*Erik's POV*
The prince of Minecraftia awoke in his temporary room in Sky's Kingdom. The previous portal, used to escape had been destroyed but some evidence of it was showing.
Erik rush out into the hallway, searching for his friends, trying to find a live creature, preferably English-speaking. He didn't see a running Budder until it was too late.
"What the hell man?" The golden boy huffed. Erik and Budder had never been the best of friends, but never really enemies. However, right now, Budder seemed extremely agitated.
"Get your armour on! We're being run over by freaking zombie Pigmen, and they're spawning faster than we can kill them,"
"Where did they come from?" Erik cried, Budder stopped.
"Everywhere man, one sec it was all quiet and calm, next moment, there's this massive portal forming in the sky and hundreds of mobs are falling from it. The sun won't kill them because it's dark."
Budder ran off, and Erik rushed to his room, ready to suit up. He found his finest diamond armour and dressed. A diamond sword in hand and a quiver full of an infinite amount of arrows at the ready.
Erik followed the running guards, he followed them to the courtyard and out through the doors which had an elevated view of the kingdom. Screams cried in the fainting air, fires burned and structures shattered to pieces. In the full moon above, the gold of the soldier's armour glinted. Some were motionless, others swarmed the streets.
Erik spotted the portal, it was the size of the abyss and looked like any other regular portal with the exception of being circular and on a way larger scale. It was held up by obsidian blocks on four corners. Mobs fell through the portal, tens at a time, landing randomly within the kingdom.
To close the portal, they would need to destroy it somehow.
But Erik couldn't do it by himself, the thickness of the ring was too large for one person. He'd need to find others, he'd need some help.
*Eva's POV*
I was met with silence once again, no matter how hard I tried I still couldn't contact them.
Dante had made me to manipulate the Overworld for real. I wasn't sure what I had done, but it was probably not good. I had collapsed shortly after, my vision swimming and my head in great pain. I had awoken on a bed in a dark room, the first time, for many days that I had been somewhere else than Dante's training room.
I wasn't exactly sure how to measure time, my first response would've been a few weeks, but my brain wasn't rational and I had convinced myself it'd been only a few days.
So I'd pretended that I had been asleep, the WitherLord had come to check up on me several times. I could sense his hatred for me pulsing through him. After all, my father had stolen his powers. Dante had visited me once, his conversation was short and hushed with the WitherLord.
"Contact me when she awakes," Dante's whisper could be slightly heard.
"Of course,"
"You hate her don't you?"
"I don't, I hate her father, I see her as a gateway... For my revenge." Silence filled the air, then the Wither spoke, "you love her, don't you?"
Dante was quiet, and a chill of fear ran through me. He, likes me? As in like liked me?
"She is useful, but if the plan against Notch is too succeed, I need to leave my emotions out of this," Dante's steely voice reached my ears. It was a low growl.
"May I ask a question?"
"What is it?"
"The people of the Overworld always claim that Notch created the universe, yet there was a time before him. So what truly created us?"
"A long question that no one knows the answer to and probably never will," Dante replied somewhat thoughtfully.
Then they left.
"Come on princess," The Wither's grunt pulled me from my misty memories.
I slowly blinked awake, feigning sluggishness and fatigue. "Where are we going?" I asked in a tired whisper.
"The master needs you for one final performance," The Wither said sullenly, he opened a door to the room that I had never left for the last few days.
"Evelina! It is good to see you alive and healthy," Dante said happily, he was in his humanoid form, wearing a dark suit.
"It's good to be alive," I replied with a hint of sarcasm which was wasted as neither of the creatures noticed.
"I need you for one final task," Dante said pleasantly, "then you can leave, rule with me or find your own way, whichever you prefer,"
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