Journey's End
The Doctor threw his head back add the golden energy flew out of his hands and head, forcing the group shield their eyes. "Doctor!" The Stone shouted. "The hand!" Slowly the Doctor turned shifting his body before the energy coming out of him was targeted towards his hand in the jar. He suddenly stopped regenerating and stumbled backwards still the same man as before.
"Now, then. Where were we?" The Stone laughed and launched herself onto him wrapping her arms around him in a tight hug while Donna and Rose gaped.
"You're brilliant!" He beamed picking her up and spinning around laughing. "Completely brilliant!" He grinned placing her down. "Oh, I really do love you." He beamed.
She chuckled quickly kissing his lips before they moved over to the hand the Doctor bending down towards it while the three humans stood there stunned. The Doctor watched in awe as the hand bubbled and glowed before he softly whispered. "There, now." Gently he blew on the hand which then stopped glowing and calmed. He smiled in delight and slumped down with the Stone. "You see? Used the regeneration energy to heal myself, but as soon as that was done, I didn't need to change. I didn't want to, why would I?" He grinned tweaking his tie.
"Careful with your ego their Doctor." The Stone chuckled.
He sent her a playful look before turning back to the humans. "Look at me! So, to stop the energy going all the way, I syphoned off the rest into a handy bio-matching receptacle - namely, my hand. My hand, there. My handy spare hand, thank you for the brilliant idea." He beamed at the Stone as they stood up. "Remember?" he looked at the young blonde. "Christmas Day? Sycorax? Lost my hand in a sword fight? That's my hand!" Slowly Rose looked from the hand to the Doctor. "What do you think?"
"And... you're still you?" Rose questioned sounding hopeful.
"I'm still me." He grinned before Rose threw her arms around him the two of them tightly hugging as the Stone laughed.
Jack grinned at them happily as Donna looked over at him. "You can hug me if you want." She joked as Jack laughed before stopping at the serious look on her face. "No, really, you can hug me."
The Doctor then let go of Rose who couldn't help but smile then slowly frown as she noticed the Stone. "Rita...?" She whispered in a guess briefly remembering when the Stone walked in on the Daleks accepting the name they had given her. The Stone slowly nodded.
"Yeah, it's me, well sort of." She shrugged. "You were there when I waltzed in that room facing all of those Daleks and mocking them by calling them pepper pots when I first opened the watch, I regenerated."
"And you two...?" She suddenly changed the subject looking between the Doctor and the Stone. "You're together?"
"Yeah." They both nodded the Stone feeling a little awkward with the whole situation knowing full well that Rose also love the Doctor.
"I thought we were friends?" Rose blinked back tears looking at the Stone.
"Rose, don't please." She begged not wanting an argument now.
"You wanted me to leave." She shook her head. "So you could have him yourself."
"Rose?" The Doctor raised a brow confused by the whole situation.
"I am not discussing it now with those bloody pepper pots outside and all over the Earth." The Stone looked at her warningly. "Talk to me about this after, but not know."
"Stone?" The Doctor looked at her in confusion wanting someone to explain what was going on.
The Stone went to explain, the power in the TARDIS suddenly cut out. The Time Lords quickly ran around the console looking at the scanner. "They've got us. Power's gone... some kind of chronon loop!"
"There's a massive Dalek ship at the centre of the planets. They're calling it the Crucible. Guess that's our destination." Jack explained.
Donna looked at the Time Lords. "You said these planets were like an engine. But what for?"
"Rose! You've been in a parallel world, that world's running ahead of this universe." The Doctor turned to her. "You've seen the future, what was it?"
"It's the darkness."
"The stars were going out." Donna muttered.
"One by one. We looked up at the sky and they were just dying. Basically, we've been building this um... this travel machine, this... uh... Dimension Cannon, so I could... well, so I could..."
"What?" The Doctor blinked.
"So I could come back!" The Doctor blinked for a moment then slowly nodded, "anyway, suddenly, it started to work." She quickly explained wondering why his reaction was so.. plain. Did the Stone seriously brainwash him that much? She thought her and the Stone were friends and wouldn't do this, obviously, she was wrong. "And the dimensions started to collapse." The Time Lords looked at her horrified. "Not just in our world - not just in yours - but the whole of reality, even the Void was dead." She said. "Something is... destroying everything."
"In that parallel world..." Donna mumbled as Rose turned to her. " said something about me."
"The Dimension Cannon could measure timelines, and it's... it's weird, Donna, but they all seem to converge on you." She said as the Doctor and the Stone frowned slightly trying to think of a reason why.
