12. Self Control
The week flew reasonably quick and on the last day we had everyone over at the rental before heading home.
Whilst it was more of a get together before Aaron, Billy, Dakota, Jay and Mike flew home, it was also a time for me to fly the drone.
"You can't go wrong with this." Dakota said sat beside me on the grass as I held the iPad between my hands chewing my lip raw.
"Yeah I can. I could totally drop it into the sea."
He pulls a face "Okay you have a point."
I whimper causing him to shift closer so he can see the screen too. As the spotter, Billy was sat in the sun lounger waiting for the drone to take off.
"Come on Delilah. Press a button and stop being a wimp." He teases making me throw a playful glare at him.
"Dude, just watch for a bird or something." Zak mutters.
I turn back to look at the screen withholding my frown. Since the crew had arrived, his attitude had been off. I didn't want to poke the bear with a stick but he seemed to be in a miserable mood and it hadn't shifted since he woke up.
"Okay. Now I press this one right?" I ask looking at Dakota who nods. "Then what?"
Maybe it was the age range between us, but I found it easier to learn from
Dakota than what I would if Zak was breathing down my neck ordering me to do this and that. Dakota seemed gentle and spoke in a calm tone where as Zak barks if I get something wrong.
And I have.... A few times this week.
"Okay." I sigh and start pressing buttons until a beep sounds and the drone blades begin to spin. I wait, staring hard at the drone as it slowly picks itself off the ground.
"HA! I did it!" I cry before grinning hard.
"Let's see you try and keep it from smashing into the ground." Zak throws in, stealing my slice of excitement
"Dude." Billy speaks from behind me to him.
"Whatever." Zak adds and I catch him snaking off indoors when I look over my shoulder.
"Is he okay?" I ask Billy and Aaron.
"Tired." They both reply instantly before looking at each other.
It's hard to point out that Zak had over 15 hours sleep last night. Of course he could have been on his phone all night but he hit the hay early. Maybe he was getting sick?
You sleep a lot when you're sick.
"Delilah." Dakota speaks making me look at him as he points at the drone to remind me that I'm suppose to be flying it, not making it hover...
"Oh sorry." I laugh and slowly begin to control it.
I only feel some relief when the drone is packed away, after my flying lesson. I never let it go too high and even stood up to make sure that if it fell, I could run and grab it in time.
"Coming down onto the beach guys?" Billy asks as I lock the case and set it inside the doorway.
"Yup!" Dakota answers heading off with the crew.
"Let me grab a jacket." I add. Heading inside, I snag the nearest hoody I can find before zipping it up. From the size of it, I presume it's Bacon's or Aaron's from the lighter in the pocket. So with the hoody/ dress, as it came down to the top of my knees, I set off.
The last thing I want to do, is be stuck in the rental with a miserable man who's clearly got something up his butt, again.
Looking over the beach, I see them all walking along it and look back to the rental before continuing on....
That is until I had a brilliant idea.
I was once told, that you learn something new everyday, from
information to a life lesson. It could be big, it could be small.. But you learn it.
Like never eating yellow snow, someone had to have done it. Right?
Never accept drinks off strangers.
Never tamper with electrics, unless you know what you're doing.
Never eat a chocolate brownie with herbs in, unless you want to get high off your tits.
And not every guy in a trench coat is an angel sent to save Dean from Hell.
But I never knew my life lesson of the day would be....
To keep off the fucking rocks!
In my wisest of wisdom and getting a case of L.O.S (left out syndrome), I decided to ignore the sign that said the rocks were slippery and to climb over them.
Only my foot had other ideas and I fell, grazing my leg and taking off a fair amount of skin making it bleed.
Not only that, but I also got stuck.
I laughed, then I panicked until I wiggled myself free and inspected the bloody knee.
I even lost my shoe!
Just call me Sam Winchester..
"What have you done?" Aaron laughs making my head snap up to see him coming over.
"Fell." I pout.
"Come on, where's your shoe?"
I point down between the rocks which causing him to laugh even harder. With his help, he gets me down and escorts me... YES ESCORTS me back to the rental, so he can get a coat and I can stay out of trouble.
But if I wasn't already aware of my luck being snot, I was when the door opened and Zak was looking at me.
In Aaron's arms.
"I said I could walk." I speak as he looks at me with a raised brow.
"On the path? Full of sharp rocks and you yelping? Yeah, it was taking to long. Here." Aaron hands me over to Zak like some child before picking up his coat and grinning at us.
I throw Aaron a murderous glare as he races back down to the beach leaving me in Zak's arms.
Awkward doesn't cut it.
"Hi." I speak looking at him.
He sighs "Where's your shoe?"
I bite my lip "The rocks took it..."
Zak shakes his head and carries me into the kitchen where I'm placed on the side. "Let's have a look at you. Seriously, climbing on rocks at your age."
"I was feeling left out, they all have longer legs than me and I was so far away. The path was taking too long so I thought I'd climb on the rocks, hop down and join them."
"Only the rocks have seaweed and algae on. Didn't think about that, did you?" He ask rummaging in the cupboards.
"Nope." I reply popping my P.
He shakes his head and returns with a first aid box.
