33- He knows
"Morning." A voice chirped behind me, causing me to turn and find Zak pulling on a black t-shirt.
"Hey." I smile back pushing a pancake onto a plate. After crashing here last night, I figured the least I could do was make breakfast for us both. I still had no idea how I got to bed or when Billy left.
All I know is that I had my shoes and belt removed and my phone was sat on the side.
"Sleep okay?" He asks coming to my side to see what I was doing.
"Amazing thanks. Here." I pass him a plate, which he receives gratefully and takes a seat over at the kitchen island looking over the plate of bacon, the scrambled eggs and juice.
"A man could get used to this kind of service." He grins.
"Most important meal of the day." I reply joining his side. "What time is Billy over?"
"He won't be over until later, we pulled a late one to get the footage done. It's mostly recordings and voice overs I need to do now."
I nod and begin to eat when I feel his eyes looking at me. "Thanks for putting me to bed."
Glancing in his direction, he smiles slightly looking at his plate as he's cutting up the pancake. "Everything okay, at home?"
"Yeah, why wou–" I pause realising it was a pointless question to ask him when he was the one to go through my melt down over the pregnancy scare. The thought made me shudder, even now and after that moment, I vowed never to let a man take control of pregnancy precautions, I should be doing it too. "We talked things through."
Zak looked at me a little surprised before shrugging it off and eating his food quietly. I gathered that he didn't want to hear that answer and truthfully, it was a complete and utter lie. But I didn't want him to think it was convenient that I had feelings for him, after the whole incident with Jack.
Who'd be struggling to find some clothes to wear this morning....
I smirked slightly, there is a God. And it's a woman!
"So what time is he due home? I'm not being nosey or rude but I have to go to the museum today."
So in other words, sling your hook Delilah...
"Oh um, probably mid day." I guess, deciding that I'll finish up and head to the bank, I needed to get a new card and I needed money, as long as I had proof of who I was, then it shouldn't be too hard to get it from my account.
After we finished breakfast, Zak headed off to get ready, leaving me to load the dishwasher and collect my things.
"Right. I'm going to head off, thanks for letting me stay." I smile as he meets me at the door.
"You're welcome over anytime." He opens the door and steps out with me.
I hurry over to my car and feel my stomach drop when he comes across with me.
"What's all that?" He asks seeing the mound of my stuff in the back.
"Clearing things out. I was going to drop it off to Goodwill last night but they were closed. So I'll do it this morning."
"Really, but all your books?" He frowns. "You busted my balls when I tore that book."
"Y-yeah but it was because I was really into the book. I've read those loads of times." I lied, pulling a smile to seal it over. I had no doubt he could see through me, but it was worth a try.
His frown never left and with a shake of his head, he walked off and entered his garage leaving me to sigh with relief.
This lying was going to land me in some seriously hot water...
I was once told that money doesn't make you happy. They were probably right but it brought financial stability and that did bring me happiness!
With a temporary card for the next 30 days, I had to ring Poppy and authorise the A- okay to having the new card sent to her address, the last thing I wanted was for Jack to take the new card and go on a shopping spree to replace his clothes.
I had to explain why I couldn't have my new card sent to the apartment anymore and luckily, I had nothing else going there.
But it was her question that unsettled me..
"What if Zak or the guys need your address in case of an emergency?"
Which is how I came to end up outside a cheap hotel, close to his home but far enough for him not to know any different, and I had placed a small fee down on a storage unit for my things until I found a new place to stay.
I was ready to go in and check for availability when I received a message.
My heart began to pound as my mind threw up questions on if he knew? How he knew? Who told him?! The only person I had told was Poppy and she doesn't speak or even know Zak so I knew there was no chance that she would go behind my back like that.
What if Trent knew Zak?
Don't be ridiculous Delilah, you're getting paranoid.
I had to text him back..
Not being able to wait for his reply, I scrapped the idea of getting a room and got into the car, heading straight for the museum.
He knew. The text was vague but he knew. He had to. This is why you don't lie Delilah. This. Is. Why!!!
