37- Knowing you.
"E-Excuse me! Hello! Excuse me?! Ma'am you can't come in her— Stop!" The voice yelled as I hurried through the doors and down the dark corridors.
The voices and shouts for stops followed me but none of them were louder than the voices of mockery in my mind until I stormed into the office causing Zak's head to snap around.
"Delilah?" He questioned as I went to him and hugged him tightly.
"Hey, hey.. What's happened? What's wrong?" He questioned as my chest began to tighten. "Okay breathe."
"I- I-.."
"Shh. Just breathe. Mom give us a minute?"
I turned to see the blonde haired lady who I had seen once before look between myself and Zak and smile "Of course."
My mouth opened to speak but Zak guided me to his desk and sat me down on the chair "Just take a moment."
When the door closed behind her, my shoulders sagged and head fell forward in embarrassment. I felt his hands grip my shoulders and massage them gently until I lifted my head up with a little more control.
"Why did I come here? What a great first impression that was?" I grumbled taking hold of Zak's hand to play with his ring.
"Don't worry about th—"
The door flew open and a member of security came in. He seemed familiar to me, we had met...
Ryan? Ryan!
"Sorry sir, she pushed past us, balled Steve over." Ryan panted as another one, I presumed to be Steve came around the corner dusting off his pants.
Zak turned to face me with a cocked brow and I gave a slight smile in return. "It's alright guys, she's with me. Delilah doesn't need an invitation or a ticket."
Both men looked at me, causing my grip on Zak's large hand to tighten. "Sorry?" I mustered up hoping their looks of annoyance would pass.
They nodded their heads and returned back to the doors leaving me with Zak.
"You tackled my security guard to the ground?" Zak questioned as my face began to burn.
"Well tackle is a little strong..." I replied pulling an unsure face.
He shook his head dismissing that moment and crouched in front of me. "Talk to me. What happened?"
"I made a stupid decision.. A stupid, stupid decision!"
"Hey, come on. It couldn't have been stupid, you don't do things irrationally. I know that."
"Don't I? I met up with my mother."
"When? Today?"
I nodded "Not long ago, actually.. I wanted answers, just to fill in some blanks but she made me angry and I stormed out. "
Looking down at our hands, I noticed his thumb soothing over my knuckles subconsciously as he listened. A gentle touch that meant so much...
"And you regret walking out." He concluded.
"How did you know that?" I asked quietly.
"Delilah, I know you a little bit more than what you give me credit for and quiet frankly, I'd question you if you didn't have questions for her. This is why you still suffer, because you haven't got the answers you need. It's a self torture mechanism. Not one you made intentionally, it just happened."
I leant forward and pushed my forehead against his "There was so much noise in my head until I found you. I felt like I was drowning, I had to get to you."
He smiled softly "So you didn't come to see me because of my good looks and Vegas charm?"
I returned his smile "You're such a dork. But thank you for making me smile."
"Anytime sweetie. Now..." He pulled away. "What do you want to do about your mom?"
I wet my lips and felt the coolness of the key against my chest. Letting go of one of Zak's hand, I lifted the key up. "She said I had no right to have it.. That my gran had no right to give it to me. Like she deserved it more... That England wasn't my home."
"Was it home?" He questioned touching the key with his fingertip as I held it.
"It's where I felt safe, loved and cared for. It was the first place I felt wanted and felt like I belonged in a while. Until recently when..." I paused and shook my head.
I didn't want to delve into anything just yet. Looking at anything else with this tainted vision would only make something so beautiful, seem so ugly.
"Do you want answers still? Or can you let this go?"
"I don't know. Help me?"
He gave me a gentle smile "I can't, babe. This has to be your own choice, I can't tell you what to do, you have to look inside yourself for that answer and others.
I nod in understanding before letting go of the key. "Sorry about Steve."
He shrugged "He will get over it, after Ryan has finished ribbing him over the security radio." It was only then I noticed the earpiece in his ear. "Don't worry. I have to touch the button to give a response, they can't hear us."
"What about your mom? I just stormed in here like a mad woman."
He chuckled "My mom is used to madness, she has me as a son. Remember?"
I grinned in response before pulling him into my arms. "What would I do without your sense and silliness?"
"Hopefully you'll never have to find out."
