The Hands Of Fate
A couple days into my new job with Dr. Cullen, I'm finally starting to get the hang of surgical things, and can almost do one of the procedures all by myself. To say I'm proud of myself would be very correct! Spending a lot of my time at the hospital, I haven't seen a lot of my sister, which I'm not really complaining about, but I feel bad leaving her father alone and alone with her...
Yet I'm not the only one at fault. Bella hasn't spoken much to me, except the other day when she shared the fact that she goes to school with Dr. Cullen's adoptive children, and to supposedly warn me that they seem like a strange family, especially after her awkward encounter with Edward in the school's office.
I was taken off guard, sure, but I also know that it's just Bella's biased opinion, because I believe Carlisle is great, and he speaks highly of his family when we're working in his office together. And I try and make my own opinions about people.
While I was finishing paperwork with the doctor after a successful intubation of a baby who couldn't breath on his own, it seemed that fate has been sitting idle for too long, and well, my boring life in Forks began to get interesting.
"Very well done today Sophia. I couldn't have done it better myself." Carlisle praises, causing me to beam in pride and happiness.
"Thank you—" I begin but am suddenly cut off by the office door swinging open, causing me to jump in surprise because I didn't even hear a knock.
"Carlisle, I'm sorry, but.... Scarlette?"
The handsome man behind the door looks to be around my age, with blonde hair and golden eyes, he has a slight southern accent breaking through as he calls me by the wrong name. His eyes wide like he's seen a ghost, not taking his eyes off me, but I too am transfixed on him.
"Actually, it's Sophia."
I correct with a warm smile, standing to introduce myself fully, completely entranced by the familiar feeling of this man, but from the corner of my eye, Carlisle moves quickly to the man's side, smiling slightly in my direction.
"Would you excuse us, Sophia?" I only have time to nod before the doctor ushers the man out of his office, and I have to ignore the strange need to follow them.
Down the hall, Carlisle tries to get some sort of explanation out of Jasper, not entirely sure what just happened, but watches as Jasper's pained eyes quickly move as if he's searching through old memories.
"Jasper. What was that back there?"
"That—She... Who is she?"
Jasper asks and Carlisle is taken aback by all the emotion swirling in the man's golden eyes, never seeing the usually controlled man, look so torn.
"Her name is Sophia Swan—"
"It can't be. That was Scarlette Harris. Just as she looked a hundred and fifty years ago..."
Carlisle steps back in shock, not understanding how that could be possible. Sophia is human, he could hear her heart, but that's the only explanation as to why Jasper is reacting so strangely.
"Jasper that isn't possible. The girl has a heartbeat, she's human." He watches as Jasper shakes his head, beginning to pace the hall.
"I can't explain it Carlisle. But I would know her face anywhere... Alice. I need to speak with Alice." And as suddenly as he was there, he was gone and Carlisle runs a hand down is face.
While Carlisle and the strange man are out in the hall, an ER nurse from downstairs comes into the office, and I raise a brow at her.
"Sophia Swan correct?"
"Yes, that's me..?" I question slightly not sure where this is going.
"Your sister is downstairs, it seems she had an accident in the school parking lot. They're requesting Dr. Cullen to just check up on her. She's fine, no major injuries, and your father's downstairs—"
"I need to make sure he's alright." At that time, Dr. Cullen walks back in and I turn to him quickly.
"Dr. Cullen, it seems my sister is downstairs, and their asking for you to check on her. Do you mind if I accompany you?"
The question hangs in the air as Carlisle looks at me differently like he's trying to figure something out. He just nods and so we both head downstairs to the Emergency department.
"I heard the Chief's other daughter was here." Carlisle announces, making me snort quietly, but breathing a sigh of relief seeing that my dad hasn't killed anyone.
"Good. Dr. Cullen. Soph, hope we aren't interrupting anything." He says with a smile wrapping me in a tight hug.
"Of course not Dad. We heard you both were here, thought we'd come check on the both of you. You alright Bella?"
I ask politely out of gesture, seeing she's fine, but I don't want to come off cold in front of my father. Carlisle dismisses the E.R. nurse checking over Bella to look over her charts, and check her X-rays.
"It would've been a lot worse if Edward hadn't knocked me out of the way." Bella explains, and I can feel Carlisle tense slightly.
"Edward? Your boy?" Charlie questions, raising a brow.
"It was amazing, he got to me so fast. He was nowhere near me." Bella expands, and my memory flashes to how quickly Carlisle got to the man at the door..
"As long as you're safe." Is his only response, with a smile.
He quickly lets Bella go, her and Charlie making their way to the front desk, and I make my way to find the doctor, wondering if there's anything else we need to do today regarding the project.
"This isn't just about you. This is about all of us."
I hear a feminine voice, and hope that it's a nurse who knows where the doctor vanished to. As I round the corner, I find Dr. Cullen with a beautiful blonde girl, and a young man, both looking to be my age. The blonde is obviously the one who spoke, anger evident on her beautiful face, and the other man looks at my in a surprised confusion, as Carlisle smiles kindly.
"Sorry to interrupt, I just wanted to double check if there was anything else you needed from me today?"
"No, Sophia. I believe we are done for today. We'll just pick up tomorrow."
With that, he smiles and I nod, returning his smile as I turn to find my father, letting him knowing I'm going to grab my things then I'll catch them up when I'm finished, honestly glad to be done with the day.
Back in the Doctor's office, Carlisle sits with the two of his children, trying to fix what has happened, and to keep Rosalie from killing Edward, when he suddenly interrupts.
"Carlisle. Who was that?"
"Sophia Swan. One of the nurses I'm working with on a project. Why?"
Carlisle asks, curious as to why Edward is asking questions about this girl, wondering if it has anything to do with the way Jasper was acting earlier.
"I've seen her before. In Jasper's memories. His human memories."
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