"So that monster must've done damage to your insides rather than your outsides. They attacked your dark sides instead of you. It must've switched something within their brain. Since you said that he was seeming a lot more off than usual." "Yeah, but is it normal for this to happen? To people like us? Like can they escape our minds and enter the real world?" Louis asked and Brooke nodded her head. "I know that this seems very strange, but as you guys get stronger, so does your dark sides. Also, your minds are always a great place to practice. You guys did it when your were trapped in there. It wasn't hard for any of you to get better, so they did the same."
"What can we do now? Without them... We are going to be the biggest bitches in the world," Niall whined and I looked at him. "I say that we stay put. Figure out how we can get them back and back into our minds. We need to get our kids, because there is no way that I'm keeping our babies alone with just my mom. Who knows what my dark side will do to her." "Good choice. You boys need to go back, get your babies and whoever is in the house. Your dark side will go to them soon and they'll probably see your family and will go to whatever level to get your babies in their possession," Zayn then said and we nodded our heads.
Louis took my head and he sped all of the way to the house He released my hand and I unlocked the door. "Oh hey darling? You're here quite late. Is everything okay?" She asked and I nodded my head. "We are going to make sure that everything is okay with you guys, but for us... that's a different story," Louis confessed and my mother tilted her head. "Is everything alright?"
"For you guys, yes. Now we need to get you guys to safety. Mum, you might just have to go home, but the kids need to come with us. We don't know if someone is still trying to get to them or not," I tell her and walked to the nursery where we had our twin boys resting in. Louis was in Jay's room, getting her things ready for the travel back to the hidden facility.
"Well don't you think that I deserve to know what is happening to my baby and grandbabies?" She asked from right behind me. "Our dark sides are out there," I tell her and I knew that she was a bit confused. "We don't know how exactly they did it, but they were able to escape our minds," Louis then said as he had Jay on his hip.
"Oh..." "Yeah, and we really need to get you all to safety. You are free to go home, because bad side or not, Harry will not harm his mother," Louis then said and I agreed with him. "Okay. Just give me as many updates as you can. I want to make sure that you all are okay," she tells me and I nodded my head with a faint smile.
We get to the front door and I hug my mother farewell and she gives her grandchildren a sweet kiss to their cheek. We walked out of our home and we hurried back to the facility that is supposed to keep us safe. We were then walked to an area where our kids could be stationed at. "Mommy?" Jay called as we were setting up the area a little better for them. "Yes, my love?" I replied and stopped working on the room to pay attention to my daughter.
"Why are here again?" "Well darling, the world out there has gotten a little more dangerous for you guys. Mommy and daddy have promised you continuously for your safety, and we aren't going to let any of you down. Mommy will cause a lot of pain to others before he can even think of letting someone touch any of you," I then tell her and she smiles at that. "And daddy would kill anyone who will even come your way in a bad way," Louis said as he walked over and sat next to me. "Mommy said that hurting others is bad though?" "not when it comes to you kids. If it involves any of you, then I wouldn't mind it if he threw the person my way," I tell her truthfully and Louis chuckled at that. He then ruffled our daughters hair and continued with the organization of the room.
We spent time on this room for about an hour before we were both pleased with the outcome. I then spent some more time with the kids and Louis was just talking with Liam about what our next plan should be. I personally do not know where the dark sides would be located, but I do get that we need to get them back as soon as possible.
I turned on the baby monitor just in case if I'm not around, then Louis would be right in here to protect our kids. I then walked out and headed for the kitchen that they had in this building. This meal was going to be quick and light since I am really focused on the situation at hand. Louis was with me and the two of us were just a bit lost. "I just think that it would not be the best option for us to go out there," he says and I nodded my head. "I agree. Right now we just need to put our kids safety first. Then we'll attend to them tomorrow. Especially when we don't know where they are," I tell him and he nodded his head.
I placed a plate in front of him and he thanked me with a smile. "Why did this have to happen now... Everything was so good," Louis wondered and I shrugged my shoulders. "I really don't know Lou. I have the power to know, but I don't. They really didn't want to talk to me. It was as if we were back to the way before we had our kids," I tell him and took a bite from my plate of food.