"You know, I thought I was going to be stuck there forever, my leg was wedged and I thought I would have to do some 127 hour shit to get free."
He pauses "That was his arm. Not his leg."
"Still a limb." I retort.
"Where else are you hurt?" He questions pulling on latex gloves like some doctor.
"My ego, but that will repair itself. Um, just my knee, few scratches but they will be fine–"
"They need to be cleaned regardless, Delilah."
I blow a raspberry and look down at my leg to see blood trailing down it. It looks gruesome but I know the cut isn't as bad as what it was.
When Zak steps towards me, I go to take the wipe in his hand when he pulls it away.
"I can do it."
"Maybe you can. But you are not. Your hands are filthy." He frowns.
It's only then I see the filth ingrained into my palms and fingers.
"Told you I had a 127 hour moment."
Ignoring me, he takes my ankle and begins cleaning the blood off my leg. I sigh quietly and watch as he goes to work. Reminding me of the video I watched of him working at the shelter with the animals.
Great, now I was comparing myself to a shelter animal...
He looks up at my body and smiles slightly.
"What? What is it? Do I have seaweed on me? In my hair?"
"No, just realised where my hoody was." He replies looking back down at my leg.
My eyes widen, it wasn't Aaron's or Bacons.. It was his.
Zak rubs his forehead annoyed at how his jealousy had twisted in his gut seeing Dakota sat beside Delilah earlier. How he leant over into her personal space, no doubt smelling her perfume that seemed to linger in the air wherever she went, or the smell of her shampoo that Zak had used one day just because the smell was driving him insane.
This was stupid. Ridiculous in fact.
She was the enemy, or was suppose to be. Until he caved after seeing her softer side. He now hated how his mind tried to imagine how soft her skin would feel, how her lips would feel against his. Would she drag her teeth over his lip, like she did her own?
He was about to head down to the beach after seeing the crew down there when two figures came up the garden.
Aaron and Delilah.
Her arm was thrown around his neck as he held her in his arms carrying her with ease.
Zak opened the door immediately to find out what had happened, he wanted to tell Aaron to place her at the table, but eager as ever, Aaron handed her over into Zak's arms. Making his body tense up and the smell of her perfume dance under his nose.
He needed to stop this school boy crush he had going on. This stupid infatuation with the unknown. The unknown being of what she would taste like, would she bite his lip, would she drag her nails down his body, would she let him pull on her hair whilst they made out heatedly.
Swallowing, Zak placed her on the kitchen counter, somewhere closer than the kitchen table. Whilst he collected the first aid box.
Not only did the perfume make it hard for him to concentrate, but the fact he would have to touch her skin didn't help, neither did Delilah wearing his hoody.
Self control.
That's what he needed. This wasn't some chick he could love and leave. Delilah was part of the team, no matter how his body seemed to hum around her. No matter how he fell asleep dreaming about her and woke in need of a cold shower. How all week she had been nothing but impressive on making sure their lockdown had run smoothly. How she cooked them amazing food and on one occasion heard her singing in the shower.
She wasn't a conquest or a challenge. She was a colleague and he had to remember that.
"Are you sick?" She asks making him shake his head.
"No." He speaks.
Not satisfied, Delilah's hand stops his hand on her leg and lifts his chin slightly to make him look at her. "Then what is wrong?"
Jealousy. That is what's wrong. The fact he hasn't got Dakota playful nature, that he can't make her laugh as easily as what Dakota could. How he saw those two getting close for the past week and he would admit only to himself that he was jealous about that.
"I'm fine. Just a little tired. Now just sit still." He chides her. Even though she hadn't moved at all, he felt that he needed to do it, because she had caused a lot of this turmoil in his stomach.
"Okay..." She drew off.
Zak purses his lips together hard, as the warmth of her leg warms his cool hands. He notices her skin was silk smooth and he hated how there was a chance that the graze could scar her knee.
He'd never been a foot fanatic, but he found her feet cute. Small, with painted toes and well looked after. Something he definitely found a turn on. There was no hard skin or ruined pedicures which he had been accustomed to before. Just a shell white colour that stood out against her skin.
He kept his focus until the blood was cleared and the dirt and grim had been removed. Sifting through the first aid kit, he found the largest band aid he had and sealed the wound over. Smoothing his thumbs across it gently, he felt her flinch slightly causing him to look up.
She smiles slightly "For having a go or the bandaid? I can't say I'm not disappointed. I expected one with a fish or flowers on."
He followed her attention to the nude band aid. "Well for both. I'll try to stock a variety in the future. I'd prefer it if you kept yourself out of trouble though."
"So would I."
He sighs softly and looks at the abrasions on the inside of her thigh. Grabbing a wipe, he doesn't think twice and brushes across it, to remove the green smudge of algae.
Delilah's hand comes down and stops his. "I-I think I'm okay to do the rest."
He looks up from his hand to find her neck and cheeks flushed red. He can see the intensity in her eyes, a look most women give him before he sinks his mouth against theirs and drags their clothes off. It's the look of heat and desire. Zak finds himself questioning the look in her eyes, wondering if his mirrored the same back.
But before he can air his curiosity or make a move into tasting her lips, the door opens signalling the crews return and their moment had been broken.
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