Zak growled down at me as his hands pinned my wrists to the bed. My mind was spinning and the only clear thought I was getting, was to come undone which wouldn't be much longer... As long as he continued.
"D-don't stop!" I ordered.
"Fuck!" He shouted out before picking up pace and hitting into me harder.
One hand left my wrist, in favour of wrapping around my waist and arching me off the bed giving him a feast of my chest. Pressing my hand against the headboard was the only way to stop us moving up the bed and when his mouth sealed over one of my soft peaks. Lacing it with the hardness of his teeth and warmth of his tongue, I came undone.
My body began to tremble and shake as black spots clouded my vision. Screwing my eyes shut, I cried out his name over and over again until he lifted his head up and with one hard thrust, he stilled. His face was red, the main vein stood prominent from his skull and his slack jaw shook slightly before he collapsed on me.
Still revelling in the afterglow of yet another earth shattering orgasm, I wrapped my legs around Zak's body and kept him on me.
"Fuck... Me." He breathed in my ear.
"Done that." I whispered rubbing his back as I held him.
"If I die now, I'll die a happy man."
I smiled and groped his ass. "I'll be one happy woman if I went right now. I'm exhausted."
He chuckled and rolled off before bringing the sheet over us. "Where did that come from?"
"Are you saying you didn't enjoy it?"
He lifted the sheet and removed the condom before getting out of bed. "Do I really need to answer that?" He asked whilst walking to the bathroom.
I winced at the state of his back and made a mental note to lay off him. Otherwise I'll be on a domestic charge..
Whilst he sorted himself in the bathroom, I went through my hold-all until I found a tube of cream.
"What's that?" Zak questioned as he returned, sitting on the bed.
"Antiseptic cream. Your back..."
He shrugged "I didn't even feel them. I was enjoying myself too much."
I took off the lid and began applying it whilst he pulled my leg onto his lap and rubbed my calf. "Have you decided about your mom?"
"I want to say that I never want to see her again. But..."
"But a part of you doesn't want to feel alone in the world?"
I cocked my head "You know, if I didn't know any better, I'd say you were telepathic."
He smiled softly "Not telepathic, just understanding. But you have to know, you're never alone. I know this between us is new, and we both have no idea where it's going, we don't really know what we are and hell, we might be back to yelling at each other next week. But you'll always have me."
I stopped applying the antiseptic cream to look at him. "In all that, all I heard was a slice of disappointment in your voice."
He shrugged "I've waited, watched you with a guy that didn't make you happy. Held you when you needed me and shared my Ice-cream with you. Would it be wrong to say that I'm pretty invested in us, if you are? I don't want to lose you. Not yet."
"Are you proposing that we work at being something other than house buddies that share everything and bump uglies to be a little more than... Casual?"
"I'll have you know, nothing of me is ugly. And I know no part of you is either. You know why?"
I shook my head.
"Because my body likes your body... Very much." He whispered making me smirk.
"Oh yeah?"
"Umm." He hummed looking away from my eyes and down to my body. The hunger was back in his eyes and the hardness under my calf told me that he was good to go again.
I however, was not.
"Cool your jets Casanova. I'm getting a little sore."
"Am I hurting you?" He asked looking up to my face with worry.
"Far from it. I'm sore from having to accommodate.. a whole lot more. If you get my drift."
"So Jack was packing or shall we say, wasn't packing anything more than a little wiener?"
"I'd rather not venture into my awful sex life with him."
Zak got up and turned before crawling back on the bed.
"Oh yes the hell we are, I want to know everything. Then you're gonna tell me you're preferences. Cause I'm gonna rock your world and make sure you smile everyday."
I shook my head in refusal as he pulled me down the bed. "Nope."
"Sharing is caring." He replied.
"Not that much."
"Ms Winters. You're going to tell me everything or I'm going to get hungry and not for food. So if you wanna walk with a limp..."
"You're wicked."
"I'm insufferable. Now spill." He demanded I giggled at his eagerness to know it all.
And they say women gossip?!
I stood in his robe whilst he ignored me in the kitchen.
Turns out, he wanted to know everything to get jealous. Men! I give up!
"You're being ridiculous." I told him watching as he made us both omelettes.
"I don't want to talk about it anymore."
