Just A Dream?
I find myself running through an abandoned warehouse in Seattle, hearing the unnatural sounds of the predators behind me. There's screaming in the distance which prompts me to try and run even faster, my breathing coming faster as my muscles begin to feel the fatigue.
Suddenly I'm falling, I try to catch myself by throwing my hands out in front of me, but I'm too late and I connect with the unforgiving pavement causing blood to spring from my nose and the scratches on my palms. Bringing my hand up to survey the damage done to my nose, I notice the amount of viscus fluid through the tears and know it's broken.
I hear laughter and look up as fast as I can muster as my head begins to pound in time with the blood trailing from my nose. The darkness surrounds me as I continue to hear the laughter and what sounds like hissing coming from the moving shadows. I try to scoot myself farther out of the reach of the shadows, leaving bloody handprints behind where I used the ground for support, only to hit the cold wall with my back.
The chuckle gets louder, as the shadow grows closer...
Reaching out a bloodstained hand, it grabs my own and yanks---
I sit upright in bed, with a gasp as I feel my heart try its very best to beat its way out of my chest. Reaching immediately for my nose, I sigh in relief to see there's no blood but my body tenses at the darkness around me. I scramble through my sheets trying to reach my nightstand as fast as possible to turn on my bedside lamp. Only as I survey the room that hasn't changed since I went to bed, does the tension in my muscles relax just a little bit.
I sit back on my bed, waiting for my heart to resume its normal rhythm and wonder what in the hell kind of dream that was... I haven't had nightmares since I was a little girl, and I've never really seen the vampires that I am close to in such a negative light before so this really makes no sense. Picking up my phone, I notice that it's about 3:35 in the morning, and I could text Jasper and I know he'd be here in a moment, but I fight with myself and not wanting to be a burden for just a scary dream. So I just settle for laying back down, this time keeping my phone on the other pillow in reach just in case something else weird happens tonight... Questions about the dream seem to continually circulate in my mind, factor that with the fact I don't want to turn off the light and I'm left to toss and turn in my bed for a couple hours only finding some solace once the sky begins to lighten and my brain is finally forced into a state of restless black.
Feeling my phone buzz beside my head, I have to try with all my mental power to open my tired eyes, upset that I no longer will be able to sleep after being awake for half the night. Not being able to look at the screen I answer it blindly not really caring about how rough I sound.
"Sophia? Are you alright?" Jasper, and I can feel his concern flooding through speaker and a small part of me feels guilty for not telling him last night...or this morning however you wanna look at it.
"I'm fine, Jasper. I just didn't sleep very well last night is all." I attempt to force the sound of a smile into my voice as I settle back in to my pillows, trying to stay awake.
"I'm sorry darlin'. Is there anything I can do for you? I can come over and we can relax for a bit?" I smile at his offer, loving the idea of just relaxing with Jasper after everything that we've been through with Bella and them moving away, I think we deserve it.
"Sure, that sounds like a wonderful idea. Which makes me think, do you have any idea when Alice will be back?" Maybe I can talk to her about whatever that dream was, since it seems we've shared visions before.
"Not sure, but I know the rest of our family is coming back to Forks this weekend. As they patiently wait to hear from Edward or Alice."
I can almost hear his eye roll at the mention of his brother who has been acting like a tantrum throwing child. I laugh slightly, glad to know I'm not the only one frustrated by his decisions. Jasper then tells me he will be on his way and we hang up, I let my phone hit the pillow again as I snuggle deeper into my sheets as the cloud cover outside simulates enough darkness for me to drift back into a dreamless slumber. I jolt back awake when I hear my window reach the top of its frame, my heart racing as flashes from my earlier dream infiltrate my mind, and I sit up quickly looking in the direction of my window only to see Jasper looking at me in worry.
"It's just me Soph. Are you sure you're alright?" He shuts the window in a fluid motion, joining me on my bed brushing my frazzled hair behind my ear.
"Yeah, I just had a weird dream and it made me jumpy." I run my hands over my face as my heartbeat works on returning to normal, and Jasper goes to say something before his eyes flicker to my door and in a blink he's gone and I'm left in a daze.
"Hey Squirt." I hear Charlie knock and it makes sense why Jasper was quick to hide. "How ya feeling'? You haven't come down for breakfast?" I guess I haven't realized how late it was, but I send a tired smile to reassure my dad that I'm okay, and not gone from my room--hence why he's here checking on me on purpose.
"I'm alright Dad. I just didn't sleep well, so I was being lazy and sleeping in for a bit. You heading to Billy's?" Noticing his fishing vest, I smile widely and he mirrors it.
"Yeah, thought I'd get out of the house, but I wanted to make sure you were okay first. You just call if you need anything, okay Squirt?"
"No worries Dad, I will. You have fun and tell the boys I say hi." He nods before quickly making his way from my room with a speedy I love you making me chuckle at his antics, glad Bella's decisions haven't really affected him for long this time. I hear Jasper chuckle as the door shuts and he makes his way out from his hiding spot.
"Your dad makes me laugh. So carefree, like you." He smiles and joins my side, and I smile glad to have him by my side and my earlier fears are pushed to the back of my mind.
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