Creating Rifts
Jasper sits with me for an hour in silence, before the numbness finally ebbs away and tears begin to fall from my eyes in heart wrenching sobs. I don't understand why she was so angry over something we have no control's not like we knew this was possible when it happened... Jasper pulls me in tightly, brushing a cool hand through my hair, leaving kisses wherever he can plant them—trying anything to help the sudden hole in my chest.
"Why—? What did I do?"
"Nothing Love. I don't understand why she was so angry about it, but you've done nothing wrong." Jasper tries to console me, and I know he's right but I just don't understand Bella's anger.
"We–we were just living our lives. We weren't trying to plan for this baby! For shit sake we didn't even think it a possibility!" I say in frustration around sobs.
"I know Soph, I know."
Jasper also at a loss for words as he tries to reign in his anger that's still boiling under the surface. This goes on for another hour or so until I finally wear myself out enough that exhaustion finally takes over, and I succumb to the blackness.
I am absolutely livid. At Bella's audacity. At Edward's lack of doing anything to keep it from getting to the point it did. And at just the fact it took Sophia an hour to feel something again and even longer to finally being able to calm down, and that's only because her body was worn out from the continual sobs.
I don't want to leave her alone.. my heart breaks looking at her curled up on herself, tears staining her cheeks, but I know I need to go downstairs and at least speak to Edward before I lose my absolute shit on his wife. I kiss Sophia's head, clearing a stray tear from her face, and as I make it to the door Alice greets me.
"I know you're mad—"
"Mad doesn't even begin to cover it Alice." I say, watching as she peeks around me to see Sophia curled up on our bed, and I can feel Alice's emotions shift.
"They went to the cottage for the night... We felt it best that they weren't in the house while Soph responded, and we honestly weren't sure what you were going to do."
She shrugs with honesty at the end, and I can understand why she couldn't tell, because I honestly kept changing my mind in how I wanted to approach Edward and his wife. And if I really wanted to kill her or not.
"Everybody else feels the same as you though... That was all completely uncalled for, and she went too far." That's was nice to hear at least..
"She went too far when she slammed in here like some bat out of hell, letting her own petty emotions create such a dangerous situation."
That could've gone in so many directions..with the unpredictability of a newborn, especially being as pissed off as she was... I'm not comfortable admitting yet, but I really feared for my mate's life when that all happened... Alice and I head downstairs, I figured I'll take a walk and by the time I get close enough for Edward to hear my thoughts, I'll be just slightly less angry...but only slightly. I look to Alice hoping she'll at least be nearby if Sophia wakes, and Alice just sends me a small smile before heading back up the stairs.
"Jasper—" Carlisle starts, but I don't want to hear if he's going to try and defend Edward or even Bella.
"I need to at least speak to him. Otherwise this anger might fester over night."
"We understand, careful." I know he and especially Esme don't like it when we fight or disagree amount ourselves, but I appreciate them agreeing that I have a right to be upset about everything.
I head out the back doors, hearing Emmett follow after I've made it to the trees– no doubt Esme asking him to at least be outside in case Edward and I need to be separated. I don't think it will come to that, but it highly depends on what his responses will be. I don't like the idea of fighting my brother, but he must understand that Bella crossed a line tonight...and he did nothing to stop it.
The cool autumn night chills the edges of my anger as I walk through the forest that quietly buzzes around me. My initial idea of simply punching Edward in the face as soon as he opens the door, seems less like the best idea as I continue to get closer and as I stand a few hundred yards out from their new home, I begin to let him know I'm here to violence.
"Now you want to say something?" He comes out of the cottage, closing the door tightly with no sign of his wife.
"Listen, I didn't know she was going to go off the rails and attack Sophia like that. I thought she would have been conflicted–yes, but nothing like that." I feel the sincerity in his words, but it isn't enough.
"Yet you did nothing to stop it. Even after my warning. You didn't even try to interrupt–talk her down..? Anything. You just let her, a newborn vampire, lose her temper." He opens his mouth to respond, but seems to not find any words good enough to fit.
"If she cannot control herself around Sophia, then I believe it's fair enough to say she cannot be in the house while we are there. My wife will not feel like she isn't safe in her own house, because her own sister is a threat to her safety."
I know Sophia didn't have the chance to feel this tonight, but I know how it is to be on the receiving end of newborn anger, and I know Sophia will try and play it off, but when she wakes, she's going to be terrified. Not only that, but the hurt that was caused will also have a lasting effect.
"But don't think I've forgotten all Bella said tonight either. You know just as much as we do that this baby is nothing short of a miracle. I don't understand how Bella thinks Sophia could've planned it, but if she tries to say anything like that again—" My tone darkens as her words come back to the front of my memory, and Edward cuts me off sensing the shift in my emotions.
"It was uncalled for yes. And completely insensitive. I haven't asked Bella why she was so upset by everything, but we will have that conversation."
"Good. Because next time, there will be no holding words back and showing restraint. Acting like this is what got newborns killed when I was in charge of things."
I respond darkly, and that causes Edward to shift defensively, especially when I mention my early vampire days, but I'm not taking any chances. Bella's inability to handle her heightened emotions could spell disaster sooner rather than later.
"We will work on it Jasper. Don't threaten—"
"Bella already threatened Sophia tonight, she's lucky I'm simply talking with you." I turn around to head back to the house before I have another thought.
"If it happens again, I will take matters into my own hands."
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