"But why me?" Donna looked between them. "I mean... what have I ever done? I'm a temp from Chiswick!" The computer then beeped, the Doctor and the Stone raced around seeing the image come into view.
"The Dalek Crucible." The Stone gritted her teeth.
"All aboard..."
The TARDIS then landed with a crash jolting the Time Lords and humans inside.
"The TARDIS is secured!" They heard a Dalek shout from outside making the Doctor firmly wrap an arm around the Stone's waist not trusting the Daleks even in hearing distance of her.
"Doctor! Stone!" They heard the Dalek leader shout. "You will step forth or die!"
"We'll have to go out. 'Cos if we don't, they'll get in."
"You told me nothing could get through those doors." Rose looked at him in alarm.
"You've got extrapolator shielding," Jack said.
"Last time we fought the Daleks, they were scavengers and hybrids and mad." The Doctor said looking at them. "But this is a fully fledged Dalek Empire... at the height of its power. Experts at fighting TARDISes, they can do anything."
They both looked in, even more, alarm their eyes widening in fear as the Stone cut in. "Right now, that wooden door... is just wood."
"What about your Dimension Jump?" Jack asked as Donna backed away hearing the strange beat yet again.
"It needs another twenty minutes, and anyway, I'm not leaving."
"What about your teleport?" The Doctor looked at Jack.
"Went down with the power-loss."
"Right then." The Doctor nodded keeping a firm grip on the Stone's hand. "All of us together... yeah." He looked at Donna who stared off into space. The Stone glanced at him slightly worried of the redhead and slowly walked over to her letting go of the Doctors hand. "Donna?" Getting no reply she gently grips hold of her shoulders. "Donna."
"Yeah." She blinked nodding.
"I'm sorry, there's nothing else we can do." The Doctor walked over.
"No, I know." She nodded.
The Supreme Dalek then called once more. "Surrender, Doctor, Stone, and face your Dalek masters."
"Crucible on maximum alert!"
"Daleks." Rose lets out a nervous laugh as Jack joined in. "Oh, God!"
"It's been good, though, hasn't it?" The Doctor glanced at them all. "All of us... all of it... everything we did..." He then looked at Donna. "You were brilliant." She smiled and nodded before he then turned to Jack. "And you were brilliant."
"And you were brilliant." He said to Rose before turning to the Stone. "And you..." He softly smiled at her cupping her cheeks in his hands. "You are the most brilliantly magnificent woman I have ever and will ever meet." He said looking deep into her eyes. "All the things we could have seen, I'm just glad it would have been with you."
"Don't get all sappy on me sweetheart." She chuckled tears welling up in her eyes as she rested her palm on his cheek. "I don't want you to think of everything we could have seen or done for one second while we are out there, I want you to remember what we have been through. Promise me Doctor, promise me, you will do that, for me please."
Slowly he nodded. "Of course, anything for you." He grinned kissing her forehead. Rose watched on slightly disgusted knowing that inside was an old friend who betrayed her, who took the opportunity of her being trapped in a parallel world to take the Doctor.
"Blimey." The Doctor sniffed quickly wiping his eyes of the tears threatening to fall as he took the Stone's hand. The Doctor stepped out of the TARDIS with the Stone, Rose and Jack following.
"Daleks reign supreme! All hail the Daleks!" The Supreme Dalek bellowed.
"Great." The Stone groaned.
Donna slowly walked towards the door to join them before she stopped hearing the beat in her head once more.
"Daleks reign supreme!" Multiple other Daleks now chanted. "All hail the Daleks! Daleks reign supreme! All hail the Daleks! Daleks reign supreme! All hail the Daleks! Daleks reign supreme! All hail the Daleks!"
The Doctor and the Stone looked around seeing a large number of Daleks chanting, they both deeply exhaled knowing that neither of them was likely to be getting out alive.
"Behold, Doctor, Stone. Behold the might of the true Dalek Race" the supreme Dalek announced.
"Donna?" The Doctor called over his shoulder. "It's no safer in there..."
"Come on Donna." The Stone called looking back at the TARDIS, her eyes widened as the doors slammed, both the Time Lords ran to the doors pounding on them
screaming and shouting as they heard Donna's cries from inside.
"Doctor?!" She cried out. "Stone?! What've you done?"
"It wasn't us, we didn't do anything!" The Doctor shouted.
"Oi! Oi, I'm not staying behind!" She shouted.
