*Two Years Later*
I scanned my surroundings as I neared the portal, aware of every movement around me. Today was the day, today I was going to sneak out and see the Overworld. A thrill of adrenaline and rebellion burst through my system as I ran through the portal.
The mobs with a brain were returning, due to the oncoming dawn. The ones who knew that the sun was bad for them took refuge inside of the cave. They moved away as I passed, being the daughter of their king came with some benefits.
As cliché as it sounded, there was a light at the end of the tunnel. I took this as a good sign and clutched my bow tighter, pushing through the mobs. My sword from an eighth-year birthday present hung at my side in its scabbard. My father wasn't the ones for weapons, relying more on his powers when causing 'trouble'. My abilities weren't as strong as my fathers' therefore I preferred a weapon in my hand, I felt stronger.
I exited the cave, wincing at the harsh sunlight, but the thrill of freedom overtook it. I ran through the thin forest, passing animals of all types. Rouge creatures that belonged in the Aether hovered under trees or drifted around.
I came across a chicken, feeling a pang of hunger sit in my stomach. I notched an arrow and let it fly, hitting the chicken.
"Yes!" I rushed over to it, wondering how I would cook it.
"Hey!" I heard a male shout, I dropped to the ground, aiming an arrow for his chest.
A teenage boy ran into the clearing, his eyes narrowed when he saw me. "You!" He spat.
Then I recognised him, dark hair, firm frame. He was the boy I was going to kill on my tenth birthday, I let the arrow drop in confusion, he took advantage of that and grabbed my arm tightly, "Your coming with me,"
"Let me go!" I cried, struggling out of his grip, he managed to drag me to another clearing.
"It's you fault that my father is weakened because of you!" He growled, glaring at me.
"Not. My. Problem," I glared at him, my eyes probably glowing again.
We entered a clearing where a one-story cottage was. It was designed for durability, not beauty. Pens of animals were circled around the cottage, a large wall enclosed the entire space. The house was built out of random materials, cobblestone and wood was mixed in the walls with a dirt floor. The boy dragged me inside and took me downstairs, where a row of prisons were lined up. Monsters of all types took interest at the arrival of a human.
"Your going to lock me up?" I asked incredulously, "and then what? Turn me in?"
The boy faltered for a second, then let me go. "No, I won't turn you in, I'm sorry, we couldn't be out there. They could be monitoring us,"
"What do you mean we couldn't be out there? And monitoring us, who?" I glared at him, folding my arms.
"My name's Erik," I held out his hand, I recognised the human tradition but refused it.
"Explain," I said, dangerously low.
He sighed and ran a hand through his hair, "they're looking for us, people like us,"
"People like us?"
"Descendants of the Alignments, you know, kids of Notch, Steve or Herobrine," I winced when he said my father name. We weren't on exactly good terms when I left.
"There's more... Like us?"
"There's a prophecy, about us, about us being extremely dangerous. I heard my father and my uncle talking about it once. They were afraid, afraid that we would turn out to be bad. They were going to train the kids to be good in all things. They already had two kids from the prophecy, they were just missing the third,"
"Me," I whispered.
"Anyway, they searched for you for years, knowing that you were somewhere in the Aether. They also knew that you have to come to the Overworld eventually. So they waited, and searched, with no success,"
"So your just here to capture me?" I spat at him, he raised his hands in surrender.
"No, let me finish, jeez. Anyway, when you came to the Overworld two years ago and shot my father, operations have ceased ever since. They knew that by you, targeting me, that you must know somehow. That it was probably already too late for them to save you. So they gave up," Erik shrugged.
"So why are you here?" I asked curiously, my hostility fading away, I was never the one to hold grudges for long.
He took a deep breath before saying, "My parents, they got too protective, always watching my every move. Every time I did the slightest thing wrong they gave the impression that I had failed them completely. Eventually, I couldn't live with it anymore, I ran away, with Tom. We somehow ended up here, been living here ever since, constantly on the run."
"Tom is the son of Steve," Erik explained.
I sat down, brain trying to process the overload of information running through my head. The story just seemed too far fetched, prophecies, powerful royal kids, fate, domination on a global scale.
"Hey if you need a moment that's ok," Erik, crouched on his knees, concern written over his face. "I know it's a bit hard to believe-"
"That's an understatement," I snorted.
"But it's going to be ok, you have me and Tom, if you want to stay of course, you look like you've run away,"
"Is that ok? Just for the night, while I get this through my brain,"
"Sure, we're always fine with extra company, unless if it's our father's kingdoms, or creepers," Erik shuddered, "I've spent too much time repairing fences because of those bastards,"
I laughed, "They won't be a problem,"
"Right, you can probably command them to go away and stuff,"
"Something like that," I gave Erik a weak smile.
A/N: So now you have met Erik, and Tom will be introduced soon. The next bit was inspired by Thalia, Annabeth and Luke's survival as kids. We may have an incident with Eva's father, and a bit more backstory will come into play.
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