Diana's POV
"Fuck!" I curse loudly out as soon as I step out of the house.
What the hell was that?
The rage I feel towards myself says a lot as I keep slamming against the horn while driving towards my apartment. I want to call in sick but I look at the time and, well, I can still make it.
It's eight in the morning and I would have to survive the whole day on coffee. In my memory, I try to recall at what time did I fell asleep, but it seems impossible. All that's stuck in my mind are the images of when I woke up.
I call up Ella and she tells me that she'll meet me at my office, along with an outfit for the day. Sometimes I wonder what would I do without her. Although, I don't really appreciate going up to the office in my night clothes. Yes, I didn't bother to change after Aaron called me. I just rushed over to his place.
Well, considering the office hours summed up with the New York traffic, it takes me a lot more time to reach the office than it usually does. But, when I reach there I'm thankful that Ella is waiting for me in the lobby.
"I owe you so much." I yell as soon as I spot her and throw my arms around her.
"Ahh, morning breath Dee. Please let's just go to ladies room, yeah?" She says, making disgusted faces at me and I laugh.
I cannot go up to my office floor looking like a ghost so I use the washroom on the ground floor. Ella was kind enough to pack a small bag for me that consisted of toothbrush and my make up.
"A day without a shower just doesn't feels right." I mumble under my breath as I spray perfume on my office skirt.
She chuckles behind me, "So, what exactly happened last night?"
"Well, he found out he's adopted." I say as I put on my eye liner and she gasps.
"What? Is he okay?"
"I wouldn't know, I freaked out when I woke up and just left him like that? But he seemed okay when I last talked to him before falling asleep." I try to assure myself and her, through my words.
"What do you mean you freaked out? Did something happen?" She asks, narrowing her eyes at me and I roll mine.
"No, I was a nice friend to him, I promise."
I was, wasn't I? I have never comforted someone this much except when Ella and Connor had a pretty huge fight few months back. It was so scary that I thought they might break up, so I knocked some sense into both of their heads.
Well, the difference being I didn't freak out the next morning.
"Then, why did you freak out?" She asks and I look at her.
"He's getting closer than I can allow, El. I don't like it." I tell her, honestly.
She sighs as she turns me around and finally looks at me rather than my reflection. Her hands are at my shoulder as she starts, "Dee, how long will you be afraid of getting closer to people? It's okay to let people in."
I shake my head at her, "You don't understand."
"Really, don't I? I've known you from years now and I know every single detail of your life. What are you so afraid of, that he'll find out?" She asks and I just take a shaky breath.
"Maybe. But, he's way too kind, I don't deserve it."
She gives me a look from which I can tell she wants to convey that I'm wrong but all I see is pity. It's so wrong of me to think that way, but that's just how my mind works.
"Oh, of course you do! Do you really think out of all people, I buy this badass Diana face you put up?" She hugs me and I struggle in her embrace.
"What do you mean by that? Consider me offended, I'm pretty badass." I huff and she laughs.
"You can be rude at times, but that's because you're just you. There's nothing to be ashamed of."
I finally hug her back until I realise what time it is. Then, I start cursing, "Fuck, I'm so late."
She chuckles as she lets go of me and I grab my stuff before pushing out of the door and making my way to elevator. I'm glad when I don't end up bumping into anyone, which happens a lot in office.
When I reach front desk, I notice that Uncle Marcel is already in his office, he must be pissed at me for being late. I'm hardly ever on time and as much as he tries to be lenient with me, I know I get on his nerves a lot more than he can tolerate.
Aaron arrives late as well, and without even sparing a glance in my direction, he gets to his cubicle. I immediately frown at his sudden change in behaviour.
Is he going to behave like I don't exist?
I mean, we set up those rules before last night. But, what even changed last night?
Nothing, nothing changed!
I hate how distracted I feel, peeking down the hallway every now and then to look at Aaron. He didn't even seem to notice my presence in the office today. But, why do I feel so much bothered about it? Probably because I don't expect such behaviour from him.
Frustrated, I turn around my chair and start distracting myself with work. My hands get on a manuscript and just to busy myself, I start reading it. I developed that habit to finish my college and get a degree, although I'm not so fond of books.
Surprisingly, I find myself curious for the story as it goes on. But, just as I'm halfway through it, I hear someone chuckling and look up from the pages to find Lucy and Aaron smiling at each other as they walk towards the coffee machine.
I feel a strange pang in my chest as I watch them, but trying to ignore them, I again try to concentrate on the book. Honestly, I was hoping for him to acknowledge me now, but he just walked past me like he never saw me there.
Oh god! This sucks.
Taking in a shaky breath, I keep the manuscript aside as I stand up and make my way towards the pantry and notice that while having coffee, both of them look pretty engrossed in the conversation.
Just to make my presence known, I clear my throat and both of them glance at me. Lucy passes me a smile, like always but Aaron, he just passes me a slight glance and get back to speaking whatever he was in the first place.
"Aaron?" I call out and he looks at me, feigning surprise.