Feeling anger and rage the Stone spun around glaring at the Supreme Dalek. "What have you done?"
"This is not of Dalek origin." It simply replied.
"Doctor! Stone!"
"Stop it!" The Doctor shouted. "She's our friend!"
"Now, open the door and let her out." The Stone growled.
"This is Time Lord treachery."
"Us?" The Doctor and the Stone shouted. "The door just closed on its own"
"Nevertheless: the TARDIS is a weapon and it will be destroyed." The TARDIS suddenly fell through a trap door making the Stone gasp hiding her face in the Doctors shoulder not wanting to become even angrier.
"What're you doing?" The Doctor shouted. "Bring it back" He shouted spinning around. "What've you done? Where's it going?"
"The Crucible has a heart of Z-Neutrino Energy. The TARDIS will be deposited into the core."
"But you can't, you've taken the defences down" The Stone shot up from the Doctor storming over to the Supreme Dalek. "The TARDIS will be torn apart with our friend inside" She gritted her teeth. "She did nothing to you. Nothing." The Doctor quickly grabbed the furious Time Lady pulling her into his chest allowing her to hide her face and listen to the sound of his hearts, beating at a high rate due to the chaos it was still calming to her ears as the Doctor stared in horror.
"But Donna's still in there," Rose shouted.
"Let her go." Jack shouted at the Dalek Supreme.
"The female and the TARDIS will perish together!" He replied. "Observe." A screen then flicked on showing the TARDIS bobbing up and down in the energy. The Doctor and the Stone gritted their teeth entwining their fingers.
"The last children of Gallifrey are powerless."
"Please. I'm begging you, I'll do anything." The Doctor turned to the Supreme Dalek before the Stones eyes shot up as she spoke up.
"Put me in her place." She shouted. "Take her out and put me in. A female for a female."
"No." the Doctor cupped her face his eyes burning into hers with worry. "I'm not losing you as well." He said his hands shaking in terror at what was happening to their best friend as well as the thought of losing her.
"You are connected to the TARDIS." The supreme Dalek stated. "Now, feel it die." They turned back watching in horror as the TARDIS slowly sunk further.
As the destruction of the TARDIS continued Donna stared in horror as the Doctors hand broke out of the jar which then smashed. She frowned as the hand glowed golden and started to twitch before the energy spread outwards and became the shape of a man. The shape then suddenly formed and bolted upright showing a new Doctor... completely naked, eyes wide.
"It's you..." Donna stared in horror and amazement.
"Oh, yes." He beamed.
Donna's eyes suddenly widened as she realised. "You're naked!"
"Oh, yes."
"Total TARDIS destruction in ten rels." A Dalek announced. Rose went to move to stand beside the motionless Doctor and Stone, however, Jack held her back, they were Time Lords and needed to be together, the two of them. Things were different now, he wasn't the only one.
"Nine! Eight! Seven! Six! Five!" The Supreme Dalek said as the Doctor tightened his grip on the Stones hand her head buried in his shoulder watching powerlessly out the corner of her eye.
The other Doctor suddenly leant over the console and pressed a button.
"Four! Three! Two! One!" The TARDIS then completely disappeared.
"The TARDIS has been destroyed." The Supreme Dalek almost laughed. "Now, tell me, Doctor... Stone... what do you feel?" They stared out at the screen a blank dark expression on their faces.
"Anger? Sorrow? Despair?"
"Yeah." The Doctor whimpered. The Stone looked over at him. He had a stronger connection to the TARDIS than she ever did, ever most likely will have with the magnificent machine. She was angry because he was, because what the Daleks did to them both.
"Then, if emotions are so important, surely we have enhanced you."
"Yeah? Feel this!" Jack shouted turning and shooting the Supreme Dalek. The bullet then bounced off the Dalek as the Time Lords gritted their teeth, the Stone pulling Rose away, stopping her from going to Jack.
"Exterminate!" It cried then shot Jack who screamed in pain.
"Jack!" Rose shouted running beside him. "Oh, my God. Oh, no..."
"Rose..." the Stone knelt down gently pulling her away while keeping her hand in the Doctors. "Come on. Leave him."
"They killed him." She whimpered.
"We know Rose," she sadly shook her head. "I'm sorry."
"Escort them to the Vault. They are the playthings of Davros, now." The Doctor gritted his teeth not liking the sound of it at all and protectively wrapped a tight arm around the Stones' waist keeping her beside him as the Stone kept hold of Rose. Of course, the young blonde wasn't at all her favourite person at the current moment. She tried to start an argument over the Doctor, something the Stone definitely disliked. A Dalek then started to lead them away. The Doctor and the Stone quickly glanced down at Jacks body as he winked at them before they disappeared.
