never had this feeling once in my life but why out of all days is that day I get the feeling that someone is watching me. I opened the door and peeked my head out a bit to see if my gut was telling the truth, and to my surprise, no one was in the library besides the librarian so why am I getting this feeling. I closed the door and sat back down before checking y clock to see that class starts in two minutes, well I got up from my spot, checked my back and closed the door then exited the library and headed to class. I arrived at the class, sat down at my desk, and waited for the teacher to come inside and begin the class already. He soon arrived but had a smile on his face and I can something was up.
Mr.Jones- Good morning class! Ready for the second day of school today?!
No one said a word to him and some were shaking their heads to him in annoyance.
Mr.Jones- Well that's not the kind of greeting I expected and especially if we have two new students joining us in this class today and they wouldn't like to see this kind of boredom from you guys.
Then everyone had a confused but intrigued look on their faces while I was waiting for this mystery to unfold.
Mr.Jones- Please welcome Ms.Rias Gremory and Ms.Akeno Himejima to the class guys.
Then the door opened to reveal two of the girls from yesterday
Then the whole class energy went from zero to one hundred really quickly and chattering skyrocket so much that I couldn't hear one clear word.
Mr.Jones- Now, settle down class, settle down, please?
But the class didn't listen to one word to him and were continuing to make a lot of noisy rackets but it seems like the two girls had enough of this and took action.
Rias- *Clear throat*
Then the class stopped and that was not all...
Akeno- Please be quiet and let the teacher talk...please.~
Then just like that, everyone settled down and took there like statues. Even the teacher was affected with fear also, I was too a little afraid and she had the voice and aura of dominance.
Y/N's mind- Geez, remind me to never get on their bad side.
Mr.Jones- T-thank you for....getting the class under control. P-please sits wherever you like and we get started.
Rias- Of course.
Akeno- Happy to help Mr.Jones-san.~
San? Oh right, I forgot they come from Japan so I should expect some words that I might find weird but I don't have the guts to question them. Anyway, they went to the back of the class where Rias sat in the last row in the middle and Akeno sat next to her but that meant she was right next to me. WAIT...NEXT TO ME?!?!
Y/N's mind- Ah jeez, ok just don't make eye contact and don't get any funny feelings too Y/N cause when those feelings hit, they hit hard and make you do stupid shit so don't.
Jones started the lesson and while no one made a sound, they had their eyes on them pretty much the whole time and the two girls weren't paying any attention to their stares, I admire that they don't seem fazed at all, me, on the other hand, I would be sweating cats and dogs at all the attention. Well, I must shift my focus from my inner thoughts to the class itself.
(Timeskip to the end of class)
Everyone was packing up and getting ready to go to their next period and I was one of the last folk to get out and I made my way out the door but then I felt a finger tap my shoulders and when I turned around to see who it was, it was Rias and Akeno.
Rias- Say, I remember you from the auditorium yesterday.
Y/N's mind- HUH?!?!
Akeno- Yeah, and you looked at her and when she turned to you, you gave her a smile, nod and a wave then you just disappeared. Why? Were you nervous about us or something?~
I didn't want to tell them the truth as I don't want to be rude and it is a really embarrassing why, so I came up with a lie.
Y/N- Well, y-you guys were bringing a crowd and I didn't want to be in a huge crowd of people plus I had to take care of so I couldn't get that chance.
Rias- Well, today is a very special day for you cause we wanted to meet you face to face today.
Y/N- But If you don't mind me asking...why?
Rias- Cause we wanted to meet every single student here and leaving you behind would not work well for me.
Akeno- And besides, would you like to meet us as well?~
Y/N- S-sure. Well, I know your names already but my name is Y/N L/N.
Rias- Nice to meet you too Y/N-san.~
Akeno- Yeah and what a cute name too in my opinion.~
Y/N- O-oh well thanks.
Is this for real? Am I actually talking to people that wanted to know me?
Rias- Sadly, we must get to our classes but I hope we can be friends and see each other again soon.
Y/N- Y-yeah.
Rias- Well then, goodbye for now Y/N-san.
Akeno- Yes, till next time Y/N. Bye-Bye.~
Then they left to the hallways while I, on the other hand, was frozen in my shoes, I got to chat with the two beautiful girls who I thought would never give two rats ass about me but it seems like i was wrong this time around. But this leaves me wondering...
Y/N- Why would they care that much and will I meet the others girls today?
I unfroze myself and made my way to my next class with my mind just in shambles right now, not even music could help me out for this one.
