Percy's POV
We sat down in the room, waiting for Nico and Mackenzie to come back. They had been gone for a while now. I looked at the others who were waiting anxiously (well most of them). Victor was pacing nervously, muttering worriedly to himself. Annabeth was trying to calm him down, but it was clear that she herself was worried. Grover was muttering loudly about smelling a god and food, while Thalia polished her shield; Aegis, calmly.
"Where are they? I should look for them," Victor worried.
"It's okay, Victor. They probably got lost," Annabeth reassured him.
"That's great, considering that there's a god and a giant on the loose!" he said sarcastically.
"Wow, Mackenzie was right about you, calm down Moonhead. Their probably on their way back now," Thalia said calmly. Victor glared at her.
"Oh be quiet Electrica. From what Percy tells me you'd be much worse if it was your little brother, Jason," Victor retorted, smirking. I have taught him well, he said that just like I would have.
"Jackson, stop helping the enemy!" Thalia shouted, glaring at me. I shrugged. That's when we heard the shout.
"Release me!" a voice, Mackenzie's called out in pain. We all sprinted down through the hotel in the direction of the voice, Victor in the lead.
We ran until we came upon them. Victor froze, his sword Nightfall at his side. I pulled out Riptide but didn't move anymore. Annabeth got out her bronze dagger and Thalia got out Aegis and her electric spear. Standing in front of us was the goddess Nemesis herself, in human form and a giant standing behind her. But that wasn't why we stopped. Mackenzie was being pinned by Nemesis, a dagger at her throat. Nico stood close by, his Stygian iron sword raised.
"Well, if it isn't Perseus Jackson, Thalia Grace, Nico Di Angelo, Annabeth Chase and Victoran La Nocturne. What a pleasant surprise," I cringed at my name and saw Victor do the same, but noticed that she didn't mention Grover. He was thankful.
"Let her go Nemesis!" Victor ordered angrily.
"What not even an it's nice to see you again? I'm glad that Uranus killed that Zeus boy, Archer Stryker. He would have been much worse," she mocked, smirking.
"What did you say?!" Mackenzie snapped angrily, her eyes turning a pitch black for a few minutes. I could swear that a chill went through the room.
"Calm down Mackenzie! Remember the last time you lost it," Victor calmed her, nervously. She relaxed, but her eyes turned dark brown.
"Ah this an interesting development. It appears any mention of the boy will make you lose control," she observed, a torturous grin on her face.
"Why are you working for Uranus anyway? I thought that you would work on your own?" Annabeth asked.
" I work to what suits my needs. For now, I have allied with him but tomorrow, maybe not so much. He knows this," she said cruelly.
"But why would he do that? Why ally with someone so unreliable?"
"Being the goddess of revenge, I can manipulate people's evil wants and desires. Right now, I can tell that you still feel that someone is at fault for your friend, Luke Castellan's death. I'm sure that many times you wish that he was alive with you and Thalia like old times," Nemesis said. Annabeth looked down on the ground and stayed silent.
"What are you doing?" Victor shouted angrily, mainly in concern for Annabeth.
"Ah yes, Victoran La Nocturne. A special case of desire. You have been abandoned by your parents, and left to care for your sister. You envy your sister, even despise her. She often makes you seem inferior, weak at best. You desire her power, maybe even more. You are tired of fearing her power, that she could go rogue and kill you," she continued and Victor simply stared at her in shock. I think she had gotten it.
"Please, you think that you can just come in here, put a dagger to my friend's throat and then try and manipulate us? You are mistaken," Thalia spoke bravely, unnerved with her tactics.
"Thalia Grace, daughter of Zeus. You have more desires and wants than you think. You wish often that your mortal mother was alive and that she had been a good parent like she should have been. You resent Hera for splitting your family by taking your brother and your parents for letting her. You resent the fact that you have missed seven years of your life and also that your friend Luke has died. You envy Percy for the fact that his life is almost perfect. And also, you wish that you could have had more time with Luke than you did," she said. Thalia acted unperturbed but I could see that she was shaken.
"Nico Di Angelo, you are filled with resentment and enviousness. You resent Percy for letting your sister get killed. You resent your father from keeping secrets about your mother from you. You desire for acceptance from the others. Forgiveness from Percy, and that your mother was alive. You resent that you were placed in this same hotel for seventy years and that the same happened with both of your sisters. You wish your sister was alive and most of all, attention from your father," she continued. Nico looked depressed. Then again, he always looked that way so i guess it was no different than usual. He also seemed relieved in a way, but for what reason I had no clue. I noticed that Mackenzie had been trying to go unnoticed but failed. It must be really terrible.
