"So what I'm thinking about what we should do is corner them," Brooke plans out, completely forgetting what I told her and the entire team what I discovered on my own. It made me a bit curious with what her true intentions are at this point. Like... We aren't trying to kill off the dark sides! We are trying to see what went wrong, and now that we have figured out what happened, we should be planning backup plans for if they refuse to accept the major facts.
"Uh... Babe? Harry already told you what happened last night, right? The four dark sides simply lost their memories. We should be working on trying to retrieve them rather than hurting them," Zayn said and it made me smile to see him being the more reasonable out of the two.
"But you know who they are, right? We didn't simply forget what those four put us through, right? They could be tricking us," Brooke tried to reason and I just shook my head. "If they really are trying to get to us in order to harm us, then we will not risk the safety of my kids any further by attempting to put them into a corner." "But didn't you already put our kids in danger? You fucking told them where your location is!" Brooke yelled and Zayn was quick to defend me.
"He did that because he does believe that there is something going on with their heads. Not trying to be rude, but he does have the brains out of all of us. Even you babe. Now relax and let's work on how we can get their memories ba-" the sound of some alarm went off and cut Zayn off in the middle of his sentence. I stood up and we heard a few grunts and it made me worry.
Did I do the right thing?
Soon, I saw our dark sides being dragged into the room. They were glaring at the guards and I was soon locking eyes with my dark side. "Bother telling these men to kindly fuck off? We didn't even do anything," he tells me and everyone looked at me for the que. I sighed and nodded at the guard. They seemed shocked, but I then said, "I called them. Let them go." Which was enough for them. They released the detained and my bad side said, "And for smacking me..."
And a guard was sent flying across the room...
"Remember what I-" "I didn't throw you, did I? I'm here for a reason. To tell if you were lying to me about this whole kid thing," my dark side said and Brooke moved so that she was in front of me. "You aren't going near those kids!" It made me and my dark side roll eyes. I placed a hand on Brooke and I gently moved her to the side. I walked up to myself and Louis was right behind me. I walked past my dark side and I ushered them to follow me. They did with a bit of hesitation and I knew that their walls were completely held up.
"Now to remind you that if there is any commotion that you would want to make, then this little visit will be cut short. Understand?" I asked as we were standing in front of the room that had our kids inside. "Yeah yeah. Just open the damn door," Niall's dark side said and I sighed. I stepped to the side and I opened the door. My dark side went in first.
"Mommy!" Jay chirped and I looked in to see Jay already hugging 'me'. I saw my dark side completely frozen. "Daddy!" She then exclaimed at 'Louis'. "Ooh!" Noel perked and reached for Niall. "Da boo!" Trevor shouts and reached for Louis. "Ma ma!" Austin jumped a little and smiled up at Harry. "I'm counting that! Austin called me first," I bragged and Louis looked at me fondly and jokingly rolled his eyes. I then looked at our dark sides who were just unaware of what to do. "You can hold them you know? They are your kids too," Louis tells them and they were holding back a little, but they did move. My side picked up Austin and Louis's side picked up Trevor.
Niall's was holding Noel with Liam's side standing really close to him.
"Is this giving you guys some memories now?" Niall asked as we were still in the doorway. "I can't... I still can't remember," My dark side said and I felt so bad. I stepped in and picked up Jay who was feeling a bit left out. "Then we are really going to have to work on this. Having no recognition of something like this could be dangerous. You four are free to stay here to stay close to them. We will be working on how we can get your memories back as you're doing so," I tell them and they nodded their heads.
"And we made up? That really happened?" 'Louis' asked and we nodded our heads. "It was a whole bunch of drama. We weren't listening to each other, and we figured out a way to fix that. Which is why Harry was telling you that there was no need to have you out in the first place. We weren't trying to be rude. We just genuinely didn't need you guys just yet. The last time that we had you guys out was when it was the twins birthday." "Like... physically?" "Not like this, no. We let you take over and witness the special moment yourselves for only a moment," Niall pointed out and they understood what that meant. They looked at our kids again and I could see the pain in their expressions.
"Do you want me to take over?" I asked as I saw my dark side about to break. "No, I think I got it... I think-" "Da da!" Trevor squealed and both dark and my Louis looked at our son. "Counting that!" Louis cheered, using my own words against me. "We got the first!" I pointed out and he rolled his eyes again.
