The Winds of Change
My alarm blares and I wake from another strange dream, not entirely remembering it, but the feelings from the dream lingered long after I got out of bed, and started my routine for the day. Having graduated a semester early, thankfully, I get ready for my shift at the hospital in Forks.
I work at the NICU (Neonatal Intensive Care Unit), and knowing it'll be a long day ahead of me I brew myself extra coffee, and pack a few extra snacks, hoping this will get me through the day. Writing a small note for Charlie, making sure he knows there are left overs in the fridge, I leave the warmth of the house, to brave the rainy drive to work.
As much as these long days are exhausting, I do t think I could ever get tired of it, nor the beautiful green drive I take every morning. For as long as I could remember, I've always dreamt of helping others, and those small, premature babies, needed our help the most. When I was offered the job at the hospital I was ecstatic, Charlie even laughed at my excitement. It wasn't just because I got to work where I've always wanted to, but it finally got me out of the house, and to meet new people.
I, Sophia Swan, was happy with where my life was headed, and it was nice knowing that nothing could really go wrong in such a peaceful little town.
"Good morning, Dr. Grace. How is everyone this morning?" I asks quietly as I set my things behind the nursing station.
"Good morning, Sophia. Everyone is doing a great deal better than yesterday." The older lady says with a smile, adjusting her hair cap over her slightly graying brunette hair. Grace has been my mentor and mother-like figure here at the hospital ever since I started my journey here.
"I should make you aware, because I didn't think you'd mind, but I volunteered you to work on a project with Dr. Cullen."
I turn to her in shock, wondering why the well-known surgeon wants to work with a NICU nurse. He's bound to have more important things to do, and besides, he's never shown an interest before... Its very out of the ordinary.
"It's experimental, but he wanted to teach some of the nurses emergency surgical care for premature babies. In case he cannot be here and something happens, he wants to make sure one of us knows how to care for them."
"And you volunteered me?" I ask, still surprised that she believes I could do something of this caliber. Don't get me wrong, I believe I could, but there are more experienced nurses who would love the opportunity.
"You're our brightest, most aspiring young nurse to be working in this unit. If anyone deserves this opportunity it's you."
At a loss for words, I simply embrace my mentor, completely honored to have been chosen for such an opportunity.
"You'll begin with him in the next week, so for now, you've just got you're regular rotations."
Grace announces with a smile, which I return easily, and for the rest of my shift, I can't wipe the silly smile off my face.
The shift goes by quickly, each of my patients getting healthier by the day which makes me ecstatic, not only that, but I can't keep the thought of my upcoming project out of my mind. Dr. Cullen is a very nice man, one that does exquisite work as a doctor, but like I mentioned early, he's never really fraternized with other departments in the hospital. And so it was strange to hear that he was the one who wanted to work with us.
Leaving the hospital, I pull my phone out as I walk to my car, getting ready to call my father and let him in on my exciting day!
"Hello?" I hear the gruff voice of "Chief Swan", making me giggle slightly.
"Hi Dad." I hear him sigh in relief.
"Hey Sweetie. How's work?"
"Really great, actually! I got off early, would you be willing to get dinner at the diner? I've got some great news!" I exclaim in excitement as I get into my car, hardly being able to wait to tell him.
"That's actually perfect. I just picked up Bella from the airport, and was trying to think of what to do for dinner."
He says with a small laugh, but I feel my heart drop in my chest, as my hand falls away from the ignition. I completely forgot she was coming to live with us, and I won't lie, this news does put a bit of a damper on my mood. I don't have the best relationship with the other half of my family, therefore this new living arrangement will be difficult to get used to.
"Um, yeah. I'll meet you both there I guess." I end the call, running my hands through my hair before heading into town, hoping this won't be as awkward as it's bound to be.
Pulling into the parking lot of the diner, I spot my father's patrol car, and take a deep breath while getting out of the car. I need to remind myself to be nice. I haven't seen my sister in years, nor has she bothered to keep in contact with either of us, and then suddenly she wants to live out here with us? I was the one who had to witness our father begin to doubt himself when Bella stopping coming for holidays, and I would always try to reassure him, telling him that it wasn't his fault, and that he was a good dad.
And then she suddenly calls, and wants to live with us...with no reason other than, she's feeling like a third wheel with our mother and her new husband...which, I never had the fortune of meeting because my mother never cared to introduce him to me. It's safe to say that I don't really have the best relationship with my mother or Bella.
"Hello Ruth." I greet the familiar waitress as I walks in to our local diner.
"Hello, Sophia dear. Your father and sister are straight back."
I thank the kind woman, trying not to cringe outwardly at the word sister, and take a deep breath quickly spotting my father. He looks up from the no doubt awkward conversation smiling at me, and I return one before my attention is drawn to the back of a girl that's facing me. Mentally preparing myself, I take the seat between the two, noticing the tension at the table.
"Soph, you remember Bella, right?"
Charlie smiles again before nodding his head to the other girl. And I turn, very painfully, with a smile towards my seemingly dull sister.
"Hello Bella. Nice to see you again." I try to make it seem natural, but I can feel the tightness of my smile, and I just hope Bella doesn't notice it.
"You too, Sophia." Bella mumbles, slightly smiling, and I have to refrain from rolling my eyes.
"So, it seemed like work was exciting." My father breaks the silence with a clearing of his throat, to break up the awkwardness.
"Yes! Dr. Grace was telling me, that Dr. Cullen wants to work with the nurses, especially in the NICU, on emergency surgery for the babies if there comes a time where he isn't available. That way these children have all the support and care they need."
"Wow. That sounds like it'll be an intense procedure."
"Oh definitely. But the best part of it all, Dr. Grace volunteered me to be one of the nurses to learn it!" At this point I can barely contain my excitement, and my father smiles at my contagious excitement.
"It'll start next week, and my hours shouldn't change too much."
"That's fantastic sweetie! They definitely made the right choice." Charlie smiles widely, pride evident in his eyes.
"Thanks Dad. I'm really excited for this."
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