The Road Train
Part One
Driving trucks for Troy was his whole life, ever since he had started driving (and putting on weight) he couldn't imagine doing anything else. The money he earned afforded him his expensive habits and he never really enjoyed spending time at home anyway. Now at forty three he had given up on dreams that other people had, dreams like finding a partner and having kids. Instead he took the interstate runs, driving the endless roads with tight schedules. In the days gone he had used to carry on him what he referred to as a "Little pick me up." in the form of bathroom meth, to the local scum who dealt, it was also known as gear. Since the logbook reforms however he was forced to take periodical breaks and there was a lot more scrutiny of drivers. Inspectors checked logbooks for drivers who had driven too far too fast and the penalties far outweighed any benefits. He made do using his mandatory rest breaks to visit a string of women living in backwater towns along his route. He wasn't much to look at himself, he had always been well built (as he liked to call it) but since he started driving nearly twenty years ago, he had stacked it on considerably. The gear had used to suppress his apatite but it was the complete lack of any exercise that had ruined him. (Unless you counted the few minutes of dirty, sweaty sex he managed whenever the stop over provided it.) He looked old beyond his years and his unkept sandy hair did the illusion no favors. It was all about keeping the money flowing in his eyes, shops needed the products his truck hauled and they paid good money for it to be on time. The money he earned paid for among other things, the drugs and spirits he liked to consume on the days he was forced to spend at home. As well as the women who were unfortunate enough to be so needy that they would share a bed with him, even if it was a short but unpleasant experience. He almost always paid for sex, charm for Troy was a skill for softer men, there was a few exception to this but they never lasted his brutish nature. The last one ended with the woman (Her name was sue) scratching 'pig' into the side of his truck. "Pig fucker it should say." He had thought to himself, recalling her large round pink body the last time he had porked her.
Deep down he had a real dislike for women, in his eyes they were there for his pleasure and that didn't involve talking or doing anything together besides bumping uglies. His truck on the other hand was his baby, one that didn't need a mother, she was lovingly built not born. He spent most of his time in this truck and the thought of that sweating fat pig of a woman scratching it made him angrier than he had ever been in his life. Had she scratched the airbrushing he'd had done, he may just have killed her. The bonnet and sides we're skillfully painted with dark skulls, purple smoke wafting through them before forming smoking she devils. Maybe she had known that it would have pushed him over or maybe she just did it near the lock on the drivers door so that he would see it first thing. Either way it was lucky for her. Instead of paying her a visit he rolled on out of town. "You always pay for sex." He thought as he settled into the drive the repair job was probably going to cost him into the hundreds, the insurance excess was at least three hundred and he doubted he could have a quality job done any cheaper. He should have drove on for another couple of hours and paid for a decent root instead of taking his chances trying for free tail he thought to himself. The open road was a good place to forget you worries and he had a long way to go so he settled in for the drive.
It was a long stretch of road and it had been over an hour since he last past anything resembling a town and probably not much longer since he had seen a vehicle. Clouds had rolled in just before dark and after the sun had set it had become pitch black with only the white lines of the road reflecting the light back. The ACDC cd was in full swing when his head lights picked up a car on the side of the road, the driver waving desperately trying to hail him. Company policy was to never give lifts but that wasn't the reason he didn't, it was more he didn't like strange people in his truck. If he was honest with himself (which he wasn't) it wasn't the other people he didn't like, it was more that they didn't like him. After some talking and a few awkward moments most people stopped being interested in what he had to say. They disrupted the serenity of his trip and from previous experience, never had anything worth stopping for, why else would they be on the side of the road. The exhaust braking hammered the air as he slowed enough to check out the situation. He was drawn straight away to the woman standing by the road, she lit up in the headlights and although she was modestly dressed it was hard to hide her voluptuous figure, the night was still warm from the day and she was only wearing a tight tee shirt. The car she stood beside was a small hatchback and from what he could see there didn't seem to be any passengers. His curiosity as well as the chance to get a closer look at the mystery woman caused him to pull over. Ambling back along the side of his rig he huffed and greeted her with as much charm as he could muster, which wasn't a lot. It didn't matter, she was just overjoyed that someone had came along so soon, she had been driving for awhile not seeing anyone when her car started to overheat, she was worried she might be stuck here overnight. She was young, he guessed early twenties with shoulder length dark hair with some white streak highlights, her tee hid ample breast and the track pants showed her round backside nicely. He stood gawking not offering to take a look at it, instead asking if she had roadside assist.
