"She's so beautiful." The couple held a newborn baby girl. "We'll adopt this one." The soon to be father stated to the nurse who shuffled to get the official adoption papers. Eventually, she found them, and handed them to the soon-to-be-parents. "I can't wait till she's our daughter." The woman smiles at her husband. "She's as beautiful as you." The woman gently glanced at her husband with happiness showing in her eyes as she held the baby. "Here you go." The husband handed in the papers to the attendant. "Thank you. She's all yours." The attendant smiled as she waved them off so she can attend to the next person in line. The couple with their new baby walked home. Soon enough, they arrived home with their new child. As happy as can be they put their now sleeping daughter in the nursery as they watch their gorgeous baby girl peacefully sleep hoping it would last forever.
Years passed and their baby turned into a beautiful middle schooler. Her long wavy jet black hair compared with her red ruby eyes, it's like someone had replaced them with gems. She was and still is unnaturally intelligent and attractive. She had two friends; Elijah Hale and Liam Rivera. Elijah is her closest friend and Liam is more like her brother she never had. The girl is Lamia Cole. She's 14 years old in her last year of middle school. "Yo, Lala, you going home by bus today?" Liam and Elijah walked up to her from behind. "Yeah. Mom hasn't texted me back." She smiled at the two boys. The three friends walked to the bus circle. 985, 757, 290... THERE! 188! 188 was the bus she went on. People pushed and shoved her while getting on the bus, so the three just went to the back. She groaned in exhaustion. "Hm. What's wrong?" Liam asked. "Nothing. Just tired." The bus jerked to a stop. "Stop, Water Valley street and Littletown Dr." The three friends grabbed their stuff and hopped off the bus. It wasn't unusual to find the three walking home together, they did live right next to each other.
A police car was parked in front of Lamia's house. "What?" She questioned. The tall male police officer came over. "I'm sorry to inform you but your parents have passed away in a bad car accident. Do you know of anyone who can take care of you?" The nice man calmly asked the tall girl. "I do. My friends. I know their parents will allow it." She stated calmly feeling the police officer was hiding something from her. "I mean relatives." He blandly revised himself. "I never had any relatives." Although the girl looked to be albino she had long black wavy hair that confused the deputy on the case. The real reason the deputy had been there was not to find the girl a home, but it was to indirectly question her about her heritage. Many had believed she was part of a cult experiment that resulted in the devil mating with a human 12 year girl.
"Are you sure about that? No aunts, uncles, grandmothers, grandfathers?" Lamia saw the glint of intention in the taller male's eyes. "I had already told you, I have no current living relatives." She had glared at the policeman. "I'm done with the sweet talk. Cut straight to the damn point!" She yelled at the officer. "I'm just here to help you find a home." The officer seemed unphased. "No, you're not, you want me to say something, like, 'Oh yeah! I do have living relatives! IN HELL! Why don't you take me there!' It's really annoying. I've already told you I have no living relatives so let me stay at one of my friends' houses and we'll be fine!" Sarcasm roamed through the statement. The officer was taken aback by what the girl had yelled, she was truly not happy. Eventually, the officer sighed in defeat and took her to Liam's house, letting her stay there for the time being, at least until they could find a better place for her.
Days turned into weeks, weeks turned into months, months turned into years, until Lamia was set free of schooling. "Yo! Lala! We're graduating college, can you believe that?!" Elijah yelled, throwing an arm around her shoulders. "Yeah, it is kinda hard to believe. It feels like it was just yesterday that a police officer escorted me to your house." Lamia chuckled. "Yeah." Elijah sighed heavily. "Man, I can't wait till I get the job of my dreams! Can you?" Elijah exclaimed in happiness. "Oh yeah, what is your dream job?" Lamia could only smile at the statement. "I dream to become a detective. I want to solve my parents' murder, since I don't think it was a car accident that killed them." Lamia thought back to that day when she was told her parents were killed. It seems she got lost in thought when she was being shook by Elijah. "Hm. What?" Elijah face-palmed. "Are you okay? You seemed to be out of it." Lamia nodded in response. Just then, she could have sworn she saw the actual devil walking around in human form searching for her.
I must be seeing things, she shook her head. She glanced around her but everyone had seemed to disappear. "WHAT THE H-!" Someone had come from behind her and filled her lungs with chlorine, knocking her out almost instantly. She woke up in a darkened, sealed off room. She tried moving but her arms and legs were strapped to a chair. She tried screaming but that failed too since she was gagged. "Oh, daughter, how I have missed your face." A cold blade was pressed against her face.
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