04. Back In Black
I wake at the sound of Jack shuffling around the bedroom. Cracking one eye open, I see the time is 6.30am.
"Hey sweetheart. Sorry, I couldn't find my shoe." He whispers putting it on as he sits beside me.
I grumble and reach out for him, pouting at his dressed state. "You've got to go to work? Now?"
"Emergency meeting of my own this time. One of the damn contractors are threatening to pull out unless they get a better deal. They are already robbing us blind! It's all money... Greedy Douchebags." He complains.
"When will you be back?" I ask softly.
He stops to look at me with a worried look "I don't know.. They busted our balls the last time, we had to give them lunch and dinner. Seems this time they want breakfast too."
I nod against the pillow "So this is the last time I'm going to see you until I come home?"
He gives me a guilty expression.
"Okay. Well can I get a kiss, hug and a wish of good luck?"
He grins and delivers just as I ask. "You'll do great. I know you will."
My heart warms at the idea of his approval of this and I kiss his knuckles. "Thank you. Good luck in your meeting, hopefully they won't rob you guys blind."
He nods "I wouldn't count on it. They're smart people."
"Then you have to be smarter, which won't be too hard for someone like you."
He smiles.
"Go kick ass and I'll speak to you tonight."
He leans down and pressed numerous amount of kisses onto my lips before giving me an Eskimo kiss. "See you soon."
"You will."
"Those prospectus from the colleges will arrive this week. I figured we could go through them together?"
I nod with a soft moan wanting sleep to take me back under at the mere though of those booklets.
"I love you." He whispers brushing my hair back.
"You too."
And then he was gone. Like Batman receiving his bat signal. Hearing the front door close, I throw myself onto my back and stare up at the ceiling. I wasn't due to leave until midday, but at the risk of oversleeping and running late, I got up.
The shower was heavenly and after sorting an outfit from the wardrobe, I made myself breakfast.
I never was a breakfast kind of girl. Which probably contributed to my picking throughout the day, much to Jack's disapproval. I couldn't blame him though, I did complain frequently that I felt I was gaining weight.
That or my jeans were shrinking in the wash. I'm in complete denial.. I know. Just let me have this.
With black converse, a pair of skinny jeans and a black t-shirt with white wings printed down the back, I fixed my black hair into a high ponytail. Well aren't we looking colourful today!
I go through my bag again and text Aaron who had kindly gave me his number as to what else I would need. Thankfully he had informed me on the black clothing yesterday, which almost constituted on a whole section of my wardrobe. I didn't let the information bitter the taste in my mouth and I could guarantee Zak would be waiting to shoot me down about the clothes if I had gone in colour.
Not today Satan.
I'd gone extreme and made sure every last piece in my bag was black... Even down to my underwear. Not that I'd be filmed in them, but I just wanted to be extra about it. Zipping it closed again, I pottered around the house making sure all windows were locked and Colin the Cacti was placed in the sun. Giving him, his weekly water, I smiled and made sure to empty the bin and leave the kitchen tidy.
One whip around with the vacuum and I was done. Which left me one last chore to do..
Stepping in front of the mirror, I sigh. I pondered on whether it would be a good idea or if it was a bad idea, until I eventually caved and unscrewed the cap.
Bringing the contact lens out of its compact tube, I leant my head back, parted my eyelids and placed the lens itself onto my eye.
The world around me blurred, until a concession of blinking cleared my vision and I was able to look around with no problems.
"Can't be forgetting you now, can I?" I ask tapping the lens tube against my palm before stuffing it into my bag.
He definitely said 12pm...
Was I too late? Did I arrive too early?
I check my watch. Still before 12..
I'm about to pull out my phone and ring Aaron when a car roars up the road and stops. A man hops out, his beard reaching down to his t-shirt, whilst his hair was slicked back.
"Hi." He smiles sliding past me.
"Hi." I return the smile and check my watch again as the guy heads into the offices behind me.
I should call Aaron....
Sitting onto my bag, I chew my lip in worry as my thumb hovers over the call button. Sighing harshly, I click off the contacts and find the email I received late last night from Zak.
- Offices. 12pm. You're not there, you're not coming. I don't do tardiness. You've been warned. Be prepared for a long weight.
I clicked off it and went to ring Aaron when the guy from earlier came stalking out the offices.
"– no I didn't. I've swung by and picked it up for y– oh now I'm in the wrong for picking it up? Seriously Zak, what is up with you today?"
My eavesdropping has me stare at the man until he hangs up the phone. "Are you okay lady?"
"Zak Bagans." I point to his cell phone.
He opens his mouth to speak but closes it again.
"I'm Delilah. Delilah Winters."
His eyes widen slightly "Emergency meeting girl."
I go to reply before I frown "He called that, not me. Can you help me? I'm suppose to meet everyone here, but it's almost 12, he mentioned having a long weight bu–Why are you laughing?"
"A long weight?"
He laughs again and holds out his hand "My names Bacon."
I blink "As in–"
"As in the food."
I grin "Nice. I'm a fan already."
"Thanks. I'm Zak's assistant, listen he's in a weird one today, but you can hitch a ride with me. Because I think you've been made a fools out of."
"How so?" I ask as he opens his car door.
"Long weight.... How long were you going to wait?"
My face dropped and anger spiked my soul. "I've got my car. I'll follow. Oh- don't tell him that I'm on the way."