"Thanks so much for stopping." It was the third time she had said as much and she hadn't even mentioned her name.
"Troy." He said simply holding out a sweaty hand, which she took tentatively and shook meekly.
"Lilith." she offered back. "Sorry to bother you but do you know anything about cars?" It was clear he car wasn't going anywhere soon and if she wanted to get anywhere she was going to need a lift.
"I know enough to be able to tell you won't be driving that much longer." Troy bluntly threw it out there.
"I just had it serviced before I left, it's supposed to be fine." The distress was creeping into her voice, catching Troys attention, a woman in distress was always sign of a potential free meal to a shark like him. He stopped himself from pointing out that her car obviously wasn't fine, instead offering her a ride to the next town where she could probably still get a bed this early in the evening and call a mechanic in the morning.
"I really need to get to Perth." She complained. "My father isn't well and needs me right away. How far are you traveling?" The question put him on the spot. He fumbled being off guard, mumbling that he could take her into at least the outer city limit before he would have to part ways. He looked her over as she was turned away grabbing her bag from the car, she knelt on the seat and reached back into the rear seat, twisting her fit body between the seats. At least she had a nice body, he would have something to look at for the remainder of the trip regardless of how droll any conversation was.
Stopping to pick her up had taken nearly a half an hour off his time, he was keen to make it up so he pushed the rig to a hundred and ten kph sitting there comfortably. The road was a long strait one, the only distractions were the onslaught of bugs that lit up in the head light before hitting the windshield, making it seem as though they were in a spaceship rather than a b-double. The endless lines markers and while guide poles flashed by repetitively.
"So you were planning to drive all night?" He said trying to make her open up a bit.
"Yeah, I was planning to drive as long as I could, I was thinking if stopping in a rest bay and getting a bit of sleep before I get there tomorrow." She replied.
"You drive all night?" She flipped it back on him.
"Yup, I will get my rest when I deliver this load, I'll have a few hours sleep between loads then I start the drive back. I hope to reach Adelaide by this time tomorrow." He boasted with a certain pride to it.
"I guess the money's really good?" She baited watching him closely to gauge his response. It was an innocent enough question but he picked up a vibe that something wasn't quite right. He wasn't sure what about her it was, the way she spoke or the way she leaned across to talk. Maybe it was all in his mind, constructing itself like some twisted fantasy.
"Fair bit, on a good run." He replied glancing across at her as he did. She was perched on the seat legs sideways with knees up on the seat, it was a strange position to sit and it ensenseuated the fullness of her thighs and curve of her hip. He went to look away worried she might sense that he was undressing her in his mind, but it was too late and she gave a smile that hinted of more.
"I could do with some cash when I get to Perth." she cooed well aware of the effect she was having.
"Its not like I have it on me." He tried to make it come off not so gruff but failed, he still felt uneasy about something he couldn't quite tell what, it crossed his mind that she was an undercover cop bit he put that down to paranoia, no undercover cop was going to wait there to maybe catch someone for what? Picking up a hitch hiker, hardly a good use of police time. She wasn't a cop, but there was something about her, he glanced over and she was still looking at him smiling.
"You don't have to pay me." She said getting more seductive now. "I just thought you might like to play."
He looked across as she lifted her top letting her pert full breasts hang, her nipples hard even though the heaters were on and the cabin quite warm.
"But it would be nice to have a couple of hundred so I don't have to beg." She finished.
The feeling he had before was quickly being overcome with a new feeling of lust, this was turning into a fantasy come true, every truck driver had heard a story like this of a hitchhiker that pulled out all the stops. He smiled dumbly back at her, in the distance a light twinkled. She perched herself across the seat like a cat waiting to pounce and reached for his belt tugging it loose before unzipping him she whispered something to his crouch he didn't hear as he stretched back and looked down at her and waited for it to begin.
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