(Timeskip to lunch)
I did the usual of sneaking out to the upstairs area and go to that same spot as yesterday. I ate my food, watch some angry video game nerd, and stood up to throw my trash away. Then it's off to explore I go and I feel like grooving out so searched up the perfect song for that.
I walked the usual paths but this time I went further away and I fake sang the lyrics and mimicked the walk. Everything was fine and dandy till I saw someone from a distance. I walked closer and saw a girl with white hair and a black cat hair button.
She was standing there with that stone-cold face like not even the most terrifying ghost in the world could scare her. Half of me wanted to go up to her and say what's up but the other half of me is like Nah if you do that you would get told off in the coldest voice ever so... I don't know what to do. I continued walking closer to her maybe even pass her by without any problem and that was the plan I went with but when I passed by her she grabbed my arm and turned me around.
Koneko- So, you're the girl who met Rias and Akeno senpai, are you?
Y/N- Yeah...I am. Why?
Koneko- If they think you're good, then I think you're good too. but I got two questions to ask of you...
Y/N- Yeah?
Koneko- Are you one of those gossipers and are you a pervert?
OKKKKK then.....
Y/N- Nah Nah, I'm not. One, I don't like to make assumptions about people or things I don't know enough about, and two I'm not one of those creeps who do that kind of gross stuff. So, your good man your good.
She didn't change her facial impression but I can tell she liked my answer.
Koneko- I see then, well I hope we can meet again. Farewell to you.
She went on her way and didn't look back. She said that she wanted to meet again but I couldn't tell if she meant that or not cause her voice was cold and blank that which makes Mr. Freeze's voice sound emotional by comparison.
Y/N- Well, that went well enough but I wasn't expecting those questions. Man, what weird questions but I guess she has her reasons. Well, time to get going and make my way back to the hallway where English is at.
I finished English and that means it was free time right now and I plan to spend it on the "lone spot" from this morning and then I felt that funny feeling which I pray to God that it doesn't come back to me. While I was walking over there though, I heard talking from the hallway to the right and I saw two people wandering through the hallway and I was gonna continue on my way but then.....
"Excuse me! Could you help us with some directions, please!
I turned my head and saw two girls, one with blonde hair and one with a hair color I don't know what it was. But they went in my direction and they looked lost cause they held to a school map. Also, I remember them from yesterday as well.
Y/N- Sure thing, are you lost or something?
Asia- Yes we are, we are trying to find room 290, we are already late for our health class!
Gasper- And this school is so huge that we don't know which hallway to go to. It looks all the same!
I feel them, I remember the first time getting lost in a new school, and let's just say I had a teacher help me out and I felt embarrassed that day, so that's why I walk around new places whenever I can so when someone is lost, I can guide them to that room with ease. Assuming of course if they want my help that is.
Y/N- Oh I know where the room is, sure I'll take you there.
Gasper- Really?! We're not bothering you?
Y/N- Not in the slightest.
Asia- Oh that's just wonderful, god ble-OW!
Gasper- OW!
Y/N- two good?
Asia- No, don't worry about me, I'm fine.
Gasper- I'm fine too.
Y/N- Ok then, well come on folks, your classroom awaits you thanks to your living guide here.
Then I made my way to the room and they followed me closely getting into my personal space and I first wanted to say something about it but for some reason, I didn't. I don't know these feelings I'm getting today from the girls I'm meeting so far, it kinda scares me but only a tiny bit. Soon enough, room 209 was on sight and they looked relieved.
Y/N- Well, here we are folks. See ya!
I turned to leave but...
Asia/Gasper- Wait!
Y/N- Hmm?
Asia- What's your name kind stranger?
Y/N- Y/N. Y/N L/N.
Asia- Y/N...that's a pretty name and I'll remember what you did for us. Hope we cross paths again soon. Goodbye Y/N-sama!
Gasper- B-bye! Y/N-sama.
Sama? well, add that to the list of foreign words list.
Y/N- *Chuckle* no problem you two, take care ok?
Asia/Gasper- Ok!
Then they went to their classroom and I made my way to the library just like I planned feeling good about the good deed of the day I did.
Y/N- You know...I kinda feel good, especially I got to help them out. Besides if someone needs help, I'll help out even though I may scream at myself internally for getting out of my comfort zone.
But I digress, I made it to the library and it was a little busy but not busy enough for anyone to notice me going into my lone spot. I made it inside and just chilled watching some AngryJoe till the free time period was over.