"Once again we come to Mackenzie La Nocturne-"
"Hey erm Percy, you mind at least trying to get me free before she speaks? Also take care of the others, there is a large chance that I will lose control," Mackenzie said nervously, tensing in preparation. I get the feeling that the first question was just for further stalling. She looked really scared, no matter how well she tried to hide it.
Nemesis smirked in torturous amusement, "You are the worst one out of them all. I've never seen anything like it in a teenager, before," Everybody looked up, listening. I felt really bad for her now, even Nico looked pretty worried. "First of all, you resent your parents. You often with that you could be like your brother. You absolutely, utterly, despise your powers. You are afraid of their capabilities. You often consider joining the dark side to protect your friends. You often desire a normal life. You hate living on the run. You consider running away into solitude for everyone's protection. You hate that others risk their lives to protect you. You regret many things. You regret that you used to choose to be in the company of others; risking their lives. You hate being constantly targeted. You regret that your friends have died protecting you. You wish that they were here. You regret letting others get hurt over you. You regret trying a friendship for a final time. You regret becoming increasingly close with that person. You regret that person almost dying once and giving yourself over to protect him. You regret losing control and killing many followers I'd Uranus, when you got the news. And finally, most of all you absolutely hate yourself for letting the same demigod, Archer Stryker, die in your arms in the rescue to save you," she finally ended, releasing her.
She fell on her hands and knees, her eyes turning pitch black again. Tears filled with different emotions dropped until they finally stopped. She turned around, standing and raised her hand in the giant's direction. A black ball of energy was in the center of her hand, fizzling with black electricity.
"I suggest you run from now, Nemesis. I don't plan on hesitating if you're there when I am done," she warned emotionlessly. Nemesis took the warning, disappearing to another location. She shot the beam where the giant's heart would be, instantly killing it. She turned around, lowering her hand and looked at me before collapsing on the floor unconscious, the blood going back to soaking her jacket.
"We need to get her to camp," I said, looking at the others. They were all staring at her in pity and shock.
"Yeah, I'll call Argus to transport us there." Annabeth agreed, nodding her head.
Mackenzie's POV
I woke up to a few voices around me. I wanted to listen in first, before I opened my eyes. Keeping my breath steady and even which was getting increasingly hard as my breath was becoming laboured.
"Well that was pretty intense," Thalia's voice said.
"I never knew that it was that bad. The guilt and the pain. I just assumed that she had gotten over it," Victor's voice said quietly.
"No one can get over something like that easily," Annabeth said.
"So what you're saying is you didn't know? Plus the sad thing is that she looks up to you when you envy her," Nico said.
"Is she awake?" Grover and Percy asked.
"Yes, that much I can tell. She's probably eavesdropping, but her breathing is weak," Nico answered.
I opened my eyes and looked around. "Where are we? What happened?"
"This is the infirmary at Camp Half-Blood," Annabeth started, "You beat the giant and Nemesis ran. You fell unconscious after though. Chiron wants to speak with you, Mackenzie. That is, if you're up for it."
"Yeah I'll come. Where is he?" I asked, noting the others unease. Victor especially just turned away from me almost ashamed. I remembered what Nemesis had revealed. I couldn't believe my own brother was afraid of me and envied my power. It isn't exactly enjoyable being hunted down for evil purposes, you know.
"Just follow me and Annabeth," Percy said, patting me on the shoulder. I winced, but otherwise said nothing. We walked out of the infirmary, hearing the healing demigods from the Apollo cabin shouting out.
Soon we came up on the Dining Pavillion where Chiron was apparently discussing something with two demigods. A guy sat next to him, trying to stop some wine he created from turning into diet coke. "So this is the Madeleine Laverne girl I've been hearing about. I'm Dionysus the god of wine, or rather I used to be. Now thanks to Zeus all I can make is diet coke," he said in disgust.
"Sorry Dionysus but my name is actually Mackenzie La Nocturne," I corrected.
"I'm positive that I said that Minerva," he said, getting it wrong again.
"No you-forget it. Excuse me Chiron, sir. You asked for me?"
"Yes, I am aware that you possess a hidden power. Would you like to demonstrate it for us?" Chiron asked, raising an eyebrow.
I glanced warily at Annabeth, half expecting to see guilt that she had told him, but she was just as shocked as I was. She met my gaze and mouthed 'No clue'. She was telling the truth I could see. That's another thing about my time powers. I can tell when people lie and tell the truth from the speed of their heartbeat. Not that I could actually hear it-just feel it. "Umm, sure. Mr. Dionysus do you mind if I do something with your coke?"