"Oh hey, Diana. I didn't see you there."
What! Really?
"Can I talk to you for a second, alone?" I glare at him but then pass a small fake smile to Lucy.
"I was going to get back to work anyway," she tells me and then looks at Aaron, "See you at lunch." She gives him a sweet smile and then leaves.
Aaron sips on his coffee when I turn towards him, "How are you?" I ask.
He shrugs, "Been better."
"Do you want to talk about it?" He shakes his head no and I sigh, "What are you upto?" I question, crossing my arms across my chest.
He takes few seconds to respond as he frowns and then looks at me,"I don't know what you're talking about."
"Really? Are you just going to pretend that I don't exist?" I snap, I can't hold back anymore.
But, I didn't miss the way it came out desperate. What the fuck is really wrong with me?
"You tell me Diana, isn't that what you told me to do?" He stands up straight and keeps his cup aside.
The realisation dawns upon me and I scowl at myself, "I just thought after last night -" I stop and clear my throat as I look into his eyes, "You're right anyway. Let's just stick to avoiding each other."
He takes a step forward and I look at him curiously as he speaks, "After last night, what? Why did you stop?"
It's not the last night that changed anything, it's the morning that made a difference. We were two friends a night before, but this morning when I opened my eyes, the first thought in my mind was about my whereabouts.
But then, I looked beside me and there he was, sound asleep. His lips were slightly parted as he breathed heavily in his sleep. It took me a minute to realise that his arm was draped around my waist and how our legs were tangled together. I almost smiled at how adorable he looked.
That was until I realised how close the proximity was between us, I just panicked after that. I hadn't been this close to any guy in years. Yes, I slept around but after that, I just scooted over to the opposite corner of the bed and that was just it. But this morning, we were practically cuddling.
The worst part? I hated how good it felt to be held like that. It didn't feel weird, it felt comfortable. I knew I had to leave before he could wake up, and when he did, the bitterness was all I had to offer him to stay away from me. But I didn't expect him to ignore me like this, you can say it wounded my ego or something.
"Diana?" Aaron's voice shakes away my thoughts and I realise that I've been staring at him for too long.
"Err.. nothing. I have to go," I say, brushing past him but he holds my wrist and I look back at him.
"Did it hurt when I ignored you?" He wasn't smirking, he wasn't making fun of me, it was just an honest question.
But, did it? Yes, of course it did!
"No," I lie.
I cannot give him the satisfaction of what he wants to hear, or anything that makes him have a power above me.
"You're a good liar." He gives me a small smile as he lets go off my hand and I just stare at him.
"It felt bad." I admit and he nods.
"I was just trying to convey something. That's just how I feel every time you shut me off after showing me this amazing side of yours." He explains, leaving me surprised.
"If it makes you feel better, I don't have an amazing side." I just shrug.
He shakes his head as he steps further and brushes his fingers against my cheek. I hate how familiar his touch feels. His presence is starting to grow on me and I just don't appreciate it.
"That's where you're wrong, Diana. You don't let people in because you're afraid to get hurt, that's why the moment you realise that someone is on the verge of crossing that line, you start treating them like shit and they just back off." He sighs as he stares into my eyes, cupping my cheeks, "I'm not going to back off, so good luck pushing me away."
He presses a light peck on my forehead and I feel way too stunned to speak anything, but my mouth has a plan of it's own as I start speaking.
"You're different, Aaron. You make me-" I stop when I realise that this is going too far.
It doesn't have to be this way. We can just go back to ignoring each other. But can I? Well, I hate to admit this but Aaron McCall has officially stamped upon my life. He's just like Ella,I pushed her off so much but she just didn't budge until the day I gave in.
"Don't stop, not this time. Stay what's in there." He points towards where our hearts are supposed to be.
I mentally scoff, wishing I had one.
But when he makes me look into his eyes, I continue, "You make me want to trust you, and I don't want to because I'm afraid. Fuck, I hate even admitting this."
He chuckles a little, "It's okay, let's settle on baby steps. You can trust me, I promise."
And I know I can, that's what I fear. If I let him too close, he'll have that power to leave and cause me pain. Only Ella has that power because I know she'll always come back no matter how much we fight.
"Okay." I breathe and he grins at me. "But, what about your friendship with Lizzy?" I frown and he gives my hand a little squeeze.
"She'll learn to accept that her best friend can have other friends as well, the ones she might or might not like."
"If she throws a tantrum, let me know. I can teach people a pretty nice lesson." I joke and he smiles.
"What are you doing tonight?" He asks and I frown.
"Um, I'm not really sure what are my plans, why?"
"Would you like to go to dinner with me?" He asks, sounding a little unsure.
I give out a nervous smile, "Is it a date?"
He arches an eyebrow, "Do you want it to be a date?"
"I thought we agreed on baby steps." I laugh.
"Alright, it's not a date. Just two friends going out for dinner."
"Okay." I nod my head and he smiles.
In that moment, I realise that I'm different with him than I've ever been with anyone.
What the hell is he doing to me?
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