The other Doctor now in a blue suit sat on the railings mending the TARDIS. "All repaired. Lovely. Shh!" He suddenly quietened. "No-one knows we're here. Gotta keep quiet. Silent running, like on submarines when they can't even drop a spanner. Don't drop a spanner. I like blue, what do you think?"
"You - are - bonkers." She gaped at him.
"Why?" He stared at her. "What's wrong with blue?"
"Is that what Time Lords do?" She asked. "Lop a bit off, grow another one? You're like worms."
"No, no, no, no, no, I'm unique." He said. "Never been another like me because all that regeneration energy went into the hand - look at my hand, I love that hand..." he wiggled his fingers.
"But then you touched it-- WHAM!" He shouted making Donna jump. "Shhh... instantaneous biological metacrisis. I grew... out of you. Still, could be worse."
"Oi! Watch it, spaceman."
"Oi! Watch it, Earth-girl." He matched her. "Oh." They both held the same expression blinking. "I sound like you! I sound all... all sort of, rough." He looked at her disgusted.
"Oi!" Donna barked back at him.
"Spanners, shh." He silenced her. "Must've picked up a bit of your voice, that's all. Is it?" He blinked looking horrified. "Did I? No. Oh. You are kidding me, no way... One heart..." he made a face feeling his own chest. "I've got one heart. This body... has got only one heart!"
"What?" She blinked placing a hand on his chest feeling it. "What, like you're human?"
"Oh, that's disgusting."
"Oi!" He mimicked.
"Stop it." Donna snapped.
"No, wait, I'm... part Time Lord, part human..." he then looked at Donna. "Well, isn't that wizard?"
"I kept hearing that noise... that heartbeat."
"Oh, that was me." He waved his hands around walking around the console. "My single heart. 'Cos I'm a-- complicated event in time and space, must've rippled back. Converging on you."
"But why me?"
"Because you're special."
"Oh, I keep telling you: I'm not." She huffed.
"No, but you are, you..." He said then stares at her. "Oh... you really don't believe that, do you?" He then gestured to his head. "I can see, Donna... what you're thinking. All that attitude, all that lip, 'cos all this time... you think you're not worth it."
"Stop it."
"Shouting at the world 'cos no-one's listening. Well... why should they?"
"Doctor? Stop it." She said again clearly upset.
"But look at what you did... no." He thought. "It's more than that, it's like... he thought. "We were always heading for this. You came to the TARDIS. And you found the Stone and I again." He said. "Your grandad. Your car. Donna, your car. You parked your car right where the TARDIS was gonna land, that's not coincidence at all." He then spun around on the spot. "We've been blind. Something's been drawing us together for such a long time."
"But you're talking like... destiny." She breathed. "But there's no such thing... is there?"
"It's still not finished. It's like... the pattern's not complete." He said in thought. "The strands are still joining together. But heading for what?"
"Activate the holding cells," Davros announced rolling in. Suddenly three lights appeared one over the Doctor, the Stone and Rose. The Doctor gently touched the holding cell which then rippled. "Excellent. Even when powerless, a Time Lord is best contained."
"Still scared of us, then?" The Doctor questioned.
"It is time we talked, Doctor, Stone after so very long--"
"No, no, no, no, no." The Doctor cut in. "We're not doing the nostalgia tour. We want to know what's happening right here, right now, 'cos the Supreme Dalek said 'vault', yeah?"
"As in, dungeon. Cellar. Prison." The Stone added raising a brow. "Which means that you're not in charge of the Daleks, are you?" She crossed her arms.
"They've got you locked away down here in the basement, like, what, a servant? Slave? Court jester?" The Doctor questioned.
"We have... an arrangement."
"No, no, no, no, no, no, no. I've got the word. You're the Dalek's pet!" He mocked.
Davros turned to Rose "So very full of fire, are they not? And to think, you crossed entire universes, striding parallel to parallel to find the Doctor again."
"Leave her alone." The Doctor coldly warned, his face darkening.
"She is mine. To do as I please."
"Then why am I still alive?" The blonde asked.
"You must be here. It was foretold. Even the Supreme Dalek would not dare to contradict the prophecies of Dalek Caan."
"So cold and dark. Fire is coming... the endless flames..." Caan said in a sing-song like way.
"What is that thing?" Rose asked the Time Lords.
