Chapter 5
"You will sleep here tonight, if you need anything just call me. There is a mall downhill and there is money on the kitchen table so I am covered for this month. Good night Mariah." He said in a kind voice and left the guest room after I thanked him again.
No matter how many times I thanked him, I felt like it isn't enough. After I called him, from a stranger's phone, he picked me up from the hospital straight away. He told me that I can stay at his house for the night even before I asked. I guess I looked so lost that he knew exactly what I needed.
If he wasn't married with a 3 year old daughter I would totally marry him. He is the angel from heaven that God sent me because he felt too bad for me.
Logan is an amazing person that runs the gym that I work in for 3 years already. I didn't want to ask him for help. It made me feel even weaker, but I had no other choice. I train his wife, Adele, and that explains the money that he left on the table. The money that I am going to use to buy new clothes, after I am talking a hot shower of course.
I ran to the bathroom inside the small guest room that I am staying in, desperate to feel the touch of the hot water on my skin. I closed the door behind me and I quickly turned on the hot water. It felt extremely good. I needed that shower ever since the day I came to his house. It washed away all of the sweat, tears and negative feelings, and I felt ok. For the first time in years, I felt ok.
I got out of the shower and decided to go to the mall before it's too late. I decided to wear my gym clothes again, because that was my only option for now, and leave my light brown hair down. I took the money from the kitchen table and I went out to the cold street. I need new clothes right now and after I buy them, I swear I will burn those gym clothes that smell like a dead cat, because they don't know what to smell like after all of the sweat.
Pretty sad.
I went downhill to find a small mall that could save me from the disaster that I am wearing. I walked inside the mall to find lots of clothes shops, but only one caught my eye: Forever 21. My eyes were blinking rapidly in order to see if what I see is real. After a few blinks, a huge smile appeared on my face.
Forever 21 here I come!
I walked fast into the shop and took a big shopping bag, knowing that I will need it for after. Just like that I handed up with 3 huge shopping bags that were full of clothes.
The guest room was pretty nice. It was small, but not too small. The wooden bed with the white sheets was beside the window. The wooden closet was next to the bed and in front of the bed, there was a wooden desk. This family likes wood.
I left the shopping bags on the floor and I tried to find my new spongebob pyjama in all of the clothes. After I successfully found it, I tried it on and it didn't look that bad. Cute was a better word to explain it. I put the gym clothes in the trash and fell in to bed immediately.
It was a hard day today, and I deserved my sleep. My eyes were slowly closing, and I could feel sleep taking over me.
"Where is she? Where is she Logan? Why the hell would you hide something like that from me?" The shoutings became clearer and clearer as I opened my eyes, and I didn't like the voice.
No, erase that, I didn't like the person that owed this voice. I heard my door opening and I decided that the best idea would be to face him. Logan doesn't deserve the shouting, he was just trying to help.
I was slowly sitting up on the bed, and I realised that it was still dark outside. The asshole walked fast towards my bed, and I could see how his deep blue eyes were furious even when he was close to the door. Well, this is going to be interesting.
"What were you thinking!?" He yelled at me when he was close enough to the bed, towering over me.
"I was thinking about a lot of things lately, like how my future husband is such an asshole, and how I want to kill him so badly when he sleeps and..." I am usually the one who is interrupting but this time was different.
"If you say another word, you will be the one to die in your sleep, got it? Now go get in the fucking car before I do something that you and I will regret."
He looked down at me, danger and anger was all I could see in his eyes. But I am not going to show him that I am afraid. I am not going to let him see my weak side.
"I am staying here." I said and started to lay down on the bed again, my back to him.
"Face me when..." He started but the new voice interrupted:
"Kevin, look at me, ok? You need to chill man, right now. Yelling at her is not going to help you get what you want. Try to be nic.."
I turned my back so I was facing them both and I decided to sit to look more serious, but I am sure they could see the anger inside my eyes.
"Him being nice to me is not going to change anything! He already showed me how much of an asshole he can be, I am sorry to break the news to you, but I am not going to live with you under the same roof! Come back here when you learn how to treat your wife, because even if you don't want me in your life, you have no reason to act like that towards me! I did nothing wrong!"
The two didn't say anything for a while and I noticed that I was crying. Oh My God! This is not happening again in front of him! This is the second time, and I only know him for two days now. Why do I always look so weak in front of him? Maybe because you are weak, I heard my mind telling me over and over again. Logan was breaking the eye contact first, he walked towards my shopping bags and said quietly:
"I will put them in the car for you." With that he left, closing the door behind him.
Leaving Kevin and I alone. He still didn't break the stare, we were just stating into each other's eyes for a while without moving. Kevin was beautiful. He was this kind of guy that women usually fall for. The anger and danger in his eyes were gone by now, all I could see was how blank his face looked like. Blank, no emotions.
"Just get in the car Mariah." He said, not as loud as before.
Before I even realised that he said my name correctly, he left the room.
The car ride was silent. There was only one thing that I needed to know in this moment, but I forced myself to shut up. It was still night, 3:30 AM to be exact. I need to take care of my body now, was what my mind told me as we passed by the unfamiliar roads. With that I fell asleep, in the car, with Kevin Jones.
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