I was in world history class and I couldn't believe that the last three girls out of the eight girls were in my class. We were doing a little activity with four people and they got assigned together plus one random kid and I was in a group with all boys and we were supposed to find out where all of the major religious groups in the world and my group wasn't helpful at all so I had to do all of the work myself and it was not a fun time, to say the least. Meanwhile, the new girl's group was done with it and it took them like 6 minutes to do it.
Y/N's mind- Man, they know their religions well. Damn.
I finished it and I turned it into Ms.Karen and I sat down on my seat bored so I grabbed the textbook and started to read about ancient Greece. But when I looked up, I saw the girls looked at me and I quickly looked at my book again with my face burning up and I wasn't sick or anything.
Y/N's mind- I want to go home and think about today cause this day was the most bizarre day I very had in my life.
Y/N's mind- Bingo!
I quickly packed my bag not even stopping in my tracks when my name being called out by someone and my way to the bus stop. I speed walked to the exit and went outside to get to y bus but then I heard a shout...
I turned around and saw those girls from my class were walking up to me.
Y/N- Oh dear god.
Y/N- Uh...Hi?
Irina- Why didn't you respond to us? We tried to get your attention back in the classroom but you went out the door faster than a speeding bullet!
Y/N- Well..I-
Xenovia- Come now Irina, I'm sure she had her reason for being in a hurry but still...that doesn't why she ran like we were after her or something.
Y/N- see, I kinda have to go somewhere after school and I'm on a time schedule but I'm sorry if I ignored you guys and making you think I was avoiding you which I wasn't in the slightest trying to do.
Y/N's mind- Yeah, I said a little bullshit but hey if they don't know, no one gets hurt right?
Yuuto- It's quite all right Y/N, we just wanted to meet the girl that our friend Rias told us all about. And she said that you were most interesting to talk to.
Y/N- She said that?
Irina- Yeah she did, also she said that you were a unique student here and I think she was right with every word.
Xenovia- I agree and it's quite an achievement for you to win her favor so quickly too. No one ever achieved that before yet we are seeing the girl herself who did just that.
Y/N- I...I don't know what to say to that.
Irina- Oh it's nothing to worry about Y/N, it means that if you need anything at all from us, come find us and we would help you out.
Xenovia- Course, a price has to be paid out if you do seek us so make sure to be aware of that.
I made a face of confusion as to what the hell they were talking about a price.
Yuuto- It's not like that Y/N, not at all like that. What we mean is that you would do us some favors of sorts, don't worry it's not dangerous at all, we wouldn't dare try to put you in harm's way ok?
Y/N- Sure, I'll take your word for it I guess.
*Hissing bus sounds*
Y/N- Crap! That's my bus, sorry guys I gotta go!
Irina- Aww man, when can we see you again Y/N?
Y/N- I don't know....maybe sometime maybe not who knows, anyway gotta go bye!
I ran to my bus and I caught it just in time before it left me behind. I sat down in my seat taking some deep breaths. Finally, I got some peace to think about today, I got a lot to think about that would cause me a bloody headache.
Y/N- Today, was a day that for me was the craziest day ever. Maybe tomorrow would be back to normal?
(Ria's POV)
I was waiting for my peerage members to arrive and give me any details regarding the girl Y/N L/N, I want to see how they also think and feel about her. Akeno and I agreed that she isn't like any human we met before, even back at Kuoh. She seems like the girl who has no allegiance to anyone, she is like a lone wolf or something. My thoughts were on hold when the portal appeared that meant my members have returned.
Rias- Welcome back everyone, do you have any intel about the girl I told you about?
Peerage- Yes President!
Rias- Excellent, Akeno, make everyone some tea if you please. I get the feeling I'm gonna be hearing a lot of interesting stuff about her.
Akeno- I'll be glad to Ms.President, I'll be back.~
While Akeno did just that, I sat down on the couch and made myself comfortable. Y/N is definitely one interesting human girl but every time I think about her, my heart starts beating faster and my blood warming up leaving me with goosebumps every time I think about my meet with her today. This could be possibly lead to one thing...
Ria's mind- Am I having feelings towards her? If so then.......I kinda want to have this feeling more and i think i want to see her again tomorrow. Oh Y/N, you make me feel this way and i want to know about you more and more.~
(End...For now)
Here is the first chapter here folks, I kinda am debating if I should quit for the night or write more things till midnight. But whatever, hope you enjoyed this chapter and till next time, this is adventurefan signing out.
See Ya'll later! :)
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