I looked back at my dark self and I saw him staring at Trevor. I walked up to him and he looked at me slowly. "We call them by their nicknames sometimes. Jay- we would call her blue sometimes. For Trevor- we would call him T- Bear, and then for Austin we will call him Oz, because the recent movie that we have noticed him get drawn to the most was The Wizard of Oz." "When did he get the chance to watch the movie?" "Jay wanted to watch a movie as I was doing tummy time with him and The Wizard of Oz was the one that was chosen. Seeing his head lift up and stare at the TV was so cute. He kept pointing and everything," I cooed and smiled at my baby when he looked at me.
"We do have a nickname for this little one. We wanted to make it a bit more special, so I used a bit of spanish and came up with Noelito, and it's a Spanish nickname that means little Noel," Niall tells his dark self and the two confused men smiled a little at that and that made my heart warm up a little.
"We have a memory book of them if you wish to look at that?" Liam suggested and walked to a closet that was within the room. The dark sides of us watched him walk back to them with two books in his hands. He handed one to me and the other was given to Niall. I sat down with Jay in my lap and both mine and Louis's dark side sat next me and looked over my shoulder. "This is when you took over on her birthday," I tell him and he looked at the picture a bit more. "What were we doing?" He asked and I smiled. "Singing happy birthday of course. I woke her up and we went out for half of the activities. The other half was with you and you were to sing happy birthday with her. You two put her to bed that night," I tell him and he passed Austin to my Louis before he took the book and started to look at the pictures a bit closer.
"What was this one?" I heard Liam's dark side ask and I looked across the room to see them flipping through the pages. "This was when we delivered them. I was taking control at that point, but here is when you guys took over. You guys even got the chance to see him open his eyes for the first time. That's where this post came from. Then this is the first time that our kids met each other. You guys were in control for that too," Niall answered with a big smile.
"Does Jay know about us?" Louis's dark side asked and I nodded my head. "Really smart girl we have here. She's easily able to tell which side is in control. The approaches are different- but not in a bad way. She still treats you the same though. She likes to call you momma's protector and even though I did question it for some time, I did get it. Because without you, we would've been in deep trouble. Like now, we are hiding in here because we don't want the enemy to have that advantage." "And us?" "Well, without us, there wouldn't be any reasoning for you. It's more of fight and kill first then you can spare a conversation. Our dream is great point of that. If things went your way, then there would be no meeting your babies," I tell him and he looked at Jay, then he turned to look at Louis.
"What do we need to do in order for us to get those memories back?" My dark side asked and looked at me again. "We are still figuring that out. We also need to find a way in order for us to merge back into one. Because this can't last for a long time. The enemy can easily catch on and they will figure out a way to seperate the two of us and get us to work for them," I tell him and he agreed with me.
"Mommy? Is Momma okay?" Jay asked and I looked at my daughter. "Not right now baby. You aren't in any danger though. We are just going to need some time in order to get him better. Do you think you can give him as much help as possible?" I asked and she nodded her head. "What do you want me to do?" "Just give him as much love as possible. That can possibly help, yeah?" I asked and she nodded her head again. She moved out from my arms and she grew close to my dark side. He watched and grew stunned when Jay kissed him on the cheek. "I love you momma!" she then chirped and that made my dark side tear up.
"Alright, so what would you like to work on first? Memory? Or joining back together?" Louis asked and the two lost beings looked at my husband. "I think I want to work on our memory first. I think once we have that down, then us getting back to being one wouldn't be much of a problem," 'Niall' said and the others agreed with him. "Alright, well we are going to need to find the source. We killed the monster, so we are really going to need to dig a bit deeper to figure out where your memories are," I said as I walking out of the room with my husband behind me.
The other side of us hesitated before they put the babies back down and followed us out. "Do you think there was someone behind it that could possibly have it hidden somewhere?" "Well Brooke's father has plans of an ammateur. You would seriously have to be dumb as shit to not see through his ways," Louis stated and I nodded my head.
"It's going to take a bit of time for us to figure this out, but it is possible. No matter who it is and where you stand when it comes to your memory, our kids have to come first." "I'll kill before that son of bitch comes an itch towards them of course," My side tells me and I smiled again. "Good. Now what we will need to do is plan out what others would gain if we were to loose our memories. Even the workers here," I said and they understood. We walked to the training room while I was sending thoughts to each of them. My dark side was quick to respond with even more helpful pointers since we do have the same powers.
We are going to figure this out. Together. Or seperate. WE will figure this out...
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