Chapter 12
"What are you doing today my dear husband?" I asked while taking a seat on one of the black chairs in front of him.
He ignored me, of course, and didn't look up from his phone.
"Did you find Ellie's mom?" Ugh, he is annoying.
"As my husband, you should pay attention to me or at least look at me once in a while."
He finally looked up from his phone, oh....what now?
"There is nothing to look at."
He is a bitch.
"Am I that ugly?" I joked, but the sadness in my voice was too obvious.
"What do you want Mariana?"
He ignored the question, usually when people ignore a question their answer is yes.
He thinks I am ugly.
How does he expect me to talk now? How does he expect me to talk when I just found out that he think I am ugly and I think that he is a god.
"I wa..I was... We have dinner with Logan and Adele tonight and you have to come because... because it's like a double date and if you don't come they will know that something is wrong, and you don't want them to think that something is wrong because then the.."
"Stop, I get it!"
"So are you coming?" He was about to answer, but I was faster.
"Yes you are. Be ready at 7:30 ok?"
He once again opened his mouth to answer, but I once again, was faster.
"Ok. Good. See you at 7:30. Bye."
Just like that I ran out of his office before he could say anything. Damn, I am a good wife. Ellie was still sleeping on my bed so I decided to do something productive today other than thinking about how miserable my life are.
I was watching movies for the whole day.
Sad, depressing, bitter, heartbreaking, hopeless romance movies that only reminded me that Kevin Jones thinks that I am ugly. At least that was productive. It sure as hell gave me so many wicked ideas to what I can do to Jones to make him go crazy and cancel our wedding, that is by the way in 3 freaking days.
Ellie was watching half of the movies with me. The sad part was that she couldn't understand why I was crying like a baby when this girl saw this guy and this guy was playing the piano but this girl was with someone else that she doesn't even love.
Sad movie.
"Hey blondie, I am going to tell Jane to play with you tonight and if you are a good girl you guys can watch a movie together. Stay here while I get ready and call Jane ok?"
Please say yes, please say yes, please say yes.
"Did you find my mommy yet?" She asked from nowhere.
"We will find her soon."
Be strong Mariah, be strong.
"You already said that."
I didn't know what to say, she was right, I already said that. I looked down at my rings, waiting for them to give me advices.
They didn't.
"We will find her Ellie."
I stood up from the couch, not wanting to see her reaction. I went to my bedroom, changed to a really simple short red dress with black heels. I didn't try to look good, to impress him, he thinks that I look ugly, nothing can change that.
After I was ready, I came down to look for Jane. I looked everywhere but I couldn't find her. Is she gone? Did she take a day o..
He fired her.
The asshole fired her. I ran down stairs, knowing exactly where to go. He fired her, he fired Jane! This jerk is going to pay! He will pay! I opened the familiar door, and there he was, sitting in his office typing on his laptop.
"You fired her! You fired Jane, didn't you? You fired her because I didn't eat the pasta! You fired her because you wanted to show me that you are capable of anything. Capable to ruin me if I don't listen to what you say! I hate you! God I hate you so fucking much!"
"Glad to know that I am not the only person that feels this way."
His expression looked bored, he didn't give a crap about what I was saying. I looked at the clock above him, not wanting to look at his face for any longer.
"I want Jane back!"
"I don't give a fuck."
Can I punch him please?! Pretty please!
"Bring her back!" I took a step towards his desk.
"She doesn't deserve this"
Another step.
"She didn't do anything wrong."
With each step, my voice became hopeless and hopeless until I came to the chair in front of him and sat down. He looked up from his laptop and stared at me for a couple of seconds with a blank face, like usual.
"You have to understand who is in control here. Until then, I will make your life a living hell, do you hear me?"
I stood up from the chair, my eyes were burning with fire in them.
" bri... bring Ja..Jan...Jane back!"
It wasn't fire, it was tears.
"And what if I don't?" He asked, trying to humiliate me until the very end.
"If you don't, I will kick your ass." A big smile appeared on his face and the need to punch the hell out of him grew stronger within seconds.
"I would like to see you try."
He stood up from his chair, showing on purpose the strong muscles and the big figure behind the black suit. I walked towards him, my eyes blurry from the tears. He leaned against the wall, waiting for me to make a move. I stood close to him, staring at his big blue eyes. In the matter of seconds, I lifted my knee up and kicked his balls. He yelled from the sudden movement, and for the first time in the week, I felt happy.
"Be upstairs by 7:30 babe, Ellie is coming with us."
With that, I left the office, leaving him with his mouth open and with his eyes full of shock.
Damn I was the happiest crying girl in the world.
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