"Well, I say that no matter what mindset they may have, we need to remind them that we are here to listen, but if there is no legit reason for them to be out, then they need to get back in there," he says and pointed to his temple. "I just really hope that this is really a good place for us to stay at." "Why wouldn't it be?" "Because Lou, we have been kidnapped here before and there were a few fights within this place alone. There was a reason as to why we couldn't have Jay sooner than we hoped. This place is like a target for Brooke's dad and his acquaintances." "Yeah, that was a major pain..." "No kidding. Now you can see why I am a little more anxious about this?" I asked and ran my fingers through my hair.
"Hey..." he spoke smoothly and comfortingly, reaching over and grabbing my hand. "No matter what is happening to us out there or in here, I got you. Just like how I got our kids. I will protect you with every inch of my being and there is no way in hell, I'm going to let some baddie or some shit like that, touch any of you. I'll make sure that I am legitimately dead before that could happen," he promises and it did make me smile. Because Louis never lets down on his promises. Especially if it's to me or our children.
"When this is all over, and I mean over completely, I want to try again," I tell him truthfully and that made him grin. "You getting baby fever now?" "No, but you are sexy when you talk all protective like that. My personal hero has always had the right to fuck me," I said and Louis chuckled. We both leaned over the island counter and we shared a sweet and loving kiss together.
After we talked to Niall and Liam about what the next steps could be and after we fed our kids, I headed to my bedroom that I shared with Louis (of course). I made sure that our babies were all tucked in before I headed into my room. I then took a shower (with my beautiful husband) and we both got ready for bed. I faced his body as he was pulling me close to his body. We shared another kiss for goodnight and I was soon drifting off to the sound of my lovers heartbeat.
"Where are you?" My dark side asked as we were standing in the middle of some dessert.
Of course he would pull something like this... I would do the same thing...
"Why does it matter to you? Shouldn't you be out there trying to ruin my life?" "Well... as tempting as that sounds, I am really getting tired of the thousands of people that you call fans. All they do is scream and all I want to do is make them choke on some rocks," he tells me and sighs with a pleasing smile. I frowned as we were just circling each other. "What is with you? We were doing so well together and now you're rebelling against me for no reason," I said and that made him laugh. He then glared at me sharply, but there was no way that I was going to fear my own self.
"I'm not joking dammit! Do you know what kind of danger you are putting my babies in?" "Okay, calling your fans your babies is a little much, isn't it?" He asked mockingly and crossed his arms over his chest. "I don't call them- I'm not even talking about them! I'm talking about my babies. My three angels! Our three angels!" I defended and my dark side just stood there, not saying anything. I saw his face flicker and I was a bit lost as to what I should say now, but then...
"What babies are you talking about? I didn't have kids?" He asked and now it was my turn to look at him darkly. "You can fuck with me all you want, but you can-" "I don't mess around when it comes to kids, so don't start thinking that low of me. What kids are you talking about?" He asked again and this time, I was just shocked. "We had three kids? With Louis? We had a girl first? Her name is Jay? We then went through a little bit of a hard time with Louis, but we ended up together again... and we got engaged not too long after the reconcile? We then got pregnant with twins during the honeymoon, and they are both boys. Austin and Trevor? Wait... Why the hell am I telling you all of this?" "Because I... I don't remember..." My dark side tells me and looks off.
"No... you are just pulling my tail! That's what it is!" He then assumed and I was now just worried for my own damn self. I stepped up to him and he looked confused again.
"You lost that much, didn't you? We made up before we even got pregnant with Jay. That was almost three years ago," I tell him and he blinked at me. "No... there's no way! I'm on the pill!" "Yeah well, we are taking it with moderation right now. We've went through this before. You really don't remember?" I asked and my dark side shook his head. "Holy crap..." Is all that I said before I hugged him. "If you really want answers and proof, then we are at the lab. No fighting though. If you still wish to do that course of action, then we can pick a time and another place for that. I'll be waiting," I tell him before vanishing out of his eyesight.
I woke up with a sharp intake of breath and I sat up, waking my husband up unintentionally.
"What's wrong baby?" "Nothing is wrong with me, but there is seriously something with our dark sides." "Yeah... that-" "No Louis, I mean there is something wrong with them. My dark side connected dreams with me and I found out what happened." "Okay?" "They are back to the time where we were fighting each other. They don't remember us making amends!" "How do-" "My dark side doesn't remember Jay, the twins, or even the fact that we're married! That should tell you something, yeah?"
"Holy crap..." "That's what I said! I told them where we are and that if they still wish to fight, then we will have to do it elsewhere, but I think they are likely going to want answers more than anything. My god! They are just like us when we lost our memory!"
"Well let's fix that... in the morning."
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