I scoff. "I'm sorry. Did you think I was the Virgin Mary when you got me into bed?"
"No. Of course not."
"Then what's you're problem? I don't expect you to have been a monk before meeting me. I can guarantee you've got more notches in your bed post than Nevada has cactus'!"
Okay that may have been an oversight.
"So, now I'm a slut?" He asked tossing the spatula on the side and storming into the pantry.
I roll my eyes "More like a diva.."
Taking hold of the spatula, I work over the eggs and ignore his presence when he comes back.
"Krystal." I said outloud.
"What about her?"
"Well I didn't throw my toys out my pram when you mentioned her. Who else?"
He turned away and went into the fridge. "How many we talking? 10?"
"More than 30?!" I asked in surprise.
"So I was wild at one stage. We all have to grow up eventually! You know it's pretty hard to date when I have an attachment! Women tend to tuck tail and run when something happens and let's not forget the women who use me just to try and fuck up my career!"
"You kinda do that yourself... It's not like they are forcing you to sleep with them is it?"
He simply glared at me.
"Okay you know what? Fine. I'll move back into the other bedroom. It's chill. Let's just forget what we had, because you can't get past that I wasn't a nun when you bedded me."
He took the pan off the stove "Now you're over-reacting."
"Am I? Am I really? This is the only way. I mean sorry I disgust you."
I left the kitchen and was halfway up the stairs when a hand grabbed my own and held on to it. I turned to see Zak looking at me from a lower step.
"I'm sorry. Okay? It was ridiculous and yes I've been with more women than you have men. I have no excuse for that except that I've always had a thing for having flings. I've cheated on women, like I'm some starved sex addict. I just got bored."
I retracted my hand from his and folded my arms. "Jack was cheating too. I'm not being made to feel that I'm not good enough again.... For anybody."
"No listen. With you I feel different-"
"Bet you said that to all the women." I scoff.
"Delilah. Look at me? Please?"
I turned my eyes down to him.
"I didn't have to tell you that, or anything else. But I did because I respect you. You're different and I don't know why or how. But you are and I have no intentions of messing this up. I asked you about those men. I did.. But what I didn't tell you, was that I get jealous easily, I'm a bit possessive over what's mine and a little controlling. But I will only say that because I sometimes tell people to do things a certain way to avoid getting hurt or upset."
"Like those women?"
He nodded "It's a long story and yes I've been with a lot of women.. I won't stand here and apologise for that because it will make no difference. But I will say sorry if I have made you upset or angry in any way."
I sighed hard and looked down at the man who looked up at me sincerity in his eyes.
"Come here.."
I stepped down until I was the one above him.
"Please don't be mad at me and move back into the other bedroom."
"I'll think about it. It's not a yes and it's not a no."
"Ms Winters you drive a hard bargain... Allow me to help you with your decision making."
His hands ripped down my yoga pants making me gasp and go to grab them when he stops me. "Lay down."
I frown "Right here?"
"This won't wait. Lay down."
I slowly sit down on the step and lay back, arching my back as the steps dig into my spine.
"Such lovely packaging.." He spoke as he removed one leg from my pants and moved between my legs looking at my panties.
"Zak I don't think I can right now.. Lets just do this later or something okay cause I'm gonna get so sore."
He shook his head and pulled the material hard until it tore on my skin leaving a burning mark on my hip.
My face flushed red and I tried to put my knees together. "Don't hide." He spoke again pushing my knees apart. "This is mine now."
I gulped and gasped loudly when his face buried itself between my legs. As he wrote an apology with his mouth in a series of biting, sucking and lapping, I was left pushing the heels of my palms into my eyes, seeing colours, stars and spots.
At one stage my hands were pulled down leaving me to look at him as he stared up at me.
It was then that I came undone, time and time again until I physically had to remove Zak to make him stop.
Exhausted and spent, I didn't move even as Zak redressed me, pocketed the ruined panties and held me stand up.
My legs gave out instantly and I crashed into him.
"Delilah?" He questioned as I slumped into him.
"Jelly knees.. Give me a minute."
He didn't instead he picked me up and carried me to the couch. "Stay here. I'll bring food to you."
"Okay." Was my reply.
But by the time he has returned, I was curled up and asleep on the couch, courtesy of a new healthy sex life.
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