Bacon laughs "Sure thing."
I shove my bag into the backseat, whilst cursing under my breath. Getting in, I put my belt on and tear out the parking lot of the offices heading after Bacon.
My mind was already concocting on how I would deal with Zak. Purposely setting me up to fail on my first day. It seems as if he still hasn't got over his bitch fit. My hand itched to slap him up side the head for making me look and feel like a damn fool within minutes of meeting his assistant. As if I need anyone laughing at me?! Now there's two and no doubt the rest of the crew will find his long weight comment hilarious...
At least I knew the difference and that I wasn't completely illiterate.
Long weight.
What an A-Hole.
Before I know it, I'm on the phone ranting to Poppy who laughs gently through the phone.
'Oh babe, he's really not going to make this easy for you.'
"I've a good mind to punch him in the windpipe!"
'Listen, you have to be clever about this. Play him at his own game.'
"Slash his tires?"
She laughs.... um, who's joking?
'Absolutely not!' She snaps when she fails to hear my laugh. 'No, you're going to go in, calm and composed. Then you're going to smile and apologise for being late.'
"What?!" I yell.
'Play him at his own game.. Don't tell me you're going to let him break you over one prank?! Miss Strong Lady Balls.'
My eyes harden "I want to inflict pain."
'Then make this trip a successful one. That will be enough pain for him..'
"You're right. Thanks Pop."
'No problem babe. Remember, I start work at 5pm. You'll have to ring my workplace if you need to be bailed out of county.'
I laugh and hang up as look at the car in front slowing down. I watch the security guard leave his podium to talk with Bacon as he flicks his thumb to me behind.
The guard looks at me, so I give my innocent smile. Whether it worked or not, I get the nod and we soon pass through the large white gates.
The houses are big, no huge. I find myself slowing down as I look each one in awe.
"How does an asshole live here?" I ask myself. I look down at the radio in my car before grinning.
Nice, respectable neighbourhood.I guess I better let them all know I've arrived...
Zak loads up the last of the bags into the RV, before closing down the storage until with a clack. He chuckles to himself at the idea of Delilah still waiting at the offices.
"Is Bacon on his way?" Billy asks sticking his head out the RV door.
"Sure is. He had to pick up the drone."
"Hey, thanks for hitching a ride with us this time. Bacon gets bored easily and I need someone who can play a decent game of X-box." Zak speaks.
"Oh hell, no problem man. You're gonna have to spot for me when we play though."
Zak grins.
"Deal. But I will break any score you giv– what the fuck?" His grin falls as he hears music coming up the road.
"Guess Bacon likes your car too much?" Billy laughs.
But just as Zak is about to reply Bacon pulls up onto the drive followed by a second car, its black paintwork and polished chrome demands his attention instantly. But it's the roar of the engine that makes his heart thud, even over the music. His love for muscle cars had always made the organ in his chest sing.
"Who.. Is.. That?" Billy asks stepping out the RV and to Zak's side.
That's when he sees her.
"The Devil's spawn." He grits as their eyes meet.
''Cause I'm back on the track. And I'm beatin' the flack. Nobody's gonna get me on another rap. So look at me now
I'm just makin' my play. Don't try to push your luck, just get out of my way.'
Delilah smirks and rolls her car up the garage door and opens the car door. The music still plays as she puts her foot to the floor and steps out.
"Is that Delilah?" Billy asks after being informed of the new team member that had rubbed Zak up the wrong way.
"Sure as shit is." Zak growls tightening his fists as she throws her hair back over her shoulder and leans down into the car, leaving Bacon to turn his head up at her ass pushed in the air whilst she fiddled with the radio turning it off.
Before he can register it, Zak is storming across his drive and to her car.
"What the fuck are you playing at?!" He snaps as she looks at him with a smile.
"Oh hey, are you okay?" She asks innocently.
"This community has strict policies on noise pollution!"
"AC/DC isn't pollution." Delilah responds as Bacon appears holding her bag like the cat had got the cream.
"She has a point." Bacon adds in.
"The drone?" Zak asks him impatiently as he grins at Delilah.
"Oh..." He runs back to Zak's car and retrieves it before going back to Delilah's side. Tossing Zak the keys in the process.
"Is my car okay there?" She asks Zak but before he can tell her no, Bacon confirms that it's fine. Spoiling yet another opportunity of his.
Billy introduces himself and they exchange pleasantries with each other before he approves her car.
"I'm a bit of a Supernatural fan. Had to get an Impala. She was all hit up when I got her. But a few panel beating sessions, repainting and polishing has given me a showstopper."
"You're not kidding." Billy nods.
Zak would have liked to have checked the car out himself, but refrained from saying a word as he kept his eyes locked onto her face, his fury burning away.
"Oh, I'll take that." She giggles attempting to take her bag when Bacon steps back.
"That's okay ma'am. I've got this. You go take a seat up in the RV whilst we put this away."
"Are you sure?"
Zak's anger boils as Bacon falls over his own tongue fussing over her as she steps into the RV.
"Bacon has a crush." Billy chuckles heading away with his phone.
Zak turns to look at the RV and find Delilah sat by the window looking at him, with a little wave of her fingers she smiles before tapping her wrist, mimicking a watch and then turns her back to him.
"Oh it's on..." He snarls.
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