"Promise you'll be there forever?" Tom asked mockingly, holding out his pinky. We laughed, the candlelight dancing across our faces in a moment of pure innocence. All of our worries were at the back of our minds; hunger, the lack of money and shelter. It didn't matter.
"Of course, we shall never leave or forsake each other, always stick together, to the end of the line," I said, twisting my finger into a pinky promise, knowing that it was unbreakable.
"Eva," a urgent whisper pierced my foggy unconsciousness. "Eva wake up,"
Normally I was a light sleeper, the smallest creak or snap would send me flying out of bed. However, whatever they had done to me had put me in a drugged state.
"Erik?" I croaked, searching my surroundings. Erik's face peeked from under a tent flap.
"Eva, you need to get up, we have to get out of here," his words grew clearer with each one.
"You shouldn't be here, they're using me as bait,"
"Not up for debate, your coming with us, we only have a few minutes before they-" Erik was interrupted by a loud clanging of a bell. He pulled himself into the tent.
"Come on Ev," he grunted and hoisted me up from my bed, slinging my arm around his shoulders.
He threw the tent flap open, but stopped when he realised that there were hundreds of guards waiting. Tom ran up to us. Feeling began to return to my legs, I managed to stand, still heavily leaning on Erik.
He had my swords and my bow, I slung them over my shoulder and around my waist.
The sea of soldiers parted for a party, three people. King Notch, Steve and the General.
I summoned the energy to stand in a defensive position, unsheathing my sword. Tom readied his grip on on his sword and so did Erik.
"Children," Notch bellowed, "there is no reason to be hostile,"
Tom gave a fake laugh then said dangerously low, "That's funny, considering what you've done to us,"
"How about we settle this behind closed doors, under a flag of truce?" He negotiated.
Don't, I desperately thought to Erik and Tom wishing that somehow our minds were connected. They gave me a weird look then went back to glaring at their former parents.
"No, whatever you have to say, you can say it right here, right now,"
"Claps for bravery," a new voice said. A very familiar voice. Chills ran down my spine at his voice, waves of whispers emitted throughout the gathered soldiers.
The guards once again parted for a figure, this time, they shrunk away in fear. I could see why, fear radiated off the newcomer like waves upon a shore.
"Herobrine," Tom grumbled, "great, anymore armies we have to run from?" Erik stance changed, he straightened up, lowering his sword.
"Maybe it's time to stop running," Erik said lowly, "we've been running for too long, some things you can't run away from,"
"Erik!" I cried, looking at him, "Who was the one that always easier to stay one the run? The one who said that it was easier to run from the, pain, the, expectations, the disappointment. Give in now, and you return to that, you return to that darkness of responsibility. This isn't you, listen to yourself!" His eyes returned to a dark blue but then hardened to a dark black.
"Maybe it is Eva, maybe you just haven't been paying close enough attention to realised that I have changed."
"No," I said softly, tears beginning to pinch in my eyes, "this isn't you,"
"It is, you were just too naive to notice,"
"I hope you break your pinky," I whispered, hand in hand with Tom, we ran.
A/N: So is Erik being controlled? What do you think is going to happen to Eva and Tom? Will they be captured? Will Erik finally realise what he's done wrong?
And now Herobrine is one the bad guys side! Well, bad is a hard term to separate in a fanfiction like this. They kinda just want to control their kids, which is bad.
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