30- Entrapment
"Jack! What the hell!" I shout clawing at the pile to see every part ruined. Getting to my feet, I rush to the bedroom to find my wardrobe empty.
Anger fuels my body and I storm back to the kitchen. "WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU DOING?!"
He pauses. "Babe, I replaced them. All of them."
"They didn't need replacing!"
"You wanted to get new clothes, I'm making room. Besides all that old tat was fit for the bin. I got you new clothes. Here.."
He took my wrist and pulled me into the lounge where the seats were covered with bags and protective dress sleeves.
"I don't..." I trail off as I try to work out what the hell his game was, why he did it?
Was this some kind of bluff, did he do this to lure me into a sense of safety before he yanked the carpet beneath my feet? I now had no clothes, none that were mine anyway.
"You needed updating and if I'm going to get my promotion at work, we have to attend some high class events, I can't have you going like some lower class tart. No offence."
I scoffed. How could I not take offence to that?!
"So I got these.." He gestured.
It began. The clothes, the pinstripe pants, the floral gowns that came to the knee, the colours, the kitten heels and cardigans...
All not me!
"My old clothes were fine." I answer.
"My mom said you need to dress more womanly to feel more feminine. I came home early and we went shopping. This is what we have. She said to be a perfect mom and house wife, you need to look the part."
I knew he wouldn't have done this without a little kick and old mummy dearest had to be behind it all!
"And I'm neither a wife nor a mother." I ground out.
"Not yet. But soon," He smiles.
"Is my underwear in that pile, in the kitchen?" I ask.
He frowns "No, I like you're underwear."
"Just not my clothes!" I snap.
He sighs seeing my anger, probably from my clenching fists. "Sweetheart. These clothes, they aren't us anymore. Look at my suits, I scream dominance, but your clothes scream lower class and I know it's a harsh thing to say, but it's true. We need to be in a good level. The same level."
This was Control.
All of it.
"Whatever, I'm going for a shower."
He nods "I'll clean up and make us dinner. I'm so glad you understand."
I trudge to the bathroom and close the door before sinking down against it. I realised that it didn't matter what happened or where I came from. The past followed.
Control, control, control.
Randy and his ways.
Zak pushing me to tell him things.
Jack and his weird mother.
A week later..
I sat up and moved to the end of the bed causing Jack to wake up. He grumbled and got up also, to rub my back.
It was at times like this that I couldn't hate him.. Not when he showed some empathy.
"I feel sick again." I whispered.
"I'll get you a drink?"
He leaves the bedroom and heads off leaving me alone in the darkened room. Since coming home, I had felt sick, like a washy feeling in my stomach had taken hold of me. A few times I had even been sick because of it. It was unpredictable and hard to control.
But by the time Jack returned, the sickness was gone and all I wanted was sleep.
"Sorry, I was trying to look for some
anti-sickness pills hoping that it would calm your stomach. Here." He passed me the glass of water as he sat down.
I leant against him and thanked him for looking after me as he stroked my hair back. "Anytime... You know I love you. Don't you?"
I nod.
"And seeing as I cared for your needs..." He spoke kissing my neck. "How about you care for mine? It might make you feel better?"
Somewhere I heard that sex stops headaches, but doesn't stop sickness. Not that I know of...
"You'll get ill too." I reply.
"I'm prepared for that." He responds.
I close my eyes as he begins getting heavier, the problem with me? Was that I was so underwhelmed and in desperation for something, that I agree..
"Get comfortable." He smiles sauntering out the bedroom and into the bathroom.
I shift on the bed, trying to find a position where I don't want to throw up my liver or kidneys when a wash hits me hard.
Clambering off the bed, with a hand strapped over my mouth, I don't care about Jack and his pre-game moment. I throw open the bathroom door, slam to my knees and empty my stomach over the toilet.
Once I am done, I turn my head up to apologise for the intrusion to see him, pale as a ghost. Which is ironic because I look for them.
Only I realise I've walked in on something when I see the small blue pills on the side, and in his hands is two items that he cannot deny.
My stomach lunges again...
"I- No." I whisper.
"It's not what it looks like. I swear this is the first time." He speaks.
The feeling of betrayal hits me hard and it's then I realise the lengths Jack would go. His level of control over me was big, bigger than I had ever expected. I thought I had a break with my gran that life had corrected itself but it hadn't. It was simply waiting I n the wings, waiting to kick me down and drill me into the dirt.
"What have you done?" I asked him getting to my feet, staring at his hands.
"I can explain." He insists.
"How can you explain anything?! Are they viagra?!" I shout.
He shrugs "So what if they are?"
"Are they even legal ones? From a store or doctor? A-And this?!" I shout, look at his hands.
He wets his lips "Of course they are legit. Delilah... Nobody is ready to be a parent. But 9 months and we can be prepared. I'm ready."
"I'm not and it's my body!" I shout before storming out the bathroom. Opening my wardrobe, I let out a scream at the new clothes of colours he has bought. And I have no choice but to grab them and tug them on.
"Where are you going? Delilah it's 7am. You can't leave and not tell me?"
"To a pharmacy!"
I grab my phone and leave the bedroom quickly, my mind telling me what I knew was true already.
"It was the first time. I swear–"
"Don't you even finish it. You're lying. I can see it in your eyes!"
He tries to grab my hands "Please, baby. Please just listen.. I did it for us. This will be the making of you. We are so close to the perfect family. Admittedly you'll have to give up your job–"
"No! This isn't happening! I- How could you do this to me?" I cry before pushing his hands away and leaving.
I get into the car and lock the door as he comes out in his shorts trying to open the door and speak to me. But instead, I turn up the radio and tear away from the apartment block.
Getting out of his view, I scream in anger, hitting my hand against the wheel and sob because I can't believe this has happened. He's done this. To me, on purpose. Like I wouldn't know or even question it!
The scene of the bathroom plays out in my head and I know what he's done.. The pale look on his face and the worry of being caught was enough. It wasn't the first time. Not by a long shot.
I pull up outside the house and waste no time in getting out. Throughout the whole drive I hadn't known what to do or where to go until I hit the gates. That's when I accept the fact I needed only one persons help.
Holding the bell, I leant against the door crying, until it opens up and I fall into the only person who would actually listen, without judgement.
"Delilah? Delilah what's happened? What's wrong?!" Zak asks capturing me in his arms.
"He? Jack? Of course Jack! What the fuck has he done? Delilah answer me!"
"H-he tricked me." I stuttered as Zak pulled me in and closed the front door.
"What did he do?" He asks wiping my tears, looking over my body for injuries as I held the key around my neck, the metal cutting my palm.
I shake my head "I- I've been sick and tired all week. I just put it down to a cold or the flu because I didn't know."
"I'm going to go over and pulverise the little bastard if you don't come out with it. Now!" He ordered.
"He has been piercing the condoms! Zak, I think I'm pregnant!"
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