Chapter 31
I found myself staring at my silver rings for a while. Each one of them hugged my fingers almost perfectly that I wanted to remember that sight forever. The rings only added so much magic to my beautiful long red dress. Yeah, I am obsessed with red. I didn't wear any makeup and left my hair down. Like always. I was a bit pale but only because I was feeling sick and stressed.
How would my ex-best friend react when she sees me after so long?
I gained a few kilograms since I moved to Kevin's house(he was forcing me to eat almost every day) and so I hopped that she wouldn't get mad at me like she did a couple of times in the past for not eating enough.
When I moved my eyes from my rings to look at the person who was standing in front of me, my heart began to beat faster. I slowly walked towards him, trying my best not to fall in the process from my high heels. He wore a buttoned white shirt with his black fancy pants.
He looked so fucking handsome.
I don't know what happened after I reached him but I only remember how his cold yet warm lips felt against mine. How I was pulled tight against him, suddenly feeling something against my stomach. Something that made me scared yet so excited. How I was touching his hair, pulling him closer to me, making him automatically kiss me even harder. How we somehow ended up in bed, him laying on top of me.
I felt his hands on my legs going higher then lower. Deep fire was building up inside and I wanted more of him. So much more.
I never felt that way before.
Not with Mike, not with that stupid stranger who tried to get me pregnant that night at the club. Not with anyone.
"Tell me to stop." He whispered between our passionate kisses.
Don't stop.
Don't stop.
Please don't stop.
"Mariah tell me to stop." He begged.
We have to go to the wedding.
We will be late to the wedding.
"Stop." The want in my voice was so much strong that it took him a few minutes to stop kissing me.
I felt cold and exposed after he got up that I had the sudden need to disappear. I couldn't look at him in the eyes.
I couldn't believe we almost...
"You look beautiful." I could feel his eyes studying me but couldn't bring my eyes up form the floor. I was scared from the feelings that he made me feel and more importantly scared from his reactions. What if he doesn't like my kisses and once I look up to his eyes I will see the regret? Not to mention, I was freaking embarrassed.
"The only women that can look even more beautiful without makeup. Right?" He wanted to test me. To see what I was thinking about myself, what he had to fix. I nodded.
Still not looking at him.
At least I noticed that his shoes were perfect just like him.
"Can you look at me?" He asked, not sounding angry at all. I didn't respond.
"Do you want me to wait for you in the car?" He sounded kind, understanding.
I nodded.
His shoes were getting closer and closer to the bed that I was sitting on and before I knew it, his extremely warm eyes met my worried ones. He touched both of my knees, trying to relax me and said:
"Take your pain killers before you leave."
"Ok." I whispered.
"Don't be nervous, I am sure she will be very happy to see you." He broke the silence in the car.
"You really think so?" I asked him. He took his eyes off the road and smiled at me.
"I know so." His eyes moved back to the road and I felt a bit relieved.
I reached the wedding with a heavy heart. I really wanted to see Ashley but wasn't sure if I wanted her to see me. Kevin took my hand in his, seeing how worried I was.
"It's ok."
"Mariah!" I heard my name being yelled by a very familiar voice. I turned around to see a beautiful women running towards my tall figure.
We hugged for so long that I was worried that Kevin would think that he was not really my type...
When we were finally able to look at each other, I noticed that she didn't change at all. Her red hair was bright as always, just like her green eyes.
"You look so freaking sexy Mariah!" She screamed from happiness.
"And you look beautiful Ashley." I laughed.
"Let's get you inside." She took my hand in hers but before she started pulling me, I stopped her.
"I am here with someone." I chuckled, trying to hide my embarrassment.
I felt like a stupid teenager, god.
In a quick move, her eyes moved directly behind me to look at Kevin. The shock immediately appeared on her face but a wicked smile replace it right after. She almost ran towards him to shake his hand, and when she did, her smile only widened.
"Nice to meet you, I am Ashley, Mariah's best friend." She announced.
After hearing that, Kevin smiled too, knowing that she just confirmed something that I was dying to hear.
She called herself my best friend. And fuck that felt good.
"Nice to meet you Ashely, I am Kevin, Mariah's husband." The butterflies only grew from hearing him say that.
"You are married?" She asked me surprised.
"I always thought that I would get the hot one Mariah!" She whined.
"Am I not hot enough for you?" A deep voice came from behind.
"Of course you are love." She turned around to meet her.... husband.
He was the love of her life. She loved him and he loved her.
Typical romance story.
They were the exact same height. They had the exact same eyes. Same personality, same smile. His hair was brown but other than that, they were the exact same while Kevin and I were the exact opposite.
"Hey Jack." I shook his hand.
I saw realisation in his green eyes when he said:
"Hey Mariah." With a friendly smile.
"Ashley told me a lot about you." I smiled weakly at Ashely.
I didn't deserve her words.
"Well, you guys have a seat at table 4, the best of the tables." She laughed.
"Eat as much as you can. I have to greet many people but this conversation is still not over." She winked and left just how she came. Quick and confusing.
"Table 4, here we come." I say, and we both go towards the fancy opening.
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