Family Ties
Rose: I hope you aren't looking forward to a warm reception when you come home... 🙄
I read from my cellphone as I reluctantly place the last of our things into the trunk of the car. Todays the day we are heading back and it's only three days before Bella's wedding.
Sophia: I know Bella and Edward were going to be upset. But if anyone has any issues, I'll let them know I wasn't ending my honeymoon early. 🤷🏼♀️
The last day or so Rose and I have been talking about just how ridiculous the timing of everything has been, and she agrees with me. Knowing that Bella could've waited, because she hadn't planned anything before we had set our date. It feels selfish and malicious and Rose tends to agree. I'm thankful for having Rose.
Rose: You're totally right. If anything Alice might have her panties in a twist, but that's only cuz she is planning this monstrosity and "needed all family present". Whatever..
Rose: This whole thing is a hot mess.
I chuckle slightly, like I said, Rose has agreed with me this entire time and it seems even Carlisle and Esme were concerned when it was announced so close together.
Sophia: With Bella, everything is a mess.
Jasper finally meets me outside, placing a kiss to my temple and I can feel his own anxiety vibrate off of him, and it's truly sad that going home is causing us such turmoil. It shouldn't be like this.
"I'm sorry Love. Wish I could guarantee it won't be messy when we get home..." I embrace him, attempting to soothe his worries while masking my own.
"It isn't just our fault. They need to take some blame too."
I've noticed in the last few days of us being here, Jasper becoming tense at the thought of going home and encountering the conflict that will occur; but also the strengthening of his conviction that we were not in the wrong here. We were simply just trying to enjoy the time we had planned together.
"Thankfully it seems we aren't the only ones to think that way." I mumble into his shoulder and this seems to calm him, even just slightly.
We finally separate and get into the car taking one last look at our haven knowing we will return soon. As Jasper drives, too quickly, back to Forks my worry begins to creep in, but only because I hope Dad isn't upset with me for not returning sooner...I feel like he would understand, but I also know he would do anything for Bella's "approval" and that's the only thing that could affect his reaction.
Sophia: Heading back, I feel like imma need a drink once I get there...🤣
Rose simply replies with a picture of her favorite wine and two glasses making me smile, thankful to have such a wonderful new sister. I never thought of her that way until now, but it perfectly describes our relationship and I realize this is what siblings should be like, not like what I have to deal with..
Jasper places a comforting hand on my leg making me turn and smile at him, which he returns before focusing back on the road. Looking at the surroundings, I don't think I'll ever get tired of this view and it'll be sad once the Cullen's have to leave this place, because I doubt they could find another place that can be gloomy yet so beautiful at the same time. Thankfully we would still come and visit my Dad and that in itself makes my heart happy. And of course our own private get away.
Feeling fingers drum against my thigh snaps me out of my thoughts and I notice we are already nearing the Cullen's land and Jasper's emotions hit me at the same time. I grab his hand and squeeze it tightly, knowing we can handle the mess that is about to happen, cementing my thoughts and knowing we aren't in the wrong helps me to not worry as much..but I do worry just what Bella might try to say. As the garage opens, I notice a familiar head of blonde hair and my worry is dampened by excitement at finally seeing Rose again. Jasper barely has the car in park before I jump out, running over to give her a hug and she embraces me tightly.
"It's so nice to have you home." She exclaims with a smile, warming me and I smile back.
"Yeah..I could've stayed away longer if I wanted." I smirk. "But I did miss you and the rest of the family." She simply rolls her eyes and there's a tangible change in the mood suddenly.
"I guess we should go face the music..."
I trail off turning towards Jasper who is tense once again, and Rose and I help Jasper with the bags and head inside. Placing a comforting kiss on Jasper's cheek, I follow him through the kitchen and as we reach the living room, littered with wedding details that show just how quickly this was all put together, the rest of the family turn to greet us with smiles. Even Alice had a smile around her tension, making me feel better about the family's opinions.
"Welcome back." Carlisle moves towards us, drawing me into a tight hug before he does the same with Jasper.
"How was it?" Esme asks as she embraces me next and my worry begins to melt away being showed all this love.
"It was such a wonderful time. I didn't want to come back." She smiles in understanding as she hugs Jasper next before he makes the comment of dropping our things off and coming back down to chat. The three of us head up the stairs and as we deposit the bags in our room, I sigh in partial relief–that went better than I originally thought any of it would. I smile slightly at Jasper before we hear a door somewhere in the house slam and I know these next moments might be messy.
With a deep breath, Jasper grasps onto my hand and we make our way downstairs and I've got to mentally prepare myself for whatever my sister might try to throw my direction. The atmosphere feels different in the living room than it was just moments prior and most of our family members have made their way somewhere else and honestly, I don't blame them. We barely make it into the room before I hear Bella scoff and I have to restrain an eye roll.
"How nice of you to finally show up." She sneers and I just have to look at her incredulously.
"You really expected me to cut my honeymoon short and come back for something I had no idea was going to be happening so close to my planned event?" She simply rolls her eyes but says nothing more, mumbling under her breath.
"Is there something you'd like to say Isabella?" Unable to handle her acting like a child, I call her out because this all is just ridiculous.
"It's just for being my sister, you've been incredibly unhelpful in helping with my wedding." My eyes widen at the audacity.
"What did you expect me to do?!" I throw my hands up, feeling Jasper's frustration rise with my own.
"I expected you to be here—" I scoff at the fake wounded sound in her voice, knowing this was always just about her.
"Two weeks after my own wedding?! One, that's incredibly inconsiderate, and two in what world would I have ever been okay with that?" I take a deep breath to calm down a little before continuing my rant.
"Maybe had I known about your plans well in advance, I would've been more willing to adjust mine. But seeing how you didn't ask my opinion or how I would feel—"
"How you would feel? Since when would my wedding have anything to do with how you feel?"
"Since you made it just weeks after mine! To purposefully overshadow anything I had going on!"
My anger finally boils over and I say the truth, no longer holding back in order to keep the peace. The room plunges into a tense silence for what feels like forever, but I'm not bothered. It needed to be said, and I'm tired of just being expected to go along with whatever Bella wants. Knowing I hit a nerve by her silence, it just proves that there was indeed a bit of malice behind her wedding plans and I don't know how to feel about it.
"I would've loved to have helped you, but I wasn't going to continue to put my life on hold for you when I know you won't do the same."
Resisting the urge to apologize, I speak honestly only to be met with silence. I sigh before needing to walk away and clear my thoughts, heading back up to our room I flop on our bed. Pressing my hands against my eyes, I finally begin to feel myself decompress and a weight being lifted finally. The wedding will be interesting, and after that, who knows what will happen...but I said what I needed to and I'm not sorry for it.
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