He wrinkled his nose in disgust at the word 'coke', "No Marion, I also don't mind if you call me 'Mr. D' like the others do," he handed me the bottle.
"Thank you sir," I took it and poured some coke on the floor, but before it could reach, it floated in the air and slowly went back into the cup. I did it several times before telling them to follow me back outside.
We walked outside where people were running, fighting, reading, talking, etc. I raised my hand and did a spreading movement with my hands. Time slowed to a stop as everything except, Percy, Annabeth, Mr. D and Chiron.
Percy, being the person he is, walked and waved a hand in front of Victor's face. He must have been going to Chiron. Huh. Naturally he didn't move. Percy continued to do that until he reached a girl from Ares. He seemed a bit more reluctant to do it, so I felt like to have some fun. Knowing Annabeth would know what I'm thinking since we seem to think alike you know, her mom's Athena mine is Artemis, both very smart and calculating people-well goddesses.
She met my gaze and nodded, smirking. I released my hold on time just as Percy's hand was in front of her face. The girl grabbed his hand and put him into a headlock.
"Can't breathe!" he gasped, struggling to get out. "Clarisse...let...go!"
"Good. Now why in the world would you have the nerve to try and blind me?! I don't care if you've saved us more than once, Jackson, don't think I don't feel the urge to kill you! Answer the question!" Clarisse shouted, a glint in her eyes.
Percy looked at Annabeth for help but she was laughing, so he turned to me. He gave me a pleading look as I pretended not to understand. He groaned and I'm almost sure he would have planted his face into his hand if Clarisse wasn't choking her. "I-I s-she, Mackenzie!" he got out, pointing at me.
Smirking, I walked over lazily. "That's my name, try not to wear it out. I know it's great. You called Jackson?" I said.
"Explain what exactly? Sorry, he's delusional. Must be all the battles. Mackenzie La Nocturne, you are?" I drawled, perfecting my lazy, uncaring attitude.
"Clarisse La Rue. You know Jackson here?" she asked, not releasing her grip.
"I try not to mention it. Seaweed Brain over here reminds me irritatingly of my older brother, Victor. You don't seem to be on a good level with him."
"We're not on a level at all. You seem interesting, any weapons?" she asked, scrutinizing me. I acted perfectly calm.
"Yep," I took out my bow and arrow and my sword. It was a long ago gift from Zeus and still was as sharp as when I first got it.
"Not bad, not bad." she said as Annabeth walked over. "Annabeth."
"Hello! Still suffocating down here!" Percy shouted.
"No, I never noticed," I said sarcastically.
Clarisse let him go, "bother me again and you're dead. Bye Mackenzie...Annabeth."
"Eh, bye," I said waving lazily. Once she was out of earshot, "Oh Jackson, you crack me up. What is she? Your mortal enemy?" I laughed.
"I swear I'll kill you, La Nocturne. And Annabeth I can't believe you helped her. I thought you were on my side!" he turned to Annabeth. I didn't notice that he had a hand behind his back.
"Guess you thought wrong, Seaweed Brain," she said, smirking.
"Umm, Chiron, mind if I get some revenge," he asked. I raised an eyebrow.
Chiron chuckled, shaking his head, "Oh the joys of being young. No Percy, go ahead." Go ahead? That means...Oh no. Perseus Jackson! You better not be doing that!
"I suggest you look up," Percy said. Of course neither of us did as pounds of water fell on us. Where did he even get it from?! Oh the lake. We were soaked to the bone.
"JACKSON! You're dead!" we both shouted.
"That's my name, don't wear it out! I know it's great," he mocked me from earlier. I fumed. That's it. I took out my celestial bronze sword and ran after the guy, Annabeth ran next to me, anger rolling off her skin. It was a while before Annabeth and I cornered him. Eventually we did, with Annabeth pinning him to a tree her dagger blade at his throat. I stood next to him, my sword, απεργία νίκη (Victorystrike, also the sword of Peleus), in hand. I shot arrows in the ground around him, they would fade sometime later.
"Well? We're waiting, Seaweed Brain," Annabeth said, tapping her foot.
"Okay I'm sorry Annabeth for pouring an entire lake of water on you," he said. She didn't move as an arrow shot in the middle of above his head. "Hey! What's-oh yeah," he said sheepishly.
"Oh yeah," I mocked, placing back the bow.
"And as for you Mackenzie, I'm sorry for the same thing and you need to apologize for restarting time."
"It had to be released sometime I just chose to do it now."
He frowned, "Let's just go back to the others."
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