01. Idols.
There's that famous saying, Never meet your idols, you'll only be disappointed.' It was a saying I had never taken much interest or care for. But then I never thought I'd come face to face with Zak Bagans.
Since I could remember, I had looked up to the man who had defied and shaped the paranormal field, bringing along his questionable and heavy designed t-shirts, gelled hair and bad ass attitude.
He was my idol, I thought his interests in finding answers to the afterlife mirrored my own. But now I understood he was a self righteous, egotistical twat-waffle.
"She looks like she should be working with kindergarteners!" He snaps from across the table, glaring daggers at me through his hazel mixed eyes.
"Well I think it could be fun." Aaron speaks from beside him.
I smile at Aaron who seems to have accepted the idea of a woman on the team. However Zak? Not so much..
His head snaps over to Aaron situated on his right "You what?! Who's side are you on here?!"
Aaron lifts his brows and looks down to the oak table. Clearly not expecting Zak's backlash. But then again, neither did I!
"You told me, when Ghost Adventures first starting airing that this was my project, mine. I am Executive Producer, so let me make the executive decision and tell you that I, we, don't need her." Zak speaks to the Networks Producer who's been called in to... even the playing field, shall we say?
Mr Lancaster rubs at his forehead, no doubt experiencing the headache which I was already subjected to. "Zak... As you know, we are not pulling the same audience as we used to. This has always been an idea that's been tossed around and now it's been brought to the table and to light. Delilah here has been specifically picked from a large application process, our decision has not been easy. She's shown great promise and has experience in this field. We think it's going to bring a fresh audience in."
"How?!" Zak cries in frustration.
"Paranormal investigating has been heavily populated by males, making it seem that a woman is incapable of such a challenge. We have had countless emails and social media interaction that shows, this show needs a feminine touch. There's young girls and women out there who idolise this show, they dream to investigate themselves and I personally think with Delilah here, she could bring a whole new perspective to the team and paranormal investigating."
"She's been hired to make the men tune in and drool over her! That's not what this show is about!" He spits.
Now he's just being sexist, and as a woman of the world... I can't have that.
"As opposed to the women flocking to your show and museum to see you?" I ask making his hazel eyes shift back to me.
"What is she going to bring to the show hmm? What perspective? Are we going to add a Jerry's final thought at the end of each episode? Maybe we can scream a little? Or braid each other's hair? I know, we could have mani- pedis done and have fucking sleep overs!" He fumes.
"You're quiet quick to judge Zak. I'm just curious to know if you hold all women in total disregard about investigating or is it so you haven't got to admit that maybe I could be the answer to your problems?"
"You're nothing but hassle! I don't care what those comments online say! A woman can't do this!"
"Dude..." Aaron speaks as he sees the hole Zak has just put himself in.
I throw my head back and laugh. "Wow you're in complete denial! You're what is wrong with this world! Women can't do this.. Really?! Before you confirm that sexist opinion, ask yourself if those kinds of opinions stopped the lights of Jane Austen, Margret Fuller, Joan of Arc, Hilary Clinton, Marilyn Monroe, Amelia Earhart and Billie Holiday? No! They didn't. I'm sure you think you know what's best for the show and maybe you do? But Mr Lancaster has already told you, you haven't got the audience you need. This may or may not work but can you afford to lose prime time spot for your own pig headed ways?"
His eyes were alight as he stared at me with pure rage.
"Admit it. A woman could do this job. Women are already doing this job, you just don't want one on your show-"
"I don't." He snaps.
"But right now you have to accept that if you don't do something, things will decline. This is slowly turning to an online world, with daily things like shopping right to ordering medication. The world is moving online and taking television with it. Do you want to lose a spot on the television and possibly lose even more viewers when you have to go online? Could you afford to do that?"
His jaw ticked with annoyance as he stared at me, I knew it was an intimidation technique. But I wore my big girl panties today and his tantrum would not be washing with me!
"I admire your dedication to your show, I understand that you feel betrayed by the channel at this decision. But would you rather lose everything and lose all the hard work you've put in for the sake of one decision? Is that in the shows best interest? To get scrapped? And FYI I don't do mani- Pedis."
I notice Aaron looking at Zak who still hasn't said a word. I was now in my mind working out if he wants to drop the attitude and rage or if he wants to reach across the table and strangle the life from me.
I had been kidding myself when I thought he'd welcome me with open arms, accept me as part of the team with no issues at all. But that was yet to happen and Mr Lancaster was here to tell him that I was here to stay.
A sigh escapes my body as Zak shoots up from his seat. "This is my show! I run thing, my way! You can stay but you're on a trial period and if you as so much blink at me wrong, I'll leave your ass in Arizona desert in the middle of the fucking day. Are we clear?!"
I smile "Crystal."
He glares to Mr Lancaster who looks ready to pass out in his suit. It wouldn't surprise me, all the hot air Zak had released had turned the room a few degrees hotter. "This isn't over. I'm not having you meddling with my life."
"Zak we are not trying to–"
"Save it!" He interrupts Mr Lancaster before glaring at me once more. The then diva strops from the room, slamming the door on the way out leaving myself, Mr Lancaster and Aaron sat around the table.
Neither of them speak, so it's down to me to break the awkward silence.
"I thought that went quiet well, don't you?"
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