Part 7
Dean gently carried you, your large size giving him no issue. His cheek was bloody, one eye already starting to swell shut, but he walked with a purpose towards the bunker's entrance. "Almost there," he promised as the jostling made you whimper in pain. "Rowena will get you fixed right up."
He pushed open the heavy steel door, careful not to brush you against it. "Sam! Rowena!" He called out, taking the stairs down, cushioning your body to help with the pain. Gently he placed you down on the map table just as Sam and Rowena came running around the corner.
They both had their glasses off, but could easily see something was wrong with Dean as he fell back into one of the rolling chairs. "What the hell happened?" Sam asked as Rowena reached into the pocket of her long blue gown and pulled out her glasses.
"Demons," Dean answered, wincing as he tried to find a more comfortable spot. "Alistair and his groupies jumped us. Y/N got the best of them, but Alistair escaped."
Rowena stepped up to you, running her hands along your body. You yipped when she came to your shoulder, her light touch too strong for your battered body. "Y/N fought hard but is hurt. Help her."
Your leathery skin seemed too tight, too hot as the pain burned through your body. You panted, trying to control the pain, to push it out. But it was quickly overtaking you, black specs dotting your vision. "She's hurt badly," Rowena told the brothers. "She's lost a lot of blood. I'll do what I can, but...,"
"But what Rowena?" Dean exclaimed. "She saved my life, the least we can do is save hers!"
Rowena's sad eyes peered into your pain-filled. "I'll do what I can. But maybe we need to think of..the spell."
"Rowena's right," Sam sighed. "We needed a hell hound's blood to complete our spell to put Lucifer back in the cage once and for all."
Rowena spoke softly, her words an ancient tongue you didn't recognize. They floated over you, taking some of the pain away, telling you to rest. Your eyelids grew heavy, and Dean's worried green eyes were the last thing you saw as you drifted away.
Your spell induced sleep was not an easy one. The pain kept pulling you up from the welcoming blackness, tugging at your mind until your eyes would blink open. You normally saw Dean, or Rowena standing in front of you, talking of a spell they needed to finish. Then you would fall back under, wondering if it would be for the last time.
Once again you were pulled to the edge of consciousness, whimpering as your body started to shake. Your eyes tried to grasp onto anything familiar as pain coursed through your body. Your bones ached, your muscles spasmed. "I'm here," Dean exclaimed, rushing forward and kneeling in front of you, his hand resting gently on the rough fur of your neck. "Y/N, can you hold on a little longer? Rowena's working on a spell to fix you."
You whimpered softly, knowing that it wasn't going to be much longer. Something on Skull's claws had gotten into your system, slowly eating away at you until you died in agony. "Damn it," Dean muttered, realizing that you weren't going to last much longer. "Rowena, hurry up!" Dean yelled.
You nuzzled his paw, the small movement almost too much for you to bear. "Y/N, thank you," Dean spoke softly. "You saved my life back there. I'm sorry we weren't able to help you."
With the feel of his callused hand against your nose, you gave in to the darkness, wishing you could have been human one more time.
As if cold water had been splashed over you, you sputtered awake, sitting straight up. Your entire body shook, your bones creaking and feeling unusual. Your legs felt long and antsy. Shivering, you moved to stand up on all fours, falling back to your side when your legs and arms weren't the same length.
You started to growl in annoyance, but it came out light and airy, nothing like the evil sounds you were used to making. Confused and scared, you lifted your paw up, staring at it in awe. Where rough black skin and fur had once been it was now rosy and smooth. Fingers were where your sharp claws had been.
Quickly you rushed your hands over your body, feeling curves and smooth skin where wirey fur had been. Your arms lead to strong shoulders, which led to heavy and buxom breasts. Your hands rested on your belly, so much thinner than you had remembered, but it made sense. You hadn't been eating much lately.
Farther still you mapped out the body you hadn't felt for so long. Your thighs, strong but leaner than you remembered. Your knees and then your toes. Everything was back. You were back in your human body, and you had no idea how.
"H...hello...," you whispered, your voice raw and raspy from years of unuse. It sounded off, unfamiliar to your ears. Ears that weren't as sensitive to noise as you had become accustomed to. "Hello," you tried again, the sound barely more than a whisper.
You were ecstatic, so relieved that you hadn't died as a hellhound. That you were back, as a human. Still,on the map table, you attempted to slowly climb down, but your new limbs were uncoordinated and weak and you fell to the floor wincing as your tired body hit the tile hard.
"What the hell was that?" Dean called out in the hallway. "Damn it, , I told you I would move her."
He came around the corner, a white sheet in his hand. No doubt for wrapping around the dead hell hound you had been. Never expecting to see a naked woman in its place. Wrapping your arms around yourself, you stared up at him, knowing that he would be there to help you. "Help," you whispered, your voice still hidden deep within.
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