"You've met before." The Stone said staring at him. "When I came back as a Time Lady, the last of the Cult of Skaro. But it flew into the Time War, unprotected."
"Caan did more than that. He saw Time. Its infinite complexity and majesty raging through his mind. And... he saw you. The three of you." The Stone raised a brow glancing at the Doctor and Rose as they did the same.
"This I have foreseen in the wild and the wind. The Doctor and the Stone will be here, as witness, at the end of everything. The Doctor, the Stone and their precious Children of Time!" He then giggled. "And one of them will die...!"
"Was it you, Caan?" He shouted. "Did you kill Donna? Why did the TARDIS door close? Tell me!"
"Oh, that's it/" Davros laughed pointing at the Doctor. "The end, the fire, the rage of a Time Lord who butchered millions. There he is." Davros shouted making the Doctor darkly stare at him. "Why so shy? Show your companion... show her your true self."
"Leave him alone." The Stone warned through gritted teeth.
"And the rage of the Time Lady who helped in creating the weapon that ended it all..." Davros turned to the Stone. "Dalek Caan has promised me that, too."
"I have seen it. At the time of ending, the Doctor and the Stones souls will be revealed."
"What does that mean?" The Doctor questioned as the Stone frowned watching Davros and Caan.
"We will discover it together... our final journey," Davros said, "because the ending approaches. The testing begins."
"Testing of what?" The Stone asked making Davros turn back around to face her and the Doctor.
"The Reality Bomb."
The TARDIS shuddered. The other Doctor looked at the scanner trying to figure out what was happening.
"It's the planets. The twenty-seven planets." The Doctor said.
"But that's Z-Neutrino Energy. Flattened by the alignment of the planets into a single stream...." The Doctor and the Stones eyes widened in horror. "No..."
"Davros!" The Doctor shouted. "Davros, you can't!"
"You simply CAN'T!" The Stone shouted with him. "NO!"
"Single-stream Z-Neutrinos compressed into..." he slowly moves staring at the scanner. "No. No way..."
"What is it?" Donna frowned looking at him in alarm. "Doctor? What did it do?"
The other Doctor didn't reply, not having any words he just stared at the redhead in full shock of what the Daleks were going to do.
"Doctor, what happened?" Rose worriedly asked seeing the look on his and the Stones face.
"Electrical energy, Miss Tyler," Davros informed before he looked between the Time Lords seeing the anger on their faces and the heavy breathing, "every atom in existence is bound by an electrical field. The Reality Bomb cancels it out - structure falls apart. That test was focused on the prisoners alone. Full transmission will dissolve every form of matter."
"The stars are going out..."
"The twenty-seven planets..." the Doctor muttered. "They become one vast transmitter."
"Blasting that wavelength..." the Stone added.
"Across the entire universe." Davros cut in. "Never stopping. Never faltering. Never fading. People and planets and stars will become dust. And the dust will become atoms and the atoms will become... nothing. And the wavelength will continue, breaking through the Rift at the heart of the Medusa Cascade into every dimension, every parallel, every single corner of creation." He then started to almost laugh. "This is my ultimate victory, Doctor! Stone! The destruction of reality itself!"
The other Doctor ran around the TARDIS building a sort of device. "So, what is this thing?" Donna frowned.
"It's our only hope." He replied. "A Z-Neutrino biological inversion catalyser."
"Yeah. Earth-girl, remember?"
"Davros said he built those Daleks out of himself. His genetic code runs through the entire race. If I can use this to lock the Crucible's transmission onto Davros himself... he added screwing the top on.
"It destroys the Daleks?"
"Biggest backfire in history." He added.
Suddenly a screen appeared in the vault. The Doctor and the Stones eyes shot up seeing Martha. "This message is for the Dalek Crucible. Repeat: can you hear me?"
"Put us through!" The Time Lords both shouted at Davros and Caan.
"It begins as Dalek Caan foretold. The Children of Time will gather... and one of them will die!"
"Stop saying that!" The Doctor shouted. "Put us through!"
"Doctor! Stone!" Martha shouted after Davros did as they asked. "I'm sorry. I had to."
"Oh! But the Doctor and the Stone are powerless - my prisoners. State your intent."
"I've got the Osterhagen Key." She said shakily held it up. "Leave this planet and its people alone, or I'll use it."
"Osterhagen what?" The Doctor blinked.
"Martha, what's an Osterhagen Key?" The Stone wearily asked not having a good idea on what it would do.
