bots and magic
Sira's pov
We were searching for the masked man that had stranded the teens in the car to drown. He had set up base on an island not far from San Fransosico. Error was keeping everyone safe with his strings while i flew below baymax. My wings hit the air with ease, smoothing out my flight. We slowly pull into a landing as baymax lands in a hero pose and i land on my feet with ease as the others hop off baymax. I let my wings fold and slowly walk foward till i reach a locked door. Wasabi walks up and one of his laser-plasma blades pop out and he does his best to cut a circle and i hear error chuckle and he walks up and guides wasabi's hand and it looks better when error kicks it from it's place. We walk in, i let magic flow to my eyes to give us some light as orange light flows from my eyes. I listen for every sound and after a minute of walking i hear a dripping sound." Do you guys hear that?" Hiro looks over to me" what do you hear?" " a dripping sound, either this place is extremely run down or theres someone i know here." I quicken my step and error says" iS iT jOHn?" I nod" he's made of ink, i just hope he's ok without me being around to keep him sane." We make it to a massive control room and before me i see a portal and ruins of something made of metal scattered around the room. I go to the main computer and i start to type in some commands. A security footage piece comes up and i pull it up" guys watch this" i point to the screens and we all watch the experiment unfold into catastrophy and i rewind it and i pull it up on the back of her helm and it read" Callaghaun/thanks Nightsky007 for the reminder/ " who's this girls family?" Hiro says" back out and i'll point to him" i nod and do so and he points to a man with silver hair that pointed off his forehead slightly and hiro says" he supposadly died in the fire that took my brother Tadashi from me, but someone stole my microbots and i know Tadashi would tell me if he was alive but no one knows if callaghuan died since they never found his body." I nod" i see" i focus slightly and i walk up to the portal" this was made to trasport something through space time instantly, yet even i see its flaws. It is easily destabilized because of shape and material. But with a bit of balanced energy,like my magic balances out these flaws to make it even stronger." I gently let my magic flare in my hand and i keep it from forming into an attack as i slowly touched the gateway. I felt a rush of energy hit me and i pull back as pain filled my every nerve and i fall to the ground on my knees and i pant as i slowly say" i'm fine, just alitte weak from the energy blast" i heard error's static surround me and he holds me gently" yEaH rIgHt aNd tHat dIdn'T jUsT tAkE oUt aLL yOuR Hp In OnE bLasT." I nod" i know, i need food in order for my soul to maintain my body much longer." I lean against him and he says into his comm" tHaT hIt hEr hArDer tHaN ShE lEt On, wE nEeD tO geT hEr bAcK tO tOwn NoW" hiro nods" alright, right behind you error." He picks me up and he runs back to the control room and i hear the sound of many pieces of metal moving at once and i tap error's shoulder weakly and he turns his head and he wraps his strings around me and throws me into the control room and i stop just as something shuts the door behind me. I slowly try to stand but i feel baymax pick me up and say" your energy and body tempature is low, let me carry you home." I weakly say" i need food and soon, my SOUL is too weak to carry this body much longer. The hit was too big." Baymax closes my mouth" save your strength, it will not take long to fly to Cass's apartment." I nod weakly as baymax runs out and takes off once we hit a larger area. I struggle to stay awake as my magic waned." Baymax, i'm probably not going to make it, i'm passing out fast." " you will make it, increasing thrust." He speeds up and slowly my vision fades but i was still consious to feel him land and he walks into the cafe and the clattering of coins rings out as he grabs something and i feel the wood of the table below me and he opens my mouth and i slowly eat and i feel my SOUL beat again and i slowly open my eyes" thanks baymax, i wouldn't have survived much longer." I slowly sit up and i take the doughnut in his hand and i eat it quickly and i check my HP: 15/1,500." Yikes that took too much outta me, it'll take me a few days to max out my HP again. That really hurt, you better get back to the others,i'll be fine while i take it easy." Baymax nods" ok, go back to the garage and rest for now." I nod" i will" he goes outside and takes off and i stand and i walk back to the garage and i lay against a wall and i fall asleep easily with my wings covering me.
Error's pov
I was blocked in with a man with a mask on and i smirked and i stood there. He sent the robots and i sliced through it with a single string. I heard his grunt of suprise and i say" yOu kNoW cAllAGhUan tHat hUrTiNG cHilDren iSn'T riGHt, aNd iF yoU aTTacK aGAin, I CaN't HolD bAck wElL. YOu'D bE dEaD beFoRe i eVeN tHouGhT aBoUt iT oR rEaLiZed wHaT i JuSt dId. I ReCcOmEnD yOu lEaVe nOw aNd LeAve uS iN pEaCe." I say matter of factually and i let my magic wrap around me like a glove and i watch him set down off his tower of bots and take off the mask" how did you know?" I smirk"i'M tHe fOrcEd DeStRoyEr oF uNiVerSeS, i KnOw wHo eVeRyOne iS aNd wHaT tHEy bEcoMe."
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