I had never been to his museum before, but after looping the place twice, I found the staff parking and figured I would be able to use that whilst I was here.
Pulling into a bay, I shut the car off and got out. Casing my eyes towards the building, I wondered where I was meant to go when a tall, muscular man appeared.
"You Delilah?" His deep voice asks. He was dressed in black with security stamped across his top.
"I am."
"Follow me."
So I did, glancing at the visitors which lined the sidewalk waiting to get in, whilst passing a clipboard between them all.
We entered through a door and kept to the left as tours took place with their guides informing them about each of the exhibits. Each group we passed had a small hum of excitement about them.
"Afternoon Nancy." The security guard spoke smoothly.
"Afternoon Ryan." The blonde haired woman giggled. Before turning her attention to a couple at her side.
Ryan. He was called Ryan..
If I wasn't mistaken, Ryan was a smooth talker when it came to Nancy, he just orders me around.
I flash a smile at the woman and follow after Ryan before he pulls up outside a door and knocks in a sequence before standing aside.
The door opens, but he didn't move, he simply gestures for me to walk in. Which I did, to be met with Zak, sat behind his desk, arms folded. Waiting..
He knew.
Go in and throw yourself at his mercy for lying.
"I can explain, I know you're gonna be pissed because I lied to you, I did it because I... Well because I thought I had to and now I see it was a stupid thing to do. You've been good to me and I don't want this to come between us. He wasn't away last night, he was at the apartment, I think. We split up- well I walked out because he has got this girl at his work pregnant and moved her in–"
"You fucking what?!" He asks rising from his seat.
"An-... What?" I blink.
"He's got a woman pregnant? You've split up?"
A second passes in silence "I thought you knew?"
"No! I-" he pauses and walks around his desk to practically insert me into the seat opposite his. "Spill. Now."
So I do, and once I start, I can't stop..
A case of verbal diarrhoea as I spill everything, from me getting home to me walking through the museum door. Even about him...
It's only when I finish, I realise he hasn't said a single word but the anger on his features says it all.
He's mad.
Real. Mad.
"Say something.." I plead.
Instead he takes a breath and stands back slightly, he must see the dejected look on my face and steps forwards before crouching before me. "Tell me the truth, did he hurt you?"
I shake my head. "Just grabbed my face, it was more of shock than anything."
He nods and places his hands on my knees "You can forget any hotels, you're staying with me until further notice. Okay?"
"I don't want to-"
"I said okay?!" He snaps making me gasp and nod. "Good. That's why you had old ass clothes on? Because he cut them up! A-and your card?! Now give me one good reason why I shouldn't go over there and pulverise that jerk?!"
One good reason....
My silence whilst I think does little to help the situation, as Zak rises up and heads for the door causing me to fly to my feet in panic.
"Because I need you!" I blurt out making him stop and turn back. "I need you here, with me."
"And what you said, about liking me, is that true?" He asks making me nod.
"I don't know what I can and what I can't give you at the moment. I don't know if I can trust how I feel solely on us or if it's because I've finally woke up to Jack's controlling behaviour. But what I do know is, that I like you. Really like you and I hope you like me too? Otherwise this is really awkward.."
I have barely taken a breath when I have it knocked out of my lungs as he barrels into me. His hands frame my face and I'm pulled onto my toes as he places his lips over mine and sucks the air from my lungs. I grasp his waist for support and moan against his mouth gently, relishing in the kiss without a sense of guilt attached to it.
With a couple more kisses shared between us, Zak pulls back and smiles down at me "Does that answer your question?"
I pull an unsure face "I'm not sure if the answer was clear enough, could we go again?" I ask causing him to chuckle.
"Now what a perfect idea that is..."
So we did, again, and again, and again. Until I felt lightheaded and he had to go put on a show for the visitors that came to his museum.
But before Zak left me in the office, he stated that he wasn't completely sure on where he stood and hoped that when he came back, we could try getting a clear enough answer some
And truth be told, I didn't mind making out with him, not one bit!
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