"There's a chain of twenty-five nuclear warheads placed in strategic points beneath the Earth's crust. If I use the key, they detonate and the Earth gets ripped apart."
"What?" They both looked at her horrified. "Who invented that?"
"Apparently someone called Osterhagen, I guess." The Stone quickly said before shaking her head. "but Martha, are you insane?!"
"The Osterhagen Key is to be used if the suffering of the Human Race is so great, so without hope... that this becomes the final option."
"That's NEVER an option."
"Don't argue with me, Doctor." She cut him off. "Stone don't you dare." She warned seeing the Time Lady open her mouth to protest. "'Cos there's more than that. Now, I reckon the Daleks need these twenty-seven planets for something, but what if it becomes twenty-six? What happens then? Daleks? Would you risk it?"
"She's good!" Rose laughed.
"Who's that?"
"My name's Rose. Rose Tyler."
"Oh, my God..." she gasped. "They found you." Rose then blinked. They? The Stone tried to find Rose?
Suddenly another screen appeared showing Jack, Mickey, Sarah Jane and Jackie. "Captain Jack Harkness calling all Dalek boys and girls. Are you receiving me? Don't send in your goons or I'll set this thing off." He held up a device.
"He's still alive! Oh, my God, that's-- that's my mum!" Rose gasped.
"And Mickey - Captain, what are you doing?" The Doctor asked.
"I've got a Warp Star wired into the mainframe. I break the shell... the entire Crucible goes up."
"What!" The Stone shouted. "Where in the bloody hell did you get a warp star from?!"
"From me." Sarah Jane stepped forward. "We had no choice, we saw what happened to the prisoners."
"Impossible." Davros muttered. "That face... after all these years."
"Davros." She whispered then became angry. "That's been quite a while. Sarah Jane Smith. Remember?"
"Oh, this is meant to be. The Circle of Time is closing. You were there on Skaro at the very beginning of my creation."
"And I've learned how to fight since then. You let the Doctor and the Stone go or this Warp Star - it gets opened!"
The Doctor and the Stones gaze slowly drifted down, their faces looking cold and saddened, they were only trying to help, what had they made their friends? Monsters?
"I'll do it." Jack warned. "Don't imagine I wouldn't."
"Now, that's what I call a ransom." Rose then laughed looking at the Doctor see noticed his sadden look. "Doctor?"
"And the prophesy unfolds."
"The Doctor and the Stones souls are revealed!" Caan cackled. "See them. See the hearts of both of them!"
"The man and woman who abhors violence, never carrying a gun." Davros started. "But this is the truth, Doctor, Stone: you both take ordinary people and you fashion them into weapons," Davros said, "behold your Children of Time transformed into murderers. I made the Daleks, Doctor, Stone. You made this."
"They're trying to help." The Doctor quietly replied not looking up.
"Already, I have seen them sacrifice today for their beloved Doctor and Stone, The Earth woman who fell opening the subwave network."
"Who was that?" The Stone looked up.
"Harriet Jones." The Doctor stared at Rose stunned. "She gave her life to get you both here," Rose replied addressing the Stone for the first time in a while.
"How many more? Just think. How many have died in your names?" The Doctor then remembered all of the lives he had ruined. Trembling completely broken. The Stone in just the same state wishing she could comfort him as well as herself.
"The Doctor and the Stone... the man and woman who keep running, never looking back, because they dare not, out of shame. This is my final victory, Doctor, Stone. I have shown you... yourselves."
"It's the Crucible... or the Earth." Martha then spoke up after neither Time Lord replied holding up the key.
"Transmat engaged!"
"No!" Martha cried before she and the others were taken and transmitted to the vault.
"Martha!" Jack shouted helping her up. "I've got you, it's all right--"
"Don't move!" The Doctor shouted. "All of you! Stay still!"
"Guard them!" Davros shouted. "On your knees, all of you. Surrender!"
"Do as he says." The Doctors warned as the group slowly kneeled placing their hands behind their heads.
"Mum, I told you not to!" Rose warned.
"Yeah, but I couldn't leave you."
"The final prophecy is in place. The Doctor, the Stone their children all gathered as witnesses. Supreme Dalek... the time has come!" His voice then began to tremble with excitement. "Now... Detonate the Reality Bomb!" He shouted pointing upwards.
"You can't, Davros!" The Doctor desperately shouted. "Just listen to me!"
"Davros just stop." The Stone screamed begging for him not to.
"Nothing can stop the detonation!" Davros roared. "Nothing! And no-one!"
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